Aluminium adjuvants (preservatives) in vaccines are commonly blamed, at least in part, for the increase in autism. Recent work has been done that confirms this theory, so I asked the TGA about the subject. Research on aluminium was conducted on aluminium salts, but the jabs use a quite different type of aluminium which has not been safety tested. This is my exact question:
“A study published in September took biopsies from the brains of older children diagnosed with autism and found their brains contained significantly elevated levels of aluminium, especially aluminium hydroxide and aluminium phosphate, which are present in the hexa jabs. Has the health testing on aluminium build-up in our children’s bodies been done using water-soluble aluminium salts, which are not used in vaccine products, or has this research been done using the actual aluminium used in vaccine products, aluminium hydroxide and aluminium phosphate?”
This question was straightforward and simply put: have you tested the right type of aluminium for safety? The TGA feigned not understanding the question to avoid answering it. When pressed, they took the question on notice and then refused to provide further information, with Minister Gallagher covering for her bureaucrats. This is unbecoming for a senior bureaucrat and for the Minister.
Australians want an answer to this, and I will keep at the subject until I get one. The fact they are hiding from the question suggests the answer is as recent science is showing – aluminium preservatives in vaccines are causing autism in some children.
Senator ROBERTS: My third and final set of questions is about aluminium adjuvants. Again, constituents are raising this. A study published in September took biopsies from the brains of older children diagnosed with
autism and found their brains contained significantly elevated levels of aluminium, especially aluminium hydroxide and aluminium phosphate, which are present in the hexa jabs. Has the health testing on aluminium
build-up in our children’s bodies been done using water-soluble aluminium salts, which are not used in vaccine products, or has this research been done using the actual aluminium used in vaccine products, aluminium
hydroxide and aluminium phosphate?
Prof. Lawler: Sorry; did you reference research? There was a question there about whether research has been done?
Senator ROBERTS: Has the research been done on babies’ brains using the aluminium found in vaccine products, aluminium hydroxide and aluminium phosphate, or has it been done using water-soluble aluminium
Prof. Lawler: Sorry; I’m just trying to be clear. Is the research that you’re asking me about the research that you cited?
Senator ROBERTS: No, I haven’t cited anything. To your knowledge, has the health testing on aluminium build-up in our children’s bodies been done using water-soluble aluminium salts, which are not used in vaccine
products, or has the research been done using the actual aluminium found in vaccine products, aluminium hydroxide and aluminium phosphate Prof. Lawler: I’m sorry; I don’t know the research that you’re specifically referring to.
Senator ROBERTS: Okay. I’ll send you some papers. Is the type of aluminium in vaccine products bioresistant? Does it ever leave the bodies of our children?
Prof. Lawler: Again, there are a number of very specific and very technical questions that you’re asking us. For the purposes of answering them, as I’ve previously indicated, we’re very happy to take these questions—
Senator ROBERTS: That’s fine. I’ve got nothing against taking them on notice.
Prof. Lawler: Okay. I would like to provide you with as fulsome a response as possible.
Senator ROBERTS: Thank you. Are repeated doses of low concentrations of aluminium adjuvant in a vaccine product more harmful than a single large dose? A related question: how many vaccine products
containing aluminium hydroxide and aluminium phosphate has the TGA authorised for administration to children? You’ll have to take that on notice.
Prof. Lawler: I certainly will have to take that on notice.
Senator ROBERTS: I only had a concern about the one I objected to. I have no concern about the rest at all. I appreciate that it’s a better answer. Individual vaccine products have been safety tested. Has any safety testing been done on multiple, concurrent administration of vaccine products to babies under six months, with special attention to multiple administration of low dose aluminium adjuvants?
Prof. Lawler: Professor Langham can add to this response. There has been not only significant research undertaken with respect to the administration of vaccines but there is significant real-world evidence over decades on the safety of the administration of the vaccines that we approve.
Prof. Langham: I have nothing further to add on that. As you’re aware, we have a number of avenues whereby safety signals from all registered products in Australia are overseen from a pharmacovigilance
perspective, as Dr Larter has already mentioned. We work closely with other global regulators and also with other research that’s published. As Professor Lawler has said, with the vast body of information that exists about these vaccines and their use in children, there have been no signals.
Senator ROBERTS: So you can’t answer the question as to whether or not—
Prof. Langham: I think I did answer the question.
Senator Gallagher: Yes. I think that’s definitely an answer.
Senator ROBERTS: I’ll ask it again. Has any safety testing been done on multiple concurrent administration of vaccine products to babies under six months, with special attention to multiple administration of low-dose
aluminium adjuvants? Can you tell me if multiple injections have a different effect from one or two injections?
Prof. Langham: The evidence that exists from a safety perspective is not only the clinical trial data that we receive upon registration but also the ongoing evidence from a real-world perspective of the use of these vaccines in those multiple dose formulations in many millions of children around the world.
Prof. Lawler: For many years.
Senator ROBERTS: I have a last question. Are aluminium adjuvants causing the spectrum of neurological conditions that are commonly called autism?
Prof. Lawler: I’m not aware of any accepted evidence that that is the case.
Senator ROBERTS: Minister, you may sigh—
Senator Gallagher: Do you know why I sigh, Senator Roberts? It’s because I have a child with autism, and I have vaccinated children, and I find it offensive.
Senator ROBERTS: Well, I find it offensive to not respond to a constituent, and I’m responding to constituents. That’s my job. They pay me.
Senator Gallagher: Well, I’ve had enough.
Senator ROBERTS: Professor Lawler, have you heard of these papers? I think this will be my last question, Chair.
CHAIR: Yes, it will be.
Senator ROBERTS: I’ve mentioned one by Dr Karla Lehmann from 2024 titled ‘Suspected Causes of the Specific Intolerance Profile of Spike-Based Covid-19 Vaccines’ in the European Society of Medicine. There’s one
from 2022 by El-Arif G et al called ‘Angiotensin II Type I Receptor (AT1R): The Gate towards COVID-19 – Associated Diseases’ published in Molecules. In 2023 Fajloun and Sabatier published ‘The Unsuspected Role of the Renin-Angiotensin System (RAS): Could its Dysregulation be at the Root of All Non-Genetic Human Diseases?’ in Bentham Science. In 2023 Parry, P et al wrote, ‘”Spikeopathy”: COVID-19 Spike Protein Is
Pathogenic, from Both Virus and Vaccine mRNA’ in Biomedicines (Journal). The last one is from Pelumbo, Avila and Naftolin in 2016 called ‘The Ovarian Renin-Angiotensin System (OVRAS): A Major Factor in Ovarian Function and Disease’ in PubMed by the National Institute of Health, the National Library of Medicine USA.
Prof. Lawler: I’d be very happy to receive those studies—I’ll speak on behalf of Professor Langham if she doesn’t mind. I would say that there is a very well established understanding of the importance of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system in a number of various elements of regulation of human function. I think it is well recognised that they are impacted by the COVID disease itself.
Senator ROBERTS: What part of the COVID disease?
Prof. Lawler: It will be very useful for us to review those articles so that we can be sure that they are reflective of the impact of COVID not, as suggested, an impact of the vaccine.
Senator ROBERTS: Good. Thank you very much. Would you like the references sent as paper copies, as attachments or by links?
Prof. Lawler: At your pleasure.
Senator Gallagher: Carrier pigeon.
Senator ROBERTS: Chair, I’ll be putting forward a number of questions on notice on the spike protein.
Hey when you get the “on notice” questions answered, how can we see this? Good work Senator, oorah.
Study shows in the USA that vaccines does cause damage they are lies.
Also why isn’t anyone doing anything about the Australian government bodies that regulate our food industry with all the chemicals they are putting in our foods.
We are a dumbed down people doctors overseas have been saying this for years. How long does it take for us to wake up in this Country?
What an utter disgrace these “people” are. Not even attempting to answer the questions. I have read the papers and done the research – the answer is no – no papers exist to support the use of any “vaccine’ – they are all dangerous. All about money for this lot.
Hello Senator Malcolm Roberts.
My sincere thanks for your outstanding representation regarding the myriad of VAX side effects, the research is significant, & certainly irrefutable. I have multiple concerns regarding the future well being of the children adversely impacted. Perhaps the phenomenal prospective costs regarding Autism Spectrum Disorder treatment may resonate. The cohort is horrendously disadvantaged as are the majority of Australians.
It,s as though both the government and the professors resent you questioning
them,but keep at them.Your doing a great job for all of us and I hope you had a Happy Christmas and have a happy New Year. Best wishes Peter.
Thank you, Senator Roberts, for raising this topic. These ‘Professors’ are either ignorant of the facts, or trying to hide the truth – as is so often the case with people in their position. As for Senator Gallagher, she needs to do some serious independent research – then seek help from a competent natural therapist to detox her autistic child of aluminium and other toxins. There is mounting empirical evidence that such detoxification can be helpful in lessening symptoms of autism.
And it isn’t just autism that is of concern in regard to vaccination. Governments absolutely refuse to fund studies comparing vaccinated to unvaccinated populations, however a number of independent studies/surveys have been conducted in recent decades – and every one of them has found that the unvaccinated are in much better health. This is the most recent I am aware of:
Here is an excerpt from the Abstract:
Results from the 2019/2020 nationwide Control Group Survey of Unvaccinated Americans show that those refusing vaccines are thriving while those accepting them are being injured and met with a multiplicity of grave injuries as well as sudden unexpected death. This survey quantified the long-term health risks of total vaccine avoidance against the health outcomes observed in the 99.74% vaccine-exposed American population. . . . The null hypothesis, that no significant difference would be found between vaccinated vs. unvaccinated persons in heart disease, diabetes, digestive disorders, eczema, asthma, allergies, developmental disabilities, birth defects, epilepsy, autism, ADHD, cancers, and arthritis, is rejected with overwhelming statistical confidence and power in every single contrast. . . . The Control Group comparison graphs lead to the inescapable conclusion, and near mathematical certainty, that vaccine exposure is the actual cause of the observed disparity in health outcomes between vaccinated and unvaccinated populations. Vaccines are NOT moving the population toward better health, as suggested by the World Health Organization and the US Department of Health & Human Services, but rather toward epidemic levels of lifelong debilitating chronic disorders.
Senator Roberts it’s like pulling teeth with these imbeciles…..the Australian people are fed up with this BS …..we want the truth and we want it now …..we are tired of the lies ….its time these people were shut down and sacked for their deliberate incompetence 😖😡
Senator Gallagher’s comment of “Well, I’ve had enough”?
A totally unprofessional and unacceptable response from a member.
You have my utmost respect Senator Roberts. Your fortitude and perseverence in the presence of such apathy, is greatly appreciacted.
A relative who has a son of around 15 years and is very autistic was fine until he was 3 but suddenly changed!? I never asked questions but I thought maybe some thing had happened to him, an injury or whatever. When the COVID POISON JABS came along the boy nor his mother took the JAB and it was then that I found out it was after the MMR JAB that the boy’s character had changed!.
I an adult child who has autism but has never been vaccinated. If there is any link between aluminium and autism in their case it would have had to have come from some other source. I don’t suppose any test have been done on unvaccinated people to see whether there’s aluminium in their brains.
Senator Roberts, jmo, Senator Gallagher tried to use her Autistic child as an excuse to not investigate the use of Aluminium (in any form) in vaccines over multiple doses. As a Grandfather of 4 grandchildren, all diagnosed with varying degrees of Autism, I can say that I find Senator Gallagher’s response offensive. One would think, given her circumstances, that Senator Gallagher would be only too willing to have answers about the high rate of Autism nationally?
I beat a non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma blood cancer by cutting down sugar, bad foods, alcohol and eating alkalising foods. Also by taking some clever supplements
my adult son has autism…he was diagnosed in 1990 after having his measles mumps and rubella vacination and having many days of delerium….i did a lot of research at the time and found that Canada had come to the conclusion that the vacination contributed to autism…if they have found more evidence for this i and many other people would like to know..Thank you senator Roberts for looking into this….
Merry Christmas to you and your team. Gallagher evil incarnate. How is she still in parliament after it was proved she lied to parliament and the Australian people about the Higgins incident.
Dr. Chris Exley who is the top aluminium scientist in the world, found large amounts of aluminium in the brains of autistic children and adults with Alzheimer’s. When he presented his papers he was attacked and his papers removed and funding taken. This is why we can’t get to the truth. It is being hidden. The truth will set us free. Please follow Dr.Exleys substack for a wealth of information proving aluminium is a main trigger of autism.
I just finished watching a Documentary by Dr Brian Ardis on the Benefits of Nicotine. All studies and claims are from World wide Scientists and University Papers, plus His own Studies. It will show You Why they Do Not want us to use Nicotine . The Findings are Unberlievable about the illnesses that it has Results on!! I will try getting it out to as many as Possible, as We have been Lied to for Years. Nicotine is a Nutrient in Plants, like lots of Vegetables , so it has to be Organic of Course.The Truth is coming out!!.