With the most wind, solar and batteries on the grid than ever, Australian power bills have never been higher.
For over a decade and almost everyday in the Senate since being elected, I have been fighting the net-zero scam.
I’ll be fighting even harder next year.
Watch some of my speeches about this issue here at https://www.malcolmrobertsqld.com.au/?s=net+zero

This country is turning to shit since albanese and his inept socialist good for nothing’s got voted in . They’ve managed to convince a lot of the population that renewable energy is first and foremost important at the exclusion of actually running a government . Their aim is to bring this country to its knees , take our homes , create chaos for the family unit , take everything Australians have worked hard for and force Australian lifestyle to homelessness ,
They are forcing their renewable energy opinions onto everyone to purposefully send the country into debt . Next we’ll be hearing is China will be moving in because we don’t have the brains to run it .
It’s already happening .
Of course as a fully qualified engineer you see right through these physically impossible proposed “schemes”. Unfortunately the bulk of the Australian population does not. This again is another example where Australia’s education system has failed.
Yes. No ability to critically think is taught anymore.
I admire you enormously Senator Roberts. I also appreciate what you do to make Australians aware of the evil that pervades our Nation. Many thanks.
We need more like Malcolm. The politicians who run this country have a duty to know the science before charging off and wrecking our country. Malcolm knows the science and fights the fools who do not know.
Dear Senator Roberts, the Net Zero strategy has always been a scam based on fraudulent “science” purported by the IPCC, the CSIRO and numerous others in the USA, all under control of the “renewable energy” carpetbaggers. Thew name of the game is SUBSIDIES. Simple as that, nothing to do with the (anyway fraudulent) CO2 “science”. Just money and more money!
Useful reports from the Net Zero Watch weekly report (I can forward a copy if you wish) showing Net Zero strategies failing and EV uptake falling. Pity our so called government do not take notice. Bowen is either blind, stupid or (allegedly) paid not to see! What hope have we if he continues his financially disastrous path.
Keep up the frustrating good work Malcolm! Getting through to propagandised closed minds of the ‘true believers’ in the ‘climate change’ cult is an insolvable problem – always the way with cultists. Good news offends them!
But perhaps all is not lost with some of our propagandised Youth whose minds might still be open enough to be prepared to consider good news instead of ‘doom & gloom.
So here’s a challenge for either established’true believers’ or our panic-stricken Youth: Perhaps risk checking http://www.galileomovement.com.au/media/SaveThePlanet.pdf. The worst you might discover is some very-offensive good news.
The whole zero carbon/energy transition story is a con, our energy grid is being wrecked, your power bills go up.
Renewables are expensive (not at all cheap) and they will never do the job.
The climate catastrophe story is being promoted by elites who have an agenda which is not spoken about, wake up peoples.
Renewable energy is a dream not educational people.
1. Does anybody see poor trees on the long side of roads? All greeneries are very happy with the CO2 produced by passing cars. They transfer CO2 to O2 and Carbon utilized for their needs.
2. Without CO2 all our greenies will die. CO2 is lowest today compared to a century ago.
3. Renewable energy most expensive energy. Wind mills are very expensive to build and even more expensive to maintain.
4. Solo panels are practically impossible to utilise and they are good only for 5 years.
Renewable energy is a real lunacy in today’s technological knowledge. Do not destroy the old till you fully develop the new or think about nuclear.
Labor and the greens have destroyed a once reliable base load energy source and are now implementing a foolish scheme which is doomed to fail.
Oh and BTW for all of you who thought our fossil fuels came from dinosaurs, think again.
Here is a podcast from a pre-eminent scientist who shows that assumption is dead wrong.
Echoes a Shell Oil study I reviewed in Canada on HC isotopes in most oil that comes (like the planet’s water) from space.
Net Zero actually means, we want your money. Bowen is a boofhead who hasn’t a clue about energy. Coal is natural as is gas. Not using it is tantamount to treason. Instead he and Labor/Greens think that manufactured solar panels and wind turbines are clean energy. Has he ever considered how they are made? In 50 years time Australians will by then have woken up to this Marxist mob of numbskulls.
We’ll see just just how bereft of common sense our govt is when the US dollar isn’t the Petro choice any longer and the US can’t meet its debt load. China, Russia, others have jointed the Middle East in a trading block to trade their energy and currencies. Why not? We’re not buying what they’re selling. We’ll all be sitting in the dark as the Red/Green Teal mob chase their “hair brained” ideas! Australia has the resources, same as the US… and after they’ve finished bankrupting us … they’ll FINALLY get it!
Keep poking the snake Senator. We all are thankful you are there.
Senator, you once were a lone trailblazer in the senate fighting this climate/energy battle with orthodox authorities. Your 2015-16 reports exposed both the CSIRO and BoM’s failures dealing with their lack of due diligence on the IPCC’s AGW garbage, to their false reports to government about climate science in general. However, more of us are now listening to the sceptical message- there is no climate emergency – and are willing to add our voices to demand a proper response from governments about the whole Gamot of issues related to the poor practice of scientific methodology by the NGO’s and academia on climate science and policy development for mitigation or adaption to natural change.
In writing my recent eBook `Climate Science- A Sceptical Review’ I learnt a lot about natural influences and variations that effect climate; and have been able to combine many lines of empirical evidence to demonstrate CO2 cannot be an important driver of global warming, and that the sun plus oceans and the hydrological cycle are the main modulators of atmospheric temperature. So essentially human emissions have no significant effect on global temperature control, thus AGW is a myth and mitigation policies are a total waste of time and energy.
There is much to say on the politics of climate change and the environment, sufficient to say now that if the centre and right parties, including ON go to the next election with a coordinated policy to rid Australia of Net Zero stupidity, remove subsidies to renewables and go back to refurbishing existing reliable fossil fuel generation, with possible nuclear to follow when required, they will demolish the current Labor-Green power base and win government!
Thankyou Boud for the link to the Tucker Carlson/Willie Soon interview. I had not heard of the “endless” amounts of hydro-carbons under the Earth’s mantle, as described by Willie, nor that Titan has seas of methane. I should have known that “fossil fuels” was a lie because everything that has followed from that saying has proven to be false and has been used to manipulate us Earthlings.
But i do disagree with Willie about the Sun. The “Electric Universe” scientists have convinced me that the Sun is a ball of plasma powered by galactic electricity, not thermo-nuclear reactions. You’ve gotta luv science!