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NSW Handmaid’s Bills Will Hurt Women and Children

New South Wales State MP Alex Greenwich has introduced two horrific anti-human bills in the NSW parliament. These bills are so bad I had to raise my concerns in a Senate speech. In 2023 women are becoming simultaneously invisible and exploited. Women’s rights are being removed by the Left under the cover of ‘inclusive’ gender […]

The Recession That Shall Not Be Named

Australia has entered a per capita recession although total GDP is still going up thanks to the government’s favourite Ponzi scheme — immigration. How is Australia going to provide homes and basic services for the one million new arrivals this year? Homes don’t get built that fast and we are already in a deficit of […]

What Do Globalists Hate About Nuclear Power?

I know that nuclear is an answer to humanity’s energy needs. There are other solutions too, including hydro, which is under utilised in Australia, and clean coal. Modern coal can be used in a way that produces zero carbon dioxide. A trial site in Tasmania is currently awaiting the equipment to convert coal to hydrogen, […]

No More Net Zero Performances from Politicians

From COVID mismanagement to inflation. Unsustainable immigration and the resulting housing crisis. Where do you put a million extra arrivals when you can’t house those already here? And at the core of it all is the price of electricity which hits every single part of our lives because it affects everyone from the householder to […]

Native Title Inquiry Needed Now

I spoke in support of Senator Hanson’s motion for an inquiry into Native Title. The problem many of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders we speak to have continuously raised with us is that under Native Title the land is locked up and can’t benefit from it. That’s about half of Australia locked up under […]

QANTAS Monopoly Puts Profits Over Service

I spoke in support of Senator Smith’s matter of urgency motion on airline competition in Australia to ensure transparency and scrutiny of the industry to protect consumers and promote healthy competition. It was once an iconic symbol that Australians could be proud of, but no more. Qantas took and kept the Jobkeeper handouts during COVID […]

The Labor Government’s War on Space

I spoke in support of a motion to protect Australia’s space program. The Albanese government’s decision to terminate the national space mission for Earth observation (NISMO) is shortsighted and false economy. Investment in a homegrown space program designing, building and launching satellites was a recommendation by the Australian Academy of Science in a 2022 report. […]

Calvary Hospital Taken Over Suddenly

In the wake of the sudden and unjust takeover by the ACT Labor-Greens government of Calvary Public Hospital, the Senate conducted a public hearing inquiry. I asked questions of a representative from the hospital. It is unusual that due process was not followed and a long-term contract was removed without consultation. Calvary had a very […]

Stop Hollowing Out the Bush

The Infrastructure Australia Amendment (Independent Review) Bill 2023 will gut investment in infrastructure. It’s PEOPLE that build a nation. What do they need? They need the infrastructure in place to build upon. This supposedly independent bill proposes to review any previous government infrastructure project that has not yet had spades in the ground with the […]