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One Nation Senators preparing amendments to rectify flaws in the IR Bill

The government is on notice that One Nation is expecting due consideration of its amendments to the Industrial Relations Bill next week in Parliament. Senator Malcolm Roberts said, “I have doubts about the government’s commitment to comprehensive debate on the Industrial Relations legislation with the committee report due Friday and a vote expected next week. […]


Legalise Vaping in Australia

It is currently illegal to purchase any e-liquids or e-cigarettes containing nicotine in Australia. It shouldn’t be. Thousands of pages of science and data support the effectiveness of e-cigarettes as an aid to quit smoking. Public health England has found the available evidence suggests that e-cigs are likely to be considerably less harmful than cigarettes. […]

Rule of Law must prevail

I’m not just talking about politicians, I’m talking about staffers, and so wherever you’ve got something like that, there’s potential for the people who want to exercise their power to have power over other people.

Woolworths backtracks on cash ban

Supermarket giant Woolworths has abandoned a controversial trial of cashless stores following complaints from shoppers who still want to use notes and coins to buy their groceries. 6,000 people signed a One Nation petition calling on Woolworths to ditch their cash ban. It followed on from One Nation successfully defeating a proposal in parliament late […]


How to restore Australia’s productive capacity

Australia used to have one of the highest household incomes in the world. What has happened since then? Decades of weak leadership under Liberal and Labor governments, and it doesn’t look like it will get better anytime soon. Transcript The government at the moment is proposing industrial relations reform. It is tinkering. That’s all it […]