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Submissions to the inquiry looking at Defence Medals, including diggers getting screwed over and Angus Campbell’s DSC, are closing soon [30 August 2024].

Submissions can be made here: Defence honours and awards system – Parliament of Australia (

Let me know in the comments which town you’d like a public hearing to be held in.  Should we bring the inquiry to Townsville? 

6 replies
  1. Nick
    Nick says:

    I have made submissions to
    Defence Honours and Awards and the Veterans’ Legislation inquiries.
    Cambodia Veterans have been let down by Defence, DVA and Govt who to this day fail to recognise the significant number of Veterans who were intervened by Khmer Rouge (POWs) and in 2008 were stripped their combat badges which were awarded by Cosgrove. The submissions clearly demonstrate the injustice, which we can only now present due to the recent declassification of the Commanders’ Diaries for Cambodia on the AWM website.

  2. Kelvin Boys
    Kelvin Boys says:

    I am not sure whether it matters where this issue is dealt with as long as it is a major centre and is made public and reported without bias by MSM. The public need to know the real and factual findings by a Court not tainted by a corrupt system of law appointed by a corrupt government.

  3. Allen Green
    Allen Green says:

    Re Defence Honours and Awards Inquiry.
    Suggest BRISBANE as the venue
    Allen Green

    • Nick
      Nick says:

      I concur with Brisbane. There are many Veterans across the state effected by Defence honours and awards unjust and opinionated determinations, which disregard for precedence and operational evidence. Submissions made highlight this for Cambodia and Brisbane works for myself.

  4. Alec Morris
    Alec Morris says:

    Senator Roberts
    Dear Malcom
    I request a meeting in Brisbane to discuss my submission to the Senate Inquiry in the Defence Honours and Awards System
    Kind regards

  5. Bob Close
    Bob Close says:

    I propose a special medal for ignominy, be awarded to General Campell under whose woke watch the Defense Department and Australia’s defense capability has reached new lows. He has been an absolute disgrace to our brave serving and retired forces. The sooner he and others of similar incompetence are retired the better!

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