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Anthony Albanese must immediately call a Royal Commission into the entire Government response to COVID, not just a weak inquiry limited to some very specific actions of Scott Morrison.

Royal Commissions have been called for far less than the country-changing actions of Government over the previous 2 years. Anthony Albanese’s excuse that the pandemic is still going doesn’t wash with most of Australia.

COVID is now essentially endemic, with most Australians learning to live with the virus. If Anthony Albanese believes the time to call a Royal Commission is not now, it’s hard to believe he will ever think it is time to call one.

9 replies
  1. Pam Lopez
    Pam Lopez says:

    I am disgusted with these desision’s, there are Police, also chief of police femal who refused to get the jab, there are ministers and other back benches that are not jabbed are they going to have there pay docked, did they all get paid over those 2.5 years, is it a case of a mandate for some and not for high fliers, it’s outrageous what is still happening, it’s not the unvacced filling our hospitals, it’s the vacced people, and it is going to get much worse from what I have read, it’s not just the cost of living we need to be concerned about its, it’s the destruction too the millions of people who had the jab, 2 too 5 years and we will see the results of all this madness

    • Evie
      Evie says:

      Hi Pam, you have made a wise point. One size does not fit all and a mRNA experimental jab should never have been mandated. When it comes to our children, nor should we put up with the cruelness and discrimination against our children’s education, referring to the slogan no jab, no play, we’ve had for many years without the censored discussions and facts of adverse side effects, and then again reoccurring during covid. A pattern has been forming for years, before covid, hit that which is of value to life in society, mandate jobs/businesses and education. Ruthless, heartless, irresponsible and dishonest.

  2. Jennifer
    Jennifer says:

    Forget an inquiry into Morrison’s secret ministries. The harm the TGA, AHPRA and the Health Department did, and continue to do to the Australian people is a crime against humanity and they need to be put in jail. Lies and corruption is still ongoing and needs to be rooted out. Hunting down those that decided for themselves that they didn’t believe in the vaccine also must stop. And why was Morrison allowed to not face his accuser in court on child abuse?
    There is so much corruption and all roads lead from our government to the WEF and their sick agenda.
    You have a long road ahead Malcolm and I wish you the strength and fortitude to continue.

    • kiwi
      kiwi says:

      yes scummo was given a jail sentence but on appeal his masonic bro lawyer had his sentence reduced to 12months home detention, Australia is the same as all 5 eye countries we have been infiltrated by
      communists / freemasons and they are in unelected positions through all areas of govt. courts, military,
      police, parliament, local govt. scummo is a convicted child molester.
      he should hang for his role in the covid fraud, and hopefully once the dust settles and the truth is
      revealed he will be along with gunner, mcghan and andrews and dozens of others

  3. Brett
    Brett says:

    Royal commission now. Keep up the pressure. Juliana legal opinion document might get the ball rolling

  4. Clive
    Clive says:

    Pauline Hanson, Malcolm Roberts and a very few other brave souls have consistently called for an enquiry into all aspects of the experimental jabs and rollout. The new P.M. must not be permitted to obfuscate and hide from his responsibilities.
    There have been too many lies, so much censorship, too many vaccine injuries, too much corruption and economies have been wrecked. The general public has to know and understand the unadulterated truth if we are to avoid such unjust behaviors in the future.

  5. Mary Ferguson
    Mary Ferguson says:

    A royal commission must be called. Why was our original pandemic response which did not call for lockdowns get scrapped and where is the scientific proof that was used to justify the response. The premiers must also be included.

  6. Brian
    Brian says:

    Any enquiry must also include the role of the media and Premier Dan Andrew’s abuse of the hoax

    The media ran a very successful scare campaign to make huge fortunes in advertising. The populace eagerly turned to their media to see what the latest episode of this fiction serial would reveal.

    Even Mr Murdoch censured anyone who dissented with his abuse of the hoax.

    And of course, the inimitable Premier Dan enjoyed international infamy for his abuse of Victorians as he allegedly followed what his mates in the Chinese Communist Party did to their people.

    In all, it was an extremely successful hoax in paralysing Australians in fear of this 99.99% survival rate hoax. No one really noticed that influenza had disappeared during this time.

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