Christine Dolan helped hunt down exploitation in the Catholic Church and has now been on the case of vaccine rollouts across the world. She has a wealth of knowledge and it was an honour to be able to scrape the surface of it.



This is the Malcolm Roberts Show, on Today’s News Talk radio, TNT.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Hello and welcome to the Malcolm Roberts Show. Senator Malcolm Roberts here broadcasting from Brisbane, Australia, globally. Everyone who is a regular listener knows that my two themes for the show are freedom and responsibility. Both essential for human progress and individual happiness and satisfaction. And thank you for having me as your guest yet again, whether it’s in your lounge room, your shed, your car, your living room, wherever you are, thank you for having me as your guest. And I’ve got a very special pair of guests today which we’ll introduce in just a minute.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

At first, some news. We saw a paper released this week, in fact, just a couple of days ago. And it’s titled Serious Adverse Events of Special Interest Following mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination in Randomised Trial in Adults. At last, it’s coming out, at last. They’re saying the results of this trial, this scientific trial, peer reviewed paper, I’ll quote, “The Pfizer trial exhibited a 36% higher risk of serious adverse events in the vaccine group. The Moderna trial exhibited a 6% higher risk of serious adverse events in the vaccine group.” 36% higher risk.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

And let’s just check at the author’s declaration. The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to have influenced the work reported in this paper. Unlike Pfizer, unlike Moderna, unlike big pharma generally, there are no conflicts of interests associated with this paper. What a breath of fresh air to get some independent research. And we’ll be going into that in more detail in the future.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

But that’s so important to understand because we conducted our COVID Under Question inquiry two weeks ago where we had experts from all over the world, doctors, lawyers, people who have been hurt by the vaccines. We had Dr. Phillip Altman give us a rundown of the huge unexpected and adverse death, consequences and serious adverse events from the vaccines. They’re not vaccines, they’re experimental gene therapy treatments. And they have not been fully tested at all, not been tested. What we’ve finding now is this increasing news of the death toll coming out.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Tucker Carlson broadcast in America last week on exactly that. It’s now hard to keep it under wraps. It’s now starting to burst out and we’re going to talk to our first guest soon about exactly that. One last piece before I introduce my first guest. On Thursday night, I was a guest at Boonah, which is a little town, population probably about 6,000 people, if that, in the scenic rim about an hour from Brisbane, hour and a half from Brisbane.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

And I was there to listen and to support the residents who are holding the state government accountable for their invasion of their property rights in trying to deal with fire ants. And what we saw was an amazing reaction from the farmers there. They want their properties respected, they want their rights respected, they want their individual freedoms respected. And they told the state government in very, very clear terms.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

We’re starting to see in America, the Saturday before, I listened to two American women at a barbecue near our place. And they were saying just how much they are disappointed that America is collapsing, thanks to Obama, Clinton, G.W. Bush, and now this scourge, Joe Biden. But they say that the Americans are waking up to the stealing of their country by the globalist predators, the elites. And what we are seeing is… and they were very, very encouraged. It’s coming here. We’re always a little bit behind America, but it’s coming here. And one of the ladies who is helping us to really start opening people’s eyes is my first guest. I’m not going to tell you her name until the end.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Before President William J. Clinton, we know him as Bill, signed the U.S. Anti-trafficking Federal Bill in October 2000. The International Centre for Missing and Exploited Children in Alexandria, Virginia, commissioned this news reporter as an independent journalist to investigate the exploitation of children emanating from the Baulkham crisis. A war that my guest previously covered in the early 1900s, when she co-owned and co-produced an international policy series syndicated on Public Broadcasting System Network in America. She expanded this initial human trafficking investigation globally.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

As a result, a documentary called Shattered Innocence – The Millennium Holocaust, was released at the National Press Club in Washington DC in 2001. It was endorsed by the National Press Club News Makers Committee, UK Detective Paul Holmes, the co-founder of the Interpol Trafficking Committee, and Arnold Burns, the former Department of Justice, U.S. Deputy Attorney General during the Reagan administration. She’s worked with people who’ve come from both sides of politics in America. Detective Holmes called Shattered Innocence, “Groundbreaking, the best work on human trafficking.” My guest nailed it. She nailed the connection of the dots of this global phenomenon.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Her trans criminal and transnational findings then still stand today. Her insights prove prophetic. As a result, in November 2002, her second global investigation took place entitled, In the Name of God. It was released at the National Press Club in Washington DC as well. It challenged the then Catholic Church, so she’s going up against the big boys, the Catholic Church’s hierarchies public mantra of non-complicity. It’s participation in the cover up, lack of accountability and exposed the criminal tools embedded in the Catholic church hiding child abuse.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Ms, she’s… Almost gave her name away. Her reporting concluded that the Catholic Church’s policy and responses to paedophilia go back centuries. She advised prosecutors to seize the historical secret archives maintained under Canon Law, which resulted in grand juries and are still used in current criminal investigations. In 2016, In the Name of God was submitted to the Australian Royal Commission’s National Inquiry into the institutional response to child abuse, which made several hundred recommendations. Including but not limited to reporting child abuse to law enforcement disclosures disclosed in confessions.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Christine Dolan, is my guest and she is senior editor and chief investigative journalist for, leading multiple investigations on COVID international policy and big pharma corruption. She is founder of American Conversations since 2014 and is now collaborating in partner with L. Todd Wood, publisher and executive editor. Welcome Ms. Dolan, thank you for joining us.

Christine Dolan:

Oh, Senator, thank you. It’s good to be back talking to you again. To all your listeners, I hope they’re tuning in and they take what we have to share with them today because it’s going to affect everybody’s life.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Well, I must say, I haven’t got my notes in front of me, but TNT records every broadcast, every show, and then if you go back to, go to the top of the page, click on episodes, you can scroll down to the host of the show. In that case it’s Senator Malcolm Robertson in this case and then you look at the date of the show and you’ll be able to get a recording of any show that I’ve done. Any show that anyone’s done that way, so we will be recording this forever, Christine. Before we continue, first thing, what do you appreciate? Anything at all, family, friends, whatever.

Christine Dolan:

Oh, family, friends, safari’s in Africa. I think that my line in the sand is if I could never go back to Australia or South Africa or Kenya again because of all this nonsense over COVID.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Yes, you’ve had quite a few safaris. In fact, I read that you’ve been in every African nation, every one of them.

Christine Dolan:

I have. I’ve been very, very blessed in life that I’ve been able to travel and I appreciate different cultures. I believe in the Treaty of Westphalia. I don’t think that the globalists have an understanding of how much should be appreciated in all the cultures. And I think that we’re living in very scary times. Very scary times.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

We are. And I’ve travelled through all 50 of your states in America and very privileged to have done so. I learned a lot. Christine, let’s go back to the start because I don’t want to just explore the news. I want to learn about your life, what gave you your energy, your enthusiasm, the way you chase these people. Because this lady, let me tell you everyone who’s listening, this lady, I don’t know if you can say this or not about a woman in America, but she’s a bulldog. She is a bulldog and she goes after things. Christine, where were you born?

Christine Dolan:

I was born in Beverly Farms, Massachusetts. It’s the North side of Boston, right on the Coast.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

That’s good, Kennedy Country in Massachusetts.

Christine Dolan:

It’s very big Kennedy Country. And my dad came from Jack Kennedy’s generation. My dad went to MIT. Graduated ’43 during World War II. But then I was the third born in my family and my father had worked for DuPont and the Monsanto and that’s why the family ended up in St. Louis where Monsanto’s headquarters were. And my dad was in the biochemical industry for decades. Although I wasn’t a science reporter and I wasn’t a… The last time I ever took a science class was biology in high school. But I grew up with somebody in the business who had done very well in the business and was acknowledged and recognised. And he had a biochemical company that manufactured chemicals for medicinal research. And the largest customer he had was NIH.

Christine Dolan:

So I was privy to the politics and the history of the pharmaceutical company. And he had always explained to me that in the 1950s, following World War II, they came up with thalidomide, and that was initially used for insomnia for people after World War II and then was given to pregnant women. And when they tried to distribute it to the United States, they knew that in fact it had resulted, in the babies were hurt. They were born with arms coming out of their shoulders.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Gross deformities.

Christine Dolan:

Deformities, thank you. And there was a woman named Frances Kelsey was her name, who was out of the ordinary for her generation. She was at FDA during the Kennedy administration in the 60s. And she had questions and she put those people through a ringer because she wanted more research. And then she basically did not allow it into the United States at that time. It later was approved during Fauci’s aid crisis. And he was actually, ironically, given an award in the name of Frances Kelsey. But which makes no sense because she blocked having that drug in the United States then in the 60s because of the baby deformities. And she was given a big award by JFK when he was President. And so I grew up knowing that. And then my dad passed away about, I guess, 11 years ago.

Christine Dolan:

And it was very unusual because in 2020, I didn’t know Fauci. His wife was ahead of me at Georgetown University. But again, I wasn’t a medical reporter. I was covering the 2020 campaign for John Solomon at Just The News. John had just started early in January/February, he called me and he said, “Can you help me get this started?” I said, “Sure.” And so I jumped on board and then the next thing we know, it’s not the 2020 campaign, it’s the COVID campaign. And it was a nightmare here in America trying to get a handle around it. Trying to get a handle around what is the origin of it. There are many people in Fauci’s camp that kept on saying, “Well, this is going to happen again.”

Christine Dolan:

And when I had gone to law school and I didn’t finish, and I’m not a lawyer, but I was trained as a criminal investigator in law school. So when you ask me, Malcolm, where do I get the passion, I think it’s just instinct. There’s a lot of faults that I have, but one of the talents I have is the ability to connect the dots. And whenever you see chaos, and it was chaos in 2020 here in America. I knew that the story was bigger than what we were being told. There was no transparency.

Christine Dolan:

There were just too many people with too many degrees that had no idea what the hell was going on in the world. And the thing that caught my eye is that if everybody says that it’s going to happen again, then the natural thing that should happen should be for world leaders getting together and demanding to know what is the origin of this so it’s not repeated. And that was not happening. Morrison in your country did eventually say… Wanted the Chinese to really become transparent. And there was a lot of pushback with him, but I never saw anybody else. And that caught my mind because-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

I’ve got to interject there, Christine, because what I noticed about Scott Morrison is that on the 3rd of October 2019 I think it was. In Sydney he made a speech talking about the unaccountable internationalistic bureaucrats. He was basically naming the UN without naming him, but it was just nonsense. We have been calling out the UN and the World Economic Forum for decades, and Morrison realised we were making progress so he tried to hijack the issue and silence it. But Morrison, very early on, even though he called out the Chinese, that was just for local political benefit for himself. Because very soon after he advocated giving the World Health Organisation, that criminal, dishonest, deceitful organisation, incompetent organisation, increased powers, powers of weapons inspectors. Morrison was talking out of both sides of his mouth. And he did that forever throughout this COVID virus campaign, mismanagement, gross mismanagement in this country.

Christine Dolan:

Well see that’s a piece of information I didn’t realise for the background of it. But at the time in 2020 he was, for whatever, whether it was ill purpose and everything like that for political gain. He was the only one that was calling it. And I mean, Trump didn’t call for it. Biden claimed that when he came into office that he ordered up an investigation. But again, you had the foxes in the henhouse that were doing the investigation. I don’t know if you caught this recently, but everybody in the world should understand this. Jeffrey Sachs, who’s all part of the globalist group, economist, he actually called for a commission.

Christine Dolan:

He created 11 tasks force, one of which was on the origin. And Jeffrey just came out earlier in August, I think it was the first week in August. Where he went public and he said that in fact he had realised that when he hired Peter Daszak as the head of that origin task force, that he then hired other people, which he was allowed to do with Jeffrey’s blessing. But then Jeffrey came to the conclusion now in 2022 that in fact everybody that was on the origin task force was lying to him. People that he’d known for decades, because they were all saying, “Don’t look over here at the lab. It must be in nature.”

Christine Dolan:

And what caught my eye two years earlier was when this broke, all of a sudden there was a Lansing Journal article, this is February 2020. And it was written by people I had no idea of any of them, but they all had concluded at the very beginning of this madness that it did not come from a lab leak. And I thought to myself, how would anybody know this because nobody’s done an investigation? The Chinese, the CCP, they’re not forthcoming and you need to have boots on the ground to do this. And I contacted them and I found out things that really haven’t surfaced and the public doesn’t really understand the game that’s at play here. But I will just label these people who authored that article. And we later found out that it was orchestrated by Daszak to basically cover their derrieres. But-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Can we take a break there? Can we take a break there please, Christine and what I’d like to do, you’ve already said that you got onto it in February 2020. That’s well before most people started even thinking about a possibility that it was being rigged. We’ll have a break now and we’ll come back and then I’d like to know how you developed that instinct and then we’ll go into Peter Daszak and others in detail later on in this show.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

But I’d like to understand where the young Christine Dolan as a girl started developing these instincts. And how you developed them even further in your university and after university, your early jobs, because you’ve worked in mainstream media. You’re one of the few people in mainstream media that I would trust. So we’ll take a short break and then we’ll be right back with more from Christine Dolan.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Welcome back to the Senator Malcolm Roberts Show. And I’ve got a very important guest, Christine Dolan, who has worked in all of the major networks in the United States. She’s had many years as an investigative reporter. She’s investigated slavery and her work has been acclaimed by Heads of States and diplomats. Members of the European Parliament, U.S. Congress, members of the OSC in Vienna, U.S. Department of Defence, Interpol, FBI. This lady has been around. She’s actually trained some of the investigators in how to do their job. Let’s understand first, Christine, what turned little Christine as a girl into a bulldog investigative reporter? What were the key things that influenced you as a child? Where did you go to university? What did you study? What did you graduate at? And then where you came into your first job?

Christine Dolan:

I was an Irish Catholic raised Sacred Heart girl. I went to-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Oh, so we know where the bulldog comes from then?

Christine Dolan:

The Bulldog, yeah. And then I went to Georgetown University, undergrad. I went to the Business School, majored in economics. And then I went directly into law school. Hated [inaudible 00:22:01]. Hated my second year. And then I said the hell with this, because I didn’t want to be a lawyer. I had a job as a criminal investigator for defendants with the Public of Defender’s Office. And I loved being in the field. I loved gathering information. And so that was my first instinct. And then I applied to 72 radio television stations in sales and in news. I had no idea how to get into the news business, but I also knew that I always wanted to go into the news business. I never really wanted to be a lawyer, I just thought that I’d get a law degree because I thought it might be helpful. And I disappointed my father and my mother when I said I was not going to go back to law school. And I was pretty dramatic about it.

Christine Dolan:

I didn’t take my second year spring exams. So I made a definitive statement and then I asked my father to pay for me to have these 72 interviews I lined up in eight cities. Because I didn’t want to live in a small town. I wanted to start, I wanted to see if I could get my foot and door at the networks. And I was hired on the spot guys in the news division. And some guys in the sales divisions wanted to hire me. But they said, “No, no, no, no, you belong in the news division.”

Christine Dolan:

So I first started off at ABC News, I worked for a guy named Kevin Delaney who was terrific. He was on the roof of the embassy in Saigon, so he had covered Vietnam. I ended up working for Hal Bruno, who was a legend in the news business. He had uncovered the Chappaquiddick story for Newsweek. And then he came over to ABC News and I worked as a researcher off air reporter for him. He taught me so well that I then jumped to CNN and became the first woman political director and his counterpart. So we competed against one another, but we were friends for 33 years. And then after that I started my own production company focused on Africa-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

And how old were you then?

Christine Dolan:

… An international policy show.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

How old were you then, Christine, when you started your own show?

Christine Dolan:

I was in my thirties. I was in my thirties when I did that. And then I had an opportunity to, I was asked to be the spokesperson for the USA Nelson Mandela tour in 1990, which I did because I thought Mandela, I was an awe of him as a human being. But I had an international policy show on PBS, and that was in the nineties when we were trying to get Americans to be more interested in foreign policy. There were very few, the networks weren’t really covering it the way that they could have. And this was before MSNBC and Fox Cable was even on the air and it’s CNN. We had in the eighties, we had, oh my gosh, 24 hours of news. But we had repeats of shows. And so I came up with Inside Politics, which was the first ever daily political show to teach people about-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Yours was the first in the United States?

Christine Dolan:

It was the first daily political show, and it was in the eighties before Fox or MSNBC was ever created. They weren’t created until the late nineties. And the goal of the show is to teach people about politics. But it is not what it is today. I mean now it’s been on the year now over 30 years. But it’s the vision of it that I had then certainly has been changed by the management at CNN. But so I’ve always been out there wanting to get ahead of where the news was. And I like to do investigations. I like to do long investigations. When I was commissioned for human trafficking, I was so horrified that the cops put me through a real ringer to test me if I was a tabloid journalist. And I said to them at the time, “Look, well travelled, I’ve been around the block, I’ve been around the world. I’m seasoned.” So I thought, “but I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

Christine Dolan:

When I interviewed Paul Holmes, who was the head of the Interpol Trafficking Committee in June of 2000, I asked him point blank. How young are the victims? And he said, infants. In one ear out the other, because I had no context. Two weeks later I met with Carlos Shepherd, who’s a forensic profiler, probably one of the best in Europe. And a woman named Yola Bolebrek. And I told him, I met this nice cop in London and he’s telling me this and I just don’t have any contexts. And they said, “Christine, it’s true.” And I said, “Well, if it’s true, then people have to educate me.” Because I’ve covered three wars by that point. And then the next thing I know is I get a phone call the next day and Yola Bolebrek tells me I passed the test and I said, “What was the test?”

Christine Dolan:

And she said, “We just needed to know how serious you were. John Ernst wants to meet you.” I said, “Who’s he?” And she said, “Take a train to the Heg. And he was head of the porn unit at the hag and he brought me on the inside and these guys taught me. And the advantage I had as a journalist at the time where cops have to be invited into a foreign country to do an investigation. And they have to have a task force and everything like that. That wasn’t really coordinated for this in 2000. And so as a journalist, I was able to go from country to country. And to get that story because once these guys really made me realise how evil this was, it was beyond Rwanda. I realised then and there, this is the depth of hell and people just did not know.

Christine Dolan:

They know that slavery is immoral, but they didn’t realise at the turn of the 21st century that it was alive and well. It just had a different picture on it. So I took every risk and I dressed up as a hooker, hung out with transvestites who actually, most of them are victims of child abuse, in red light districts because they have their own corner. I don with the mafia and everything like that. And I was able to get the story. And to do what the cops were not able to do. And then I decided to take on the Catholic church. So the one thing that we learned is what are the criminal tools? What are the tools of the trade that people use to commit the crime and to cover it up. And I can tell you that it’s a team of people, just like in the Catholic church where it wasn’t just the Cardinals that covered up. It wasn’t just the auxiliary bishops that covered it up.

Christine Dolan:

It was the Vatican, it was the lawyers, it was the state legislatures that had laws that said that if you were abused, you could only report it after three years when some people have regressive memories. And it doesn’t come back for a long period of time because of compounded trauma in their brain. So when the COVID story came up and there was chaos at the beginning of 2020. I don’t know when the story really hit you guys down there in Australia, Malcolm, but I know that I was on some phone calls with some business leaders in Australia who were talking to some people at Gavi and CEPI. And a friend of mine, allowed me to listen in. I knew that was what the people from Gavi and CEPI were saying to the business leaders in Australia was absolute nonsense.

Christine Dolan:

I just happened to know a lot of nurses. I was asking nurses across America, What are you seeing in the ICUs? What are you seeing in the ERs, emergency rooms? And they were telling me, we’re killing people with the ventilators. So I’ve got the Lancet report in February 2020, that doesn’t make any sense to me. These people that had, were the authors of the report were telling me what they do as for a living in terms of hunting for 1.6 million viruses. To obtain the 25 coronavirus family viruses and to figure out if they’re transmissible to human beings, which then would create a seasonal vaccine for everybody in the world for all these 25 coronaviruses. Now to me, at that point in time, I’m thinking these people are pretty crazy and this is Frankenstein’s business. This is Frankenstein science. But the thing is, they actually were funded by the US. It was under a project called PREDICT Project at USAID.

Christine Dolan:

They were in operating in 30 countries. They had labs all over the world. People have to understand, when you think about this, think about the bat woman in the Chinese Wuhan lab. She’s part of the team. And the people who wrote that, who authored that Lancet article in February 2020, all belonged to that. Peter Daszak, he was one of the people that was on who authored that article. And he’s involved with gain of function. But I’m learning this all on the first six weeks of coronavirus shutting down America. I’m talking to the nurses, I’m talking to international scientists and doctors who are trying to get money to come up with something that can reduce the COVID viral load in the body. And what they were telling me is that the ventilators was the wrong procedure.

Christine Dolan:

This disease, for lack of a better word, pardon me, caused blood clots. People in hospitals should be put on blood thinners, antioxidants. And what these guys were trying to do is to get government money or some money to create X, Y, and Z that would reduce the viral load in the body that’s causing all this disaster. And they weren’t getting the money. And then all of a sudden we moved to May or June and Fauci is… Oh no, I have to go back to April. April 2020, Fauci is at the White House sitting on the sofa. Dr. Bricks is there, Trump’s in the room and he’s saying, Remdesivir is a safe drug. And I know somebody who died from Remdesivir, and I’m thinking none of this makes any sense. And instinctively I know if you have this much chaos, there’s a cover up here someplace.

Christine Dolan:

And then as you know, six weeks later, vax was the only answer. And telling me that vax is the only answer is telling me as a war correspondent, that war is the only answer that makes no sense to me. So that I knew right then and there by June, this was nonsense. And the only person in the world I wanted to talk to was Bobby Kennedy. And I had dated one of his cousins when we were all kids. And I called my late friend’s brother and I said, “Give me his cell phone number.” And I called Bobby at the time and I said, “I’m going to get into this because this is medical trafficking.” One of the things that when people think of human trafficking, they think of sex labour, internet, street. I created a model for the different faces of human trafficking, child soldiers, sex tourism, ritual abuse, torture, organ trafficking.

Christine Dolan:

And then you have medical trafficking. And I had concluded by August of 2020 that this was medical trafficking. But again, I’m humbled up to have to say I didn’t fully understand the form of corruption at that point. It was an instinct with me. But after the campaign is when I called Bobby and he said, “I want you to meet two people.” I met with the two people that they gave me 25 books to read. I read the 25 books and I was absolutely confirmed that this was medical trafficking. And I think I’ve sent you the film that I released in July of 2021. And it is the most unregulated, unaccountable, human medical experiment in the history of mankind.

Christine Dolan:

There’s not a doubt in my mind about this or hard or soul or anything right now. What I do know about investigations is the longer that the fraud goes on, people make mistakes, guilt sets in. And so after the 2020 campaign, there were two areas that I wanted to organise. I wanted to find pharma whistle blowers on the inside of Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer and Moderna, and any other pharmaceutical companies here in the United States who had any association with the Gates Foundation, CEPI, WHO vaccinations, even if they weren’t COVID. That were going to move into the mRNAs because they are going to move into the mRNA shots for flu, malaria, aids, tuberculosis, and god knows what else is on the recipe. And then I-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

So this is just the tip of the iceberg we’ve seen so far?

Christine Dolan:

That’s right. And then the second group that I wanted to develop was the COVID vaccination injured. And so I started talking to the vaccinated injured. Because we had, I don’t want to call them clinical trials, but we had trials. So they called them clinical trials in 2020 before the rollout. We got the rollout here in the United States in December. I don’t know when it was in Australia. So I want to define Vaccine injury from the so-called clinical trials here in the States, which I did. And then during the rollout. And most of those people were terrified of being called anti-vax. They didn’t want to go on the record, they didn’t want to go on the camera. And so I spent the first, I guess it was the first January till around June. And talking to these people, and what I realised was they were talking to NIH, CDC, FDA, NIAID.

Christine Dolan:

They even wrote a letter to all of them plus the White House in May of 2021. By June, I called one of the authors of that Lancet February, 2020 article. And I said to him, “What do you thinks going on with the rollout?” Now keep this in mind, this is June, 2020. We don’t have a lot of breakthrough cases at that point in time, which means that vaccinated people getting COVID, those were under reported if they existed at that point in time. And this guy says to me, “We have to do better on the messaging that the vaccines are safe and effective and prevent transmissibility and prevent the disease.” And I said to him, “Well, what about the vax injured?” And he said, “Christine, they’re urban legends.” And that really threw me back. And I said, “You can try that on somebody else, but I’m just too old for that.”

Christine Dolan:

I said, “I’m talking to people.” And he said, “Yeah, but if there’s three million vaccinations and 325,000 of them are injured with blood clots, we have treatment for blood clots.” I said, “I have not spoken to one vaccinated injured person who only has one thing wrong with them.” There was neurological, there was cardio, there was vascular injuries that doctors at the ERs in the hospitals didn’t know how to treat them. People were not reporting them to theirs. These, a lot of these people happened to be a lot of women who had a lot of menstrual problems that they didn’t want to talk about on camera. But they were telling me as a woman.

Christine Dolan:

And they ranged from very irregular periods to women who were postmenopausal getting their period after their shots. I mean, it was a disaster. One woman was actually put into a psych ward. Doctors were telling them they were suffering from anxiety and depression. It was just unbelievable trauma for these people. It was like talking to my first trafficked victims over 20 years ago. They were traumatised by it. A lot of them were in the healthcare industry. They were not getting the care from their own colleagues. They were getting gaslighted by their own colleagues. They were disappointed by what was going on. Some of them even worked for pharmaceutical companies. They couldn’t believe what was going on inside their industry.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Can we take a break now, please, Christina. We’ll come back and go into this in. We’ll let you continue because this is riveting stuff. I love the way your instinct has kicked in so early in this whole fiasco, this whole… Well, I think it’s genocide myself. And so let’s take a break and we’ll be back with Christine Dolan.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

This is Senator Malcolm Roberts on today’s news talk radio where the only thing that we mandate is the truth. And we’ve got a real truth teller here because she’s used her instincts to get right to the core of issues all over the world. Child trafficking, slavery and now she’s telling us about medical trafficking. So Christine Dolan, please continue. And I’d like to know more about Peter Daszak when it suits you please. And also it seems that there is some criminal activity or anti-human genocidal activity, people who just don’t give damn about human life. And then there seems to be a lot of group think and people just following slavishly. What else is going on here?

Christine Dolan:

I think Malcolm, the one thing I had to do in these books that Bobby’s colleagues recommended that I read. I had to get up in the history of the pharma corruption, because we in America, and I don’t know what it’s like down there in Australia. But we in America are pharmaceutically addicted. 75% is, 80% of the people in America are on prescription drugs. We’re the first countries-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:


Christine Dolan:

75% to 80% of Americans are on prescription drugs. We have gone through Valium in the sixties was an epidemic. We’ve gone through the opiates just like you guys have. And it’s been all over the world. We’ve gone through fentanyl is the biggest thing now. People are just drinking fentanyl here. It’s amazing what it’s doing to kids. We’ve legalised pot, but the pot today is cut with fentanyl. So we have the highest overdoses since, I think it’s last year in the history of America. So we have a drug attitude here that is pervasive. And there’s a belief in the medical divinity of the white coat. So if people see, and doctors have told me this, if somebody sees a commercial on TV and they’re depressed, then it’s a new drug. And well doctor, “Why don’t you give me that one because the last one didn’t work.”

Christine Dolan:

So people are actually asking for something because it’s advertised. And I had to go back and take a look at the pharma. The rules and regulations of the game for criminality are very clear, which you have to know. You have to be humble enough and curious enough to ask the questions. How did this come to be? And so we know here in the United States that going back to 1986 under the Reagan administration, Congress passed a bill. Reagan signed it. And that basically gave carte blanche to the pharmaceutical companies having no liability for any of the vaccinations that are out there. Because there were a lot of vaccination injuries prior to that time. And I’m not going to doubt whether anybody’s heart was in the right place, but basically it was carte blanche to the pharmaceutical companies for mumps, measles, rubella, mercury, everything went off the charts.

Christine Dolan:

And there are people who in fact have been harmed, their families have been harmed. And underneath that bill, there was a kangaroo court that was set up, but it’s not like your normal civil criminal court. If you want to get any money in compensation for having a family member hurt with a vaccination in those days. You have to apply like a Catholic Victims of Compensation fund or a Jeffrey Epstein Victims Compensation Fund. You file it with HHS, the Department of Justice attorneys handle it. You’re not allowed to even subpoena the pharmaceutical companies for any documents. I mean, it’s wild stuff. And if people don’t know if they’re not affected by this in the past, they’re not going to be able to recognise what was going on in 2020. So I had to take a deep dive going back and figure it out. I had to take a look at the different players.

Christine Dolan:

Who are these people that are involved in this Frankenstein, Corona virus hunters world. Peter Daszak is one of them. Who’s involved with the labs? Peter Daszak is one of them. How did this get funded in these labs that are ranked by 2, 3 4, which is fourth being I think is the highest in terms of security and standards of practise. Is it regulated? No, it’s not regulated. This is having nuclear weapons all over the world with no regulations. And that’s what people don’t understand. I did an hour and a half interview with one of those authors just recently. His name is Dennis Carol. And he was overseeing the PREDICT Project at USAID and it ran for 10 years during. It was started, I think it was at the beginning of the Obama administration. And then it was stopped.

Christine Dolan:

And then during the Trump administration, somebody got around the fact that they could, the PREDICT Project wasn’t stopped, that the gain of function was stopped within the PREDICT project. And this is when they go out to the bat caves, they get these coronaviruses, take it to a lab, they fool around with it to see if it’s transmissible. And they really do have a goal of going out and hunting for 1.6 million. They say that there’s 25,000 different families of coronaviruses of that 1.6 million viruses they want to hunt for. When they had the PREDICT Project, they found 1200 that were transmissible. And it’s a very dangerous industry. I didn’t know anything about it. And I would predict that probably most politicians and world leaders don’t really know about this and how lethal it is. But there’s no oversight.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

But what I’ve noticed, Christine, is that parliament, and I’m listening to Ron Paul, he’s implied much the same as I’m about to say about Congress as I’ve learned about parliament. People in Parliament, the public don’t respect them, but at the same time, they seem to follow slavishly, whatever they say. And what we’ve seen in Parliament and in your Congress is sheep. And they have very little inquisitive. If we had Congress and a Senate full of people like you, America would be wonderfully run because people ask questions, but the politicians don’t.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

They just seem to follow slavishly. They’re afraid of saying, I’m sorry, I don’t know. And I’ve noticed quite frankly that women are more likely to say, “Hey, I need some help. Hey, I’m sorry I made a mistake. Hey, I’m wrong, can you please help me? Hey, I don’t know the answer to this question. Can you give me that hand?” And it’s the men who tend to be more like sheep, not all men of course. But what I’m getting to is the institutions, because you just stunned me. You said that there’s no regulation around this area. I thought it was so highly regulated.

Christine Dolan:

No, no. There’s no, that’s a myth. It’s not regulated. And I’ll tell you the reason why, the American politicians in Washington DC on both sides of the aisle, do not ask these questions. The money, okay, we’ve got campaign financing that’s just off the charts here. But the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and Research Association, which is the Federal Trade Association that gives out money to people on Capitol Hill. There are very few politicians in Capitol Hill that have only taken six figures over the years. It’s a very powerful, very powerful trade association.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

So you’re saying many have taken seven figures?

Christine Dolan:


Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Many members of Congress-

Christine Dolan:

Over the years-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

… have taken seven figures

Christine Dolan:

… Because it’s over the years. I’m talking about cumulatively. I can tell you that Romney has probably taken millions. So this is, you take the money for the donations, they spent over 300 million, pardon me, in 2020 alone. But then also in the States, I had to ask myself, “Why did Governor DeWine from Ohio announced the lottery in 2021 to get people to take the VAX?” And then all of a sudden I realised talking to some people in Ohio, how vast the money is flowing into the state legislatures. And I think I told you this before Malcolm privately, I even listened in on the White House office of faith based phone calls. Starting immediately after Biden was inaugurated.

Christine Dolan:

So this was mid-February 2021. And I heard the people on that end of the phone talking to thousands of people all over the world, I mean all over the country. That they wanted the churches, which had been closed down in America for 2020 to hold “COVID events” because they’re places of trust in community to validate vaccinations. Now think about that. They wanted the churches to host the COVID events, to get the vaccines, to validate them because they’re places of trust. On that one phone call mid-February of 2021, the Biden White House is telling the faith based leaders to in fact get married to the leaders in the Black communities as well as unions. Although specific unions were not mentioned in that phone call. So this is-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

So they’re just tying it up. They’re tying it up.

Christine Dolan:

They’re tying it up-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

And they’re exploiting trust.

Christine Dolan:

They’re flashing it, they’re selling, it is such a level of diabolical human behaviour. And then you have to say, “Why the hell do they want to do this? Is it just because of pharma? Is it because of money? Is it because of the globalism? Is it because of world economic form? Is it because of WHO?” And then you have to take a look at this year alone. In January of this year, the woman who handles the global policy at the HHS here in the States got your country, our country, all of Europe, 47 countries together to sign on for amendments to the WHO to amend the 2005 International Health regulations. And basically is getting all these 47 of the countries to say, “We want to put our health sovereignty onto the WHO.” Isn’t that a clever thing to do because you can’t sue the WHO.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Let’s just pause there for a minute, please. Because what you are showing now is why you claim there’s medical trafficking and you’ve made a good case. You’ve seen child trafficking, human trafficking, slave trafficking, and now you’re making the case for medical trafficking. It’s due to corruption-

Christine Dolan:

Yeah, but before-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Before we go on, we are not going to cover anything like a fraction of what you know Christine. So is there somewhere people can go to learn more about what you do, what CDM does, Your colleague Todd, website, How do they learn more about what Christine Dolan knows?

Christine Dolan:

I’m not on social media. I don’t like Zuckerberg, I don’t like Dorsey. I am on CDM media. If you just go to Google and put in, you’ll see American conversations in the upper right hand corner. We’re broken it down with interviews with vax injured, medical tyranny, which gets into doctors that can’t speak out. And I have a global show taking on the WHO and the globalist every Sunday live on our website. It’s a global conversation and plain site, it’s exposing it. And that is at 12:30 PM Eastern time in the United States for everybody all over the world. One thing I just want to say before we go because I know we are running out of time.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Can we, before you continue with that, and I’d love you to continue with that. We’ve only got about three minutes left and then we have a hard cut. So away you go. Take the last three minutes, Christine.

Christine Dolan:

Okay. So I want to explain to your audience when we talk about medical trafficking, because of my body of work over 22 years ago, I helped shape the context for defining human trafficking. And the best way to understand human trafficking is that you just take a human being. If you defraud, lie coerce, force somebody for whether it’s sex, labour, child soldiers, sex tourism, doesn’t matter, internet, street to remove their organs. That is considered trafficking. So if you just put, for commercial profit, a human being defrauding, lying to, coercing, forcing, for X, Y, and Z-

Senator Malcolm Roberts:


Christine Dolan:

Exploit, that is considered trafficking exploit. And we know that these people are making money. Why are they doing this? The one thing that everybody in the world should do, every politician should do, is to demand from their government to get a copy of J and J, Moderna and Pfizer’s contracts that were given to their country to get access to that foreign citizenship. To put these injections into these people. It’s very important to get those contracts. I’m collecting these contracts as much as I possibly can. I’m going to cross reference these contracts, but I know that those three pharmaceutical companies are asking foreign governments to not make them liable in case there’s any harm done. They want the same lack of liability that they have here in the United States.

Christine Dolan:

In some countries they’re asking for collateral damage. And some of the documents they’re saying to the foreign governments, if you order two million in May, we’re going to decide when you’re going to deliver them. But if there’s a cure for COVID, if between the time that you sign this contract and they are delivered, you’re still going to have to pay for those vaccinations. And this is what really gets crazy. Why the hell would anybody in any foreign government sign a contract like that? It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. And the only reason why somebody would do it, I dare suggest, is because somebody took a bribe.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

Yeah, it’s about the money. But I think it’s also in the case of the World Health Organisation, which is corrupt, incompetent, dishonest, fraudulent. It’s about control on behalf of the United Nations and the World Economic Forum and let’s face. These big pharma control, that’s what they want. They want us as slaves to buy their products, get sick on their products, so they give us another product to remove the symptoms. We’ve got about a minute. Christine, anything else you want to say?

Christine Dolan:

Well, that recycle makes a lot of sense why Bill Gates would be involved with it. Because I don’t know about you, but I didn’t own a Mac until two and a half years ago. During 2020, I used PCs. Every time that my PC would break, I would have to get a new one. I would have to go out and I have to buy a new Windows. So it was a recycled model for economic profit. And that’s why I think he’s so attracted to the vaccinations and people need to understand this is not a man who has an altruistic interest in help.

Senator Malcolm Roberts:

I’m going to have to cut it off there, Christine, because we’ve got 15 seconds. I just want to thank you so much for being here. You are so clear, so precise, you’ve got a wealth of experience. We need people like you to do more of what you’re doing, speaking up to expose these globalist predators, these bastards who are exploiting people. Thank you so much, Christine. Look forward to talking with you again.

Christine Dolan:

Thank you, Malcolm. I look forward to seeing you and talking to you again. Bye.

Advert Speaker:

To hear a replay of this hour, go to now TNT Radio News.

Data on births and deaths is 2 years and 9 months overdue. It should be delayed 6 weeks at the latest. How can we assess the impact of health policy without this vital data?


Yesterday, in questions without notice, I asked Senator Gallagher, the Minister representing the Minister for Health and Aged Care, about the availability of birth data. Her response included a statement to the effect that this information is available from the states. Senator Gallagher needs to be aware that it used to be available. New South Wales, South Australia, the ACT and the Northern Territory no longer publish this data. Queensland publishes data at the end of the year, meaning Queensland data is nine months out of date. Victorian data is already available for August 2022, so someone down there is doing their job.

Victorian births in August 2021 were 6,700. In August 2022, they were 5,900. Western Australia provides quarterly data for births: in the June quarter 2021, there were 8,750 births; in the same period this year, there were 8,060. That’s all the data we have. How can we make life-and-death decisions with insufficient information? These variations could just be the lockdown babies working through the system. They could be anything. We don’t know, and that is the problem.

When health policy has been as intrusive, expensive and controversial as Lib-Lab’s COVID response, wouldn’t this data be compulsory viewing for decision-makers? And yet the best the Commonwealth Bureau of Statistics can manage for births and cause of death is December 2020. That’s 20 months behind. What are they hiding, as I asked? Data for provisional mortality is four months behind, while Victoria can provide their data in five days. All the states use sophisticated reporting routines. The data delay is not with the states. I have submitted a document discovery for the latest data the ABS has on births, deaths and cause of mortality. As long as COVID is said to continue, this data should be provided monthly—one month behind, not two years and nine months behind. We have one flag. We are one community. We are one nation.

A peer-reviewed study has analysed Pfizer and Moderna’s own trial data and found significant risks of adverse events from its vaccine.

This study finds the risk of a serious adverse event is as high as 18 in 10,000, much higher than any government has ever warned.

The Government keeps telling us to “Trust the Science”. Well the real Science is starting to be uncovered and they continue to ignore it.

The peer reviewed study is available at


Senator ROBERTS (Queensland) (14:30): My question is for Senator Gallagher, for the Minister for Health and Aged Care. A peer reviewed paper last week in the establishment scientific journal Vaccine examined Pfizer’s COVID vaccine randomized phase 3 clinical trial data. It used the World Health Organization’s framework made for this purpose, the Brighton Collaboration on adverse events of special interest. Authors include virology and pharmacology experts from UCLA, Stanford, the University of Baltimore and Queensland’s Bond University. The paper concluded that the Pfizer’s vaccine was associated with a 36 per cent increase in serious adverse events. The most common were coagulation disorders and acute cardiac injury. In every 10,000 people injected, 18 will experience a life-threatening or life-altering medical complication. Serious adverse events from Pfizer’s COVID vaccine are four times higher than any benefit in reduced hospitalisation. Minister, is Pfizer’s vaccine safe, and do advise Australians to continue taking it?

Senator GALLAGHER (Australian Capital Territory—Minister for the Public Service, Minister for Finance, Minister for Women, Manager of Government Business in the Senate and Vice-President of the Executive Council) (14:31): I haven’t read the paper that Senator Roberts is citing, but, in answer to his question ‘Are the vaccines safe?’ yes, they are. The successful deployment of vaccinations across the world has prevented probably millions of deaths from COVID-19, particularly in those vulnerable populations such as older people, people who have a disability or people who are immunocompromised.

We’ve done very well here in Australia. We’ve got some more to do in terms of fourth doses, where it’s still only about 40 per cent of eligible people who have received their fourth dose. But the vaccine is safe. It’s been an incredibly effective health measure to manage the pandemic, to protect lives and to protect economic loss that would have otherwise occurred from such a serious global pandemic.

We have put our trust in the health experts in Australia from the beginning of this pandemic. Their advice hasn’t changed. ATAGI have considered all the matters, the scientific panel has looked at them and the TGA has approved the vaccines. They have been through rigorous processes to ensure that they are safe, and where there have been adverse events—and there have been, unfortunately, including serious adverse events and the loss of life—the advice has changed and the vaccine program was changed to deal with that. Where there have been adverse events, they have all been reported publicly on the TGA website, so that people are able to see the data and see the changing health advice around the vaccines. But, yes, they are safe and people should have their vaccine, including their fourth dose. (Time expired)

The PRESIDENT: Senator Roberts, your first supplementary question.

Senator ROBERTS (Queensland) (14:33): Sixty-three million COVID injections means up to 113,000 Australians suffered serious adverse events. Since the vaccine’s release, all-cause mortality, after allowing for COVID deaths, is at record highs. This paper proves COVID vaccines cause serious side effects—in 13 cases, fatal ones. ATAGI admits children are being given myocarditis and pericarditis. Where is the royal commission that your own COVID committee called for?

Senator GALLAGHER (Australian Capital Territory—Minister for the Public Service, Minister for Finance, Minister for Women, Manager of Government Business in the Senate and Vice-President of the Executive Council) (14:34): We didn’t call for a royal commission into vaccine safety; let’s be clear on that. As chair, there was a recommendation about looking at all aspects of the pandemic response. But it is different, and I don’t want to be involved in any conspiracy about vaccines, thanks very much. They are safe. The evidence has been provided and the data is available on the website. And I would say to Senator Roberts—because I do have time for you, Senator Roberts; we have good discussions, and have had through the pandemic—if you are concerned by this paper you’ve read, I would urge you to refer it to the TGA or to the AHPPC or to ATAGI, and get their considered opinion on it to see, and perhaps listen to, the other side from those experts who’ve been working on vaccines and vaccine safety.

Senator ROBERTS (Queensland) (14:35): The vaccines are causing coagulation disorders, and this will show in our reduction in live births. The Australian Bureau of Statistics receives live-birth data six weeks post-birth, so we should be seeing live-birth data to June 2022, yet the ABS data stops at December 2020. Minister, why is this government holding back 2½ years of live-birth data? What are you covering up?

Senator GALLAGHER (Australian Capital Territory—Minister for the Public Service, Minister for Finance, Minister for Women, Manager of Government Business in the Senate and Vice-President of the Executive Council) (14:35): For a start, just to answer your question directly, we’re not covering up anything. Secondly, on issues of births, live births, maternal deaths or deaths of babies, usually that data is reported, and it’s reported at a state and territory level, so I’m sure that data does exist, if you are interested in it. Where there have been side effects from the vaccine, and there have been some—I’m sure many in this chamber got them—like headaches, feeling a bit tired and escalating into more serious conditions, they have been appropriately managed, and advised on by all of those experts. When there were some concerns about blood clotting and myocarditis in young men, I think in teenage boys particularly, those issues were addressed and were managed, including by providing advice to anyone who is a vaccination provider, to keep an eye out for any conditions like that. And you’ll see from the data that the TGA— (Time expired)

A new legal opinion published by Julian Gillespie LLB, BJuris and Peter Fam LLB casts doubt over the legal basis of AHPRA’s 9 March 2021 “gag order”. The opinion is accompanied by the following cover letter (click here to skip to the full opinion):

This email raises several issues which are of concern to the Australian public and Health Professionals and, we hope, you. Also, the attached Legal Opinion contains the report of Dr Phillip Altman, makes available to you and your colleagues a cutting edge update on the COVID-19 vaccinations, and a comprehensive analysis of associated Adverse Events in Australia, which together raise serious implications for Australian Personal Injury and Medical Negligence law.

Contingent to a joint statement received from AHPRA and the National Boards on 9 March 2021[1], Australian Health Professionals numbering over 825,000 were essentially forbidden from publicly questioning the science underlying the emerging COVID-19 injectables, let alone questioning any government messaging urging Australians to be vaccinated because these products were deemed ‘safe and effective’. The effect of this unilateral action was to undermine professional independence. However well intentioned, this gagging by bureaucratic decree inserted AHPRA and the National Boards between the Clinician and their Patient, which resulted in a serious failure of evidenced-based information being shared by Health Professionals with patients, being information required for patients to be fully-informed, for the purpose of their providing legally acceptable Informed Consent to receiving Covid-19 injectables.

This failure in Informed Consent across Australia has now occurred millions of times in respect of the Covid-19 injectables.

This failure in Informed Consent has likely resulted in 100s of 1,000s, if not millions of Australians agreeing to the administration of a Covid-19 injectables, where they would not have so agreed or Consented, had they been provided with all the available evidenced-based information concerning Covid-19 injectables, including that they expose a recipient to a real and significant risk of death, injury, or illness.

Indeed, now 17 months later and after numerous forms of pressure to take up the COVID-19 injectables in various age categories, a tremendous amount of data has been emerging from early 2021 and consistently into 2022, for accurately informing clinicians about these products.

This literature has included over one thousand[2] peer reviewed studies reporting of the harms being seen around the world, up to December 2021. In addition, it has become clear that the risk of serious illness and death attributable to COVID-19 disease is heavily weighted to the elderly and those with known co-morbidities, while in contrast, younger Australians are relatively resistant.  Also, since the advent of the Delta and Omicron variants, it is highly questionable whether the vaccines are preventing transmission or illness.

In any event, the implied and intended outcome of the gagging was to see Doctors and Health Professionals effectively mandated to support the government campaign to have the Australian population injected with drugs for which there was no adequate short-, medium-, or long-term safety or efficacy data. Indeed, the rush to market and Provisional Approval occurred despite the absence of the usual pre-clinical studies, including testing for Carcinogenicity and Genotoxicity. In this regard, it should be of serious interest that a peer-reviewed investigation[3] has demonstrated that mRNA-derived Spike proteins enter the cell nucleus and interfere with DNA. However, many critical facts like these became forbidden subjects for Health Professionals and Doctors to raise with their patients, let alone in public forums. Thus, we contend that the joint statement of 9 March 2021 has compromised proper and Informed Consent in Australia.

Especially given the lack of available pre-clinical research for each of these products, or clinical studies powered to detect early safety signals at the time of Provisional Approval, the need for ongoing critical appraisal of pharmacovigilance data remains paramount, to instruct responsible day to day practice by Medical Professionals. To date, none of the makers of the COVID-19 injectables have been able to stringently show their products to be Safe or properly Effective. To date, Adverse Events flowing from these products are at historically unprecedented levels globally and continue to rise. And again, to date, no other drugs in human history have reported more deaths, illnesses, injuries, and disabilities, which number as follows (to 28 June 2022):

Covid-19 Injectables                                      Adverse Event Reports                                  Deaths

European Medicines Agency[4]                     1,845,179[5]                                                           45,982

US VAERS[6]                                                           835,062[7]                                                               13,388

Australia TGA[8]                                                   132,155[9]                                                               889

UK Yellow Card[10]                                              458,463[11]                                                             2,191

                                                Total                      3,270,859                                                             62,450  

It is widely acknowledged that all Adverse Event reporting systems suffer from under-reporting[12], an inherent challenge for passive reporting systems and their interpretation. For US VAERS reporting in respect of the COVID-19 injectables, the Under-Reporting Factor (URF) has been estimated to be between 40-49x[13]. If a conservative URF of 10x is applied, the above figures begin to more realistically represent the likely true effects of the Covid-19 injectables:

                                                                                Adverse Event Reports                                  Deaths

                                                                                EU, US, AU, UK

                                                Total                      32,708,590                                                           624,500

To be clear, the TGA has received more Adverse Event reports in 2021 through June 2022 for the COVID-19 vaccines, than they have been seen for all other vaccines in the preceding 50-year period. A similar explosion in Adverse Event reports for the  COVID-19 injectables has occurred in all other countries that chose to deploy them[14], but in Australia, comparing the period from 1971[15] until the start of 2021 in respect of traditional protein-based vaccines, to the period from 1 February 2021 through 8 June 2022 in respect of the COVID-19 injectables, we observe the following:

Number of Adverse Event Reports non-COVID vaccines (50yrs):                                 19,330

Number of Adverse Event Reports COVID-19 injectables (18mths):                            132,668

Number of Reaction Types non-COVID vaccines (50yrs):                                                 1,492

Number of Reaction Types COVID -19 injectables (18mths):                                          3,660

Number of Adverse Reactions non-COVID vaccines (50yrs):                                           43,878

Number of Adverse Reactions COVID-19 injectables (18mths):                                     433,669

# Adverse Reactions per Adverse Event report non-COVID vaccines (50yrs):           2.27

# Adverse Reactions per Adverse Event report COVID-19 injectables (18mths):     3.27

To assist you to understand the causes leading to these concerning signals, we provide to you the comprehensive and up-to-date report of Dr Phillip Altman annexed to the Opinion. By way of background, Dr Altman’s report has been used in modified formats to assist the Courts in Australia and New Zealand to understand the scientific evidence behind the COVID-19 injectables. It is proving to be the long-awaited body of work needed by the Judicial, Medical and Scientific communities of Australia, to bring clarity by critical scientific appraisal during these controversial times of COVID-19.


Legal Ramifications for Registered Health Practitioners

And AHPRA Public Officers


The AHPRA and the National Boards joint statement of 9 March 2021

The Legal Opinion has been made publicly available by law firm Maat’s Method, and was authored by former barrister Mr Julian Gillespie and myself, Principal Lawyer Mr Peter Fam.

The Opinion establishes several conclusions that represent serious matters requiring immediate consideration by every Personal Injury/Medical Negligence lawyer whose community members have been adversely effected by the administering the Covid-19 injectables.

In essence, the Legal Opinion posits that the 9 March 2021 AHPRA ‘gag order’ was only an advisory, not even AHPRA policy.  It was made in contravention to the Codes of Conduct which supersede such an advisory in Law.  Even if made with good intentions as the experimental gene-based Covid-19 injectables were rolled out in an atmosphere of great hope, its outcomes have been to undermine the Codes of Conduct, the practitioner-patient/client relationship, and thwart the right of patients to fully-informed Informed Consent.

In short, the Legal Opinion establishes the following:

  • The publication of the 9 March 2021 joint statement by AHPRA and the National Boards was illegal.
  • At all times before and after publication of the March statement, Health Professionals were required to observe first their Codes of Conduct, irrespective of the various coercive and threatening statements made in the March statement.
  • Codes of Conduct are subordinate legislation deemed Statutory Rules; a failure to strictly observe Codes of Conduct amounts to a breach of the National Law.
  • Nothing in the March statement allowed any Health Professional to not observe their Code of Conduct in respect of the Covid-19 injectables.
  • Covid-19 injectables administered by a Health Professional who does or did not fully-inform patients of the known risks associated with the injectables, for the purpose of patients providing fully-informed Informed Consent, were and are in breach of the National Law.
  • Health Professionals who do not and/or did not fully-inform patients of the known risks associated with the Covid-19 injectables for the purpose of patients providing fully-informed Informed Consent, are now legally liable to ‘vaccine’ victims for Professional Negligence and/or Medical Negligence.
  • No Australian government has put in place any indemnity or immunity for Health Professionals in respect of their potential liability to patients to whom they administered Covid-19 injectables.
  • As a consequence of the 9 March statement being illegal, the public officers within AHPRA and the National Boards responsible for the publication of the statement, now appear to be personally liable to Covid-19 ‘vaccine’ victims. The reason for this would be due to the foreseeable harm arising from the statement ‘gagging’ Health Professionals from sharing evidenced-based information about the known risks associated with the Covid-19 injectables. This liability arises under the tort of Misfeasance in Public Office.
  • Lastly, Health Professionals who may indeed be professionally liable to ‘vaccine’ victims, may themselves be able to also sue the public officers within AHPRA and the National Boards responsible for the March statement, again by resort to the tort of Misfeasance in Public Office.

This Legal Opinion is likely to be tested widely in the courts in the coming months and years.  Therefore, in the spirit of collegiality, we have alerted you about the Legal Opinion so you may alert any Health Professionals who may be personally and professionally affected by the conclusions it contains, or alternatively, assist the many thousands of ‘vaccine’ victims across Australia seek proper redress for the harms that have befallen them.

We implore you as colleagues to give the information and resource contained in this email your greatest attention, with a view to sharing the same with your colleagues. There will doubtless be many questions arising from our email and we invite further discussion with you.

Full Opinion view/download




[4] – Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Janssen

[5] Individual reports refer to a single patient, where more than one adverse reaction is often included.

[6] (only US/Territories) – Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca

[7] Individual reports refer to a single patient, where more than one adverse reaction is often included.

[8] – Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca

[9] Individual reports refer to a single patient, where more than one adverse reaction is often included.

[10] – Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca

[11] Individual reports refer to a single patient, where more than one adverse reaction is often included. The 458,463 reports received to 24 June 2022 reported a total of 1,495,273 various forms of adverse reaction.




[15] See DAEN website for no. of adverse events non-COVID vaccines and Covid injectables.

The COVID Inquiry 2.0 is a cross-party, non-parliamentary inquiry held on the 17th August 2022. The COVID Inquiry 2.0 followed COVID Under Question to interrogate breaches of the doctor-patient relationship and the regulatory capture of Australia’s health and drug regulators.

Witnesses from a range of backgrounds presented personal and scholarly evidence that was shocking and revealing. The day of questioning from 8am to 7:30pm was livestreamed and recordings of all witnesses are available below.

Please note: Captions on videos are machine generated. They contain a number of errors. The audio of the videos or transcripts linked under each video should be relied on as the accurate statement of what was said.

Welcome Video and Introduction



Brook Jackson

Transcript. Brook Jackson was regional director of Ventavia Research Group. That company was contracted by Pfizer to provide three phase three test sites for the vaccine trial, the Pfizer vaccine trial, in Houston, Fort Worth and Keller, Texas. 12.22min

Dr Peter Parry

Transcript. Dr. Peter Parry, discusses mental health of children and adults. Associate Professor Peter Parry is a child and adolescent psychiatrist whose career encompasses that of a medical officer in the Royal Australian Navy, a GP and palliative care, prior to training in psychiatry from 1990. 11.15min

Dr Pierre Kory

Transcript. Dr. Pierre Kory from America. He’s a medical doctor, a master of public administration, a specialist in pulmonary diseases and critical care medicine. Won many awards, but two major international awards he received during the COVID are, in 2021 from South Africa, the SAHARI Foundation a Certificate of Appreciation to Humanity, in 2021 again from Malaysia, the Cheng Ho Multicultural Education Trust Benevolent award. 24.51min

Suzie Pollock

Transcript. Suzie Pollock graduated from the Queensland University of Technology in 1995 with a Bachelor of Law. She spent 11 years working for one of Australia’s big four banks. That’d be enough to do it in for you, wouldn’t it. Followed by roles in top tier law firms in Australia and Hong Hong Kong in international banking and finance law. 12.37min

Dr Philip Altman

Transcript. Dr. Phillip Altman, who has a bachelor of pharmacy honours degree in master of science and a PhD. He’s had a background in clinical research and regulatory affairs, pharmaceuticals, medical devices, and biotechnology. 48.26min

Mary-Jane Stevens

Transcript. Mary-Jane Stevens who’s a mother of four, four children and until late September, 2021, she was a registered nurse in the emergency department of a Queensland Health hospital. She’s now been de-registered due to an Ahpra March, 2021 directive. 15.27min

Alan Dana

Transcript. Alan Dana learned to fly in the United Kingdom in 1988. He holds British, United States and Australian professional airline transport licences, including an FAA Accident Prevention Counsellor Designation. His total experience, over 35 years, is now exceeding 23,000 flight hours. Alan took the time on a career route for pilots, instructing pilots for 32 years. 17.13min


Christine Dolan

Transcript. Christine Dolan is an American senior editor and chief investigative correspondent for She has a long history of tackling corruption, having worked at four American networks, served as CNN political director, covered three wars, and has investigated human trafficking in 140 countries for over 22 years, as well as the Catholic church globally. 28.03min

Warner Mendenhall

Transcript. Warner Mendenhall, who’s a United States lawyer. He’s a prominent activist attorney from the United States who is currently representing Ms. Brook Jackson in her lawsuit against Pfizer. Warner has a strong history of representing people being abused by government decisions and protecting whistleblowers fighting against injustice. 13.16min

Dr James Rowe

Transcript. Dr. James Rowe is a pharmaceutical scientist with over 40 years experience in the pharmaceutical industry and academia in the design development and testing of novel drug dosage forms. He has held academic positions at the University of London, University of Sydney, and Western Sydney University. 13.56min

Senator Gerard Rennick

Transcript. Senator Rennick was elected in Federal Parliament in 2019 representing the people of Queensland. He’s one of only a handful of politicians who is holding the government to account regarding the mismanagement of COVID, and he’s willing to question the science behind it. He did that not only with the current government, but he did it with the previous government, which was of his own party. 43.42min

Dr Robert Brennan

Transcript. Dr. Robert Brennan, is a man of a very high integrity. He’s co-director of Australian Medical Network, Australia’s largest and longest running dissident doctor group in the COVID era. He’s a member of the founding executive, so he dares to question things and he speaks up. A member of the founding executive of the Australian medical professional society, and a regular commentator and host on TNT 13.32min


Dr Chris Neil

Transcript. Dr. Neil became a cardiologist mid-career having been continuously engaged in medicine or the study of medicine for 26 years, quarter of century, since specialisation he has undertaken doctoral and post-doctoral studies being successful in obtaining research grants, completing investigation driven studies, and supervising, and co-supervising higher degree research students to completion as well as supervising and mentoring multiple physicians in training. Discusses doctor patient relationship. 24.22min

Julian Gillespie

Transcript. Mr. Julian Gillespie, who’s a lawyer and a former barrister. Julian is currently closely involved in the federal court judicial review case involving vaccine mandates. He’s deeply involved with issues relating to the oppressive approach that the government has taken with management of COVID-19 in the community. 29.16min

Dr Duncan Syme

Transcript. Dr. Syme winner of the Nicholas Collins Fellowship Achievement Award, the Australian Hospital in the Home Society 2018. Dr. Syme graduated from Monash University in 1987. He’s been in clinical practise for 34 years and a general practitioner for 27 years. Currently, his registration is suspended due to providing exemptions for patients who do not want to be injected by the COVID-19 medication. 24min

Dr Gary Fettke

Transcript. Dr. Gary Fettke is an orthopaedic surgeon and vocal proponent of nutrition being a major component of prevention and management of modern disease. In 2014, he became repeatedly targeted by the processed food industry for his opinion, culminating in a silencing by the AHPRA medical board. Prevention is the key to management in this recent COVID pandemic and future pandemics to come. 21.34min

Peter Fam

Transcript. Peter Fam is a lawyer on human rights. He’s a human rights specialist and the principal lawyer at Maat’s Method A human rights law firm in Sydney. He holds a degree in journalism as well. Peter is a defender and advocate of universal law, his aim is to assist restoring truth, justice, and balance to our world. 24.19min

Julian Gillespie

Transcript. Julian Gillespie talks about government manipulation. He spoke in his first session about the doctor-patient relationship being destroyed. Now he talks about the government manipulation that orchestrated that, and then about new legislation and declaration of demand. 47.01min

Dr Robert Brennan

Transcript. Dr. Robert Brennan, speaking about public health. 13.38min


Dr Peter Parry

Transcript. Dr. Peter Parry, discusses social engineering. A psychiatrist perspective on social engineering based on human behaviour. 19.53min

Professor Iain Benson

Transcript. Professor Iain Benson, discusses medical ethics, not only the problems, but the solutions. He has four degrees, including a PhD. He’s professor of law at the University of Notre Dame, Australia. He’s published many academic articles and book chapters, work cited by both the Supreme Court of Canada, the Constitutional Court of South Africa, and in April 2019, the High Court of Gauteng, which is in Johannesburg, South Africa. He discusses the ethical problems involved with the forced use of experimental drugs. 29.05min

Carla Mardell

Transcript. Carla Mardell, who has a Bachelor of Education, is an EFT practitioner, Postgraduate Certificate of Digital and Collaborative Technology, NLP Coach Practitioner. She discusses how we have been programmed in our beliefs with conditioning. 27.47min


Dr Gary Fettke

Transcript. Dr. Gary Fettke discusses solutions as to how people can better prepare their own health. 16.04min

Dr Philip Altman

Transcript. Dr. Altman talks about two things. One is a summary of the day. What have we learned? Then secondly, solutions. 24.27min

The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) has recommended the Moderna jab for children aged 6 months to 5 years.[1] The vaccine only holds provisional approval. Provisional approval is given to drugs where research is still being conducted, research that might uncover adverse effects not initially apparent.[2]

The risk of death to 5 year olds from the more fatal, early variants of COVID was as low as 0.0024% or roughly 1 in 40,000.[3] This does not reflect the risk of Omicron, the dominant strain across the world right now, which is estimated to be 78% less fatal.[4] This would imply a risk of around 1 in 180,000 to 5 year olds from Omicron. On the other hand, the risk of vaccine caused myocarditis is around 1 in every 10,000 for 12-17 year old boys.[5]

There is simply not enough information on the long-term effects to decide on the risk benefit calculation like ATAGI claims to have. ATAGI has abandoned the precautionary principle in provisionally approving Moderna for use in toddlers and children when it has no longitudinal, years long research.






Update 3/8/22: ATAGI has now approved the Moderna vaccine for under 5 year olds, meaning the vaccine rollout will proceed to toddlers.

The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has provisionally approved the Moderna jab for children aged 6 months to 5 years.[1] Provisional approval is given to drugs where research is still being conducted, research that might uncover adverse effects not initially apparent.[2]

The risk to 5 year olds from the more fatal, early variants of COVID was as low as 0.0024% or roughly 1 in 40,000.[3] This does not reflect the risk of Omicron, the dominant strain across the world right now, which is estimated to be 78% less fatal.[4] On the other hand, the risk of vaccine caused myocarditis is around 1 in every 10,000 for 12-17 year old boys.[5]

There is simply not enough information on the long-term effects to decide on the risk benefit calculation like the TGA claims to have. The TGA has abandoned the precautionary principle in provisionally approving Moderna for use in toddlers and children when it has no longitudinal, years long research.






Hon. Mark Butler, MP

Minister for Health and Aged Care

Dear Minister


While welcoming your review, regarding your appointment of Ms Jane Halton to conduct the review for you, I ask whether you are aware of the many reported serious conflicts of interest associated with Jane Halton on this topic, based on her reported statements, relationships, appointed positions and history?

If you are aware of these reported conflicts, how do you intend to manage her work for taxpayers and citizens so that we obtain, in your words, quote – “good independent advice to the government about our existing arrangements – the contracts that we have inherited from previous government both in relation to vaccine delivery … and treatments?”

Based on these conflicts and as a matter requiring transparency and integrity, I would seriously question whether any advice provided, or review conducted by Ms Halton, could be said to be unbiased and sufficiently independent concerning existing arrangements and contracts related to vaccine delivery and associated treatments.

Minister, how can a review be independent and credible without release to senators of the details of contracts between vaccine manufacturers, including intermediaries and suppliers, and the government?

Yours Sincerely

Senator Malcolm Roberts

I had the great pleasure of addressing the Australian Medical Professionals Society Medico-Legal Summit, a gathering of fantastic Doctors who are speaking out against Government mismanagement despite the fear of censorship.

Their Health Reform declaration is a fantastic document. The full three hours of proceedings was recorded and is available here:


Well, thank you very much. Safety, truth and integrity lead to care. Care is fundamental in our human species. Thank you Kara. Thank you to the organisers. Thank you to the speakers. Thank you to the audience for being here. You’re showing how important this is. Thank you for standing up and showing your character. Not just for patients, but for 25 million people in this country and for 8 billion people around the world, that’s who you’re doing it for. So I particularly want to thank Jack, Kara and Graham Haycroft for their work with the Red Union and for starting AMPS.

I sincerely mean that it is an honour to be here tonight. I have the privilege to be in the company of moral giants and people who share frankly and truthfully. And we understand your pain and I thank you Janda for being so vulnerable. But I also see the pain in Robert Brennan and others. The hurt, the injustice, the frustration and the anger. And it underpins why we are working together to restore integrity, competence, trust, accountability and safety. And we acknowledge that you give us hope because of your courage. You’re giving us hope and humans need hope. And also your determination. Government agencies have not been able to manage COVID because they’ve never tried to manage COVID. They have used COVID to control people, that has been the agenda from the start. I fully support and endorse what’s been said here tonight. Safety is paramount.

I’ll tell you something about the TGA, because I spoke up about Ivermectin, the TGA sent me a letter, two and a half, three and a half pages long, I can’t remember. Can any of you? The TGA accused me of advertising Ivermectin. I’m not authorised to do that. So I wrote back a little short letter with the help of Hugh who is barrister in my office. And it said basically, “How dare you try to suppress a duly elected member of parliament from speaking with his constituents.” And by the way, I finished with, “… and the government has blood on its hands.”

In their response they said, “Dear Senator Roberts, thank you for your letter. Sincerely.” That is the way to handle a bully because that’s all they are. I also made the head of the Therapeutic Goods Administration… Sorry, the head of the… yeah, Therapeutic Goods Administration aware that Pfizer had paid $2.4 billion in fines. And that other large pharmaceutical companies in America had paid $700 million and $800 million. And you know what their response was? He said it in senate estimates, “Oh, that was only for marketing breaches.” That was for false claims that is fundamental to integrity and they didn’t do the testing of these vaccines, these therapeutic experimental gene therapies. They relied on the drug company’s word despite knowing that they couldn’t be trusted.

The core problem is not health, it’s character and it’s a breach of oath. And it’s all about fear and intimidation. And these people are providing us hope because they’re overcoming that. But let’s have a look at fear and intimidation. You’ve heard the story, someone borrows a hundred million dollars from a bank and they can’t pay it back. They have a problem. Someone borrows a hundred billion dollars from the bank and can’t pay it back. The bank has a problem. When the hospitals try to intimidate a doctor because a doctor stands up as these people have, the doctor has a problem. But when many doctors stand up, the hospitals have a problem. The health department has a problem. Doctors have the power when united in belief. Yet fear takes over much of what we do as humans.

I can remember being a child and going to Philip Island and watching the fairy penguins come up. Anyone seen that? We’re all standing there waiting for the fairy penguins to come in. In comes the first… what do they call them? Flock of fairy penguins. And there’s one fairy penguin out front. And they march up the beach a couple of metres. And then the lead penguin turns around and they all will rush back into the water. Then they come back in another wave and they go further up the beach, another couple of metres further. And then the lead penguin gets anxious and they all rush back to the water. Then they come back in again. And this goes on for quite a while. They eventually get to the top and everyone’s home.

It’s the fear and the intimidation. And now we’ve seen here leaders continuing. And I know that what Robert Brennan said was correct is correct. There are more coming. There are doctors waking up all around the country. Medical professionals and the public demand better from governments. Years of education and experience trashed. But it’s not just AHPRA and AHPPC, it is the AMA. It is the boards of the doctors’ colleges. And it is the club, the shadowy figures who control much of these organisations in the shadows. And they’re aware of the fear that they can push. And that’s what it’s about.

We visited with a doctor, a professional who won’t get injected. He’s had years as a prominent specialist in this country. And he was telling my staff that he can still remember and has carried with him the threats and the intimidation from when he was very young as a medical professional. He was under control. That’s what they want. Therapeutic Goods Administration the same. So let me make it very clear. I support wholeheartedly your reform declaration. And I look at the person who’s number one on the list of signatories, Wendy Hoy. A distinguished academic, a distinguished medical professional. And I thank her for standing up and for the others who are signing this. And it’s not just doctors.

I want to urge people to sign to demand for legislative reform of national law and the TGA board. It’s fundamental. It’s basic. It will end in human control and restore rights and health. And it’ll be significant not just for people in the health professionals, but it’ll be significant for everyone who uses the health system and reconvert it from being a disease system back to a health system. And it’s fundamental for all Australians. So please sign the declaration for urgent demands for reform. Protect Australians from future loss of health, livelihoods, cash, freedom, community, sovereignty. Because the World Health Organization’s international health regulations are about sovereignty. This is a global issue and your medical profession needs to be resuscitated. Sorry, our medical profession needs to be resuscitated because they look after us.

We will continue, Pauline and I, to develop the Royal Commission terms of reference. Labor has said that they will have a Royal Commission. It’s implicit in the findings of the inquiry into COVID. Correct, Senator Rennick? So we want to put pressure on them so they come clean and admit their mistakes as Julian Gillespie said, but we need to come up with a good terms of reference. This has all been about money, control, deceit to get control. It is about fraud. Fraud is the presentation of something as it is not for personal gain. Thankfully the lawyers are agreeing with me. It’s also about intimidation and we will hound them down and now we can say we will hound them down.

This declaration is marvellous. We are thinking now of doing another COVID under question inquiry, but we won’t be calling it COVID under question it’ll be something to do with a doctor patient relationship. We’ll be inviting other like-minded members of parliament to join us. But I want to thank Julian Gillespie for his speech. I thought that was outstanding and same with Philip Altman’s speech. Absolutely point after point, just complete points, absolute facts. I want to thank Kara and the doctors. I also want to thank TNT Radio live because they have seen speaking out as they say quite proudly. The only thing mandated at TNT Radio is the truth. So let’s restore the medical and health professionals. Restore truth for safety and freedom and bring back our country and humanity because humans care. Thank you very much for a wonderful evening.

I joined Chris for another episode of the independent, unfiltered Primodcast for a thrilling conversation on all the things mainstream media won’t cover.

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Chris Spicer:

What’s up, tribe? This episode of the podcast is brought to you by Bodyweight Built. Bodyweight Built has decided to jump on and support the show, which is obviously huge for me and the podcast but also a huge step in the right direction for independent media. Bodyweight Built is an all-in-one fitness app designed by fitness trainer and buddy of mine, Matty Fox. I spoke to Matt before Christmas, and I was telling him how I hit a plateau with my regular strength training. He recommended that I join the app, which I did. The results have been fantastic. I’ve shed body fat. My strength has gone through the roof, including functional strength, which is something that I’ve always struggled with.

Chris Spicer:

In the app, there are multiple eight and 12 week programmes all designed to be done without a gym and even equipment, which was great for me because I only had a few kettlebells and dumbbells. So, it’s been fantastic. On top of those programmes, there’s nutrition tips and tricks, yoga classes, plus much more. Listeners of the podcast, I want you to head to to get started for just $1 for the first month. Just $1. There’s no lock in contract. You can cancel at any time. So, if you decide after a few weeks that it’s not for you, cancel, you’ve lost the dollar, no harm done. That’s I’ll also attach the link in the description of this podcast.

Speaker 2:

Ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, podcasting, podcasting from Sydney, Australia, this is The Prime Modcast. Independent, unfiltered, and uncensored, beginning in three, three, two, two, one, one.

Speaker 3:

This meeting is being recorded.

Chris Spicer:

Nice. Got it. Senator Malcolm Roberts, thank you for joining me again. Third time.

Malcolm Roberts:

Third time. Third time lucky, eh?

Chris Spicer:

Yeah, you’re-

Malcolm Roberts:

No, you’re welcome. Always a pleasure, Chris. I enjoy talking with you.

Chris Spicer:

Mate, it’s great. It’s always good and very enlightening. And, mate, I get terrific feedback every time. So, you’re practically a co-host at this point, with three times.

Malcolm Roberts:


Chris Spicer:

What’s been happening, mate?

Malcolm Roberts:

Well, we’ve seen the people have made their decision in the election last week. A lot of people are very disappointed by it, but that’s the way democracy works. Suck it up and just live with it because they’ve made their decision. Some interesting facts, though, Chris, as you probably realise, I think this is the first time we’ve had a government that’s been elected with less than a third of the people voting for it. So, more than two thirds of the people did not vote for the Labor Party. I think this is the first time, certainly first time in a long time, that… I’m sure it must be the first time, but I can’t say that for sure because I haven’t checked, but it must be the first time ever that both the old tired old parties, Liberal Party, Labor Party, have got less than 32%, less than a third of the vote. So, oh, hang on, the Liberals might be just above a third.

Malcolm Roberts:

So, what we’ve seen, a very positive sign, is we’ve seen an enormous swing away from the Liberal, Labor, Nationals club. And that’s the duopoly. We’ve talked about that in the past. There’s no difference between the two parties. They both push the UN agenda. We saw a startling admission during the election campaign. Both Anthony Albanese and Scott Morrison, when asked about the UN’s World Health Organization’s International Health Orders/Regulations being changed to become coercive and take control over a country’s health system, intrude in it, they both said they were in favour of giving the World Health Organisation more power. Yet Morrison said at the start of this virus we needed to hold them accountable. And then he changed his mind very, very quickly, and he said, no, he wants to give the World Health Organisation more power. I think he said that in about April 2020.

Malcolm Roberts:

So I mean, these people are allowing the UN, if the UN comes up with this this year, this week, they will allow the UN to have more power over us. The other message that I think that came through from the election is that the Teals got a very focused campaign. They focused on just a handful of seats. They focus on Liberal seats. Fortunately, they were woke Liberals, so we haven’t lost anything by them going to the Teals. But they’re just a closet pro-Labor group. They’re funded, driven by a billionaire who is making a lot of money out of renewable energy, what I call unreliables. So, there’s something in it for him, by the look of it. So, they’re just masquerading as climate warriors.

Malcolm Roberts:

The Greens got an increase in vote as well. But both of those parties didn’t say anything concrete, didn’t say anything negative. They just silently went through playing TikTok videos and all the rest of it. I mean, complete crap. And I think what happened was people said, “We’ve had enough of two years negativity.” So, when we were pointing out messages… Our vote went up, by the way. We’re now the largest freedom party in the country by quite a way.

Chris Spicer:

Well done.

Malcolm Roberts:

Yeah. And it looks like we might get four, possibly five senators. So, it all depends, but that’s a very good result. Yeah. The other thing is that these people went through, the Greens and the Teals went through, basically just skated through without saying anything controversial, nothing specific. They locked down their senators. All the Greens’ senators were stopped from talking. Lidia Thorpe escaped for one session, I think, and embarrassed herself. So, they locked her up again. And… what’s her name? … Mehreen Faruqi did the same. But the Greens have shut up, and all they’ve done is relied upon what I would call immature videos and just emotions. And I think that reflects that people have had enough of negativity and they just want something clear. So, they’re not going to get anything, but that’s what basically won.

Chris Spicer:

Do you think it was more of a vote against Morrison than a vote for the other parties? Because it almost seems to me like it could be the fact that they didn’t want to vote for Morrison, but they didn’t really know who to vote for. Do you think that’s likely?

Malcolm Roberts:

I think you’ve nailed it. I said throughout the election campaign, Morrison’s best asset is Albanese, and Albanese’s best asset is Morrison. They’re both woeful. The Labor Party is pathetically weak and they’re deceitfully dishonest. What was I going to say there? Morrison failed completely because people started waking up to him being a liar. I don’t know if we discussed this topic last time, but he repeatedly said day in, day out for a couple of weeks there, “There are no vaccine mandates in Australia.” That is a complete lie. Everywhere I went, I would just turn the microphone over to the audience and say, “What do you think of that statement?” And they’d be yelling out, “Liar! Bastard!” this kind of stuff.

Malcolm Roberts:

But if you look at what Morrison did, while he was saying that, he bought 280 million doses of the injections. That’s 11 each. He then indemnified the states. He then said to the states, oh, sorry, the state premier said the decision that they made at the states to mandate the injections was in line with the federal, sorry, with the National Cabinet. Now, the National Cabinet is not constitutional. It’s just concocted. But who leads the National Cabinet? Who formed it? Who leads it? Who chairs it? It’s Scott Morrison. And then you see there’s something else that’s crucial. You cannot have these injection mandates enforced without the knowledge that whether or not someone is injected. And that data comes from the Australian Immunisation Register, which is a Federal Health Department. So, the Federal Health Department made it possible.

Malcolm Roberts:

So, Morrison bought the vaccines, bought the injections, spread the injections, led the cabinet that decided on the injections, and then enabled the injections to go ahead. Plus, his party, with a few exceptions, no exceptions from the Labor Party, but just a few Liberals excepted, they opposed the bill that I introduced, Pauline’s bill that I introduced into the Senate to outlaw discrimination based on injection status. And then the same parties, led by Scott Morrison, denied us even sending it to a committee. Labor, Liberal, Nationals, Greens all stopped us sending it to a committee so that you and the other people of Australia couldn’t have their say.

Malcolm Roberts:

And then you look further, Chris, and this bloody liar, he then… You see the Defence Department. Some people in Defence are mandated. Australian Electoral Commission is mandated, and they’re having trouble getting sufficient volunteers to run the election properly. Border Force is mandated, aged care is mandated. So, they’re actually going against the constitution mandating these things. So, you make up your mind. I’ve made up my mind. Morrison was a dead set liar. And people woke up to him. They woke up to him, and that’s why they punished him. Because the Liberal Party has plummeted down to, what, 50 something seats, isn’t it?

Chris Spicer:

Yeah. Well, they were annihilated, and I think it’s a lot of that. Well, the Liberal Party, to me, yeah, they’ve gone too far left with a lot of their policies and what they’ve done. And this has been, I think, accelerated since Morrison has been in power there, where the difference between Liberal and Labor, what is there? There’s nothing.

Malcolm Roberts:


Chris Spicer:

There’s nothing. There’s no difference where-

Malcolm Roberts:

Name a policy.

Chris Spicer:

Well, that’s what I mean. The same. I mean, they used to be more leaning towards the right with their policies. That’s what the Liberal Party is known for, but now… My father’s been a Liberal voter his whole life, and I had a conversation with him the other day about it, and he said, “The Liberal Party’s not the Liberal Party. They’re not.” He goes, “They’re a shadow of Labor.” This woke nonsense that’s going on now and all the rest of it, it’s out of control. And now we’ve got a Labor government and the Greens who have a… I don’t know how many. You’d be able to know for sure how many people are in the Senate are from the Greens Party, but they’re going to get a lot of say.

Malcolm Roberts:

Well, the last Labor government was a Labor-Greens Coalition. There was a formal coalition drawn up under Julia Gillard, because she was the prime minister with that Greens-Labor Coalition. And we all know that the tail, the Greens, wagged the dog, the Labor Party. And so that’s what’s going to happen again. We don’t know the makeup of the Senate yet though, Chris, because the voting hasn’t been finished. The counting of the votes hasn’t been finished yet and probably won’t be for a few days yet. So, we won’t know the makeup, but it depends upon a couple of scenarios.

Malcolm Roberts:

If we get all the ones we look like we’re getting, then we might have some say in the balance of power, but if the Greens and the Independent in the Australian Capital Territory get it, then it’s going to be Labor-Greens Coalition in Senate. So, it’ll be Labor-Greens Coalition government. Oh, by the way, though, 15% of people, 15 to 20% of people, voted for Freedom Party. So, we now know that freedom is a definite… It’s smaller than I thought, but it’s still a sizable chunk of people. We now know that freedom is a very important issue, and I think that group is here to stay.

Chris Spicer:

Yeah, definitely here to stay. And I can tell you now that I can see it’s going to grow. It’s not going to shrink, it’s going to grow, because what I think is going to be coming in the next few years is really going to get a lot of Australians, maybe even the ones who really didn’t get too involved in it due to the mandates, but when we’re talking about these climate policies and all those different policies that are incoming is they’re going to really get the backup of a lot of Australians. So, I could only see the freedom movement growing, moving forward. But quickly back to the Senate, what’s the position? What’s going on with Pauline? Because I’ve seen a lot of talk online. And I’m smart enough to know not to buy into what the media is saying. So, I’ll ask you myself. What’s happened with Pauline? Because some of them are saying that she could potentially lose her seat. Others are saying that she won’t.

Malcolm Roberts:

Yeah. There’s potential for that. They haven’t seen the numbers today, because I can’t control them. It looks like she’ll be right to get back in, but it depends on preferences. Because what happened was Clive Palmer came in and split the vote for the freedom parties. And so did the Liberal Democrats. Now, if we get all of their preferences, or a lot of the preferences, of their voters, then she’ll be home easy. But what’s happening in pre-poll, sorry, what’s happening in the counting now is that they’re counting the postal votes, which were huge.

Malcolm Roberts:

And the Liberal Party is doing really well out of the postal votes. We’re doing well out of the postal votes. The Greens are falling in the postal votes. They’re not getting many. So is the Labor party. And so is Medical Cannabis. So, the threat originally was that the Medical Cannabis Party might overtake Pauline. That’s not going to happen. But the threat may be now that the third Liberal candidate might overtake Pauline, in which case she’d be knocked out. Or we might see Pauline go ahead of the second Labor candidate, which is a possibility. So, there’s a very good chance she’ll be back, but it’s not certain yet. So, we’re concerned about that.

Chris Spicer:

Yeah, definitely. I hope, obviously, everything works out for Pauline. She’s a light, and both you and Pauline have been a light for a lot of Australians for the past two years. So, let’s hope that things work out well. And so you’re safe, you’re fine, yes?

Malcolm Roberts:

Yeah. I wasn’t up for election, Chris, because the Senate has staggered terms, and I don’t come up till 2025. But the other thing there, I agree with your dad that the Liberal Party’s no longer the Liberal Party, but I disagree with him that it’s become… Well, it is a clone of the Labor Party, but I think we’ve got to take it a step further. They’re both taking their orders from the United Nations. They’re both implementing United Nations instructions. There’s no doubt about that. One of the reasons, a big reason that Scott Morrison’s Liberal-National Coalition won the 2019 election, when everyone said Shorten was going to romp it in, was because of their position supporting coal and especially their position saying that they would not support the UN’s 2050 net zero decision policy from the United Nations.

Malcolm Roberts:

Then two years ago, they adopted it. Within 12 months after the election, they adopted it. I mean, that’s just the last UN policy to come in place. And Liberals have adopted it when they said their mandate was to not have it. So, that’s what’s happening. And then you look at the World Health Organization’s International Health Regulations, you look at them, they’re coming in. Perhaps we can talk about it later, but a critical part of that is going to be that if we don’t adopt them, assuming they get passed this week in Geneva, if we don’t adopt them, then the world can apply sanctions to us. Now, you might say, “Well, sanctions are no big deal.” Well, they’re no big deal 40 years ago. But what’s happening is that people have realised this COVID thing was not set up in 12 months. It wasn’t set up in a few months. This was set up over the last 10 years. It’s been premeditated.

Malcolm Roberts:

But when you realise what’s happening, Chris, 50, 60, 70 years ago, we were independent, our country. We made everything we needed, almost everything we needed. We made our own toolmaking equipment for lathes, metalworking, making tools for manufacturing. We made it all. And we made some of it so well that we exported lathes and other precision equipment overseas. We had our own oil reserves. We’re now the largest exporters of natural gas in the world. We’re the second largest exporters of coal. We’re the largest exporters of energy. And yet if someone put a blockade on our country, within a matter of days we’d stop, grind to a halt, because our oil supply is stuck in the United States. That’s where our oil securities are, in the United States. I mean, this is crazy.

Chris Spicer:

It is crazy.

Malcolm Roberts:

So, you shouldn’t even let them get down low. But then, so in other words, the United Nations could just say, “We’ll put a blockade on Australia unless they take our World Health Org Regulations.” And so we would be really hurting ourself. Because what they’ve done, Chris, this has been deliberate over the last seven decades, they have deliberately made countries interdependent. Now, that sounds like a lovely thing. I’m interdependent on you. We can get on really well. We’re dependent on each other. Sounds good.

Malcolm Roberts:

But if you strip it all away, you’re dependent on me and I’m dependent on you. If something happens to me, you’re buggered. If something happens to you, I’m gone. So, what they’ve done is they’ve made us interdependent, which has made us dependent. And so now we can’t stand up for ourselves. That’s what the UN has done. And it’s been cold and calculated, and that was their aim to do that. This is not about COVID coming up in the last 12 months. It’s not about COVID coming up in the last 10 years. We know it’s taken that long to engineer this. This has been going on for seven decades, 78 years.

Chris Spicer:

Let me ask you a question about that, because a lot of people wonder, and sometimes I think about it as well. What is it with the United Nations and the World Economic Forum and all these foreign unelected agencies, what is it about them where Western leaders, they just comply with their demands? What is it? Is it the threat of sanctions and that sort of thing that give them no choice but to go along with it? What is it that is pushing them to adopt policies? So, let’s just say Albanese, for whatever reason, decided that he doesn’t think signing onto the World Health Organization’s treaty is a good idea and he doesn’t want to do it. We know that’s not going to happen. We know that he will sign onto it. So, what is it? What is it that drives these Western leaders to just go along with it?

Malcolm Roberts:

Well, there are a few things. First of all, the World Economic Forum had… Well, no, first of all, the United Nations and the World Economic Forum were both formed to push the agenda of the globalist predators, the major, major corporations, BlackRock, Vanguard, and the people who own them, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, et cetera. So, they control most of the large corporations across all kinds of industries in the world. They wanted to get more control. Because what’s happened, if you go back to the way we used to live in Europe and in Britain was feudalism.

Malcolm Roberts:

So, the baron or the lord of a region controlled all the land, owned all the land, and you and I would work as serfs. We would basically slog our guts out, die at an early age after working all our lives. And we would be given a plot of dirt that we could grow our crops on. And that would have to carry us through. The majority of our work, our product, would be given to the lord of the manor, but we would keep enough just to keep us alive. That was feudalism. We were controlled by the lord of the manor, and we worked for him.

Malcolm Roberts:

Then we had the Industrial Revolution, and we had freedom breakout, and we had the middle class. And the middle class was not controlled. It was free. And so the globalists don’t want that. What the globalists want is control. And so the whole thing about this UN and World Economic Forum is control. So, what they want to do is they want to control property. I won’t go into it now, but there are many things that they control. Our property. If you control property, then you control the people. They want to control our energy. They’ve got control of our energy. They want to control our water. They’ve got control of our water. They’ve got control of many of the policies in both parties.

Malcolm Roberts:

Now, how have they done that? It goes back to things like the… what is it? … Young Global Leaders programme. Justin Trudeau from Canada, prime minister, he’s a graduate. Macron from France, he’s a graduate. Merkel, I’m told, is a graduate. Biden is affiliated with the World Economic Forum. They’ve actually said, the head of the World Economic Forum has said that what they’ve done is they’ve infiltrated governments around the world, especially in the West, and they have got control of those governments. Ardern in New Zealand is a graduate of the World Economic Forum’s Global Young Leaders programme. Sarah Hanson-Young, the Senator from South Australia with the Greens, is a graduate.

Malcolm Roberts:

Andrew Brag. It’s not just the Labor Party and the Greens, it’s also Senator Andrew Bragg from the Liberal Party. He’s a graduate of the World Economic Forum Young Leaders programme. Greg Hunt was the… what was he? … Director of Strategy for the World Economic Forum in the years 2000 and 2001. Greg Hunt pushed through things that drove the basis for an international carbon dioxide trading scheme, which will give the UN money, give them a guaranteed revenue source once it’s implemented. Greg Hunt pushed the climate scam. I presented data to him that shows it’s not caused by us at all, there’s just natural climate variability. Greg Hunt told me to my face, he said, “That’s the best presentation I’ve ever had on climate.” The CSIRO, as we were discussing off air before, one day we can probably talk about that, they’ve never presented any evidence. No one has presented this evidence. And so Greg Hunt has pushed this through based on bullshit. The others have fallen behind the same way.

Malcolm Roberts:

Now, the globalists also push the media and they control the media. And the media narrative has been to just, “Climate change is real and it’s caused by us,” when both are wrong. The education system has been taken over by the control side of politics, what most people call a left-wing, and that’s indoctrinated people. So, most people around the age of 30 now, they think that it’s real because they’ve been indoctrinated all the way through. They can’t tell when they’re at a young age that it’s indoctrination or education. They’re not thinking for themselves at a young age in primary school. It starts in primary school. It continues on TV, on the media. It continues in university. If you want to speak out against the myth of manmade global warming and global climate change, you won’t get a job at a university.

Chris Spicer:

Yeah. No.

Malcolm Roberts:

You’d get fired. So, what happens is these people have been coerced by the media. They want votes. So, Frydenberg looks like he’s out of parliament. Frydenberg is a climate sceptic. He doesn’t believe it, and yet he’s pushing it because what he thinks is that as there are more Green voters moved to his inner city Melbourne electorate, then he has to try and appeal to them. If he came out and actually told them the truth, we’d knock this whole thing on the head. But instead what happens is the woke politicians, the gutless politicians like Frydenberg, Seselja, who’s not a bad bloke, actually, but he became woke because he’s in the Australian Capital Territory, Sharma, Zimmerman… who’s the other one? … Wilson, these people have got no evidence. I’ve had an argument with Zimmerman about it, and I trashed his argument about climate change. These have got no evidence, but what they’re doing is they’re kowtowing to inner city Greens voters.

Malcolm Roberts:

And Chris, if you kowtow to that without any evidence, then you’re endorsing it. They’re actually strengthening the Greens’ position, and they’re strengthening the Teals’ position. Zimmerman, Wilson, and Sharma were replaced by Teals. Frydenberg will be replaced by a Green. Oh, hang on, no, that’s a Teal as well. So, what they’ve done is they’ve created their own demise because of their gutlessness and their stupidity and their ignorance. So, that’s the way. It’s not a simple story. But, oh, the other thing that they’ve done to push this climate change rubbish and the control by the UN, when you watch, when you dismantle the control methods they use for pushing the climate scam, it applies to so many things.

Malcolm Roberts:

You showed me a little while ago that billionaires have advanced because of the COVID virus. Billionaires have advanced because of the climate change myth. And what they do is they make sure that the billionaires get their palms greased and make a lot more money out of it so that the billionaire says, “Sign me up.” Then when they become prominent signatories of the climate change, or the COVID, or whatever, they’re on the gravy train. But their voices are influential, and they con a lot of people into thinking that COVID is a serious problem that has to be dealt with with controls, climate is a serious problem that has to be dealt with with controls. So what you see is deceit, money, and you see massive control. That’s the objective, control. And there are many ways in which they’ve done it, but that’s some of the ways.

Chris Spicer:

Well, that’s right. And that’s what a lot of people often say, “Okay, but why do they want control? Why do these people like Bill Gates and George Soros and these characters, why do they want control?” And I say, “Well, listen, people like you and I, just born into a normal household, average income, our parents weren’t wealthy…” I’m assuming your parents weren’t wealthy.

Malcolm Roberts:


Chris Spicer:

But certainly not billionaires. Certainly not billionaires, right?

Malcolm Roberts:

No, they weren’t wealthy.

Chris Spicer:

So, we’ve had to work for everything. And you’re driven not necessarily by money, well, by money, but to use for good or to give your family a better life. That’s my dream, and that was your dream. But these people that are born into families with endless amounts of money, like Bill Gates… Bill Gates’ father was loaded. Bill Gates never had to work for anything in his life. He never had to. He never missed out on anything in his life. He had it handed to him. Those are the people that grow up and chase. They don’t need to chase money like you and I. They’ve already got it. They chase power, they chase control.

Malcolm Roberts:

Bingo. Bingo.

Chris Spicer:

And they’re relentless in that. It might be originally, “Oh, I wonder if we can get people to wear face masks.” Then they’ve got that amount of control. “I wonder if we can get them to lock up inside their homes for a number of months.” They’ve got that control. They’re after power and more control. They’re not going to get to a point and think, “Okay, we’ve got enough control now.” It’s never going to end. So, people need to understand that the way they think, the way their brains operate, isn’t like the average person. It’s different.

Chris Spicer:

So, you can’t really understand it. Because we’re all stuck in the rat race, the 9:00 to 5:00, and trying to earn money and give ourselves and our families a better life. They don’t need that. They need control, and they want more power. And that’s, I think, where a lot of that comes from. So, it’s almost asking the average person, “Why does a serial killer like Ivan Milat, why does he do that? How could you do that? It’s evil.” We don’t understand it because our brain chemistry isn’t the same. And it’s the same with these people like Bill Gates. We can’t think. It’s irrational to us because they’ve got a different makeup than we have.

Malcolm Roberts:

Let me give you an example. This is from a Canadian broadcasting system, which is a bit like the ABC, this Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, a government owned station. They made a video, a… what do you call it? … documentary, mini documentary, about an hour long, on Maurice Strong. Now, you say, “Who the hell’s Maurice Strong?” You may know of him, but he was the guy who fabricated global warming, fabricated climate change. He was the guy who said that he had two aims in life. Get how sick this is. One is to de-industrialise Western civilization, de-industrialise us, take us back to the caves. The second is to put in place an unelected socialist global governance.

Malcolm Roberts:

Now, I can run a company so long as I get into a position of influence, I can run a company’s board of directors without having the dominant vote. I can do that because of personality. You can do it because of personality. We know that boards of directors are generally filled with people who just kowtow. They’ve been selected to do that. So, someone can take over a company effectively without having a vote. That happens. You can take over countries the same way. It happens. You can take over a football club. It happens. So, Maurice Strong, this is his background.

Malcolm Roberts:

Now, he became very senior in the United Nations. He basically ran the joint. So, when he was 17, he did an intern at the UN. And just think about this. The guy came back from that place as an intern. And someone asked him, “What was your impression, young Maurice?” And he said, “That place will have enormous power one day.” What 17 year old thinks like that? “That place will have enormous power one day.” Now, think about this. It backs up exactly what you said. Then at the age of 25, he was running a large… Well, no, not a large but a significant oil corporation, producing oil. Got that? Producing oil.

Chris Spicer:


Malcolm Roberts:

And he says, “I’m doing pretty well, but I want something else.” So, he puts his company in the hands of another manager and goes off and works for Canada’s most influential family. Canada’s most influential family at the time, I can’t remember their names, controlled both sides of politics. There’s that word, control. So, he works for them. And then someone asked him, “Is your ultimate objective to get into politics?” “No, no, no, no. That’s not where the power is.” The power. So, he ended up commissioning a report on the state of the world, or state of the Earth, or state of the planet, whatever it was back in 1970.

Malcolm Roberts:

So, 1970, he commissions this report, and it comes back and says the world’s buggered. We’re going to hell in a hand basket. Okay. So, he then uses that report to develop the United Nations Environmental Programme, a department within the United Nations called UNEP, United Nations Environmental Programme. And guess who becomes its first head? Maurice Strong. So, the people who sit at senior levels of the United Nations are basically diplomats, failed politicians, and bureaucrats. And all of a sudden, you get Maurice Strong coming up in there, and he’s sitting as head of UNEP. He’s sitting one level below the United Nations Secretary General, the head of the United Nations. But he’s in that top management group.

Malcolm Roberts:

And so he starts developing lots of policies about the environment. And we know there were some problems with the environment in the 1970s, because people had just started getting right into industry, new technologies, and they were making mistakes. But the significant thing was that people were correcting those mistakes. They don’t like lakes being set on fire, covered in oil, beaches covered in oil. So, anyway, Maurice Strong then makes the environment the issue. So, all of a sudden, people are saying, “We need environmental policies.” By the way, the Nazis did the same. So, this has been copied from the Nazis in Germany.

Malcolm Roberts:

So, hang on, the head of the UN and the other bureaucrats that live just below the head of the UN, they know nothing about the environment. So, they all say, “Well, what do we do, Maurice?” And Maurice tells them what he’ll do. Then Maurice concocts the global warming scam, 1970s, he created that. In 1988, he formed the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. He was an exceptional brain, an exceptional networker, very good at manipulating people. He then started controlling people like Greenpeace, WWF, or having significant influence on them. Then in 1992, he led the United Nations Rio Declaration, which was about 21st century global governance. And he got control of the floor, of the delegates. He brought a lot of people in from overseas, through Greenpeace and WWF, and they all spoke very strongly in favour of climate action.

Malcolm Roberts:

So, see how he started it? He then had a conference in 1980 in Villach, Austria, where they invited the chief climate scientists from around the world. They came, and they had a conference. And they were presented with a document that said, “Sign this. It’s a declaration stating that we need to cut our carbon dioxide.” And the scientists said, “No, mate, we’re not signing that because there’s no evidence for it.” So, 1985, in the same town of Villach, Austria, they had another conference, but this time Maurice Strong organised it so that they picked the scientists that would represent each country. And guess what? They passed a motion saying that our carbon dioxide affects global warming, even though it didn’t. And so then he got the 1992 Rio Declaration, which was about 21st century global governance. I’ve got the document. Hang on, I’ll just get it. There’s been many, many documents written about this. The United Nations are not denying it. Can you see that?

Chris Spicer:

Yep. Summit Agenda 21. Yep.

Malcolm Roberts:

Yeah. Agenda 21 came out in 1992. When it first came out, that was Agenda 21: 21st Century Global Governance. They’re warning, by the year 2000 for the 21st century global governance in place, they would control everything. And at first, our politicians… They all signed up to it, by the way. Keating signed up to it on behalf of the Labor Party, and our prime minister in 1992. At first, the politicians on both sides denied it. Pauline spoke out about it in 1996. Then when people became more informed about Agenda 21, they went, “Yeah. Well, it exists, but it’s got no teeth.” What they didn’t tell people was that they were pushing through parliament, sometimes in regulations avoiding the parliament, regulations that would control various aspects: our energy, our water, our property rights, our regulations on how we live, what kind of food we eat. They were being drafted. They control all of those things, and they’re seeking more and more control.

Malcolm Roberts:

And why do they do it? Because they like power. Maurice Strong, at 17, said, “That place is going to have power one day.” That attracted him. He then influenced all this power. This is how one man can shape the world. And people say, “Well, hang on a minute. That’s a bit unusual.” I said, “No, it’s not, because you’ve had Genghis Khan. Well, Genghis Khan, Alexander the Great, we’ve had Hitler, many people trying to control the world. Maniacs.” And if you look at these people, there is some maniacal bent in them. I mean-

Chris Spicer:

All of them.

Malcolm Roberts:

… look at Gates. Look at Gates. But the significant thing, Chris, is that always beneath control, there is fear. So, if you try to control me, it shows me that you’re afraid of me. Otherwise, you wouldn’t need to control me.

Chris Spicer:

That’s right.

Malcolm Roberts:

So, these globalist freaks, these globalist predators that are trying to control, are doing so because they’re afraid. And what are they afraid of? Well, if you go to the ultimate, the ultimate… what’s the word? … deceit is the way they create money. And we’ve had this proof from the Reserve Bank of Australia’s Deputy Governor, Guy Debelle. I asked a question in Senate Estimates. He confirmed it. They create money out of thin air. Now, the significant thing there is that people don’t really think about money. It’s in everything we do. It’s intimately woven into every single thing we do in our lives. So, we take it for granted. But if you sit back and say, “How do they come up with a dollar bill? How do they come up with a $2 coin?” It’s just journal entries and “electronic journal entries,” to use Guy Debelle’s words. They just pull it out of thin air and just write it down. So, they can create all the money they want.

Malcolm Roberts:

Now, that’s a wonderful system if you’re the one controlling the money printing, but it’s not for us. Because what happens is that these people control governments, and they have done for centuries, literally control governments because they control the central banks. Now, in the case of the United States Federal Reserve Bank, it has power over so many other countries because the dollar is essentially the global currency, until Putin came along. But anyway, it’s the global currency. So, the Federal Reserve Bank is privately owned. Privately owned. As Ron Paul, Senator Ron Paul said, Federal Reserve, it’s neither federal, state, federal government, it doesn’t have any reserves. It controls the money supply. It controls the interest rates. It controls everything in the United States.

Malcolm Roberts:

Now, our reserve bank is not owned by anyone other than the people of Australia, but it’s controlled by major bankers, which is the Bank for International Settlements, which is a central bank of central banks. So, what we’ve seen is a massive control of funds. And the same people who have the control behind the scenes over you and I also control BlackRock and Vanguard, which own most of the corporations. And what I believe they want us to do is to go back to being serfs in the futile times where we eke out a living. And that’s what’s behind the Digital Identity Bill. We get just enough to survive so that we’re producers, and they can scram all the profits off us. And they can also control the money. But what they’re afraid of is people waking up and taking over.

Chris Spicer:

Yeah, which is happening. I mean, there’s a lot more people now than this time last year that are actually speaking about these things, which is great because that’s what we need. Individually, you and I, what can we do? Nothing. It’s going to be a collective effort and just enough to make them uncomfortable, just enough to make them think about it twice or even prolong it. Just say they wanted to achieve this by a certain date. If there’s enough pushback from the people and they can see that, hold on, the people are getting a bit restless, they’ll prolong it, prolong it, prolong it, prolong it. And what we’ve seen in the past few years is an incredible acceleration from these globalists trying to achieve their goals and what they… Yeah. The Great Reset, which I’m sure you’re very familiar with. So-

Malcolm Roberts:

Build back better, The Great Reset, New World Order, you name it. And the significant thing, Chris, is that those slogans are used by Ardern in New Zealand, Trudeau in Canada, Macron in France, Merkel in Germany, she used to be there, Morrison, Boris Johnson. They’re used within hours of each other. It’s all coordinated.

Chris Spicer:

Yeah, that’s right. And that’s what I keep saying to people, “We’ve just got to keep speaking. Just keep doing your part.” We all have our part. Obviously, your part, you can speak to the parliament. You can speak to a wide range of people about these issues. I’m lucky that I’ve got a big platform to raise these issues and speak on. But even to the average person who may not have that, a big following or whatever, just speaking to family about it, speaking to their mates at the pub about it, just getting the word out so people, or at least it’s in the back of their mind. So, when they raise things, for example, the Labor Party with the co-ownership of the housing, 40% equity in the homes, the minute I heard that, I thought, “Oh, we’ll own nothing, but we’ll be happy.” Straight away I heard that. I thought, “That’s exactly what they want.” I mean, I believe that’s a step in that direction, because it’s blatantly obvious.

Chris Spicer:

Then yesterday I see an article down in Victoria, it was. I’ll bring it up. I’ll read it to you. There we go. “Proposed petrol car cutoff date in Victoria in Environment and Planning Committee report.” This is from the Herald Sun. “A Greens backed parliamentary inquiry has recommended a cutoff date for the sale of new petrol cars.” So, things are moving at an incredible rate. They really are. And I just hope that the cash ban, that I think it was yourself and Pauline that stopped that happening a few years ago, it’s actions like that. Because imagine if you didn’t stop it back then. Imagine where we would be now. We wouldn’t have had cash for a few years. We’d be in all sorts of trouble.

Malcolm Roberts:

Well, you’ve got to have cash because it’s an alternative to the digital currency they have said they’re bringing in. At Davos in the World Economic Forum this week they’ve talked about the digital currency. The Australian Banking Association’s Conference a few months ago that I went to, every single speaker talked about either the digital identity or the digital currency. The reserve bankers talked about it. They’ve been working on it for years. Davos has admitted that they’re working on a digital currency. The Reserve Bank of Australia has admitted they’re working on a digital currency globally and interacting with other nations. So, with that cash ban, it’s very, very important, because if we don’t have cash, there’s no alternative. You will go on that digital currency.

Malcolm Roberts:

And then they will determine what the value of that currency is from day to day. And if you don’t behave yourself, you’ll have less value in your digital currency. If I behave myself and kiss their arse, I’ll have more value. So, what they’re doing is they’re trying to get coercion in. But what you said a little while ago about the cash ban was significant. It was my office. I was the one who raised the awareness of this. We went to the Labor Party, and the Labor Party said, “Yeah, you’re right,” but they voted for it through the lower house. The Liberals pushed it through the lower house. So, then when it came to the Senate, we created such a stink with the crossbench and we put so much pressure on Labor that it was consigned to a committee to be evaluated.

Malcolm Roberts:

We also then got in touch with significant players in the grassroots membership of the Liberal Party. There’s a couple of them stood up in Victoria, and good on them. Steven Holland in particular was one of them. Not the swimmer, but another Steven Holland. And we had talks with them, and we had talks with other people in the grassroots. And they created such a fuss in the Liberal Party that the Liberal Party let it go. And so we moved a motion in the Senate saying that we would dismiss that from the Senate list. And it’s gone.

Malcolm Roberts:

But they’re coming back because the Digital Identity Bill is where they want to bring back another cash ban. So, we’ve got to fight that. But we will beat them, Chris, providing we do exactly what you said, talk to our friends, talk to our family, talk to our workmates, talk to our sporting mates, and spread the word. And then speak up with the politicians, put pressure on the politicians, as they did in Victoria with the cash ban. Speak up and spread it out. The other thing that gives me a lot of hope is that… How can you put it? We had questions of the Digital Transformation Agency in federal Senate Estimates, right?

Chris Spicer:


Malcolm Roberts:

Mate, they struck us with their incompetence, that they can’t do this. They will try, but they can’t do it. But they’d cause a lot of damage by trying to do it. So, what we can do is make sure that they don’t do it by spreading the word, then destroy anything that they can create. Just not cooperate, just hold them accountable everywhere they go. But they’re not going to be able to do this. And the other thing is that control, always beneath control there is fear. These people, except for the very senior level, are either afraid and they’re pushing this… Even the senior level is afraid. But imagine being one of these people pushing these controls. You couldn’t do it, Chris.

Chris Spicer:


Malcolm Roberts:

Even if you wanted to, even if they were rewarding you, you couldn’t put your heart and soul into it. They’re not going to beat our passion and our energy across the everyday Australians. They are not knowing what they’re doing. They cannot put their whole heart and soul into it. So, this is not a fait accompli. They’ve got enormous power, but they haven’t got the will. They haven’t got the real passion.

Chris Spicer:

No. And look, there’s so much going on at the moment too, that I feel like a lot of people, their brains are just overloaded with so much. I mean, you’ve got COVID, which is still going on, not to the degree that it was 12 months ago, but still very-

Malcolm Roberts:

Well, the fear of COVID. COVID is not really the problem. It’s the government restrictions and the government fear and sensationalism, that’s the problem.

Chris Spicer:

That’s the problem, but that’s not where it is. A year ago to today, you can’t compare the two. People don’t care anymore about COVID. But instead, we’re hit with this monkeypox. Then, on top of that, there’s a war in Ukraine that dominated the airwaves for weeks. Now, all of a sudden, no one’s talking about it. So, that’s what they do. They almost intentionally overload you with so much information, and there’s so much going on at any given time that… We just got over COVID, two years of it, of government interference and overreach, and then, bang, monkeypox. The first thing I think of is, “Fuck. Here we go again. Here we go.” And this time it’s going to be worse because it’s not going to get any better. So I thought, “Well, it’s going to be worse.” But that’s sort of sitting idle at the moment.

Chris Spicer:

But it’s just, look, I don’t understand how… I speak to my mates about this all the time. I say, “I don’t know how the average person doesn’t think, ‘Hold on. What’s going on?'” Because me personally, I’m 29 now, prior to COVID, there was nothing. There was an occasional bad flu season every five, six years. That was it. Then in the space of three years, we’ve been hit with bushfires, COVID, floods, more COVID, floods, monkeypox, the war in Ukraine. That’s in three years. That hasn’t happened in the 30 years that I’ve been alive. So, that should ring alarm bells in itself as to why are all of these events… Just where are they coming from? Why is this happening? Why are we having an outbreak of monkeypox that’s in 12, 13, no, it’s now 15 different countries, when, if you know anything about the virus, it’s uncharacteristic of the virus to pop up like this? Why is this happening? Why is all the-

Malcolm Roberts:

It’s shingles.

Chris Spicer:

Well, I’ve got Dr. McCullough coming on Monday to have a chat to me about it and get his opinion, because everyone’s going to have different opinions on it. It looks like shingles when you look at it. It could be they’re masking vaccine side… Who knows what it could be? Who knows? But what I do know-

Malcolm Roberts:

Well, they did say-

Chris Spicer:

… they’re pushing bullshit.

Malcolm Roberts:

Yeah, they’re definitely pushing bullshit. What people have been saying for about six months now… Oh, what’s the name of that virus supposedly coming out, starting with the letter M? Mergon or something like that. And anyway, they said that there will be a virus coming out that will hide the vaccine injuries. And this could be it, the people keeling over, because we know that they’re doing that in the thousands. Hospital admissions, ambulance trips have been skyrocketing. And they’re in case they’re… what do they call it? … category one hospital trips, which is heart problems. “I wonder what that could be,” says Yvette D’Ath, the State Minister for Health. I wonder, Yvette. It’s no wonder at all, but-

Chris Spicer:

Yeah, I know.

Malcolm Roberts:

… you look at these things-

Chris Spicer:

I heard that. I remember when she said that. I’m thinking, “What do you mean, you wonder?” You’re not a stupid woman. Come on. Just, we know what it is.”

Malcolm Roberts:

She’s either deceitful or dumb. But climate change, invisible. COVID, invisible. Bushfires, there was not a problem there. Those bushfires were nothing unusual by our standards in this country. They were less than earlier bushfires in our country, including in the 1800s, including the 1974, including earlier on in the 19th.

Chris Spicer:

Let me just quickly, sorry just to disturb you, just quickly, well, just let me finish this part about monkeypox. So, I wrote an article the other day about it, because I’ve heard about monkeypox for quite a number of months and I was anticipating it somewhere to pop up unusual. And I wrote an article on it. And do you know, they ran, there’s actually two sets, there was… I’ll try and find it now. I did publish it on the… I’ll tell you what. Because I don’t know if you know, and if you don’t know, you wouldn’t believe it. It’s almost hard to believe. So, they ran, like they did with COVID, prior to COVID they ran Event 201, which is a simulation of a coronavirus outbreak.

Malcolm Roberts:

Yep, yep, yep.

Chris Spicer:

I’m sure you familiar with that.

Malcolm Roberts:

Yep. They had several simulations.

Chris Spicer:

Yeah, that’s right. In March 2001, there we go, the NTI, which is the Nuclear Threat Initiative, they held a tabletop exercise focusing on reducing high consequence biological threats with catastrophic consequences, and the virus they used for that simulation was a genetically modified version of monkeypox. Now, in September last year, the UK Ministry of Defence, they used… There’s a software that’s called Conductor. I don’t know if you’ve heard of it. It’s this software that you can run simulations, where it brings up fake Twitter profiles and fake Facebook and all the rest of it. You won’t believe this when I tell you. And it’s all there. That’s the little graphics for the event that they ran. So, you can find it. It’s on Google. It’s online, right? So what it was, well, here, on Conductor, so this was the UK Ministry of Defence, they ran a simulation about how the world would react to Russian disinformation during a monkeypox outbreak. I’m not joking. They ran that in September last year before the war on Ukraine was going on. Why are they running that event in September? Come on! That’s not a coincidence. It can’t be.

Malcolm Roberts:

No. Well, they’ve had six years of Russian disinformation. No, sorry, disinformation about Russia. We had Trump being accused of being allies with the Russians, complete bullshit. And then there’s another thing. So, the fires, coming back to the fires, there’s nothing unusual there except that the media blew them up. Nothing unusual at all. And the media blew them up. And then you see Ukraine, that was the other one, Ukraine, all we’re getting is one side in the media. That’s all we’re getting. I stood up in parliament and said, “Hang on, hang on, hang on,” I was the only one to do so, “Hang on just a minute here. All we’re getting is the Foreign Minister saying this, we’re getting the Labor Party saying the same thing, getting the Liberal Party saying the same thing, getting the Greens saying the same thing.”

Malcolm Roberts:

The Greens, by the way, are the greatest control freaks in the country. They want to inject people. They’re very much into control, because they’re pushing the UN agenda for them, and the UN’s all about control. And so we had all these people saying, “Just follow Ukraine. Bash Russia. Bash Russia.” And I said, “Hang on a minute. I’m not going to take a side here because I don’t know enough. But I’m going to ask one question. What the hell are we doing? Where is the information? Let’s stop and not just follow America into another war.” Because we followed America into so many wars in the last 100 years.

Malcolm Roberts:

And there again, Chris, you look at Ron Paul. Senator Ron Paul mentioned that in a book I read, a very good book, it’s End the Fed, end the Federal Reserve Bank, he said, “Every…” And this guy is phenomenally educated, self-educated largely, but very, very strong and respected by both sides of the house in America, both sides of politics, incredibly well-respected, very strong, very honest, very competent. He said, “Every major war since 1913 when the Federal Reserve Bank was created is directly attributable to the United States Federal Reserve Bank.” Every major recession is directly attributable to their policies. They flood the joint with cash. Does this sound familiar? They flood the joint with cash, lower interest rates. People overcommit. Then they jerk up the interest rate suddenly and people collapse and foreclose.

Chris Spicer:

That’s what’s going on now, right here.

Malcolm Roberts:

Okay? That’s the basic mechanism that they’ve done time after time after time. And that’s how they engineer it. Because who takes over the assets when you foreclose? The banks. Who owns the banks? The same globalist predators, BlackRock, Vanguard, the same families that run the whole lot. So, all of these things attributed come back to the use of money and the control of the people who control the money.

Chris Spicer:

Yeah. It’s just, look, I don’t know what’s going to happen here. I mean, interest rates, there’s talk they’re about to go up to 2%, then they’re projecting up to 4% by this time next year. With the way the fuel prices are going, fuel is well and truly back over $2 a litre again. Now, I can speak about it because I know. Obviously, I’ve got a young family with five kids. And it’s tough, very, very tough, to the point where-

Malcolm Roberts:

Especially when you’ve been mandated out.

Chris Spicer:

Well, that’s right. That’s exactly right. So, it’s just the pressure. You’ve got an event or you get invited to a family gathering or whatever it may be, it’s a few hours away up the coast or whatever. It’s going to cost you a couple of hundred dollars in fuel just to get there. You got to take that. You never used to have to worry about that. But when fuel’s up around $2.30 a litre, you got to think about it because that’s a huge chunk of money that’s coming out of your budget. It’s almost forcing you to stay local because families can’t afford to be going on holidays because the fuel’s so excessive. I mean, it’s double what it was a year ago, a year or two ago.

Chris Spicer:

I remember about three or four years ago it got down to 86 cents a litre in parts of Sydney, and now it’s $2.30 a litre of fuel. And there’s no end in sight. We’ve got food shortages. The food comes back and they’ve hiked the price up on that. And then they’re imposing sanctions on Ukraine and they’re blaming that for a few of the cost of living issues that we’re dealing with here. And it’s like, “Well, stop sanctioning them. Stop it. If you’re making the Australian people suffer because you’re sanctioning Russia because they’ve made innocent Ukrainians suffer, you’re doing the same thing with your sanctions,” if that’s what they want to blame it on. I mean, if they’re saying that a lot of this, the inflation at the moment and shortages of different produce, is because of the war in Ukraine, because of their own sanctions, stop it.

Malcolm Roberts:

Well, mate, one of my researchers is extremely good, and he’s been across all the topics we’re talking about for quite a while. He’s been alerting me to the fact that so many food processing plants are shut. Shut.

Chris Spicer:


Malcolm Roberts:

In America, they’ve got the largest… And TNT Radio, for anybody who’s listening, when Chris is not on air, go and listen to I can tell you more about that.

Chris Spicer:

That’s right. You’re on Saturdays.

Malcolm Roberts:

Yeah, I’m on every second Saturday. But during the week, phenomenal, they tell the truth. They talk about the topics we’re not allowed to be talking about. I heard Rick Munn on the evening show. He’s broadcasting out of Belfast, Ireland. He said that the largest baby formula factory in America was shut down a few weeks ago because of some bacterial infection. They found out that it wasn’t due to that factory. It was false. But the thing has not opened up since. It’s still shut down. So, they’re trying to drive the price of baby formula up by making it scarce, or they’re trying to just make it scarce and put pressure on families. There is so many food processing plants in the United States, something like 30, shut. That’s creating an artificial food shortage. So these people, I don’t know how they’re doing it other than through ownership of the major companies like maybe Nestle, maybe some of the other food companies. They’re all owned by the globalist predators as well, BlackRock and Vanguard. So [inaudible 00:57:37]-

Chris Spicer:

Because it’s not even a conspiracy, it’s a fact that they’re impacting, they’re deliberately impacting, well, causing food shortages in America. The baby formula shortage in America is horrific. I know babies are going to hospital now and some are probably dying due to not been able to get… There was one lady who said that she’d driven, I think, 300 kilometres from her home, well, 300 miles, whatever that is in kilometres, from her home to find formula and put it. So, is it control? Is it just to put the population just in shambles? What is it? What are they gaining from that?

Malcolm Roberts:

Both of that. What they gain is control over people, and they get then cheap Labor. They get us basically back to feudalism, back to communism, working as slaves. These people have destroyed property rights, which is fundamental to a free democratic society. They haven’t destroyed them, sorry, but they’ve destroyed them in certain sectors in this country. And I mentioned it to a group of doctors who invited me to their meeting. These are doctors against the mandates, oh, a couple of months ago. And they suddenly had woken up. They realised it wasn’t just them being impacted individually. It was a whole medical fraternity being impacted. And they suddenly realised they’d lost their profession. The whole profession has gone. And I said, “Now you know how the farmers feel like.”

Malcolm Roberts:

Because farmers in Australia lost their right to be able to use their property. They’ve got to get permission from people to grow certain things. I mean, this is just insane. If you own property, you bought it to produce whatever you want to produce on it. So, losing property rights is fundamental to a return to communism. Destroying religion, and they’ve destroyed that not with guns, but they’ve destroyed that. They’re destroying it by infiltrating the churches. The churches have come up with woke policies now that push climate change. The churches have been shut down during the COVID restrictions, the government’s COVID restrictions. The churches were shut down, but the pubs weren’t. The abortion places weren’t, but the churches were. So, they’ve got an all out war against religion, because people turn to religion for guidance and a code of conduct. When the church is gone, they’re buggered.

Malcolm Roberts:

So, they’re also destroying the family through the family law system, which was introduced into this country in 1975 by a Labor government. It doesn’t matter, Labor or Liberal, it’s the same. And they are destroying families. They’ve injected the kids, infiltrated the kids’ education, indoctrinated the kids with all kind of gender bending influences, all kinds of sexuality changes. And then they’re just indoctrinating them with climate change crap. So, they’re changing the family, the construction of the family.

Chris Spicer:

The family unit, yeah.

Malcolm Roberts:

They’re changing nation states. They’re destroying the borders between nations. Fortunately, Abbott stood up. Tony Abbott stood up. He’s the one leader we’ve had who stood out by actually doing what was right on so many issues. I think he’s aware of some of these things. But he was under so much pressure from his own party, people like Malcolm Turnbull, that he couldn’t do the whole job properly. So, they’re destroying the fabric of our society, destroying the foundations of our society. They’re destroying our borders.

Malcolm Roberts:

And what they want is a global governance, which means you don’t have national borders, you don’t have elections, unelected global governance, and they just control things. They make the decisions that will determine your life, what you’ll eat. And they’ve seen it. Davos has talked about this. They will soon be able to track your so-called carbon dioxide output or usage. And that will then enable them to say, “Well, Chris, you’ve had too much carbon dioxide produced this week because you’ve eaten too much beef. So, therefore, you’re going to be cut back next week.”

Chris Spicer:

That’s happening.

Malcolm Roberts:

They want to control how we live. I mean, they said it. It’s not me saying this. Davos has said it.

Chris Spicer:

Well, in Sydney, I don’t know if you heard about this, a few weeks ago, Channel 9, it was, obtained a report from, I think, the New South Wales government about distance-based tolling. Did you hear about that?

Malcolm Roberts:

No. Oh, distance-based tolling. So, in other words, you pay per kilometre however far you drive?

Chris Spicer:

Yeah. So, just say I want to go into Sydney Harbour, and, well, where I do live is probably about 70ks out of Sydney, I will pay a lot more to go there than what somebody would who lives 20 or 30ks away. So, they’re going to charge you-

Malcolm Roberts:

Well, that’s fair enough. That’s fair enough because somebody uses less energy should be paying less. But it depends on the structure, how they’re going to do it, because I’m guessing it’s to control so that you don’t drive very far, you’ll catch a bus.

Chris Spicer:

Well, that’s what it is. It’s-

Malcolm Roberts:

They want us inducted in the scheme. Of course.

Chris Spicer:

Yeah, that’s right. And you’re seeing that now. I mean, Victoria, they’re well-advanced in terms of this. They’ve already got electric buses. They invested a huge amount of money to get electric buses, and even buses now where you can put your pushbike. They’ve created these. Did you see that? The Victorian government have created buses where they’ve got bike racks on every single bus so you can load your pushbike up to the front of the bus and then take the bus. So, that’s what they want. They want us out of cars. They want us into buses, electric buses, which is what it will be, riding pushbikes. Out of cars, that’s what they want. But back to your religion for a second that came after-

Malcolm Roberts:

I’m going to have to go, Chris, because I’ve got an appointment at 1:30, so it’s 17 minutes past.

Chris Spicer:

No, you’re right. It’s gone fast, hasn’t it?

Malcolm Roberts:

Yeah, it has. We’ve covered a lot of territories.

Chris Spicer:

It always goes fast. But I’ll finish on this point, as to why they’re coming after religion, I believe. I think it’s a lot harder to control a man who has faith. A lot harder. Because he doesn’t fear you. He won’t fear you. He fears God. He won’t fear the individual. And on top of that, a lot of our moral compass comes from religion. So, destroying that is another way of demoralising us. That’s my reasoning for it, because a lot of people ask me, “Who cares? It’s only religion.” But those are the points that I make, that a lot of our life here is from religion.

Malcolm Roberts:

You’re correct. You’re correct, all those things. That’s what Lenin said, that’s why he wanted to destroy religion. It’s one of the first things you do. You are absolutely correct. History has shown that repeatedly, mate. You’re spot on.

Chris Spicer:

All right. Well, I’ll let you get to your meeting. Malcolm, it’s been a pleasure, as always.

Malcolm Roberts:

Same here, mate. Keep going. We’ve got to have independent media, what I call independent new people media.

Chris Spicer:

Yeah. Well, it’s going well. There’s a big market now. From when I first started till now, it’s great. I love seeing it. Because to me, it’s not competition, for me, I love it. It’s, we’re a community. I don’t look at another show as a competitor. It’s a community. And good work with what you’ve been doing, and also Pauline. Thank her for me as well that you both have been incredibly important to this country over the past few years.

Malcolm Roberts:

It’s her birthday today, mate.

Chris Spicer:

Pauline’s birthday?

Malcolm Roberts:


Chris Spicer:

Happy birthday, Pauline. Yeah. Make sure you pass that on for me. But-

Malcolm Roberts:

Will do.

Chris Spicer:

… yeah, again, Malcolm, thank you very much.

Malcolm Roberts:

You’re welcome. And thank you for what you’re doing, Chris. Really appreciate it.

Chris Spicer:

Thank you, mate.