Senator for Queensland with One Nation
With a long history of seeking the truth, Malcolm believes Parliament needs to return to the facts to get back on track. Malcolm’s areas of focus include:
Building dams and water infrastructure such as the Hybrid-Bradfield Scheme and exposing mismanagement of the Murray Darling Basin.
Reducing electricity prices, increasing the supply of reliable energy and ending the government obsession with renewables.
Ending the control of unelected bureaucrats over Australia’s way of life, exiting the United Nations and restoring our sovereignty.
Opposing full foreign ownership of Australian land and forcing multinational companies to pay their fair share of tax.
Want to know what Malcolm thinks about something? See if you can find it by searching here
“The decades of Government inaction on issues in the, ‘too hard’ basket is killing our country. We’re not afraid to listen and take up the things affecting Australians everyday.”
With a strong background in engineering, mining and business leadership, Malcolm brings a real world perspective to Parliament that the ranks of major party lawyers and former union bosses miss.
He has led the operational development of Australia’s largest and most complex underground coal project, setting many new industry firsts.
After being disqualified along with 14 others from sitting in Parliament in the 2017-18 eligibility crisis, Malcolm campaigned for election again in 2019 where he was successful with a huge increase in vote.
Latest posts from Malcolm’s Facebook and Twitter
Imagine if this fuel was 26c a litre cheaper.
That’s one nations policy to put more money back in your pocket.
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It would be even cheaper if we drilled and refined it here instead of importing it
To be honest Senator Malcolm Robert’s, We should be drilling and refining our own oil then you could bring the cost of fuel down to below a dollar.
I think fuel should be free from all taxes, except the GST. That includes import duties and excises. Cheaper fuel means cheaper freight/overheads for business, more visitors to regional areas, boosting tourism. Cheaper transport costs for home owners in outlying towns, takes the pressure off city housing availability. It's too expensive to live in the country, if you work in the city. Just thinking out loud.
Imagine the government looking after its citizens!
Isn't the government taxing fuel at 50c a litre? How about removing the tax altogether as we have already paid tax on that money.
Don't worry they will put more taxes on EV as soon as enough people buy them and tax collection on fewer petrol cars is less. However a reduction on fuel tax would be great with the cost of liveing so high
Imagine 99c. Australia could be self sufficient.
Somewhere back in the 70’s the Australian Government sold us out and decided that we would follow OPEC Petrol Pricing. (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries ) OPEC is a Cartel made up of the Richest Oil Producing Countries in the World, namely Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabi and Venezuela. At the time Australia was producing around 80%of our own oil. Over the years pretty much all our Petroleum Refineries have been closed down. The Australian Government benefits from the higher price with all the Taxes and Levies they put on fuel. THIS WAS NEVER IN THE BEST INTEREST OF AUSTRALIANS
Still would not be cheap enough.. abolish ALL tax/excise on fuels..
It's still 50cents cheaper than that around the corner from me in Lawnton qld. The local Liberty do their best to keep their prices much lower than the rest around the area. What I don't understand is why the government hasn't investigated the practice of the mainstream petrol stations having their prices all changed by their head office.. not the individual retailer. This means the main office.. controls ALL of the pricing. If that was another retailer like woolies doing that same price gouging practice by making the inner city stores 10%more expensive over the suburbs, there would be an uproar and the government would step in. It's VERY clear to us the people that be energy is a law unto itself. Whether it fuel or electricity. BOTH are essential items and BOTH are left alone by the government to do as they please consistently taking every cent us hard workers have to spare.
Lower fuel costs = lower inflation & lower cost of living.
it is still insane. it should be around $1.5 for premium. there is no reason its anywhere near $2!
It's only that high because of greed we live north of Brisbane and pay atleast 45c a litre less all the time .
I got Petrol for 167.9 in Mitcham (Vic), every where else is between 175.0 up to 209.0. Insane that all petrol should be at the same price not difference prices in difference suburbs, this just Insane. Especially when same company.
Better off spending more on roads like the tax was originally promised instead of general revenue
seeing high fuel prices isn't what pisses me off. seeing it go from 1.65 to 2.15 is what pisses me off.
Shouldn’t be any tax on any form of energy
They are making lpg hybrid cars that do 1600 ks to a tank (as we give our lpg to over seas for very little) wake up Australia they are closing down lpg in garages not giving us the opertunity with an infrastructure already in place (looks like someone has jumped the gun and not done there home work lpg was promoted as the cleanest fuel
It's sadly not enough...
It is if you're not in Brisbane! You're paying around 30 to 40 cents per litre more than we are in Maryborough! I drive a truck to Brisbane every day I can't believe the price difference!
Should be producing our own oil and fuels! Resource rich nation that being utilised by nobody except the foreign corporations raping and pillaging the joint.
What a rip-off. I paid 169.9/litre just 2 days ago. All down to competition between the big players.
Not forgetting that at least 50 cents a litre is fuel excise that was added in the 1970’s as a temporary measure to fix the roads and negate the need for toll roads. (sort of like how federal tax was introduced as a temporary measure to fund the First World War). Ever get that feeling we live in a tax farm?
Only 26 cents 😆 you can do so much better than that.
Imagine ,refining the oil we already pull out of the ground how self sufficient this country would be especially in times of war we wouldn’t have to rely on ships bringing us fuel
In the North Queensland floods, three Sydney Harbours a day of fresh water flowed out of the Burdekin River into the sea.
The government cancelled the Hells Gates Dam on the Burdekin River only two years ago.
How many more houses are going to flood in the future because of this cancellation? How many families will have to leave their town or go thirsty because not enough dams have been built to get us through the droughts.
One Nation says bugger the UN who says we shouldn't build dams - droughtproof and floodproof as much of the country as possible, and stop that liquid gold uselessly flowing out to the ocean.
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With all the flood waters around the world in the past couple of months why aren't the sea the levels rising
Do not vote labor save auss
fresh water going straight into the ocean. australia should be green and the envy of the world. not dry and the laughing stock.
Yes , build dams to drought proof food supplies...great recreation places...
Malcolm Roberts you are the man . Thank you Malcolm Roberts.
Alright now we are getting too it !!!!! Common sense 👍
Agree Senator Malcolm Roberts Both parties have failed to drought proof the country. Not to mention the natural growth of the countries population and the extra water needed for the extra 1.5 million immigrants.
Build another dam so multi nationals can buy the water rights and take the profits overseas
All to do with UN WEF ETC and treaties
Why can't the people of Australia give them one term in office the policies would help Australia not harm us if like the other party they do nothing get rid of them. I say the other party because no matter witch one gets in they're the same people just think it's two parties and they have a choice well just look how that choice has been working. Wake Up it's time we used our choice and do something different we have nothing to lose and everything to gain
Yep correct we would be unbeaten on the world stage and they know it but the world stage does not want us to be that powerful I am afraid. WE were sold about 40 years ago...GONE .
Didnt know the UN sais not to build dams, however Im not surprised. All Roads lead to Rome when it comes to inequatible and anti humanity agendas.
I don’t know why you don’t get it Senator Malcolm Roberts They don’t want people on farms or in remote, regional locations. They want us all in smart cities with them controlling the food supply
Should back spill the Burdekin inland when it starts to overflow, fill up the watertables
Both major parties ignore this, cost of living says no dams,politicians carry on like 5 year olds on red cordial at question time & then go to lunch together. Has anyone in the circus we pay got a set of balls???
Tim FLANNERY was an abject liar. He form a familial chain of liars who fail to tell the truth. His legacy is disgusting.
Our water in country Vic all rotten, can't drink it. For 20 years, nothing being done. Let nature take its course. Let the rivers flow, but no people have to control it, keep it for profit, money stuffs everything.
Pauline or Malcom for PM !!
There's a reason the river waters flow out to sea.
Not enough for sight from any government unfortunately.
The money sent to the PNG football team could and should have been put to better use in Australia, these grubby arrogant lazy politicians need to stop wasting money on off shore nonsense
Careful Senator, we don't need our most valuable member having a medical episode
A dam ,a bloody dam for christ sake ,hit them hard old boy Dam. Stairs haaaaaa
Q: Why did Pauline reject combining forces with other independent parties. We can't beat the duelopoloy if the independents don't come together.
Don't let the government take control of you and your children.
One Nation is committed to family values and will do whatever it takes to ensure that parents remain responsible for their own children, not the nanny state.
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Labour has got to go add the greens to that list
Australia is starting to look like pre war Germany. All the same signs but nobody can see who is lurking in the shadows, grabblers everywhere
Unfortunately it has been going for years senator do not forget the good old Barbara holbrow and justice Murphy who both screwed with the juvenile system where they said kids had rights over parents
Only a few good guys left. Thank you.
Where were you on the Hate Speech Bill? Prime example of overreach
Comrade Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese by Trevor Loudon
Look into the family law court system. It's an absolute shocker
I cannot understand why anyone cant see what's coming!!
This has been happening for ages and what have your mob done about it previously SFA ? Now just seems like vote getting !
Family court is against Men and dad's, it's very biased
Sa government Colin manock 2.0 human rights abuses with no human rights act high court has taught them nothing
Good for you Malcolm 
The governments over reach is in everything and pretty sure alot of bills and laws past must be voted on by the taxpayers
The usual W ⚓'s will still laugh at this post.
Interesting times ahead?
Baseless cooker BS
What is your plan to address Parental Alienation and reverse the weaponisation of the Family Court, particularly against Fathers???
Whilst your policies are admirable the sad fact is that either Labor or Liberal will win the election. One Nation and all other minor parties have zero chance of influencing policy.
they already have control. People are forced by government mandates to stick poison needles in their children, and they do it to get access to what is their own money paid as taxes. So we are already slaves to the pharma mafia via their pet politicians.
Is that why you fucked the family court system and has hundreds of experienced people leave the job as a result?
Bit hypocritical coming from a Party that calls parents of transgender children child abusers.
why they built the camp for covid
Simple start... First.. Mandatory parent DNA testing at child birth before the alleged father signs the papers.. Second. Bring back AT FAULT DIVORCE. Third. Male parent alienation must stop except on extreme circumstances. Fourth. The use by some women, of the Duluth model to oust the male from the home must stop. Good luck.
Will someone bring it up to albo that trump just signed federal papers stating no more child hood mandated vaccines,he said it’s upto to the parents,trump acknowledges the corruption the Autism,the heavy metals ,toxic chemicals,trump don’t work for big pharma let’s hope albo ain’t getting paid off by big pharma
BREAKING: YouTube has suddenly banned me from uploading, posting or live streaming for two weeks
The reason given is dozens of videos, some more than 6 months old, that have only now been flagged as an issue.
This includes multiple videos calling for a COVID Royal Commission.
Thank you for meme, David
I co-signed the Digital ID Repeal Bill alongside Senators Antic, Babet, Canavan, Hanson and Rennick, which was introduced into the Senate earlier today.
This Bill aims to repeal the government's dystopian and ill-conceived Digital ID Bill.
What everyday Australians need is a…
2 years ago I promised to hound down those responsible for the damage our COVID measures caused to Australians.
Today, in company with Senators Antic, Canavan, Rennick and O'Sullivan, a Bill was introduced to immediately commence a Senate Select Commission of Inquiry into our…
Australia declared the most expensive country for housing in the English speaking world.
Ban foreigners buying houses and cut immigration now!
Malcolm’s latest media announcements
Malcolm’s latest Speeches to Parliament