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Why we need a COVID Royal Commission Now

Transcript As a servant to the many different people who make up our one Queensland community, One Nation has today advanced a matter of public importance calling for a royal commission into Australia’s COVID response. The rush of real science in the last few months makes it clear that COVID-19 has been a tragic and […]

Is the UN trying to groom our kids?

Exposing underage children to sexually explicit material is grooming. Why is the United Nations saying nine year olds should be taught about about masturbation and view pornography? My article in the Spectator provides more detail on the UN WHO’s disgusting plans: https://www.spectator.com.au/2023/05/children-targeted-by-who-standards-for-sexuality-education-in-europe/ Transcript As a servant to the many different people that make up our […]

Senator Roberts’ Easter Message to Australia

I hope you will be having an enjoyable easter with family or friends and have time to reflect on the things that matter. Stay safe on the roads. Transcript As a servant to the many different people who make up our one Queensland community, this Easter I refer to Luke 23 describing governor of Judea […]

Parliament passes $15 billion slush fund

Transcript Queensland community, I speak to the National Reconstruction Fund Corporation Bill 2023. One Nation has, on occasion, pointed out that Labor will run a government for the benefit of their union boss mates, the Liberals for the benefit of their big business mates, and the teals and the Greens for the benefit of their […]

Only $80 billion of $1.2 trillion in deposits protected

Transcript Senator ROBERTS: My question is to the Minister for Finance, Senator Gallagher. Last week I asked questions about the funding for the deposits guarantee scheme, which was designed to protect the money in the bank accounts of everyday Australians—capped at $250,000 per account, $20 billion per bank and $80 billion total. Minister, when the […]

$4.7 billion bank heist goes unpunished

Transcript As a servant to the many amazing people who make up our one Queensland community, I note that if an everyday Australian steals a few thousand dollars they go to jail, yet if a banker steals $4.7 billion they do not go to jail. As at 31 December 2022, six of Australia’s largest banking […]