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It’s been a big week for cross-party collaboration on issues we’ve been strong on from the very start.

Digital ID Repeal Bill 2024

I co-signed the Digital ID Repeal Bill alongside Senators Antic, Babet, Canavan, Hanson and Rennick, which was introduced into the Senate Wednesday, 26 June 2024.

This Bill aims to repeal the government’s dystopian and ill-conceived Digital ID Bill.

What everyday Australians need is a Bill that protects their privacy, not one that removes it.

The way this Bill was rushed through the Senate without debate was reprehensible and an abuse of Senate process.

COVID-19 Response Commission of Inquiry Bill 2024

2 years ago I promised to hound down those responsible for the damage our COVID measures caused to Australians.

On Tuesday, in company with Senators Antic, Canavan, Rennick and O’Sullivan, a Bill was introduced to immediately commence a Senate Select Commission of Inquiry into our COVID response. The Terms of Reference in this Bill includes the recommendations from my recent committee inquiry.

22 replies
  1. Bronwen Prisk
    Bronwen Prisk says:

    Thank you for all your hard work, I pray for God’s favour and blessing on all your efforts to bring back truth and justice for our nation!

  2. Kerrie Lynch
    Kerrie Lynch says:

    Thank you, it’s so good to see progress on this. May this signing be a big step towards individuals being made accountable.

  3. Evan
    Evan says:

    Well done getting these bills introduced. I think many many people are hoping that one day all politicians, senior public servants and senior editors of the media and press who forced the rediculous mandates on our Nation, are brought to justice.
    The Covid 19 drugs and the mandates have turned lives and families upside down and for what. Absolutely no benefit at all except to destroy more lives and families apparently, than Covid itself.

  4. Arthur
    Arthur says:

    My thanks and gratitude for Senators Antic, Canavan, Rennick and O’Sullivan and Sen. Roberts, you are some of the very few senators still working for the people of Australia. Both bills are of so importance to defend Australian freedom, sovereignty and safety! But, I think Native title theft is of even more pressing importance. It is in effect, disinheriting our children and grandchildren from their own country. Please consider some kind of legislation to stop and roll back native title claims and the theft of our hard built and hard won nation from our children and their future progeny. They deserve a better legacy from us than the handing over their own country to some kind of third world status.

  5. Ronald Gary Raw
    Ronald Gary Raw says:

    Australians owe you a huge debt of appreciation, so from myself , my family and friends,Thank you Malcolm and your fellow senators that stand strongly with the Australian people and humanity as a whole. As the World struggles against Tyranny you guy’s are our shining lights, and only hope really. Bless you and yours
    Ron , and Rayma and family

  6. Glenn Millhouse
    Glenn Millhouse says:

    Great to see the fight..! but you can’t win whist there’s to many puppets..You need to use another tatic

  7. Kathleen Papalii
    Kathleen Papalii says:

    Love you gentleman – solid Senators one and all…….missing from photo shoot – the wonderful red hair Senator Pauline Hanson next PM for Australia. Could we perhaps have a cartoon series on this momentous signatory occasion????

  8. Annette
    Annette says:

    Thankyou Malcolm for your hard work
    I would like to request an urgent bill to be developed to stop the infiltration and corruption of our food. The powers to be have pushed these dangerous ingredients in our supermarkets and food sources which is so called food fit for humans ? that has all types of bad stuff such as bugs, Graphene, GMO ingredients etc and yet there is no Law requiring all these ingredients to be advertised in a way that is easy to understand and be able to read. Who would have ever thought that there could be print that is so small you can’t even read it with glasses some even with a magnifying glass. There also needs to be a bill introduced to stop to bringing in fake meat into our country like many others eg; Italy, France etc

  9. Alison
    Alison says:

    Thank you loyal Senators for the work you do in standing for the Australian people in the cause of maintaining personal freedoms and peace in our land. I support you in the repeal of the Digital ID bill and a Senate Select Commission of Inquiry into Australia’s COVID response. May God bless your work.

  10. Ian Pitman
    Ian Pitman says:

    Well done again all you good senators . There’s only a handful of good politians in Australia that actually care about the people and what’s right. The rest are a tyrannical evil lot that need to be brought to justice and jailed. Thanks again Malcolm.

  11. Kerry
    Kerry says:

    Thank you Gentlemen for standing up for our rights and introducing these two bills into Parliament. Our family prays earnestly that you will be able to achieve a positive outcome on the COVID fiasco and that the Digital ID Bill gets reversed asap. If it doesn’t, we all know we are heading down a very slippery slope to disaster. Already here in Qld, one of the State Government bodies which deals with electrical contractors is already telling its members that they have to get a Digital ID if they wish to renew their licenses. And we all thought this was going to be VOLUNTARY!!!! What next for taxpayers who lodge their own tax returns as I do? Will they also be told they must have a Digital ID before they can lodge their 2024 returns and claim their tax refunds. Lies, lies and more lies from our current mob of woke public servants and politicians. This doesn’t include any of you, thankfully.


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