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We once produced things in this country — now, we’re buying them all from our greatest potential enemy. Without the capability to produce goods here in Australia through our own industry, we won’t have a military to defend our country.

I’ve long called for the Iron Boomerang project, which aims to use Australian resources here instead of shipping them to China and then buying their products back off them. Most importantly, to effectively defend our country, we must embrace Australia’s potential. Think about what we could achieve!


I agree with Senator Van: Australia’s defence preparedness is poor, at best. It is true that the best way to keep Australia strong is to keep our transport and industrial base strong. Instead, successive Liberal and Labor governments have presided over the destruction of our manufacturing base and allowed our ports and the transport into those ports to atrophy.

One Nation proposes a comprehensive solution to this: starting with a railway from the Bowen Basin in the east of our country across to the Pilbara in the north-west, connecting to the existing network at the Port of Gladstone in Queensland and Pindar in Western Australia. This will create a national rail network to allow Australian Defence Forces to access and defend parts of our country we have never been able to access to stage a significant military operation. The railway, called Iron Boomerang, will enable an Australian steel industry to develop at Abbot Point near Townsville, returning to domestic production the most important elements of a defence industry—steel, aluminium, concrete and ceramics. It will allow an upgrade of the capacity of Townsville’s military docks to offer bespoke repairs for domestic and military vessels, including our AUKUS allies. Having a strong steel industry will open the possibility of Australian armour, transport and military rolling stock as well as a domestic strategic fleet, offering economic benefit to Townsville, Newcastle, Williamtown and Port Adelaide.

What would also help is to not forget that our greatest strength is our love of this beautiful country. That will make us strong. One Nation will not apologise for loving Australia, loving our flag, loving our language, loving our history and loving our culture. We are proud of our nation of Australia. We will proudly grow our manufacturing base to create wealth and security for all Australians.

3 replies
  1. Rick
    Rick says:

    It’s going to be a tough one to do as we’ve lapsed throughout the years since the 70’s becoming reliant on China . Even Japan who have always made an excellent quality product are moving in the same direction sourcing Chinese made . The age of technology we’re into so it’s ingrained to stay ,,,, no return to production line employment . China got the jump on the rest of the world producing anything and everything ,,, but it’s crap !

  2. Mick J Oliver
    Mick J Oliver says:

    I feel food, water, defense,pharmaceuticals and manufacturing security is vital to our survival. We need to divorce ourselves from reliance on China and start making things here. It will take a long time to re-establish our manufacturing base again so needs to be done yesterday. Corporate influence for short time profit needs to go.
    We cannot in the short term hope for someone else to come save us if China or Indonesia decide our time is up. And where do they get off saying we cant have a strong defense strategy when they do. America is overstretched so it is unfair and unrealistic to expect them to drop everything and come save us. Sorry Australia needs to become a southern power or perish. Anyway where does China get off telling us we cant have nuclear subs when they have over 60 of the bloody things. Our love affair with cheap imported goods needs to end and we need a huge increase in manufacturing of vital commodities now. Extra expense on independent manufacturing now will pay off later.
    We must look after our own now and not end up like the U.K. who is busy funding the new caliphate with taxpayer money . and ignoring their ‘native’ population who are paying their government through the nose to destroy themselves and favor a wave of incompatible foreigners who demand handouts and want to destroy their benefactors.
    That is if we have not already sold all our water, agriculture, real estate, etc to people who forbid us to do the same in their country…..Rant over!


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