It follows and perpetuates a disgraceful legacy of paternalism and victimhood which harms all members of our Australian community
As a servant to the people of Queensland and Australia I serve all people of Australia. I want to celebrate especially the Aboriginal people of this country. There is a higher proportion of Aboriginals in the NRL’s elite athletes, higher than across the community. There’s also a higher proportion in the AFL. Scientists, lawyers, parliamentarians, government—Aboriginals are part of these groups and doing a fine job.
They’re doing well in business, people like Warren Mundine; in carers roles—people like police, nurses, doctors—and the previous speaker mentioned Steve Fordham from Blackrock Industries who’s doing a phenomenal job, and now he has been gutted by the bureaucracy. I note Ash Dodd in Queensland who is sponsoring the Collinsville coal fired power station project. Senators like Nampijinpa Price and Kerrynne Liddle are telling the truth, which is so important.
Senator Pauline Hanson is uneasy with praise but probably watching in her office. When I was first elected, I approached the office of our party in the suburb of Albion. I was met at the door in our car park by three Northern Territory Aboriginals who had come down specifically to meet with us because, they said, ‘Pauline Hanson is the only one who understands the Aboriginal plight and the only one willing to stand up and say so and speak out for what they need.’ I will say that, if the Howard government had adopted her policies, we would now have no gap or a little gap. The Caucasian and Aboriginal people I have met in travelling through every Cape York community and the people I have met in other Northern Territory communities are quietly getting on with it and doing a stellar job.
They’re closing the gap. I’ll tell you about an Islander who was on a council in the Torres Strait. He told me that Closing the Gap perpetuates the gap because the consultants that feed off this program actually have to maintain the gap in order to keep their money. That is what perpetuates the gap.
There are many challenges our nation faces, and every problem I see around our country is due to government. I am ashamed of governments, state and federal, and churches who blindly assumed they knew what was best for the Aboriginals—good intentions maybe, but arrogantly and ignorantly paternalistic and patronising, cruel, damaging, stultifying. I am angry with the Aboriginal industry. Communities tell me of Noel Pearson interfering, land councils acting as effectively robber barons controlling land, water, resources and funds. Billions of dollars every year supposedly go to the people on the ground, but are interceded by these robber barons. The Aboriginal industry is perpetuating victimhood, but, worse, fomenting hate and separation because that’s what their industry is based on and they want it to continue.
The current government is proposing the Voice to instil and make racism systemic, separating and dividing. It follows and perpetuates a disgraceful legacy of paternalism and victimhood which harms all members of our Australian community. Actions need to follow words. We need to unify, not separate. Solving problems requires listening to people to understand their needs. Giving people their freedom to get on with their lives builds responsibility and freedom. We need to give the Aboriginal people freedom, especially in the Aboriginal communities. Addressing all of Australia’s problems begins with acknowledging government as the cause of the problems, and the solution is getting government out of people’s lives, honouring and respecting our Commonwealth of Australia’s Constitution.
I want and look forward to uniting Australia into one nation. Worst of all, the Voice will perpetuate the hollow, deceitful policies of Labor, the Greens and, to a lesser extent, the LNP. It’s a dishonest distraction that will perpetuate the gap, perpetuate the cruel infliction of punishment and deprivation. We need policies for lifting all Australians.
That requires policies for restoring sovereignty, implementing sound and honest governance based on data and facts—honesty policy—and, first of all, listening to understand people’s needs. Then, instead of doing things to look good, actually do good.
Of course Aboriginals aren’t victims, this is just a government divide and conquer agenda, split the population into minorities. Easier to control! We know our government is the enemy, the government are owned by the Jewish elites.
Who created the worse genocide in Australian history? The government!!
‘Jewish elites’ Shaun!
How fascinating – how do you work that out? Perhaps you could specify exactly how the government is ‘owned’ by those ‘Jewish elites’ Shaun – Please tell me – and I;m not Jewish but throughout my life I’ve had Jewish friends ….
Hi Michael,
Glad to see we agree on some things.
Several of my good friends are also Jewish, though I am not.
Aboriginals are treated more favourably than the remainder of the population with billions of dollars being thrown at their industry annually. This is discrimination according to the Australian Rights Commission definition below however they advise me it is not. Aboriginals can insult the queen with no ramifications but we would be vilified if we insulted their massive number of aunty Flos and uncle Joes. Isn’t this reverse discrimination?
Discrimination happens when a person, or a group of people, is treated less favourably than another person or group because of their background or certain personal characteristics. This is known as ‘direct discrimination’.
Malcolm, a question, in fact a few questions.
How many Aboriginal children were taken as the “stolen generation”?
Over what period of time?
What about the punishment they received for using their own cultural languages?
What knowledge has Australia lost because we ignorant and selfish white fellas knew more than the local inhabitants?
One reason why this happened is because our guns were more powerful than their spears.
Imagine how we would feel if a foreign power overran Australia with the aid of better weapons.and treated us the same way we treated the original inhabitants (60,000 years as claimed)?
The “voice” is a means of listening to and hearing these people.
I would appreciate answers to all the above questions.
Thanks in anticipation,
Col , with due respect, have you ever asked why the children were removed? You will find , without much effort, that they were taken because they were being neglected in the community that they came from. They were the product of liaison between the communities women and white lotharios, who had neglected their responsibilities. These poor children were in a no mans land, and something had to be done to save them. Politics being what it is , has made this to be a crime against the Aboriginal Group, without regard for the individual.
Rod, I was Stolen / removed from my Mother’s home.
I have All the date stamped documents of the authoritires inspecting my Mother’s home from when I was 5 months old until my subsequent removal at age 19 months.
One diary entry states my clothes were ironed and neatly folded within the chest of drawers.
There was No neglect on my Mothers part when the authorities took me.
My Mother was also stolen and made to work as a domestic so her Mother could keep the two sibling boys.
Her Mother was also stolen
And her Mother’s Mother was stolen
Making me 4th generation stolen.
My 4 beloved children (2 of which are still only in their 20s) are therefore the first in 5 generations to not be stolen and are profoundly affected by my removal and my trauma of being raised in orphanages.
You have No clue of what you are speaking about.
Apart from listening to Jacinta and Warren (just for starters) – both of whom would seem to know what they are talking about, perhaps you might contemplate these rather starting articles: and
You might also find ‘The Red Chief’ written back in 1953 by Ion Idriess to be somewhat educational too….
What? Still no answer.
This post was sent 6 days ago as directed questions.
Hi Col,
Sorry you have received no response to date.
I was stolen in 1960 as an infant. At 12 years of age the orphanage I was raised in had a weekly influx of freshly caught children from the desert.
My daughter born in 1982 has a friend of the same age who was also stolen.
I hope that helps with your enquiry.
Its very traumatic to re-visit and speak of these matters.
Perhaps that is why the lines are silent.
For me….I probably will not post again.
All the best in your quest to find answers.
Thanks Tjanndamarra,
After reading both your replies I can see it took a lot of courage to share your experiences.
Hopefully others who hold contrary views will read your reply in all
the humility it demands.
Tjanndamarra, hold your head high with pride.
Elsewhere I have stated Australia’s original inhabitants were/are an intelligent people fully attuned to this country.
Reading your prose shows a high level of intelligence.
Please keep watching and reply where necessary to put an end to this ignorance.
Malcolm and Rod, would you please reply to Tjanndamarra’s experiences.
I eagerly anticipate your comments.
Col, how many WHITE children were stolen from loving but poor families, for no good cause, and abused and neglected in orphanages? But they are not even recognized. The lies that it was only a race issue continue. I’m not talking about British migrants or forced adoptees either. Rather, kids aged between 3 and 15 taken from poverty-stricken parents. There were at least 92000. They have not even received an apology for being taken, and no apology to their parents or siblings for separating families. A token apology for the abuse and neglect, but nothing by way of support, aid or reparation. Do they not have an equal excuse to fail and demand handouts?
History has been changed and exaggerated and is being very selectively reported, ignoring all the good we have done for the Indigenous and lying about an alleged ”invasion” that never actually happened. (A handful of soldiers and hundreds of convicts in chains landed in one small part of the country, and their leader instructed that the Indigenous should be treated with kindness and respect.) Yes, the Indigenous have suffered shocking injustice. And they are receiving over $41 billion per annum in special benefits and compensations, and have over 140 special ”voices’, as well as legal privileges to abuse whites and make unfair claims and escape justice for crimes. The ”Voice” is about giving rich privileged activists more scope to retain and enlarge the ”gap” so they can continue to milk the taxpayer for billions that never reach the truly disadvantaged. So you really think the disadvantaged will be heard – or that they even know what to ask for if they were? No. The privileged will speak, and the privileged want more privileges for themselves.
The Indigenous DO NOT need yet another expensive Voice. They need respect. They need to be treated as equals and not denigrated and suppressed by being branded ”weak and pathetic”’ and ”having special needs”. There are thousands of educated, successful Indigenous doing brilliantly in society, because they took responsibility for their future and didn’t use the past as an excuse for failure. All of them have the same opportunities. The past DOES NOT dictate the future, unless you let it. What the disadvantaged need – ALL OF THEM, not just those of one race – is respect, incentives to strive, demands that they help themselves, and fair and equitable support based solely on their needs and endeavours, to help them lift themselves up and build a better future. An end to racial favouritism shows respect. Racial favouritism denigrates and suppresses.
Just a couple more things to think about. If the English hadn’t settled Australia, what would have happened to the Indigenous through a Dutch or Spanish invasion? What would have happened if we had not fought to defend from a Japanese invasion? Answer: the Indigenous would have been exterminated. And they still well may be if we can’t defend against a Chinese overthrow. Gratitude and focus on positives trumps whinging about the past every time. The successful and happy know that.
And when it comes to racial injustice and abuse, no race suffered more than the Chinese immigrants to Australia in the mid to late 1800s or the Italians who were treated as enemies and incarcerated during WWII. But do they get a special ”voice” or billions of dollars and hundreds of agencies to represent their interests? No. They just get on with making life better for their families. They put the past where it belongs and move forward as Australians, appreciating what Australia has to offer. Because the best way to escape disadvantage is to recognize that nobody can help you until you help yourself. And nobody owes you anything except respect and EQUALITY. Nobody is entitled, just because maybe their ancestors suffered injustice. And in a healthy society, nobody has superior rights solely because of their race. That is racism, and racism is abhorrent.
Hi Lorraine,
Invading colonials in many cases have not covered themselves with any form of honour..
I was referring to Australia’s original inhabitants who still have not been shown any real compassion for what was taken from them.
Agreed – thank you for your good work, Senator Roberts
There was no Stolen Generation Col. They were removed because of neglect, physical and or sexual abuse. White children in the same circumstances were also removed. This is still going on but kids moved to a different family in the community.
Very little knowledge has been lost due to our imposing civilisation on Stone Age hunter gatherers, the most primitive people on earth. They are much better off now. They can close the so called gap by sending their kids to school. I served with 3 in the air force in the 1950s and 60s.
The “Voice” will be a well paid mob of mates who will try and rip as much money off hard working taxpayers as possible.
Rod, Michael and Clive,
The infanticide as mentioned in the Quadrant articles look horrific.
A few points to consider, did this infanticide occur in all communities?.
Did it occur in coastal or river communities for example, where there was a continuing supply of food?
The stolen generation.
Children were removed from their communities, usually over considerable distances, to various institutions never to see their parents or relatives again.
The use of their native languages was forbidden.
The claim they were removed because of neglect and/or abuse appears as a “white fella” excuse.
In some cases the “authorities” appeared unannounced in communities and “grabbed” any children they could.
“Hunter gatherers”?
In many cases they lived in an area using its resources but moved on before those resources were depleted.
Their “migration” was largely seasonal and circular returning to previous locations after natural replenishment restored sufficient resources.
Have you considered their stone fish traps in some localities?
Or fire stick management, frequent burning to replenish grass growth to enhance kangaroo hunting.
Drawings by early European settlers show clear views of many distant areas that are now obscured by dense vegetation (originally kept clear by frequent seasonal burning).
Frequent burning on a seasonal basis by carefully controlled fires reduced severe fire hazards and some rural fire services are trying to adopt this concept.
To conclude and keep this reply a reasonable length.
Australia’s first inhabitants were an intelligent people fully attuned to and understanding the resources in their tribal areas.
Much better than many people today.
Incidentally, how many species of Australian native animals have become extinct since the arrival of Europeans?
How many pests have been introduced in this time?
Give them a voice and be prepared to listen and hear their contribution.
“”The stolen generation.
Children were removed from their communities, usually over considerable distances, to various institutions never to see their parents or relatives again.””
That happened. I’m married to a victim. He’s WHITE. Australian born of British descent. He’s one of over 92000 whites STOLEN from poverty-stricken families, ever to see loved ones again (though he was fortunate that his brother found him when he was adult and already a husband and father!)
When will this ”poor fella me” racist CRAP end and the truth be told?
Yes, Indigenous suffered injustices. So did many whites. So did Italians and Chinese immigrants. But the only race continuing to suffer ongoing deprivation is the ENTITLED RACE, who demand special privileges; who received $41 billion+ in taxpayer handouts annually (clearly achieving NOTHING positive); who have hundreds of special ”voices” demanding and receiving all kinds of favours. They are the ONLY ones suffering extreme and disproportionate disadvantage. And it’s only those of them who have not taken responsibility for their future and appreciatively used the opportunities this country provides. Many of them are far more privileged than I or millions of other whites. Because they did not rely on claims of entitlement to sit back and do nothing constructive to elevate themselves and their loved ones. They just let activists milk the taxpayer screaming for special privileges that cause grave harm and keep the gap expanding.
Our indigenous already have a voice. Sit back and listen instead of a government who is just finding another way to control that voice.
Regardless of what went on back then…. We are all here today and have to live with what is before us. Regardless of which tribe we originated from. If we were born here or migrated, we can all go to Woolies or Coles do you our shopping. We all have access to, as a minimum a state based education. We all have access to some form of medical treatment. We have at present the right to choose which, if any religion we wish to follow. For those who need help, there are financial and other mechanisms on hand. While there might well be some in balances present. These fundamentals are there for all.
It is the role of Governments to ensure they work and are fair to all.
If we have some people who wish to live outside or do not wish to be apart of the current system, then that is your right. But don’t whinge about it and don’t put your hand out expecting freebies for the rest of your life.
We are all here together in this time and place and have to get on with it. The past is past and the future is yet to be written. We can do that together a lot easier than if we are divided.
“”The stolen generation.
Children were removed from their communities, usually over considerable distances, to various institutions never to see their parents or relatives again.””
That happened. I’m married to a victim. He’s WHITE. Australian born of British descent. He’s one of over 92000 whites STOLEN from poverty-stricken families, ever to see loved ones again (though he was fortunate that his brother found him when he was adult and already a husband and father!)
When will this ”poor fella me” racist CRAP end and the truth be told?
Yes, Indigenous suffered injustices. So did many whites. So did Italians and Chinese immigrants. But the only race continuing to suffer ongoing deprivation is the ENTITLED RACE, who demand special privileges; who received $41 billion+ in taxpayer handouts annually (clearly achieving NOTHING positive); who have hundreds of special ”voices” demanding and receiving all kinds of favours. They are the ONLY ones suffering extreme and disproportionate disadvantage. And it’s only those of them who have not taken responsibility for their future and appreciatively used the opportunities this country provides. Many of them are far more privileged than I or millions of other whites. Because they did not rely on claims of entitlement to sit back and do nothing constructive to elevate themselves and their loved ones. The disadvantaged just let activists milk the taxpayer screaming for special privileges that cause grave harm and keep the gap expanding.
They are not for our Aboriginal people. They are conspiring to trap them. I heard how that Kim Beazley said in 1990, that australia needs a referendum, so we will vote to become a republic. Then we can have a contract with the indigenous people. As it stands, there is no contract and the land is theirs. But if they have a contract, the United Nations, one world government crowd can steal their land, property and businesses, too.