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People suffer when political whims dictate policy

When policy development is at the mercy of the political whims of which ever party is in government, it cripples industry and Australia’s future economic prosperity. Instead of reputable evidence, policy makers defer to political beliefs and vested interests, resulting in a policy failure that wastes an eye-watering amount of taxpayers’ money. Senator Roberts said, […]


CSIRO’s conceit stands by discredited science

This week Senator Malcolm Roberts revealed CSIRO’s complete lack of scientific justification for climate policies and CSIRO’s only response was to state their world ranking. Senator Roberts said, “CSIRO’s response to my findings came before my report was even released, which reinforces the academic arrogance that comes from believing they are above questioning.   “We all […]

COVID19 Recession Avoidable

Today, Australia officially entered into the “COVID19 recession” with the economy contracting by 7% in the second quarter of 2020. This recession was avoidable if the Australian government, States and Territories had use the best available data and experience from around the world rather than reacting to models that predicted an armageddon.

CSIRO has misled Parliament

CSIRO has misled parliament. Last night in the Senate I laid out my argument that the CSIRO has misled parliament by allowing the government to base climate policies on CSIRO’s advice which includes discredited scientific papers and unvalidated models.


Restoring Scientific Integrity

This report provides a summary of the discussions and transcripts from meetings with CSIRO. Additional links in the References section give an in-depth appreciation of analysis of the evidence provided by CSIRO. In the context of seeking CSIRO’s empirical evidence to justify climate policies, I know that CSIRO: has never stated that carbon dioxide from […]

Properties of Carbon Dioxide

Neither H2O (water) nor CO2 (carbon dioxide) are pollutants. CO2, carbon dioxide: Is essential for all life on earth; Is just 0.04% of earth’s air – four one hundredths of a per cent; Is scientifically classified as a trace gas because there is so little of it Is non-toxic; not noxious; Is highly beneficial to, […]

Where is your COVID19 plan Prime Minister?

Yesterday I spoke in the Senate about the lack of a plan to live with and master COVID19 rather than hiding behind advice from bureaucrats in the health departments. There is no guarantee when or if there will be a vaccine. Where is your plan Prime Minister? Transcript I know that there are many grieving […]