Renewable energy is facing failure on a number of fronts, not least of which is merit. Engineers and energy regulators – even those who were once enthusiastic about solar panels, wind turbines and batteries – are showing signs of nervousness. The lights are flickering. The costs are mounting. And globally, raw materials are running short.
Read the full article here: Power to the people: the National Rally Against Reckless Renewables | The Spectator Australia

The absolute folly in all this so called “Renewable” nonsense is that irrespective of how many wind and solar ‘farms’ are built, they are “Tits On A Bull” and have practically nil positive effect on emissions, but massive destructive effect on the environment.
Because baseload generation churns along inexorably regardless of how many fans and solar panels. It must. Baseload is not load following and cannot have output substantially varied, for to do so would destroy the furnaces that must be kept at a near constant temperature.
As baseload – currently coal – must operate 24×7 it is UNAFFECTED by transient inputs from wind and solar.
Logically then: As coal is the source of the supposedly damaging CO2 that has clearly caused the oceans to boil, and so on – then emissions from coal burning are not affected by the hundreds of billions of money extorted from a nation of predominately FOOLS (because they vote FOR this nonsense) – and that money exported to our enemy China – so that 0.33% of the worlds population can save the planet.
If Monty Python were still alive, then this nonsense would make a better show than the likes of Life Of Brian!
We need nuclear
albo is sending this country its businesses
And the private house holds broke
His arrogance has out done any past prime minister
He takes every thing personally like a spoilt brat
Has not addressed housing , power , fuel and food. The way this government is going with there personal agenda and not the majority of the people, we will become a third world nation
albo and his government needs to go
Jacinta Price has been a breath of fresh air to the political culture
The “climate change” religion is accompanied with an availability decrease in high school science and history subjects. Ask a geologist and we will learn that earth has undergone natural climatic variations for millions of years and these variations follow volcanic eruptions, magnetic field inversions, solar flares, deforestation, etc. Ask an historian and they will tell us of floods and draughts that brought down empires in the past few thousand years and well before the Industrial revolution. floods we experience today are natural and many are devastating as a result of corrupt imbeciles permitting building in flood plains and swampy areas or engineering coastal regions to construct high rises at beach fronts interfering with the water table and natural erosive and depositional events
Albo is acting treasonously towards the Australian people and its time we sacked the govt.
They are pandering to the unelected billionaire global cabal through their WEF, UN, WHO ‘great reset’ agendas
who want us herded into 15 minute cities so they can keep tighter control on us and our energy usage while
they fly to Davos in their fuel guzzling private jets. The whole point of CBDC was seen with the Canadian truckers
and WEF poster child Trudeau when he illegally stopped their bank accounts!! So if we don’t comply with ‘their’ (Big Brother)
position and activities – now you’re seeing the picture. On the cards is future chipping for CBDC – as indicated in Revelation 13:17 so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the (embedded)mark— the name of the beast or the number of its name.