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Humans Not Responsible for Increases in CO2

I spoke briefly in the Senate about climate science. The data really does speak for itself. Only 12% of the increase in CO2 between 1750 and 2018 was man-made. That’s much too low to be the cause of any claimed global warming. Nature controls carbon dioxide levels, not humans. Transcript I want to talk briefly […]

Cost of Living Has Not Eased Under Labor

Everything has gone up. Food, fuel, electricity. Why? Australian supermarket and petrol profiteering is not being addressed by this government nor the consumer watchdog, the ACCC, which is asleep at the wheel. Manufacturing costs however have risen and are implicated in the cost of living crisis. Shutting down cheap, reliable, baseload coal power and replacing […]

Did the Medical Countermeasures Consortium run COVID?

The Australian, American, British & Canadian military forces formed this consortium to dominate COVID response. Australia joined the consortium in 2012 under the Labor-Gillard government. A military-pharmaceutical apparatus linking the USA, Australia, Canada and the UK. Operation Warp Speed: The US Department of Defense signed the first contract between the US government and Pfizer for […]

A One Nation Event: Free Speech Conference

Tickets selling fast – secure your seat at: https://www.trybooking.com/CJYAW This is a much anticipated conference where everyday Australians will come together to hear the latest on the government’s plans to take away more of your rights, and how you can get involved in resisting. I will be conducting Q&As with Alan Jones, and with other […]

Voice – Treaty – Lies

112 page document obtained under FOI is available for download below. The Prime Minister has deliberately hidden his true agenda and contradicted his own statements regarding the Voice with lies about the Uluru Statement and a Treaty. He failed to tell Australians that without the constitutional change called the ‘Voice’ there is no national body […]

Labor Must Not Cut the Budget for Antarctica

Australia is fortunate, as one of the original Antarctic treaty signatories, to lay claim to the largest portion of the Antarctic continent. To cut back on infrastructure and research leaves Australia open to other nations’ claims to part of our territory. China already has four bases within our Australian Antarctic territory for mapping, research, communications […]

How bad is my batch just morphed into how bad is my Minister for Health!

Minister Gallagher seemed to misunderstand the last question on both opportunities to answer it. She did not answer what happens with other medicines. She and others present around her made faces and lipreading Minister Wong would be interesting. Minister Gallagher’s unguarded expressions give viewers the impression that she felt the question was inappropriate. She only […]