About Sheenagh Langdon
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Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud Sheenagh Langdon contributed a whooping 215 entries.
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Bogged Snowy 2.0 in a hole lot of trouble
February 15, 2023 /2 Comments/by Sheenagh LangdonWho’s going to keep the lights on?
February 14, 2023 /8 Comments/by Sheenagh LangdonSpy agency ASIO not aware of secret Sydney Communist China police station
Reports last year indicated that the China has set up police stations across the world including one in Sydney. Chinese authorities have said the stations, sometimes called “contact points”, provide services to citizens, such as renewing national identification cards, passports and drivers licences, by using facial recognition technology. But human rights groups fear overseas police […]
Labor rams through communist style control over the gas industry
Transcript President, as a servant to the many varied and hard-working people in our QLD community, I’m happy to travel back to Canberra for this session while recognising that due to yet another Labor-Greens-Teal rushed bill many senators cannot. I’ve submitted a document discovery today to find out exactly how much taxpayers’ money was wasted […]
Vaccine Anti-Discrimination Amendment moved on Industrial Relations Bill
Transcript Minister, you look like you need a break, so I will give you a break from your legal jousting and setting up definitions of terms for the future. In proposing this bill, the government says the bill aims to secure jobs. My amendment on sheet 1768 goes to the heart of ensuring job security […]
Labor ignores One Nation’s Industrial Relations Fix
For many years I have been pointing out the exploitation of casual workers who are paid less than workers doing the same job next to them. Despite Labor’s promises, they have failed to do anything to fix this problem. My Equal Pay for Equal Work Bill prevents the exploitation of workers through the use of […]
Rushed Industrial Relations Reforms risk wrecking workplaces
Transcript As a servant to the people of Queensland and Australia and to the workers and small businesses of our nation, I want to firstly thank the minister’s staff and the departmental staff for their briefings. I want to thank the many companies, unions, employer entities and workers. We listened. The Hawke-Keating years broke the […]
High Speed rail isn’t practical for Australia
High Speed Rail! It’s a great slogan for politicians in election campaigns, but it just doesn’t work for Australia. Our cities are too small, the distances too long and geography too complex to build it cheaply enough. Our money is much better spent on other infrastructure like dams, power stations and a national rail circuit […]
Wrap up of the National Anti Corruption Commission
The National Anti Corruption Commission (NACC) has passed Parliament and will be established next year. So what’s covered by the NACC and what is One Nation’s view on these issues? I spoke on this in Parliament this week. Something to tackle corruption is long overdue, we’re looking forward to having this body up and running […]
Malcolm’s Fight
Casual Coal Wage TheftFebruary 21, 2024 - 2:09 pm
Over $30,000 a year being stolen, and it’s been signed off by the union and the government. Find out about the largest wage theft from casuals in Australia.
My Other IssuesFebruary 16, 2021 - 12:08 pm
Murray Darling BasinMarch 23, 2020 - 3:05 am
Foreign OwnershipOctober 16, 2019 - 4:58 am
Property rightsOctober 16, 2019 - 4:39 am
United Nations #AUSEXITOctober 16, 2019 - 2:31 am
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