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Senator Roberts calls on the Senate to reject the Climate Change Bills 2022 due to the complete lack of cost-benefit analysis.

He says, “Carbon dioxide emissions reduction is the biggest change to Australian lives Parliament has ever considered.”

“Despite the target’s huge impact, absolutely nothing in the Climate Change Bill says how it will be achieved, what the cost to Australia will be or what measurable impact reducing Australia’s carbon dioxide production will have on global temperature.”

“Politicians don’t accept this kind of blank cheque and ignorant attitude to the flow-on effects of legislation in any other policy, and shouldn’t on energy.”

Emissions reduction policies are expected to significantly impact energy, transport and agriculture.

“Grids that have tried to rely on wind and solar to provide their needs have either been left in the dark or have skyrocketing energy prices. Instead of learning from international wind and solar disasters like Texas and Germany, Australian climate alarmists want us to follow their road to ruin.” 

“Adding emissions reduction to the National Energy Objectives will compromise the existing objectives of price, quality, safety, reliability and security of supply of energy.”

“A government funded study has already sounded the alarm on the forced and premature uptake of electric vehicles, finding that uptake could increase electricity demand by 30-100% on Australia’s already struggling power grid.”

“Under an emissions target, taxpayer money will be spent telling farmers to lockup their land for carbon dioxide credits, essentially a scam plagued with integrity issues and currently under government review. Australia’s farmers can grow enough to feed and clothe the world, yet won’t be able to under this target.”

Senator Roberts’ submission to the Climate Change Bills inquiry outlines the lack of due diligence and ideological, rather than evidence based, attitudes that have driven climate policy.

“Not a single politician can say what specific measurable impact these emissions reduction policies will have on any aspect of climate or weather.” “Until the true, full costs of an emissions target are given to Australia, this Bill must not pass.”

21 replies
  1. Shane
    Shane says:

    So no risk-benefit analysis. Sounds familiar – Covid vax scenario.
    The next mantra to be trotted out will be `the benefit outweighs the risk’?

  2. Gumnut123
    Gumnut123 says:

    What a load of nonsense about Climate change drivel.
    The only Climate change has been and is GEOENGINEERING that Bill Gates and mate have forced onto the population of the World.

    The usual Technocrat modus operandi – no hard fact, solid proof etc., and the ignoring of what has been done in other parts of the World and those so-called Climates change tactics that ensure the downfall of Countries energy supplies and other negative effects

    • Kezeek
      Kezeek says:

      I’m totally with u there. We know this climate is being geoengineered. We know the military made a point of wanting to own the weather. What’s happened to international treaties on use of weaponisation of weather modifying technologies? We the Australians, are not stupid. Most of us can see what they are doing to destroy residential and farming land and move people off real estate for nefarious purposes. We need a thorough investigation on the use of weather modification technologies. This is the cause of ‘climate change’ the simple minded greenies need to take heed of the truth. Carbon dioxide cyclically does not show causation of climate change, as it precedes changes of temperature. The ice core samples analysed by scientists have proven this misconception of this statement.
      We do not need virtue signalling puppets of the WEF screwing up this country of natural resource abundance based on a fallacy and fake energy disruption and food shortages. Thanks Malcolm for sticking with this and exposing this agenda.

    • Ray
      Ray says:

      Education for educations sake is not an investment but a millstone of hex debt for the student and the country funding the teachers peddling lock up Nature, dont grow, dont drop leaves, Twiggs, branches, and grass dont you dry off, all to when by whatever means ignited to have globe warming infernos that incinerate all living in cruel infernos in it’s path, while Woke do-gooders let off fireworks party on regardless jet around and burn fuel in selfish pursuit of pleasure, this is Co2 and pollutions cause not animal nor managed vegetation grazed to reduce hazard, the you will live in the country added to by the woke now fry

  3. Carla Heaslip
    Carla Heaslip says:

    i think if there lots of boats around this area and they easily get damaged like titanic people easily get seriously hurt or die from the cold. I think we should do something to change bill a road-to ruin let’s protect them and fight of survival. what do you think?

  4. Pamela
    Pamela says:

    Even the average Australian knows that renewables don’t work. The cost is astronomical and the taxpayers are sick of wasting money by the politicians. Stop selling coal and gas overseas and look after Australia. No electric cars either. Cost is out of reach and new batteries cost a fortune. Also the draw on electricity will cause blackouts. Why don’t the Pollies listen to the people. We pay their wages. All they do is drain us financially.

    • Jonathan Parle
      Jonathan Parle says:

      I did some financial analysis in relation to electric cars and the bottom line is that if you can’t afford to go shopping for an ICE car in the $100,000 plus price range, then you cannot afford an electric car regardless of how much it “appears” to cost. Yet these politicians are obsessed with selling this same technology to people who struggle to shop in the $25,000 bracket for a car, let alone the enormous second hand market.

      Malcolm is dead right. These policies will literally destroy the country, putting it back 90 years. Even forgetting the primary economic impacts, we are going to be stuck with millions of Australians who will become immobile for practical purposes, many of them being struggling workers and many being pensioners and self funded retirees – two cohorts above all others that need to have access to 100% reliable private transport. That in itself is as insane as it is criminally cruel.

  5. Jonathan Parle
    Jonathan Parle says:

    The only conclusion I can reach is that in the same way the COVID responses were indicative of a mass formation psychosis, the same applies to the climate change cult, since both COVID and climate change are essentially cult driven, having no scientific or economic rationale whatsoever behind either of them yet are unquestionably accepted by the majority. What I cannot accept is why was it my generation (Generation X) of all generations who – as current leaders and decision makers of the world had to go and destroy it, after countless generations before just getting on with it. The parents of Generation X were sensible and resourceful but their offspring by and large appear to be a bunch of lunatic, psychopathic authoritarian dictators.

  6. chris bowey
    chris bowey says:

    Climate change all about the money, becoming even more obvious , keep up the fight Malcolm doing what no one else will coz they are too scared or payed off . Let Humanity Awaken

  7. David Holloway
    David Holloway says:

    Well done Malcolm to show common sense. Yea, the elite super rich are buying up everything to control the supply of silicon chips energy food transportation farm land and get their wealth by the climate change scam.

  8. roger
    roger says:

    my thoughts an how i percieve past events
    you know the U.N/United Nonaccountability az i percieve them to me trust worthiness goez right through the floor. i have yet to see any movement on charges against the w.h.o or china for the wrongful/murder of over 300 million world wide an still counting. every bio lab haz a containment protocol yet when a country becomes infected, it iz buissness az usual. when china kid napped 2 canadianz, as i perceive him, our comunist/dictator seemed to be sitting on both thumbz. It took the u.s.of a to free them. climate change hoax iz yet anuther hoax, yet honesty an integrity are still on the ropes throughout the united nonaccountability. its all talk when it comes to saving lives. to my knowledge only tawain an newzeland took the neccessary steps to protect their citizenz. i will always except trudeau sacrificed over 7000 canadians to apease china just to get their u.n vote on the security counsil. no charges an i doubt there will be any any time soon. or an honest credable investigation.
    climate change iz natural normal an very neccessary. a quiet pendulum that swingz back and forth every 30 40 yearz. 1921 we are all going to burn. 1978. we are all going to freeze to death. 1995 we are all going to burn. evaporating water iz green house gas. az i pereive it ice melts to replace the evaporating water. where are our protectors against the so called missinformation. or should it be renamed selective missinformation. is the w.e.f behind this pushl ? when did cow poop become a bad thing. i saw a study that showed vegetarians are prone to depression. which study do we trust. those pro climate change seem to have their own studies while those opposing have their own. if missinformation is a crime than it is selective against those who are tired of all the b.s
    canadians now pay sum 42 billion a year in interest payments on a debt greatly increased by trudeau. how iz it in the nationz best interest to have the next generation pay for hiz his daddy did in his day. az i see it he did it to increase everything else. without the debt there would be no inflation. when duz it become fraud of representation. or even an act of treason.
    i am a pretty simple person. i see things az they are an not wat i want them to be.
    a person who has a nations best interest at heart dose not sacrifice them by willingly unleashing a deadly virus upon the nation. a person who claims to have the peoples best interest at heart dose not bury them in debt. a person who talk about climate change should not be buying oil from russia or saudi arabia while beating the crap out of western canada.
    mayb one day honesty an integrity will have a permanant place on this planet, until then it seems to be an out out uphill battle against coruption. i saw sumone in the u.s.a complain on how mexico is allowing people to come up through their country to the u,s border. all the while forgetting wat mexico iz doing to the u.s.a iz exactly wat the u.s.a iz doing to canada. canadians always seem to be sacrificed so a leader can make a name for themselves. the people be dammed. we see this in wrongful deaths in canada every year. at wat number dose it become criminal negligence. at wat number duz it become murder. sumthing very dark iz working in the background. it iz up to the populous world wide to educate themselves an not to take everything a leader says az the gospel. look at trudeau track record. tory stafford, vice admiral norman, snc lavalan, wilson raybold. quebec can dump their raw sewage into the water ways an the west is told they have to cut back sum 30% in nitrogen. when dose a nation wake up. where are the investigators. it wuz noted a whistle blower spoke up about child porn being brought in with border crossers an the police were gagged about talking about it.
    if people want a better system then it iz up to the people to stand up with civility an determination an say no more. why do we have open borders. can you imagine if the u.n actually stood up to these countries an forced them to treat their people better than there would be no need for border crashing. wat are they doing.
    my rant is done

  9. Chugley Chimp
    Chugley Chimp says:

    Spot on Malcolm! Even an apparently evolving Chimpanzee can see this “climate crisis” is a self serving human construct designed to control people and enslave them. Gibber! Gibber! Chugley The Thinking Chimp PS: Evolution is also a lie you could address!

  10. Pete Newell
    Pete Newell says:

    This Co2 climate chance stupidity has to stop. It is not backed by science. I could rip a dozen holes the radical climate change agenda without even trying. But as non balanced fanatics do. They take us all down the proverbial gurgler with them.

  11. Steven Allcock
    Steven Allcock says:

    No where in history has CO2 driven atmospheric temperature.
    CO2 is not carbon
    The government will tax your CO2 that you release in to your greenhouses? will that be zero CO2 ENHANCEMENT?
    They are taxing two parts oxygen you know the air we need they are banning it

  12. Jack
    Jack says:

    After reading the Climate Change Bill before the Senate I am appalled. However just like COVID the majority of the population are in a perpetual state of fear and have succumbed to the well funded and organised propaganda machine that has for 30 years grown larger and larger infiltrating our institutions from the education system, the political system, the NGO complex, the banking system all pushed incessantly by academia and the media. Sounds familiar right, the same playbook by the same people has been run on the global population with COVID. Its a formula that has been used for centuries, elevate experts above politicians to declare an emergency allowing politicians to hide behind the expert advice. Its more sophisticated in modern times because experts use models. The whole basis for the COVID emergency was based on models that are passed off as “the science”, predicting doom and gloom and using the media who only exist to change our perception activate the fear mechanism of the human condition influencing our behaviour. The Climate Change model is the COVID model courtesy of the same organisations just a different brand owned by the same people. These people are now desperate to move their control plane to the next stage to progress their fake religion and cement the financial windfall that will be a wealth redistribution from the taxpayers of the west into the pockets of the financial sector. Make no mistake the masters of the plan are counting on rich western countries handing over their wealth to the Group of 77 + China. After reading all of the IPCC reports and the Paris Agreement itself it is in black and white Article 9, 1,2,3,4,5 that developed countries provide public finance to developing countries whilst reducing their own emissions – Article 4. The Climate Act specifically references Article 4 so it is crystal clear that our politicians in Canberra are in breach of our founding document, Section 44 Disqualification
    Any person who:
    (i) is under any acknowledgment of allegiance, obedience, or adherence to a foreign power, or is a subject or a
    citizen or entitled to the rights or privileges of a subject or a citizen of a foreign power; or
    shall be incapable of being chosen or of sitting as a senator or a member of the House of Representatives.
    In 2016 after the removal of Tony Abbott, Malcolm Turnbull set up a Committee to advise the government on whether to ratify the Paris Agreement treaty. The Paris Agreement was classified as a MINOR treaty. It was done this way and I quote from the summary of documents,
    “1.3 The treaties, and matters arising from them, are evaluated to ensure that ratification is in the national interest, and that unintended or negative effects on Australians will not arise.
    1.4 Prior to tabling, major treaty actions are subject to a National Interest Analysis (NIA), prepared by Government. This document considers arguments for and against the treaty, outlines the treaty obligations and any regulatory or financial implications, and reports the results of consultations undertaken with State and Territory Governments, Federal and State and Territory agencies, and with industry or non-government organisations.
    1.5 A Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) may accompany the NIA. The RIS provides an account of the regulatory impact of the treaty action where adoption of the treaty will involve a change in the regulatory environment for Australian business. The Treaties in this report did not require a RIS.

    1.5 above no National Impact Analysis was required because ratifying the Paris Agreement would not involve changes to the regulatory environment. This is where the Australian public should be going absolutely bonkers. NO NATIONAL IMPACT ANALYSIS has ever been completed. We are being duped again by the political class

  13. Robert Brooks
    Robert Brooks says:

    All of our politicians should read climate history and note the four “Warmings” about 1000 years apart.

    See Minoan, Medieval and Modern showing a DECREASING global temperature over about 5,000 years.

    Could our emissions make any measurable difference?

  14. Maureen
    Maureen says:

    Yes climate change is a WEF project. Just like the corona virus. Depopulation is one of their agendas. A comment for Roger, great rant. Good on you. However do a bit of research and U will find Russia went into Ukraine because the UN and Zelensky would not sign the Minsk agreement. After the 2014 coup, lead by Washington, Ukraine began bombing the Donbas area of the Russian speaking people. 14,000 were killed including civilians. Don’t try to find this info on MSM. Not there. So Putin’s Special Military Operation, SMO, was to save the Donna’s FM further destruction, de-natzify and de-militarise Ukraine. It also transpired there were nearly 30 Bio weapon Labs there. Owned by run by the US DOD, there is hard evidence for the above. The US wants to be the top dog in the world n so needs to destroy Russia. And Would like to destroy China too. The US are war mongers. Think Libya, Yugoslavia, Syria, Somalia, Pakistan, Afghanistan etc. And none of these countries are on the US border. No one said a word. But Russia wants to protect its people and country somehow that’s different. Huh?
    And now I have also had a rant.
    Good for you Malcolm, keep it up.

  15. Tonka Ozzie
    Tonka Ozzie says:

    67% of China’s electricity is derived from coal. Whereas ours here in Australia is just 51%. I don’t see why our country should export our coal to other nations who literally monster us in terms of production and emissions. How is this fair where we are forced to pay some of the highest energy prices in the world, yet the Chinese population has more than 25 million millionaires? That’s a millionaire for every man, woman and child here. The ALP has this matter as a core policy and the LP will not touch it. They are supposed to be the opposition. Not a Uniparty. The WEF and the left have stacked the deck. So. If the Liberal Party is not against it, THEY ARE IN ON IT. Purchasing power of wages is already causing people to question the validity of work. How can they look at us in the face and say they care when they KNOW they are chipping away at our standard of living? Our politicians are Demagogues, and the only thoughts they have are for themselves.

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