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One Nation advocates for a thorough review of the entire native title system and proposes a sunset clause on native title claims. The current situation is out of hand and sidelines the most crucial stakeholders—the Australian people—from any meaningful consultation in these processes.

Currently, over half of Australia is subject to native title claims, yet less than three percent of Australians have had a voice in this matter. The vast majority of us are excluded from participating in the process. 

While state governments, councils, and the Federal Court are involved, they rarely reflect community views because they do not seek our input. This pattern mirrors the lead-up to the Voice referendum, where extensive consultation, funded by taxpayers, occurred solely with Indigenous groups, neglecting the broader Australian population.  It was this approach that contributed significantly to the Voice’s failure, costing taxpayers a staggering $450 million. Native title claims are similarly determined within a closed circle, deliberately excluding the majority of Australians, including those whom the native title system purportedly aims to benefit.

During my visits to remote communities in Cape York and the Northern Territory, a consistent grievance I’ve heard from Aboriginal Australians across these regions is their inability to obtain land title, while unaccountable land councils operate like robber barons, establishing their own fiefdoms. This sentiment was reiterated by Aboriginal elders who sought me out during recent visits to Maryborough and Gympie.

There’s a hidden agenda at play here. The preamble of the Native Title Act is filled with references to United Nations policies and declarations. This raises questions about whether the Act is serving the UN agenda of undermining private land ownership and restricting land use. Unfortunately, local Aboriginals are denied the opportunity to own land outright under native title and hinders their ability to live on, invest in, develop, farm, or leverage it for business loans.

Native title prevents Aboriginals from enjoying the same land use rights as other Australians, prolonging inequality rather than closing the gap. Land ownership on mainland Australia did not exist when the British colonists arrived, nor was there recognition of individual land rights or inheritance. The Mabo decision was based on this distinction.  It was the Labor native title legislation that extended this to mainland Australia — incorrectly. This framework introduces race-based rights, perpetuating racial discrimination in Australia, which contradicts the principles of equality.

The lack of action by Labor, Liberals and Nationals to review and rectify these issues underscores a failure of democratic governance, which should prioritise serving and representing the people, not controlling them.


Senator ROBERTS: I move: 

That, in the opinion of the Senate, the following is a matter of urgency: 

The Native Title system in Australia is critically flawed and perpetuates discrimination. A new claim has been lodged by the Woppaburra people for exclusive use over an additional 2,249 acres of Great Keppel Island, despite a prior Federal Court ruling extinguishing Native Title over significant portions of the island, with the effect of potentially closing Great Keppel Island to non-Aboriginal Australians. This situation exemplifies why there is urgent need for a thorough overhaul of Native Title laws to prevent misuse and ensure equal treatment for all Australians regardless of race 

I rise to speak about the racial divisions that continue to be perpetrated by the Liberal-Labor uniparty and their toxic native title system. One Nation ‘s candidate for the Queensland seat of Keppel, James Ashby, is doing a wonderful job holding the Miles Labor government accountable for its failure to meet $30 million worth of commitments to Great Keppel Island. Further, James Ashby deserves credit for exposing the latest native title claim on the island on the weekend. This claim, if successful, would mean that 84 per cent of Great Keppel Island would be excluded from non-indigenous Australians. One of the jewels of Central Queensland and an Australian tourism icon could effectively be closed off for all time from the Australian people, from local businesses and from international visitors. 

This isn’t the first time an Indigenous group has tried to close off Great Keppel Island from the rest of us by using a divisive native title claim. In 2021 the Federal Court denied a native title claim over the Great Keppel Island leases held by Tower Holdings because of pre-existing infrastructure of commercial value. One Nation calls on this latest claim to be thrown out, too, and for the Miles Labor government to honour its $30 million promise to clean up and restore Great Keppel Island. Yet we must go much further than that. We’re calling for a comprehensive review of the entire native title system and a sunset clause on native title claims, because it’s getting out of hand and it’s excluding from any consultation on these processes the most important stakeholders of all: the Australian people. 

More than 50 per cent of Australia is now under native title claim, yet fewer than three per cent of Australians have had any say in it. The rest of us are excluded from the process. While state governments, councils and the Federal Court get a say, they almost never represent community views, because they don’t ask us for our views. We’re not asked, because they don’t want to hear our views. This is what happened in the lead-up to the Voice referendum. There was a lot of consultation, costing a lot of taxpayer money, but only with Indigenous groups. There was none for the rest of Australia. It’s one of the main reasons it was such a spectacular $450 million failure, a flop. Consultation was undertaken in an echo chamber where dissent was absent, where dissent was chastised, where dissent was suppressed. Native title claims are resolved in this sort of bubble as well—a bubble from which most Australians are always excluded, deliberately. Even those people who are specifically intended to benefit from native title are excluded from those benefits. 

I often visit remote communities in Cape York and the Northern Territory, and the No. 1 complaint from Aboriginal Australians right across Cape York and the communities I visited in the Northern Territory is the inability of Aboriginals to get land title while unaccountable land councils act as robber barons building fiefdoms. This was expressed to me again by Aboriginal elders who’d heard I was visiting Maryborough and Gympie last week and came to see me and attended a forum I hosted. There’s another agenda going on in the background. The Native Title Act’s preamble is littered with references to the United Nations policy and declarations. Why is this so? It fits with the UN agenda of attacking private land ownership and locking the land away from use. Unfortunately for local Aboriginals, they’re denied the opportunity of actually owning their piece of Australia by buying it to live on, to invest, to build, to develop, to farm or to use as collateral for a business loan to set up a business. 

Native title holds Aboriginals back from doing what all other Australians can do with land. It works to maintain the gap, not close it. When British colonists arrived there was no form of landownership on the mainland. There was no recognition of individual landownership, security or passing the land onto heirs. Land title existed only in limited form, in some Torres Strait Islands. The Mabo decision was based on this distinction. It was the Labor native title legislation that extended this to the mainland of Australia—incorrectly. Native title perpetuates racial discrimination in Australia by creating rights based on race. This is wrong and must be reversed. The whole concept is consistent with Labor’s policy of waste and arrogance and disdain for Aboriginals and all Australians as part of a global agenda. 

Labor is one part of the uniparty. The Liberals and Nationals have done nothing to review this act to fix things for all Australians. Democratic government is supposed to work for the people and serve the people. Instead, in recent decades the uniparty governments have worked to control the people. They push a global agenda to control people and steal property and transfer wealth to the party’s corporate globalist masters. We need a comprehensive review of native title urgently so that we can get back to helping Aboriginals get some land. 

10 replies
  1. Hazel. J Costello
    Hazel. J Costello says:

    Yes if should be investigated but albo won’t agree to that ..I Will be shocked if there is one

  2. CCR
    CCR says:

    Thanks again Malcolm. You and a handful of others are the very few politicians acting in the interests of Australians.
    Nearly everything crook with this country started with Whitlam.
    The native title system is a blatantly communist system designed to herd aboriginal people into little unsustainable insulated communist societies that would immediately collapse without the support of funding from commercialised Australia. These people are living proof that communism does not work, and “fiefdoms” are an understatement to describe what is really a wholesale scam. If anybody wants to know why there is a gap at all, it is because this group of Australians are being held back by a system that others are not subject to, and at wildly insane cost to to those others. The reality is that aboriginal people living outside that system are doing as well as anybody else.
    Many (particularly the older) aboriginal people understand that they are being used as political fodder by a handful, and many understand that it is a globalist effort, not a local one, that is driving the entire thing. Yet so many Australians are ignorant of what is really happening and idiotically think “they’re helping” by supporting what is clearly a globalist agenda designed to financially bleed out the nation, never end, and remain perpetual.
    Recent civil unrest in Alice Springs and the diminishment of acceptable behaviour in many other locations which won’t be covered on the nightly news just shows how damaging and divisive Albanese’s government is to our country, and in my view they are intentionally so.

  3. Case
    Case says:

    Of the 3% that might have some say in native title issues, how many are truly Aboriginal? It bothers me that there is no objective criterion to determine who is entitled to privileges available to “Aborigines”.

  4. Wanda
    Wanda says:

    Governments have been thieving land for years in NZ!
    As well as here – likely world wide.
    Even our title deeds!
    Australian home owners have been dispossessed-
    What can be done about this?

  5. Philip Heywood
    Philip Heywood says:

    The entire lands rights biz. was nuts from the outset, by definition a legal impossibility. As a juvenile can see before he gets out of bed in the morning, unless it is technically possible to define an ‘original owner’ without legal/scientific doubt or contradiction, we have — nuttery/hypocrisy/ sanctimonious self-congratulation on wheels. With jet fired propulsion. An ‘original owner’ of Australia can not be technically defined. Maybe half the aboriginals got here first, and they are the originals. The other half arrived later and are unoriginals. Now that everyone here is a citizen, anyone can technically claim to be an original. I am one, myself. with original ancestry. No? Prove I am not. Go on.

  6. Marie Violo
    Marie Violo says:

    I speak for the majority when I say we are fed up with the empowerment of Indigenous Australians. It does not matter that they might have been here first. What matters is the Australians who endured many hardships to settle this harsh Country and who made it what it is and because of these hardworking settlers they are reaping the benefits. The stolen generation was a disgrace but it was done worldwide and you do not see Canada , Britain or the USA giving them claim to our lands!!! We have had enough of their violence and hatred hurled at us. I was just attacked by an underage Indigenous girl who was very trained at hurling punches one to the back of my head and one to the face with knuckes full of rings one which punctured my face, just because she was pissed off at this other Indigenous girl. We are fed up with the special treatment they receive, our tax money being wasted on them rather than to improve our health system which when I ended up in hospital observed that it is 3rd World standard!!! They have no right to claim our land that we have worked hard to be lucky enough to have purchased !! This Government must stop inciting their hatred so we live in fear of their violence and hatred and disregard for our property!! All living in Australia are entitled to this land.

  7. Merike Johnson
    Merike Johnson says:

    Thank you for highlighting this matter. Yes this Native Title Claim system is completely out of hand. The majority of Australians are losing access to National Parks, beaches, mountains, waterways (now even the wonderful salt pan Lake Eyre, Horizontal Falls in the Kimberly). This has to be reversed. Thank you for what you are already doing, but we need to inform more of the public about what is happening..

  8. Ian
    Ian says:

    I was born in Australia. Does that mean I’m indigenous and get to use native title areas. Native title is the whole sunshine coast now.

  9. Robert Sewell
    Robert Sewell says:

    It’s time this racist legislation was removed. A law that benefits 3% of the Australian public and punishes the other 97% on the basis of skin colour and culture, is a damned travesty. and is yet another piece of legislation that was imposed on us without us even being asked.

  10. Bruce Jones
    Bruce Jones says:

    Sounds like a great idea for the aboriginal people. I don’t begrudge them some sort of compensation. BUT, when will 2 or 3 percent of the population own enough land? NEXT. Will they produce enough food for the rest of us to feed ourselves and we live off them, instead of them living off us.
    I’ll be sensible now. Neither them or us made the mistakes of the past. We have got to learn to live together and each do our bit towards our future. Living off one another should not be a part of the solution.

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