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Unbelievable! The Albanese Labor government is celebrating a measly 0.8% wage increase for the quarter, while inflation has gone up by 1%. Do the math, and it’s clear—we’re all going backwards by 0.2%! 😡 Yet, the Treasurer and Prime Minister have the audacity to tell us to celebrate. Meanwhile, everyday Aussies are suffering through the worst cost-of-living crisis in modern history. Our GDP is barely avoiding a recession, propped up only by a massive influx of one million new migrants in just two years. Let’s be real: we’re in the middle of the worst per capita recession since the Great Depression!

The Liberal-Labor Uniparty is shipping off our natural resources, obeying unelected foreign bodies like the WEF, and allowing predatory investment funds to own our critical industries. Additionally, they’ve also let our housing crisis spiral out of control by bringing in more people than we can house.

Only One Nation will put a stop to this madness and fight for the Australian people. It’s time to end these anti-Australian decisions that are dragging us backwards.


Well, I couldn’t believe my ears last week. The Albanese Labor government burst out of the gates to tell Australians to celebrate and rejoice: wages had gone up 0.8 per cent for the quarter. The Treasurer and Prime Minister tell us: ‘Pop the champagne bottles! Just ignore the fact that inflation has gone up one per cent for the same quarter.’ That means everyone has gone backwards an average of 0.2 per cent. Can you believe the Treasurer and Prime Minister can bring themselves to front up to the cameras to address this parliament and put such a ridiculous spin on the latest round of bad news? How do they do it? How does the Labor Party keep telling Australians we’ve never had it better, while Australians struggle through the worst cost-of-living crisis in modern history? The GDP is treading water; it’s barely staying out of technical recession. How is it staying out? Thanks to one million fresh migrant arrivals in just two years, boosting official gross domestic product, GDP, to just barely over the recession threshold. 

Meanwhile, let’s look at how everyday Australians are faring. We’re in the middle of the worst per capita recession since the Great Depression. Australians have not gone backwards on average this badly since the 1930s—almost a century. What is the Liberal-Labor uniparty’s answer to this? The uniparty will continue to send our natural resources overseas for China to use in building solar panels that China sells back to us. The uniparty will continue to obey what unelected foreign organisations like the World Economic Forum say. The uniparty will keep letting foreign predatory investment funds like BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street, and banks like JP Morgan, own our critical industries and get away with economic murder. The uniparty will continue to let too many new arrivals into our country before we have the necessary housing and services, prolonging the housing crisis that the uniparty created over recent decades. The housing crisis did not occur overnight; it’s been cultivated. Only One Nation will stop this madness and put an end to anti-Australia decisions that are sending our people backwards. (Time expired) 

5 replies
  1. Bryan and Beverly Mulholland
    Bryan and Beverly Mulholland says:

    We hear that “This Minister, including The Prime Minister, are :The Worst we have ever had. The dismaying fact is that nearly “All of them” are” The Worst” How did Australians allow this to happen. Vote for albuneasy when his campaign was so pathetice and all they did was “Can” Morrison. Morrison’s great mistake was to trust “The State Premiers” to act in unison with The Federal Government, despite they were nearly all labor. Morrison sholud have taken control by declaring Covid “A National Emergency”. Bryan Mulholland.

  2. Rick
    Rick says:

    It’s a disgrace what our rubbish prime minister blatantly shoves under the people’s noses who are doing it tough . Whilst he’s parading around like a whore bum sucking and throwing our tax $$$$$ away to the tune of 400 million dollars for a police force and football team in Tonga ,,,,, of all places , we’re all paying for that at the bowser , supermarket and for how much longer is anyone’s guess . The Aussie human psyche is copping a beating and being punished by this government for not voting for them over the years and rejecting all their dumb ideas .
    Chris Bowen ; is he a gopher or a pipe rat ?
    I believe him to be the latter ,,,,,
    The nonsensical rubbish coming from the “ Woke “ town of Carickalinga . They are saying that turning the lights off at night will save the universe from light pollution , sounds like a cover up to disguise power failure looming from labor’s inept renewables plan . I wonder how much “ Pipe Rat Bowen “ is throwing at them not to make noise about power shortages nationwide starting and this is just the beginning of it .

  3. Mary Moffat
    Mary Moffat says:

    How do we get Albanese out?? He is bleeding the people and the country dry!! Australia will be unrecognisable by the end of his term, there must be a loophole. A huge portion of us cannot stand this, the people should be able to say they have no confidence and remove him/them, bleating on about “democracy” when there clearly is no such thing.

  4. Bob Close
    Bob Close says:

    This government is steadily proving it is clueless on the economy, what is good for the country and what the public want to hear about the future. Its unionist lobby and leftist ideology have run their course, so productivity is as low as we have ever seen, so is business confidence and consumer sentiment. The country is being bled dry, as the energy manifesto is driving inflation up and the dollar down and the man in the street is confused by the ignorant environmental and cultural decisions being made that is steadily closing our options to have a mining led future as we have had previously.
    One Nation is leading the charge to provide sensible options and policies for voters to combat the nonsense coming from Labor and the mates the Greens. Unfortunately, the Liberals have been too soft on Labor re Energy matters and their stupid emissions policy, they won’t confront the government on climate issues and the biased science provided by the CSIRO and BoM, as you have done Malcolm to your great credit mate!


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