Australians and people worldwide criticise politicians. After three years in parliament, I know why. Yet people allow politicians to rule their lives and allow governments to take control of their lives. Why? I invite people to ask basic questions and to then decide. Consider the drug ivermectin. It’s been given in 3.7 billion doses over 60 years—no adverse effects; safe. Ivermectin is off patent—affordable. In 2013 ivermectin was approved in Australia for treating diseases. In 2014 I took ivermectin after working in India. It cured me—no adverse effects. Australian doctors regularly prescribe ivermectin for illnesses.
Is it effective with COVID? In April 2020 in the Senate, I raised ivermectin’s promising in vitro trials at Monash University. Counties, states and regions in South America, Asia, Africa and Europe have had amazing success with ivermectin for treating, curing and preventing COVID. More than 40 peer-reviewed scientific papers have been published hailing ivermectin’s success in treating COVID. A study among Indian healthcare workers showed an 83 per cent reduction in COVID infections with just two tablets. Ivermectin, overseas, is recognised as a cure.
I’m told that Queensland doctors and dentists are stockpiling ivermectin for their families. An internationally respected Australian specialist recently saved 24 very sick patients in quarantine using ivermectin. All quickly recovered. Two others not treated died. Overseas, ivermectin is a prophylactic, stopping COVID transmission. Where vaccines are failing, ivermectin is succeeding. How many deaths would have been saved if the health minister had acted?
I have prescriptions for ivermectin from two doctors. Why can’t all Australians have that freedom to choose? Why isn’t Australia’s government adopting ivermectin? Why did the TGA threaten and try to silence me with a letter when I discussed ivermectin with constituents as their representative in parliament? I mentioned ivermectin in a YouTube video and was banned for a week. Member of parliament Craig Kelly made statements based on solid data. After speaking about ivermectin, Facebook banned him forever. Why are doctors scared of being struck off the doctors’ registry if they prescribe ivermectin to cure their patients?
Consider the vaccine maker Pfizer’s profits. It’s second quarter 2021 revenue was $19 billion, up 89 per cent. In three months, it made $4 billion profit. The European Medicines Agency discovered a definite link between Pfizer’s vaccine causing myocarditis. In September 2020, our TGA approved Pfizer’s Vyndamax drug to treat myocarditis. Our health department confirmed the AstraZeneca vaccine’s links with blood clots. Pfizer’s Eliquis drug treats blood clotting. Last quarter its sales were up 13 per cent. So are those blood clots rare? Really? In 2019 Pfizer’s Zavicefta drug was approved to ICU patients on ventilators. Is Pfizer making profits making people sick and more profit treating the sickness it caused?
Consider the ownership of vaccine makers. Alphabet owns YouTube and Google. Alphabet owns 12 per cent of Vaccitech, which created the AstraZeneca vaccine. YouTube bans videos mentioning ivermectin as a COVID treatment. Aren’t these conflicts of interest? If ivermectin was approved for COVID, what would happen to big pharma’s hundreds of billions of dollars in profits? These profits are a transfer of wealth from taxpayers to big pharma.
Before becoming health minister, Greg Hunt was the environment minister, where he joined Malcolm Turnbull steering a law through parliament as a basis for a global carbon dioxide tax. In 2000 and 2001, he spent two years at the World Economic Forum in Davos developing strategy. A simple question: did he work on the forum’s great reset? I have already spoken on the government’s lack of a proper COVID management plan. Why has Minister Hunt falsely claimed that the government’s COVID policy is based on science when he is contradicting science? Finally, who owns the legacy media suppressing news of ivermectin’s success? In summary, ivermectin would complement vaccines, give people informed choice, save many lives, end lockdowns—and, in doing so, save more lives—save money, restore our economy to secure future health and end any need for vaccine passports or vaccine prisons. Basic freedoms, jobs and livelihoods could be restored. Why is the government not using ivermectin as a proven, safe, affordable life saver? Feel welcome to share your answers with my office or Facebook page. Finally, I add, I have no financial interest in any drug or medical suppliers or companies.
The government is stumbling from thought bubble to thought bubble and looking more like dictators at each step. Australians are right to not trust them and believe they’ve got not idea.
I speak to the Treasury Laws Amendment (COVID-19 Economic Response No 2) Bill 2021. This bill is notable for what it Is not. Before financing economic response packages using taxpayer funds government must pay taxpayers the respect and courtesy of a comprehensive definition of the problem being addressed and then a comprehensive detailed plan to which taxpayers and our parliament can hold the government accountable.
Yet state and federal governments are lurching from one Covid event to another with no detailed plan. This breeds confusion, duplication, waste and as we’ve seen, contradictions within and between governments that are, in plain language, stupid and leave taxpayers incredulous.
This is driving fear, confusion, frustration, insecurity and anger. Everyday Australians have had a gutful of states blaming and bickering with each other and with the federal government – while imposing arbitrary Covid lockdowns and restrictions killing businesses, employment and our economy – and killing people. People need leadership, competence and integrity – people want to be heard and want a proper plan. What’s involved in a comprehensive plan for managing a virus? Data, truth and care.
In March and April 2020 I spoke in the Senate and indicated that after seeing reports of tens of thousands of deaths in Italy, Spain, France & China we would vote for the Covid-19 measures the Government introduced.
At that time I repeatedly warned the government that in the months ahead we would hold the government accountable and I expected them to provide the people with data and with a proper, detailed plan for their Covid response.
I’ve been holding government accountable since May 2020. Yet we’ve not seen a proper plan. The govt has not even shared the underpinning data on the virus characteristics nor the Doherty Centre modelling nor the erroneous, flawed UK modelling on which the Doherty modelling is based. Yet the government has splashed a huge bucket of taxpayer cash – hundreds of billions of dollars of taxpayer money – like swill. Instead, economic measures need to be based on a solid plan.
In senate estimates hearings in March and May this year the Chief Medical Officer and head of the federal department of Health both agreed with my list of strategies for a proper plan to manage a virus. These are:
Isolation – Lockdowns, national border closure – initially;
Testing, tracing and quarantining of the sick and the vulnerable;
Restrictions such as social distancing, masks;
Injections – Vaccines; (provided properly, fully tested and safe)
Treatments using cures and prophylactics;
Personal behaviour such as washing hands – they added that;
Health and fitness.
Both confirmed that my list is complete, it does not miss anything. It does not contain anything that should not be in the plan. All these strategies need to be considered. I’ll return to this list in a moment. I asked these officials for data characterising the virus – in terms of severity, or, mortality and transmissibility. I specified clearly that I wanted data relative to past respiratory diseases such as SARS, MERS and severe flus including the 1918 Spanish Flu and 1997 H5N1 Avian Flu.
Their later written answer included a diagram showing that while COVID-19 is highly transmissible, contagious, it’s severity is LOW to moderate. The diagram does not show that some people with Covid-19 have no symptoms. Many people diagnosed with Covid show symptoms typical of flu. A few small groups with co-morbidities can die. Having that breakdown into groups is crucial to having a proper plan for managing the virus. Where is it?
Why has government not shared this data with the people? By the way, Texas and Florida have opened their economies and removed Covid measures – including lockdowns, masks and business closures. These jurisdictions have experienced an almost identical pattern of infection, hospital admission and mortality as other American US States that are still in lockdown.After Florida’s only lockdown, state Governor Disantis apologised to his residents and has had no further lockdowns despite Florida having a high proportion of aged residents.
How many of the seven strategies are our govts adopting? Firstly, the states are capriciously using lockdowns killing our economy, killing small business, killing the regions – and killing people through increased suicides and attempted suicides. That’s slamming a trillion-dollar debt on Australians not yet born.
Even the UN’s World Health Organisation – a corrupt, incompetent and dishonest body – now admits lockdowns are a blunt instrument to be used only initially to get control of a virus. In continuing to use lockdowns, states are revealing they have not mastered the virus. Instead, the virus is managing the states.
Six days ago, the NSW Deputy Premier and Leader of the Nationals openly admitted that the NSW state government has no clue what is happening with lockdowns. We welcome his honesty. Lockdowns are a form of controlling people, useful for increasing widespread fear. Fear is a weapon, not only for control. It’s used to win elections. Invoking a crisis is a well-known tactic to help incumbent governments.
The federal government’s partially closed national borders are a form of isolation yet there are valid, proven strategies for better managing this that are based on data.Due to a looming election it seems the Prime Minister has taken a lesson from Qld, the Northern Territory and WA that ramped up fear of the virus before state elections to invoke the power of incumbency. What a disgrace. When politicians and media talk about the cost of Covid they are lying. The truth is it’s the cost of politically driven government restrictions. Testing, tracing and quarantining of the sick and vulnerable.
Although improving, testing and tracing in Australia have been poor. Vulnerable people are largely NOT adequately and fairly quarantined. Taiwan, a small island crammed with a population similar to Australia’s, has achieved an amazing performance with no interruption to its economy and no legacy debt. Taiwan did not lock up everyone. Instead it protected the sick and vulnerable. Taiwan’s economy continued to hum along because this proven strategy drastically cut Covid’s economic costs. Restrictions such as masks and social distancing.
Initially there were not enough masks available and authorities here and overseas told us that masks were not important. Yet later when masks became available the same authorities told us masks are vital. When Qld’s Health Minister earlier this year forced mask use she was asked whether drivers alone in cars would have to wear masks. She clearly did not know and then hesitatingly said “yes”.
When Brisbane in one corner of our state had three Covid-19 cases in January this year the Labor government mandated masks across the entire state – including the tiny town of Bamaga 2,700 kms away on our state’s northern tip where there were no cases. Masks are becoming a form of conditioning people to follow orders and to submit to government.
Vaccines or Injections.
The federal Chief Medical Officer, head of the federal Dept of Health and the head of the Therapeutic Goods Administration all have refused to guarantee the safety of these expensive injections. There have been reversals of advice and the public is now afraid and hesitant. Health authorities do not know the dosage needed, don’t know the number and frequency of doses – and admit that injections will not prevent transmission of the virus, will not stop people getting the virus, will not end restrictions. The effect on children in the womb and on future generations is not known. The long term effects on people injected is not known. Why the hell is the government injecting people with an untested drug? Serious adverse-effects including deaths due to the injections have occurred here, and overseas, thousands of people have died.
Governments, state and federal, have repeatedly contradicted their own earlier advice and assurances. Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt publicly admitted, quote: “The world is engaged in the largest clinical vaccination trial.” We are not lab rats. Governments are using threats of digital passports, or as I call them digital prisons, that withdraw services and prevent access to work and livelihoods, to events and to travel. Government wants to remove basic freedoms. No wonder vaccine hesitancy is spreading. Never before have western governments injected healthy people with a substance that can kill.
At the same time our government is depriving us of Ivermectin, a known treatment for, and preventative for, Covid-19. Over a period of 60 years and for various diseases it’s proven SAFE in 3.7 billion doses. It’s already approved in Australia to treat a number of health conditions. In April last year I raised the topic of promising Ivermectin in-vitro trials on Covid in Melbourne, yet the government did nothing.
Ivermectin is easily affordable and over the last year overseas has become a highly successful and proven treatment for Covid. Plus, over 40 medical/scientific papers now hail Ivermectin’s success. Prominent doctors across many fields of medicine including immunology and respiratory diseases advocate Ivermectin for treating Covid-19. Yet the federal government in Australia sits on its hands, is not exploring Ivermectin’s potential and refuses to authorise its use for Covid. The government is ignoring a proven medicine that could end this virus’ reign as it has overseas. The government has blood on its hands. Overseas, this proven strategy is drastically cutting Covid’s economic costs and keeps people healthy and economies healthy.
Ivermectin has one hurdle: its use will eliminate the hundreds of billions of dollars revenue for vaccine makers from vaccines that have bypassed standard testing and approval processes. Personal hygiene such as hand-washing, personal behaviour and practical actions – the same as for stopping the flu or a cold – another strain of Corona virus.
Health & fitness.
Obesity and other diseases increase the risk of Covid-19 yet government has done nothing. Although this is mostly personal responsibility, there’s a role for government providing data and advice. Of the seven strategies that senior federal health officials confirmed, the government is relying on only one expensive strategy of injections with known adverse health effects and on partial closure of borders. Instead of data, governments are pushing fear. Instead of a detailed plan, governments are pushing paranoia. Instead of strengthening our economy governments are lining BigPharma’s pockets. Covid-19 exposed our country’s core problem – atrocious state and federal governance. Atrocious and deadly. Governments talk about a new Covid-normal. That’s nonsense.
If governments cared and wanted us to feel safe they would have an end-to-end solution for Covid. A solid plan based on solid data and specifying WHAT actions will be taken, WHY they will be taken, WHEN they will be taken, WHERE they will be taken, WHO will be responsible and HOW they will be taken. A solid plan. Before an economic package is produced, there must be a plan. Then it must be costed and a business and health case made for it.
When organisations, whether a business or government or not-for-profit work to a plan, the plan can always be changed as circumstances changed. Yet our state and federal Liberal-Labor-Nationals governments have never attempted to make a detailed plan. That shows Liberal-Labor-Nationals do not care about people’s health and lives, do not respect the taxpayers of Australia, do not provide solid governance. Governance of any entity has three aspects:
Trusteeship for the entity’s values. Yet governments are trashing Australian values;
Custodian for the entity’s future, for those Australians not yet born. Yet governments are trashing our children’s future and burdening them with a trillion dollars of avoidable debt;
Stewardship for the entity’s resources. Yet governments are wasting taxpayer funds and killing our country’s productive capacity.
Instead, the government in this bill is just going to spend taxpayer money and tell other departments who they’re giving it to. This is not a plan. It’s an excuse to splash cash and not be accountable. It will motivate unaccountable Premiers to waste more taxpayer money while destroying our country’s tax base. It’s the very opposite of our constitution’s foundation. Instead of competitive federalism, it’s yet another example of competitive welfarism.
The core issue this bill perpetuates is shoddy governance. Atrocious governance. Repeatedly this government shows it cannot plan. That means it cannot govern. It is based on hollow marketing slogans. It’s intent is to look good not do good. It aims to be re-elected not to serve. The only thing this government has going for it is … Anthony Albanese and the Labor party. This bill discusses government making, quote: “disaster payments”. It dishonestly does not discuss the fact that state and federal government caused the disaster.
Australia needs honest, competent, consistent leadership using solid data. Government needs to serve the people and serve Australia’s national interest. We need to restore governance that cares for people’s lives, people’s livelihoods, people’s security, people’s future. Governance that cares for our country’s security, our country’s values, our country’s economy, our country’s future.
We need a government that is honest and serves the people. We have one flag. We are one community. We are one nation.
We will be supporting one of the Greens’ second reading amendments to recover financial support from entities paying executive bonuses and Senator Patrick’s third reading amendment to instil a register of entities receiving taxpayer cash. Malcolm Roberts Malcolm Roberts2021-08-04 14:16:522021-08-19 16:28:47Financial Assistance means nothing if there is no plan (Treasury Laws Amendment (COVID-19 Economic Response No 2) Bill 2021)
Governments are squashing freedoms like never before. History will show that those on the side of freedom will always be on the right side.
As a servant to the people of Queensland and Australia, I speak tonight on freedom. On many occasions in the last year I have addressed the Senate in regard to freedom as a counterbalance to medical tyranny. And I recently addressed the Canberra Freedom Rally, remotely. The side that is locking people up for the crime of being healthy, arresting protesters, pepper spraying kids, beating up grannies, banning books and electronic messages, censoring social media, sending threatening letters, forcing small businesses to close, urging people to dob in dissenters and banning safe drugs that have worked for 60 years are all on the wrong side of history.
In a frightening development, New South Wales has called in the troops to keep innocent, healthy citizens locked in their homes in what can only be called martial law. Recent freedom marches showed what happens to citizens who exercise their democratic right to protest. People are demonised, hunted down; the media vilifies them to discourage others from questioning the control state. If the government can decide who is free and who is not, then that is not freedom and no-one is free. A crisis will always be found to justify measures designed to protect the government, not the public—a crisis that is as is easy to create as turning up the PCR test from 24 cycles to 42, where a false positive is the most likely outcome, as has occurred.
Actions such as these have created a crisis of confidence in government, and that, fellow citizens, is on the Senate. We are the house of review. We’re tasked with a duty to ensure honesty, transparency and accountability in the government of the day. We have failed in that solemn duty, our duty to our constituents. We have failed those who are yet to vote, our children, who are now being injected with a substance that has not undergone meaningful safety testing. The Liberal, National and Labor parties have colluded to waive these measures through this place, reducing the Senate to the status of a dystopian echo chamber.
Each new restriction, although met with rightful public opposition, has not led to a re-evaluation but, rather, has led the government to crack down even further. The Morrison government is behaving like a gambling addict who loses a hand but doubles down instead of admitting error and walking away. With troops now on the streets, it’s frightening to contemplate where this will end. Everyday Australians are being deliberately demoralised to extract a higher degree of compliance. When COVID first arrived, there were few masks, and the experts and authorities told us masks were not necessary. Now, those same medically ineffective masks are used to condition people to fear and obedience. Crushing resistance crushes hope, and without hope we have no future.
Is it any wonder that small businesses are closing permanently? Every small business that closes is a family that was being provided for through hard work and enterprise. Who will look after those families now—the government? With whose money? The Reserve Bank, using electronic journal entries, can only create fiat money out of thin air for so long before it runs down our country. The government can only sell bonds until buyers stop coming forward. Then what happens? We will have no tax base left to pay government stipends to people who were once able to pay their own way.
Since when has the Liberal Party, the supposedly party of Menzies, been dedicated to making huge sections of the population totally reliant on the government for survival? The bad joke here is that the excuse used to justify the sudden rush to Marxism—public health—is moot. Death from all sources, including coronavirus and the flu, are at historic lows. Australia’s death rate in 2020 was less than in 2019, and 2021’s death rate is lower again. We’re strangling Australia’s economic life and future for no reason. Power has gone to the heads of our elected leaders and unelected bureaucrats, who are exercising powers yet do not feel the consequences themselves.
Never in history has Lord Acton’s famous quote rung more true: ‘Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.’ It’s been calculated that the civil disobedience tipping point—which is the maximum capacity of the police to arrest people, of the jails to hold people and of the courts to process people—is in Australia around 100,000 people. Anything more than that and the system comes crashing down. Attendance at the freedom rallies last month shows we’re almost there.
No wonder the Morrison government has been scared into resorting to the refuge of tyrants—using the military to intimidate civilians into compliance and to mandating injections and threatening to rip away people’s livelihoods.
Everyday Australians are seeing through the smokescreens of fear and intimidation. People now see that the costs of the restrictions to family and community exceed the medical cost of the virus. Everyday Australians have spoken. We will not be divided, we are united, we are one community, we are one nation.
The politics of today seek to turn Australians against each other. We must resist this division as it only serves the interests of multinational companies and power-hungry politicians.
The architect of our Parliament House, Romaldo Giurgola gave the Australian flag pride of place in his design.
A flag the size of a double decker bus, atop an 80m flag pole with supports that bring together the House of Representatives and the Senate.
The symbolism is clear, the Senate and the House of Representatives hold up our flag.
Not the other way around.
Any person who comes into this place, who does not then look up and feel awestruck with where we work, and with the responsibility we have, as Senators has no place being here.
The Australian flag flies above us for direction, not decoration.
We are directed to remember those who were here first and the millions who have come since. Immigrants who have come to this beautiful country to make a better life for themselves and to lift up all Australians in the process.
Including the Italian born architect of Parliament House – which I imagine explains all the marble.
Mr President we are directed to remember that we represent people not corporations.
Yet the winners from 18 months of COVID crony Government are not everyday Australians. The winners from croney govt are foreign multinationals. Big Pharma.
Never in the history of this beautiful country of ours has government policy so comprehensively abandoned those we represent, in favour of those we do not.
When Government needs to deploy the military to maintain control of our own people, to effect a social outcome rather than a medical one, there is only one description for that.
Martial law.
How this government acts in the coming months will decide if a second description should be added.
Dividing Australians by any arbitrary measure including vaccination status flies in the face of everything our flag stands for, of everything this nation stands for.
We will not be divided!
We have One flag, we are One Community, we are One Nation. Malcolm Roberts Malcolm Roberts2021-08-03 14:20:322022-06-21 14:01:54Under one flag we stand undivided.
[Malcolm Roberts] Good morning Marcus, how are you?
[Marcus Paul] All right, as a Queensland Senator, are you going to welcome the 2032 Olympic games to Brisbane, the Gold Coast and the Sunshine Coast with open arms?
[Malcolm Roberts] If they ever get here, mate, once the decision is made that’s it. Of course I welcome people here, but I abhor the decision from Annastacia Palaszczuk. It’s an absolutely terrible decision. We’ve got productive capacity, needed investment across our state, and across our country, and they’re gonna blow it on a festival? To get her votes? No this is rubbish, it’s nonsense.
[Marcus Paul] All right. So, but you concur with what the boss says, Pauline Hanson, that’s you know, we could do without spending the billions of dollars that it’ll cost to run the 2032 games in Brisbane. Well, I mean, they’ve been announced, they’re coming to Queensland, so I guess I dunno, we need to just make sure the government doesn’t blow out the cost, I guess, I dunno.
[Malcolm Roberts] Well, Marcus, how did Brisbane win anything? How did we win anything? No one else wanted these damn games. We’ve got, the Commonwealth games was a flop, because of the way the labour state government mismanaged it in this state. Again, they made Beattie in charge of it, Peter Beattie in charge of it, and he turned it into a disaster, a public relations disaster. It was a disaster for the Gold Coast, the way he mismanaged that. We’ve got, I was in Julia Creek, not long ago in the Northwest of our state. And they had recently had a hospital open there, a new hospital, but they can’t find any staff to run it. And you know, what that means is people who are in aged care there, have moved out of town. So they’ve lost their family as well. I mean, this state is being so terribly mismanaged. We have got a $130 billion loan, sorry, debt. That’s what our debt is. We’ve got a mismanaged economy. The state government is just running this state into the ground. It’s just telling lies, and it’s just running from one catastrophe to the next. The COVID mismanagement. We have, I was in North, I’m in North Queensland now. I’m calling from Bamaga. We went through Moreton Telegraph, or Moreton Telegraph station just a couple of days ago. They had, the people who are running that business, lost their business in Cairns, a major touring company, tourist company, because of mismanagement. They can’t put up with the state government. It’s just destroying our state.
[Marcus Paul] All right, just on vaccinations. I know that Scott Morrison hasn’t ruled out at all, the possibility of a so-called vaccine passport. We know in France, the president, Emmanuel Macron, has introduced the vaccine passport system. Without a jab, people can’t go to restaurants, or cafes, get on planes, or trains to travel. Look, obviously there’ll be, you know, different countries around the world, where we’ll basically ask people to prove that they’re vaccinated, before they get access to so-called privileges. Look, I don’t know. I know you’re dead set against them, but I have a sneaking suspicion mate, that this is what’s on the way, a vaccine passport system here in Australia, as well.
[Malcolm Roberts] It’s a vaccine prison. It’s not a vaccine passport, it’s a vaccine prison, because it locks people out of everyday activities, travel, services, and mixing with their fellow humans in their own communities. It’s a vaccine prison. Scott Morrison promised, that there would be no vaccine prison. And now he’s trying to push one in, through the aged care facilities. We’ve had thousands of people contact us, deluged, with really serious concerns. Some of my staff have been crying with them on the phone. These people love working in aged care. They love servicing the guests in aged care facilities. They’re going to be leaving them, abandoning them, because they don’t want their own health compromised. We’ve got, in America, as of the 7th of July, it’s increased since then enormously, there were 9,000 deaths due to vaccines, and that’s not even counting AstraZeneca, I don’t think they do that over there. And they’ve had a thousand miscarriages. They have had no testing on the female reproductive systems. And that is possible, because they use rats and to do it, if they did the test, but they haven’t done the test on these vaccines. it’s just disgraceful. This is the first time in human history, where a government has knowingly injected something that can kill you into healthy people. And it’s also the first time in human history, that a government has willfully ignored a proven cure, ivermectin, and let people rot and die, because of COVID when they can’t get Ivermectin even though it’s proven, safe, affordable, and effective.
[Marcus Paul] Well it’s obviously not on the government’s radar. You and I have talked about ivermectin, and all the other options that are elsewhere available before, but it’s quite clear, the medical fraternity in this country, don’t wanna use it, otherwise we would be using it. And you’ve got to ask the question, “Why?” I’m not quite sure. What I do now-
[Malcolm Roberts] No, no.
[Marcus Paul] Hang on, hang on. But what I do know is that we rolled the dice. We went with the wrong jockey, if you like, in AstraZeneca, and we’re paying the price for it now.
[Malcolm Roberts] There are many medical practitioners, and allied healthcare practitioners in this country, who strongly support ivermectin’s use.
[Marcus Paul] Yeah, but the government, my point being, the government’s not listening to them.
[Malcolm Roberts] Correct.
[Marcus Paul] And if they were listening to them, then as you say, ivermectin and others would be in the mix. The question is, why aren’t they? Maybe, you know, because Craig Kelly was on the nose. I don’t know. I know that those who have been pushing it, yourself, Craig Kelly and others. But I do have to wonder why, our medical experts at a federal and state level have shied away from it? They just don’t wanna know about it. Why is that Malcolm? You’re a Senator. You have the ability to ask these questions within the Senate. Why is it that they’re not using ivermectin, or other as you put it, so-called scientifically proven methods to control COVID?
[Malcolm Roberts] It’s very simple, in my opinion, Marcus. Both the Labour Party and the Liberal Party, National Party have run this country into the ground over the last 40 years. Even more, if you go back to the root cause in 1944.
[Marcus Paul] Yeah, but you’re not answering the question.
[Malcolm Roberts] No, no, I am answering your question. What they have done, is they have played second fiddle. They’d been the lackeys for multinational corporations. Multinational corporations in this country, do not have to pay company tax. That’s a fact. That means you and I, and everyone listening is paying their share, the multinational share. Now multinationals behind these vaccines, have got a monopoly, while ever there’s no proven safe, effective, affordable alternative. So the government is not, that’s my belief, that they’re suppressing ivermectin, because if they passed ivermectin, and approved it for use for COVID, there would be no need whatsoever, whatsoever for these vaccines. Plus in addition, we’d be able to open the country up. And because it is known to cure people with COVID, known to already do that. It’s been demonstrated in many countries overseas. It’s been demonstrated also as a prophylactic to prevent you getting COVID. So this is insane.
[Marcus Paul] All right, so basically what you’re saying, is the government don’t wanna know, or our politicians don’t wanna know about the alternative treatments, because there’s nothing in it for them. I mean, we hear stories of certain MPS, and I, this is where I get really annoyed. We hear stories, I don’t know about how true they are. So I’ve got to be a little careful here, but you do hear stories of certain government MPS having shares in a number of the manufacturers of the approved vaccines. Now that to me is a concern, now.
[Malcolm Roberts] That’s a big concern. I haven’t done that research Marcus, so I’m not gonna say too much about it. But if it’s true, that’s a very, very serious indecent thing.
[Marcus Paul] Well, there’s a lotta of rumours about it.
[Malcolm Roberts] Well that’s the thing you know, there so many rumours on the internet about these things. And what we’ve gotta face up to, is the fact that this government has botched the delivery of the vaccines. It’s botched, and same with Labour Party, The Labour Party and the Liberal Party have refused to deal with the fundamental question, which is, should we be vaccinating, not how do we vaccinate. What they’ve done, is they’ve skipped the should we be vaccinating, and looked at that and had a serious debate about the pros and cons, and gone straight to how do we vaccinate? That’s a con job. And so what we’ve got at the very minimum, is a serious abdication of accountability and responsibility yet again, from the federal government in this country. Plus, as you point out, maybe serious conflicts of interest.
[Marcus Paul] Malcolm, good to have you on mate. We’ll talk again soon, appreciate it.
[Malcolm Roberts] Okay, Marcus, little bit.
[Marcus Paul] All right, there he is, Queensland One Nation Senator, Malcolm Roberts. Wow, agree, disagree. Look, as I say, this programme is a broad church, and I allow all opinions. Even those that perhaps, you know, skirt the, well, the probability of almost being realistic. Look, I don’t know. You know Malcolm Roberts, a lot of people don’t like him, but he’s, you know, give him credit where it’s due. He researches, he looks into the issues. And you know, there are a lot of people who do support the use of other formulas or methods to deal with COVID. But it’s quite obvious that the medical fraternity here in Australia, and our politicians don’t agree with him. Otherwise, you know, we’d be using ivermectin, and all these other things that they talk about. But we’re not, we’re stuck with what we’ve got, and here we are, lock downs Malcolm Roberts Malcolm Roberts2021-07-22 14:34:582021-08-19 16:28:51No-lympics, Vaccine Passports and ivermectin – 2SM with Marcus Paul
I recorded this message for the Pauline Hanson’s One Nation Party AGM held last month. A number of members have requested a copy to listen again, here is that message. Malcolm Roberts Malcolm Roberts2021-07-20 14:26:012021-08-19 16:28:57The state of the Country – PHON AGM address
Senator Roberts calls for the National Cabinet to reverse its decision to force the COVID vaccine onto aged care workers.
Threats of a staff walk out against the vaccine is gathering momentum as NSW Health Services Union asks Governments to ensure the vaccine is voluntary.
Senator Roberts said, “My office has been flooded with calls and emails from aged care workers and many have said they will walk off the job before the September vaccination deadline.”
Members are approaching the union on a daily basis saying that they will walk out, leading to NSW Health Services Union Secretary Gerard Hayes voicing his concerns that the mandate could lead to ‘a major workforce crisis’ in the aged care sector.
The official advice on vaccines for expecting mothers has also ranged from caution to complete avoidance.
Senator Roberts added, “The government’s track record of inconsistent and confusing advice on the vaccine, which has bypassed Australian testing and gained the TGA’s provisional approval in an absurdly short period of time, it’s no wonder many people in the community are cautious.”
“Forcing people to choose between the mandated vaccine and a job – livelihood – is no way to address people’s concerns,” he said.
The government has provided indemnities to GP’s administering the vaccine and to vaccine manufacturers.
Senator Roberts added, “If aged care employers aren’t willing to give an undertaking that they will compensate employees for any negative vaccine side affects how can any employee have confidence in this mandate?”
“Why should the Government not indemnify employers?”
“I support all Australians accessing their rightful informed consent regarding the vaccine. If we allow Governments to entrench a two-tier system of citizens based on vaccination status through mandatory edicts, this becomes a short path to medical tyranny,” he said.
Senator Roberts’ office has received around 1000 emails and calls from aged care workers all over Australia who do not want the COVID vaccine, yet the Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese stated on Sky News this morning that he has never met an aged care worker that didn’t want the vaccine.
Senator Roberts said, “Mr Albanese needs to widen his net and meet more aged care workers since I know there are hundreds of workers who are deeply distressed and terrified at having to get the vaccine.
“The opposition leader is conveniently ignoring any dissenting voices against the vaccine and his statement is misleading,” he said.
Many of these emails explain how people are being forced to choose between their jobs or the jab, because this vaccine has been made mandatory and they are in fear of the vaccine’s side-affects. People are already walking away from their jobs in the aged care sector.
Senator Roberts stated, “People are being confronted with a loss of liberty and now a loss of a job and it is unconstitutional that we are making them chose.
“Emails from hospital staff tell of the serious side-affects including death in healthy people, and the fact it never makes the news.
“There are many Australians who are literally terrified to be rounded up for this mandatory vaccination. “Mr Albanese’s office will be better informed over the next few days as I have written to the hundreds of aged care workers who have contacted my office and suggested they email Mr Albanese and bring him up to date,” he said.
Anthony Albanese’s contact details can be found here. Malcolm Roberts Malcolm Roberts2021-07-15 08:52:572021-08-19 16:29:05MEDIA RELEASE: Albanese out of touch with aged care workers’ vaccine fears
I talked to Rowan Dean about the government’s ridiculous idea to change the law so that beer can be offered to get people to have the jab.
Rowan Dean:
Promise that you can have a beer. If you have, they changed the law. They went to the TGA, which is the Therapeutic Goods Administration and said, “I’ll change the law. Now, if a pubs want to offer you a beer to get vaccinated, that’s all fine.” Someone who’s not terribly happy about this is one nation, Senator Malcolm Roberts. He joins us now from Brisbane, Malcolm, how are you, senator?
Senator Malcolm Roberts:
I’m well, thanks and apologies for the rush, Rowan.
Rowan Dean:
No problem. Listen, I’m pretty disturbed that the TGA who have blocked ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, and other things for the last 18 months, and they’re the sacred cow, or you can’t possibly upset the TGA, Scott Morrison turns around and says, “I’ll give them the flick. We’re not going to let people have beers for vaccines.” Tell us your thoughts on it.
Senator Malcolm Roberts:
Desperation is really a sign that the Australians are growing in vaccine hesitancy, injection hesitancy. That’s the core issue here. The second core issue and the underlying really deep issue is shoddy governance. I picked the right word there, shoddy governance. We’ve had 40 years of it and that’s what’s led to the COVID unmasking, the lack of manufacturing, lack of being able to make fundamental things like masks and ventilators. It’s just really raised that, but now what we’ve seen is no detailed plan, Rowan. And it’s really annoyed me, no detailed plan. People are dying, literally dying because of suicides, domestic violence, et cetera, because of the panic that’s going on. We’ve got no detailed plan yet. We’ve got capricious lockdowns.
We’ve got people being slammed, small businesses being gutted, or around this country at whims, we’ve got three people get tested positive in Brisbane. Last, just a few months ago in January, and we’re putting masks on all over Queensland. I mean Bamaga 2,700 kilometres away. This is what’s really wrong with this country. It’s a governance that drives to look good, not do good. And I’ve had a gut full of it. And so if so many people were inundated with people just complaining about governance from both the labour party, the liberal party it’s got to stop.
Rowan Dean:
Rita Panahi:
Look, I take your point about the hysteria, the outdoor masking, all the lockdowns, but what’s wrong with incentivizing vaccinations so we can reopen the country by giving out free beers in the states that had a Washington was giving out a joint for a jab that had marijuana joints as an incentive.
Rowan Dean:
I suppose you could say a jug for a jab. At least it’s the literates anyway. Malcolm.
Rita Panahi:
Yeah. So what’s wrong. Whether it’s a beer, whether it’s a lottery ticket, what’s wrong with getting people incentivized because Australians are apathetic, got borders are closed. A lot of people are saying, “Why bother getting a vaccination when I’m not allowed to travel and as a fairly lethal virus in the community?”
Senator Malcolm Roberts:
Well, the fact is exactly, as Rowan said, this is the first time in history where we have got governments in Western countries, injecting people with something that can kill them, healthy people with something that can kill them. We have got 9,000 deaths reported from the COVID vaccine in the United States. Up until July 7th, we’ve had 27,000 hospitalizations, 57,000 urgent care, 80,000 office visits. We’ve had 1000 miscarriages. We have done, no testing on this drug. The normal testing takes about five to seven years. There’ve been no testing. We get a, I’m told that what happens is the drug manufacturers in this case have given us the results of their overseas tests, which have not been thorough, not even been 18 months in duration. And they’ve bypassed everything here and allowed them to be on a trial, Greg Hunt himself and said, [crosstalk 00:03:41] this is the world’s largest, hang on Rita. This is the worlds largest clinical vaccination trial.
Rowan Dean:
Rita. Off you go, Rita.
Rita Panahi:
We’ve had in this country, something like one death for every 2 million vaccinations, that rate is not just minuscule, it’s lower than any other medicine that you could think of. So to say that we are [crosstalk 00:04:02] killing people by injecting healthy people is, well we have had testing. This drug has got approval. It’s, [crosstalk 00:04:10].
Senator Malcolm Roberts:
No testing on pregnant women, no testing on female reproducting.
Rowan Dean:
Okay. So we’ll just stop [crosstalk 00:04:16].
Senator Malcolm Roberts:
No testing on fe- and what we’ve also got is,
Rowan Dean:
Sorry, sorry, Malcolm.
Senator Malcolm Roberts:
Sorry, Rowan?
Rowan Dean:
Just rose jumped in there. Yeah. Clearly we can have a lengthy debate about the different vaccines and the different tests and all the rest, but James, your point.
James Morrow:
Oh, I was going to say, I mean, the people are, what is wrong with people making their own informed consent? We know you say there’s vaccine hesitancy, but they’ve had record numbers this past week of people going out and signing up to get the jab beer or no beer. If people want to make an informed consent off of their own decision and their own research about it and do their own risk calculation. What’s wrong with that?
Senator Malcolm Roberts:
That’s exactly the point. You’re right on there. James. We need to have informed consent and you don’t have informed consent when you haven’t got all the options on the table. Rowan introduced this segment with ivermectin as well as now, killing people with something that is injected into healthy people and some occasions Rita. We’ve also got a proven drug, safe drug, affordable drug. It’s now proven with COVID for over 12 months and the government will not let it into this country to be used for COVID. This is the first time we’ve prevented a known cure and a known prophylactic from being used on people who are sick and need treatment. This is a complete contradiction of what should be happening. We should, this is a real governance issue. It goes to informed consent and no compulsory mandated vaccinations, not at all informed consent is absolutely essential. And you can’t have informed consent when you’ve got bribes. When you’ve got threats or losing livelihoods jobs and lifestyle, you can’t have that in this country. This is a free country, not a totalitarian dictatorship.
Rowan Dean:
Senator Malcolm Roberts. Thanks so much for coming. Sorry guys, we’re going to leave it there. I’ve got lots more to get on within the show and I really do appreciate Malcolm Roberts giving us his time. Malcolm Roberts Malcolm Roberts2021-07-12 11:17:552021-08-19 16:29:06Beer for Vaccines? Outsiders with Rowan Dean