Australia voted yes to equality. Thank you for saying ‘No’.
You did it. Every State and Territory of Australia said NO to the racist Voice EXCEPT for Canberra.

PM Albanese Fails to Listen to the Australian Heartland
Despite hundreds of millions of dollars for the Yes campaign to constitutionally enshrine a Voice to Parliament, the Australian people overwhelmingly spoke with one voice and said NO, except that is for the Capital. This just goes to show how out of step Canberra’s bureaucrat class are with the rest of Australia.
The government’s Yes campaign involved pushing councils, sporting bodies, schools, universities, unions and the corporate sector including the Big 4 banks and QANTAS into backing the Voice.
Australia saw through the spin and the pressure of the Yes campaign. The Voice was not a genuine offer. It wasn’t about helping Australia’s most vulnerable people. It was yet more foreign globalist interference and follows the UN’s resolution, “Transforming Our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” which Australia signed up to. The UN’s reaction to Australia’s resounding NO is to predictably condemn the vote as exposing “hidden racism” and a failure to recognise human rights of Indigenous Peoples. They fail to grasp that it is aboriginal people in Australian politics and on the ground in the bush who led the NO campaign. Is it ignorance or deliberate misinformation from the UN?
Aboriginal Australians voted against this divisive measure too. Only the Albanese government and woke white saviour lefties voted for it. Albanese is a puppet for the globalists and needs to go.
As Senator Pauline Hanson says, “Australia has dodged a bullet and the people who fired it must now be held accountable”. Despite this overwhelming indication at the ballot box, some state governments are ploughing ahead down the path to treaty. So hang on to your NO t-shirts for now.
The division in Australia isn’t racially driven, it’s politically driven. The Yes campaign didn’t fail on race, it failed because those pushing it, from government to big business, are the same lot that were pushing the COVID shots.
People power is exactly the medicine we needed after COVID.
Why does Anthony Albanese hate the Australian people so much. And pretends to work for all Australian’s the worst person to be a Prime Minister.
Albo doesn’t work for us (the people) he works for the UN and gets paid a lot for it.
I watched the Insiders program on the ABC last Sunday expecting to see these woke numpties eating a slice of humble pie. To the contrary, I learnt that the reason I voted NO was because I had been fed misinformation by Jacinta Price and her ilk.
The lesson for Canberra is that they need to spend more on advertising and find a better advertising agency so that the rest of of Australia can be properly educated in the truth.
So Rick, what you’re saying is that we need a higher standard of lies?
Both big gangs are well proven in their skill at word twisting and juggling.
Your final paragraph is confusing. An oxymoron? Better advertising /truth?
You were not at all fed “misinformation” by the No campaign. The mainstream media are nothing but a mouthpiece for the Government – they’re peddling this misinformation lie because they want the misinformation/disinformation 2023 Bill to be passed (look it up – it’s really happening! And guess what – Gov are EXEMPT from the rules. In other words, the Gov will be our single source of truth, even when it’s not true).
BTW ABC are the absolute last place we should go to get “informed” about anything. The mainstream media are owned and spoken for – it’s up to us to take personal responsibility and do our own research, if we want to know the truth about anything
Here is the issue. They do NOT want us to be educated, informed and thinking for ourselves; the would mean their gig is up on all fronts. They lie to cover lies and egos and then make up some more rubbish to scare us into giving up our freedoms and rights. Be off with them.
“The stranglehold of the left-wing over the Department of Aboriginal Affairs was complete. Responsible elements in the Department were as ineffective in their efforts as ourselves.” (”Red Over Black” – Geoff Mcdonald – former Communist – Industrial Officer RANF – 1982 – comment resulting from McDonald’s efforts on behalf of two violence hospitalized Aboriginal leaders re “the Department of Aboriginal Affairs in Canberra refusal to allow the police to be stationed at either Yuendumu or Hooker Creek.”)
From McDonald’s experienced comment, it would seem that we need look no further than the Department of Aboriginal Affairs in Canberra to understand the Why / How elements of our Indigenous have been held back: “the employment of Aboriginal medicine men to work with the RANF (nurses) — experienced RANF nurses — objecting to the new system, after it had been instituted as a directive from Canberra in the package of ‘returning to the old ways to give the Aborigines more dignity.’ “
“More dignity” – or to keep elements of our Indigenous as a “separate entity” for later planned “DIVISIVE ends?
Best Wishes Bill Webster
All Australians value our indigenous people and will wholeheartedly support a transparent meaningful option, but we need to take care: the West has been led by the nose to the point of surrendering our Western way of life – founded on the Judeo-Christian ethic – via a relentless subversive “element”: “call sign” – “DIVISIVENESS.”
The reason why it cost so much for the YES campaign was because he bribed all these major institutions and not mentioned, also included the major stores like Woolworths, Coles and alike. Good money waisted. They tried to push diversity and for the Australian people to be racist. I am European born and lived Australia for years and only in the seventies have I experienced racism. Since then the Australian people have moved on and have embraced people of all cultures and race. Why would you bring a law that will put us back there. This country belongs to the Indigenous people first and WE ALL came to this county for a better life. The only people who are racist are from the bubble we call Canberra. The same people that did so wrong to the indigenous people of these country when white man landed on this land. They deserve the same opportunities that all of us have. I agree that they also need more education, but we all know where that money is going, not to where is needed. The YES campaign has a bigger agenda attached to it. I read a story yesterday that the UN is involved in this campaign. That’s all I will say about that.
I voted No because I got the gut feeling I should. Only a week prior to voting I found some interesting info and that made my decision set in concrete.
Albo is a liar. He said the Voice paper was one page of A4, then it was found to be 126 pages (unsubstantiated), so I did some digging myself and found and grabbed all 112 pages on the ins and outs of the Voice.
Lying will only get you in deeper water. Its bad enough the useless sod has NOT told any of the public about what he is up to.
Giving $100 million to WHO. Joins the group to cut methane, joins the group to cut food produce.
WHO if it gets its way, we will have a puppet Government doing the beck and call of WHO – WTF? USA running this country? Aw c’mon they can’t even get their own place in order and look after their people.
Even with all the info now raising its ugly head about the side effects – serious or death, he still wants to press on with poisoning everyone. Not me thanks, I am calling a halt to it and he can go and suck sh!t! Albo is a Lilly livered gutless wonder who hasn’t the ballz to stand up to USA and WHO and tell them NO! we run our own country. We will tell the people what they can and can’t do.
Finally Australia is waking up! Its corporate government ruled by NWO has never been about what is good for this country. Ask yourselves what their bottom line is about. I and my friends are so happy we NO voters have won. WE OF THE PEOPLE HAVE SPOKEN!
The issue of familial and other child and women abuse in all communities across the nation, not just Aboriginal groups, is THE serious issue that so many avoid and skirt around, but needs to be addressed by a caring and sensible nation. Until we do the left will continue to side-track us all into their agenda topics. The Voice of children is what needs to be heard.
And they still push this Agenda even after spending millions of a wasted referendum n to go against the ppl I just don’t know what the ppl are allowing to happen to our country this tyrants are outa control
The “NO” vote was a loud and clear POLITICAL message to politicians, the “government’ and the media that the Australian people are NOT trusting them any more!!! Across the continent – well over 60% of voters were UNITED against their common enemy. The politicians and the government are under notice that they are irrelevant and are not representing the views, the feelings, the morality or the visions of the future of the people anymore!