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Australians Deserve Their Own Home

Australians are sleeping on the street and the Government doesn’t care. Hundreds of thousands of arrivals are flowing into the country while we don’t have houses for the Australians that are here.  Rent prices are up 40% and house prices are 10x the average income, completely out of reach for most of Australians. We need to […]


Ineffective Use of Funds and Procurement Practices by the NIAA

During this Senate Estimate session, I inquired about the amount the National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA) spent on the unsuccessful Voice Referendum.  The figure was not available. I questioned whether that expenditure might have been more effectively used if directed straight to the communities and expressed concern about the efficacy of the spending. I highlighted […]


No Progress on Wage Theft

I asked officials from the Department of Employment and Workplace Relations (DEWR) if they were aware of the second reading amendment, which requires the government to investigate wage theft in the Hunter Valley. This issue could potentially involve up to $1 billion, impacting around 5,000 miners with losses estimated at $40,000 per person per year. […]


Spectator Australia: Minor Parties Can Save the West

25/07/24 – My latest article in the Spectator Australia. ‘Blame Farage for the Tory wipe-out!’ Or so went the rather limp voices in the UK, grasping for excuses following the massacre of globalist politics led by Rishi Sunak. The desire for sensible conservative and libertarian-minded policy is on the rise, as is the renewal of […]


Senator Watt Grilled on Immigration

Senate Estimates: I asked Senator Watt what was being done to reduce net immigration.   The government’s planned reduction is insufficient.  Cutting immigration is not enough.  Temporary visa holders need to leave now.It’s time to put Australians first. Transcript Senator ROBERTS: My questions are concise and straightforward, and hopefully the answers will be the same—so […]