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Select Committee proposed to investigate QLD Council Corruption

Through the Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) Ltd the deep corruption that had been culturally entrenched in Ipswich and Logan Councils, is ingeniously and systemically infecting many other Queensland councils. Senator Malcolm Roberts lodged a Senate motion this week calling for a Select Committee on Corruption in Queensland Local Government to be established to […]

University Reforms Package

Transcript [Deputy President] Thank you, Sen. Rice. Sen. Roberts? [Malcolm Roberts] Thank you, Madam Deputy President. As a servant to the people of Queensland and Australia, I support the government’s changes to university funding. Firstly, though we agree with the government’s general thrust. Secondly, we want to go further to ensure responsibility among students and […]


Ensuring Academic Integrity – 2SM with Marcus Paul

Transcript [Marcus Paul] All right, it’s now 16 minutes away from 8:00. Malcom’s with us on the programme. Hello, mate, how are you? [Malcolm Roberts] I’m very well. [Marcus Paul] Excellent. [Malcolm Roberts] I’m very, very well, Marcus. And, by the way, I understand this is the first time I’ll be speaking to you while […]

One Nation protects workers’ entitlements and safety

The increasing use of casuals and contractors in Bowen Basin mining industry workplace agreements is undermining safety. Senator Roberts wrote a detailed submission for the Grosvenor Mine Board of Inquiry highlighting the issues of workplace intimidation, job security and the lack of representation for casual coal miners. Senator Roberts said, “We know that the coal […]


Letter to Premier: Repeal the Reef Regulations

8 September 2020 Hon. Annastacia Palaszczuk Premier of Queensland PO Box 15185 CITY EAST  QLD  4002 Dear Premier Re: Repeal of Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Regulations 2019 Queensland’s Great Barrier Reef is an immense treasure and multi-dimensional asset belonging to the people of Queensland. Our beautiful reef is a spiritual asset connecting people with […]