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In the wake of the sudden and unjust takeover by the ACT Labor-Greens government of Calvary Public Hospital, the Senate conducted a public hearing inquiry.

I asked questions of a representative from the hospital. It is unusual that due process was not followed and a long-term contract was removed without consultation.

Calvary had a very strong workplace culture with well-supported values. It was more than a location for people of faith, and staff often described working there like they were part of a family.

People are deeply upset by this compulsory acquisition and the reasons that could be behind such a move at this time.

I asked the ACT’s Minister for Health questions about the specific reasons behind this move. The answers don’t match the sudden nature of the takeover, as you will hear.

What is clear though is the ACT government does not welcome any interference in its ability to exercise its own powers.

4 replies
  1. CJ
    CJ says:

    Thank you.

    It’s appropriate that human beings are treated with love, care and respect, especially when unwell.

    These intangible qualities were evidently being delivered.

    At what point will those involved in efficiency, commence looking at the value of intangible qualities that faith based organisations actually deliver.

    A change of attitude would be most welcome.

  2. Ivor
    Ivor says:

    I was absolutely shocked and disgusted by this ACT Calvary take over !
    Is this something that could follow in other states and what right have they got to do it ?
    Calvary in SA have always been caring places so is this a direct religious attack and if so who is leading it ?
    It’s time to drain the swamp and I pray that the politically blind will start to see lib & lab for what they really are 🙏
    Keep up the great work , I just wish you had the numbers to back you ☹️

    • Grant Denniston
      Grant Denniston says:

      Correct , Communism still spreading with not near enough backlash ! 21 Churches burnt to the ground in Canada in 2021 and not so much as a raised eyebrow from Trudeau ! When they target Christianity you KNOW ITS COMMUNISM!!

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