Professor David Flint AM is an Emeritus Professor of Law.  He read law and economics at Universities of Sydney, London and Paris. After admission as a Solicitor of the NSW Supreme Court in 1962, he practised as a solicitor (1962-72) before moving into University teaching, holding several academic posts before becoming Professor of Law at Sydney University of Technology in 1989.

Professor Flint is the author of numerous publications. His publications include books and articles on topics such as the media, international economic law, Australia’s constitution and on Australia’s 1999 constitutional referendum. He was recognised with the award of World Outstanding Legal Scholar, World Jurists Association, Barcelona, in October 1991.

He was made a Member of the Order of Australia in 1995.

So David is an expert in constitutional law and I am going to chat about with him about Australia’s Constitution – a document that most people never give a second thought to.  Over the last couple of years, as we have watched our freedoms being eroded, references to the Constitution have reached a level of popularity equivalent to “new best seller”. 

The Constitution is also being misused and mis-referenced and there are a whole lot of crazy stuff going on in the name of the Constitution.  David is going to help me make sense of it all.

Senator Roberts also interviewed David Flint a second time, expanding on these topics and discussing others.


Speaker 1 (00:00):

You’re with Senator Malcolm Roberts on Today’s News Talk, TNT.

Senator Malcolm Roberts (00:05):

Thank you for having me as your guest in your car, your lounge room, your men’s shed your kitchen. It’s indeed an honour all over the world to be with you today. There are two themes to me and my show, freedom specifically versus control, and it’s basic for human progress and people’s livelihood. And the second theme is personal responsibility and the importance of integrity. That’s basic for personal progress and people’s livelihoods.

Senator Malcolm Roberts (00:35):

So we have three aims for the show in the terms of direction and tone. I just let you know, now that I’m under apologetically fiercely, pro-human. I’m tired of the media and the politicians ragging on humans. And I’m going to tell the truth about humans and humanity. I’m proud to be one of our planet’s only species capable of logic and loving care. We’ll be positive. We will certainly deal with what’s wrong with politics. But we’ll also deal with what’s needed in politics. We’ll deal with what’s wrong with politicians and what we need in politicians. We’ll deal with what’s wrong with the media, as well as what’s needed in media. We’ll get to the core issues, what’s and all to develop solutions. We’ll cover the human aspects, the strengths, weaknesses, vulnerabilities, failings highlights, and what makes people real.

Senator Malcolm Roberts (01:24):

The second basic aim is to be data driven and factual, truthful and honest. And the third thing I’ve been given and that I comply with and why I’ve been invited to compare this show is to speak out, to be blunt and will certainly be that. Hubert Humphrey who lived from 1911 to 1978, served as the United States vice president from 1965 to 1969. And he said, and think about this as we remember that a private company is locking down private citizen in an age care facility. He said, “The moral test of government is how that government treats those who are in the Dawn of life the children, those who are in the Twilight of life the elderly, those who are in the shadows of life the sick, the needy and the handicapped.”

Senator Malcolm Roberts (02:20):

Well, think about our society in Australia and growing around the world. This week in the news, there were stories continuing regarding age care residents being literally locked because residents and staff have COVID. In some cases, apparently there’s no COVID, but they have been locking down anyway. So today I have two very impressive guests. First up, I have the privilege of talking with Professor David Flint, and this man is not only an expert, he’s a wonderful person. Professor David Flint order of Australian medal is an Emeritus Professor of Law.

Senator Malcolm Roberts (02:57):

He read law and economics at universities of Sydney, London, and Paris. After admission as a solicitor of the New South Wales Supreme Court in 1962, he practised as a solicitor for 10 years before moving into university, teaching, holding several academic posts before becoming professor of law at Sydney University of Technology in 1989. Professor Flint is the author of numerous publications. These include books and articles on topics such as the media, international economic law, Australia’s constitution.

Senator Malcolm Roberts (03:30):

And on Australia’s 1999 constitutional referendum. He was recognised with the order of world outstanding legal scholar. I’ll say that again, world outstanding legal scholar. The World Juris Association Barcelona in October 1991, he was made a member of the order of Australia in 1995. So David’s an expert in constitutional law, and I’m going to chat with him about Australia’s constitution. A Document that most people never give a second thought to. Over the last couple of years, as we have watched our freedoms being eroded references to the constitution have reached the level of popularity equivalent to the new bestseller.

Senator Malcolm Roberts (04:12):

My office is handing them out will very, very frequently. The constitution is sadly also being misused and misreferenced. And there’s a whole array of crazy stuff going on in the name of the constitution. David’s going to help me make sense of it all. Now importantly about David he’s one of the world’s most eminent legal scholars, and professors, in academics, but more importantly he’s one of the people. This man you’ll see him at social functions, gatherings with speakers speaking in the street, he speaks at rallies.

Senator Malcolm Roberts (04:49):

He is truly a wonderful human being. And to give you context, there are eight keys that I have for human progress. The first is freedom. The second is the law rule of law. And the third is the constitution to provide continuing ongoing governance and succession. The purpose of law is to protect people, not control people. So welcome David.

Professor David Flint (05:16):

Well, thank you very much. That is a very kind introduction and I’m honoured to be on your programme.

Senator Malcolm Roberts (05:23):

Well, it’s a pleasure having you here and we’ve met a few times in the past. What is it… David, before we start what is it… Tell me something you appreciate.

Professor David Flint (05:33):

Well, listening to what you said. I do appreciate integrity, but I also appreciate common sense because common sense seems to be escaping so many in public life these days. And I suspect that goes back to belief, to strong belief in principles and a commitment by those in public life towards the national interest and not their personal interest. And I think there’s a lot of that missing today. And not only in Australia.

Senator Malcolm Roberts (06:06):

I think it’s rife in the Western world where there’s something afoot and it’s beyond our national borders, David, but we can see what’s going on. The governments and the parliaments, state and federal level. Their aim is not to control the virus because clearly they have failed at that. Other countries have succeeded in that and the recipes are simple, but the aim is not to control the virus, the aim is to control the people. And yet, we have a constitution to protect us. What is the constitution? What’s its purpose, role? Why is it significant and why is it failing?

Professor David Flint (06:46):

Well, I think we have to remember that we were already self-governing before we entered into our constitution. By the middle of the 19th century, the British had given us self government. We were still part of the empire, but we were governing ourselves with our own system of government and they gave us the one that they knew that is the Westminster system in contrast to the American system. Instead of having an executive who’s independent of the other two powers, we have an executive which is controlled by the lower house, must be responsible to the house of representatives.

Professor David Flint (07:26):

And ours is a collective executive, unlike the American, which is essentially an individual or president, ours is a collective like the British always responsible to the house of representatives and liable to lose office. If they lose a vote or lose the confidence of the house of representatives. Now that’s a good system. It works well. And it has been exported. I think between the American and the British, there’s not much difference except a difference way of dealing with the problem of government.

Professor David Flint (08:01):

And the essential problem of government was set out by Lord Acton. A great English peer and historian who stated an essential principle. And that goes with the nature of man. And that is that power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. If there’s a lesson in government, that’s the lesson because there’s Madison and all that. One of the great American founding fathers said, man is not perfect, and that’s why we need government.

Professor David Flint (08:38):

But we can’t give if absolute power, there must be checks and balances. The Americans have it in their constitution, we’ve got it in ours. But what our constitution was essentially, was a document to bring six self-governing countries, states, there were still self-governing colonies to bring them together into one country that was its purpose.

Professor David Flint (09:08):

There’s a constitutional system, and then there’s a federal constitution. The constitutional system is wider some of it is not as guaranteed as in the constitution. For a definition of constitution I think one of the very best definitions given by Berlin Broke in England a few centuries ago, in which he said a constitution is that body of laws, customs, and institutions by which the people have agreed to be governed. That assembly of laws, customs, and institutions by which the people have agreed to be governed. So it’s the people who are the essence of this. One of the really great things that happened when our six colonies decided to federate was that in the course of that, it was firstly, that was the process.

Professor David Flint (10:10):

When we first had a convention appointed by the state parliament, it met together, they drew up a constitution. And then when it was sent back to the sixth state parliament, they all bickered among themselves, tried to do it again. And there was a conference held at a place called Corowa, which was on the border of New South Wales in Victoria. Important in those days, because we had tariffs between the colonies. If you wanted to transfer goods from one colony to the other, you had to pay a tax. And that of course was inimical to forming one country.

Professor David Flint (10:50):

People met at Corowa was a private conference, a conference of people. And they came up with a solution to the problem of overcoming the politicians, and getting a constitution which could unite this country, the first continent of the world to be formed into one country. So they met in Corowa a man there called Sir John Quick, who’s not remember today, no school child wouldn’t know anything about him, but he came up with a proposal which was adopted by the conference.

Professor David Flint (11:25):

And that was the future conventions should instead of being appointed by the state or colonial parliament, they should be elected directly by the people. The second part of his proposal was that when the convention had decided on a constitution, on a draught and sent it out for discussion by the people, by the six colonial parliament, it would then come back to the convention. They’d settle the final form, and then the way of getting it approved would be to have referendums in every colony.

Professor David Flint (12:15):

So we had six referendums. New South Wales was proved to be a little difficult so it had to be done again, but eventually it was all passed. It was the people who agreed to the constitution and because they had that model in it, they put in a vital part of the constitution. In fact, the prime minister of South Australia as the premiers used to be called Charles Kingston, wanted to introduce into the constitution, not just having a referendum, not just require a referendum for changing the constitution, but also introducing more control over the politicians so that the people could in relation to any new legislation, stop that legislation. If they petitioned for a referendum and the people in that referendum decided they didn’t want that piece of legislation.

Professor David Flint (13:19):

So he was going to introduce much more of what we call direct democracy. America, Australia, Britain, we’re all representative democracies. We elect people to represent us. And then the past laws on our behalf. In Switzerland, and in later years in parts of the United States and Canada, they’ve introduced more direct democracy. And what that means is that the politicians are much more accountable to the people than they are in a pure representative democracy. There’s a Sword of Damocles hanging over the head of every politician, which is the ideal. I know you won’t like that Malcolm.

Senator Malcolm Roberts (14:11):

No, no. No, no. David, I love that idea.

Professor David Flint (14:15):

You’d love it. Good. And it’s wonderful because you are a good politician, but there are not many who follow, who do what the people want. And if the politicians did something which the people don’t like, the idea is, well, they could by petition ask for a referendum to decide whether that should happen. To take it a step further they could even have a referendum in which they propose their own legislation, which then has to be adopted.

Professor David Flint (14:50):

Now, some people say that won’t work, it works very well in Switzerland, every three months, every three months, they have a number of referendums, which the people propose and being a federation, they proposed at the central level, the federal level they’re also propose is at the state level, they call them cantons at the state level. But also at the municipal level, the local government level. And you don’t have to vote if you don’t want to.

Professor David Flint (15:21):

It’s not compulsory as in Australia, but it does mean that everybody can have a say and the people can make decisions, which doesn’t prove the quality of government and certainly improves the quality of politicians. So we have a federal constitution, and those parts which essentially relate to creating a single country. Those can only be changed by the federal parliament proposing referendum and the people then agreeing to that. But not everything is covered, not everything in that constitutional system is covered by that.

Professor David Flint (16:00):

And two things which are not covered in the constitutional system came out very much during the crisis over the pandemic. And this was that most of the decisions the politicians were made on the quite often on the spur of the moment too often for political reasons, rather than genuine health reasons. And they were made by way of regulations. That is by the executive government quite often just by a minister. And that was never envisaged to work that way.

Professor David Flint (16:47):

And this was done without any parliamentary scrutiny. Even in colonial times we had two checks and balances on the making of regulations, which seemed to have been whittled away. One was that for important regulations to be made, these had to be done by the governor in the executive council. The governors in Australia is appointed by the crown on the recommendation of the local premier or the federal government. But the role of the governor or the governor general is as a sort of auditor to see all the [inaudible 00:17:33]in the two he’s crossed that all the proper details are there before regulation is adopted and it’s adopted properly.

Professor David Flint (17:43):

Instead of, as for example in New South Wales, there’s a moment in New South Wales, one of the Australian states where during the pandemic, the premier that’s the first minister, the prime minister of the state. The premier decided suddenly that we should close down the building industry. It was closed down for two weeks until there was enormous amount of outrage over it. But that cost $2 billion put a lot of people out of work, stopped all building in the cities. And even the bureaucratic medical advisor said, “Well, I didn’t advise that, there were no health reasons for that. It was just that the premier thought this is a good idea at the time.”

Professor David Flint (18:36):

Now that should have gone to the executive council, it should have been put to the governor who wouldn’t decide on the merits. The governor would just make sure that all the documents there, the argue were there. And most importantly, that this was in power because the regulation about closing the building industry was being made under health legislation. And surely there would have to be documents there supporting the case for some health reason to do that. But in addition to having the executive council, what we thought of, and this was in colonial times. Wat we thought was also an important check and balance was that the two houses of parliament and all states except Queensland in Australia have two houses and governments rarely control the upper house.

Professor David Flint (19:31):

The two houses of a parliament exercised close scrutiny over regulations. They call for evidence. They call the minister before them to explain why this regulation was made. And they have a power of disallowance governments, as I say, rarely control the upper house. And if the cross bench and the opposition joined together, they can quite often get a majority. And a lot of the excesses might have been stopped in the upper house after a proper scrutiny. But those two things, both of those two things disappeared during this crisis. And quite often, the power to make regulations for health was abused.

Professor David Flint (20:24):

In what lawyers would call misfeasance in public office. The trouble with the laws, you would know Malcolm is it takes a terribly long time for a case to come on. If you want to argue that the government has exceeded it’s powers in making regulation, it can take years. A few years ago, we had a ban on the export of live cattle to Indonesia. There were complaints that in some abattoirs in Indonesia, the cattle were being treated cruelly. So the minister adopted a regulation banning cattle to those abattoirs were ones where there might be inhumanity to the cattle. They weren’t being treated properly. But then a few days later, because of pressure from the left, from the ABC and other sources, the minister issued a second regulation.

Professor David Flint (21:32):

And that was to totally ban all export of cattle from Australia. That was done suddenly, it ruined farmers, it ruined people working for farmers, it ruined people working the ports. People lost their jobs. Those people who suffered were indigenous people. We have a great concern in Australia about the indigenous people. They also suffered all done suddenly, and they all decided to assume about this. It took almost 10 years to get together the facts, get together a case and get a ruling by the judge who found that there was in fact misfeasance in public office that the minister went too far.

Professor David Flint (22:21):

Now, damages are being worked up, but guess who pays the damages? Not the minister he’s in retirement. He’s got other jobs, no doubts, consultancies, and so on. He’s living well. The government’s living well. When the damages are worked out, it’ll be the poor old taxpayer who’ll pay the damages, but it took a long time for that case to come on.

Senator Malcolm Roberts (22:44):

David, can I interrupt you there for a minute, please? Well, actually we’re going to have to go to an ad break. This is wonderful. It is absolutely wonderful. What I would like to do before going to the ad break is to summarise for our listeners and then go to the ad break and come back and let you continue. And I’d like to get onto a couple of specific things after we come back. For now my summary is that you mentioned Madison and you mentioned that man is not perfect.

Senator Malcolm Roberts (23:13):

And Jefferson recognised the failings of humans. And he recognised we need to protect individuals in government, in Congress, in parliament, from those failings, because everyone has them. The second thing is that you have made it very, very clear. The core of the whole parliamentary process should be the people. You’ve also said that there is a need for a solution to overcoming the politicians. You’ve also said that it was the people who agreed to the constitution. You’ve also said that it’s the politicians who must be accountable to the parliament and that they aren’t.

Senator Malcolm Roberts (23:56):

You’ve also said… Implicitly, sorry, I’m going to extend what you said here. Leaders, in my opinion are servants. There is so much material you are raising that I would like to invite you back now for a second show sometime in the future, if you could do that. But leaders are servants. Whether it be in business, corporations, clubs, parliament, football clubs, the community leaders go and listen to people and then develop a vision. And then they have to convince people that their vision is the best solution. If the people believe it is they will follow.

Senator Malcolm Roberts (24:33):

The whole of this COVID nightmare, this mismanagement has been atrocious in Australia. The whole thing is about control of people not serving the people. This is not… And the leadership has not been about leadership, it has been about coercion and forcing sometimes brutally and inhuman immoral ways. You’ve mentioned that there’s a lack of parliamentary scrutiny. I couldn’t agree more. David, this is echoing throughout the west because the west is under people now who want to control the people and it’s happening in the west. And perhaps that’s for another discussion in the future.

Senator Malcolm Roberts (25:12):

But I do want to finish with the words of Jeannette Young. She was chief health officer for Queensland during most of this mismanagement. She admitted to her credit that as chief health officer, she was responsible only for people’s physical health. The premier is a really guilty one here in Queensland and right throughout the country, because the premier abdicated, she said, “It’s all about physical health.” Well, that is complete rubbish. It is about people’s economic health now and in the future. You mentioned the construction industry in Victoria being brought to its knees for no valid reason. She also ignored the premier up here, ignored people’s mental health. They did nothing to do that. And they made it far, far worse, all to control people.

Senator Malcolm Roberts (26:06):

And now you’ve told us how suing parliament to prove malfeasance takes a decade. And that’s because the damn parliamentarians are not doing their job. And you finished with one key statement. Always the people pay the price. And that’s what makes me sick because I’ve noticed this time and time and again. The government stuffs it up. The parliament fails to hold them accountable because they’re both working together and the people pay the price. So let’s go to an ad break now and come back and listen more to professor David Flint.

Speaker 1 (26:44):

You should hear what Patrick Hening’s talking about.

Patric Henson (26:47):

They outsource a lot of this what they call Turk work, believe it or not, Amazon coined that term called Turk work. So they farm all this stuff out to various places around the globe. Try to take advantage of the cheaper labour. No, in theory, there’s nothing wrong with that. Yes, they are creating jobs to some degree, but that’s not the point. The point is this, the point is that either algorithms or some completely unqualified person in a foreign country is actually, looking at the dashboard and deciding what gets banned, what doesn’t get banned. And most of the times the people making these, the human decisions on this, they have no idea what the issues are.

Speaker 1 (27:30):

Patrick Henson on Today’s News Talk-TNT radio.

Yon (27:35):

Using meth taught me everything about freedom. Only, not like you think it taught me how easy it is to lose your freedom. If you think meth is taking control of you, ask for help, you have the power to be truly free. I know I’m Yon and I’m free from meth.

Speaker 6 (27:53):

If you or someone you know, is struggling with meth, call 1800-662 help for 24 hour free and confidential treatment referral. Learn more at

Speaker 7 (28:04):

A few years ago, Steve Fair Cow’s lungs were failing.

Steve Fair Cow (28:08):

I don’t think I had more than a couple weeks to live.

Speaker 7 (28:11):

That’s when Steve received a lung transplant made possible by an organ donor. Now Steve could do things he never imagined like climbing 94 floors to the top of a skyscraper.

Steve Fair Cow (28:20):

I never knew that breathing could feel this good. It’s an incredible gift.

Speaker 7 (28:24):

What could you make possible as an organ organised tissue donor leave behind the gift of life. Go to, US department of health and human services, health resources, and services administration.

Speaker 1 (28:36):

This is the Malcolm Robert show on Today’s News Talk radio-TNT.

Senator Malcolm Roberts (28:40):

Welcome back. And thank you for having me as a guest along with professor David Flint, as a guest, wherever you are. Professor Flint has just given us a very, very comprehensive, yet succinct summary of the constitution in Australia. Professor Flint, before we move on to you’ve identified some problems in our constitution before we move on to discussing some of this solutions, perhaps you could deal with some questions on something that is at the moment, occupying a lot of hype, particularly on social media, regarding people serving papers to public officials under the banner of the wait for this, the international court of common law in the high hope that we can restore our freedoms. What is the common law courts?

Professor David Flint (29:31):

Well, the international court of common law or something I would suggest when people receive these documents, they should look up. They should Google it because I regret to say it doesn’t exist. The top court in Australia is the high court of Australia. There’s no such court above the high court of Australia. In fact, such a court does not exist and people are being misled by this. I can understand there’s a great need for change. And I don’t agree with all of the decisions of the high court. I disagree with a number of them, but one has to accept them because those are the decisions we have, but what we have to do rather than being way laid by something, which doesn’t exist.

Professor David Flint (30:21):

These documents concoct a court which has no presence. And you’ll notice that quite often, there are not many names on it of judges whom you could check on as to whether they exist. These documents relate to something that somebody is creating for their own purposes. And I can understand people feeling upset and dissatisfied with the system. And there’s a very full reason for this as I’ve quite often said it’s hard to think of any one problem confronting Australia, probably many other countries, hard to think of any one problem confronting Australia, which is weren’t created by politicians has not been made significantly worse by them.

Professor David Flint (31:06):

And we have to have a system which overcomes that. Australia is in a particularly poor position because in Australia, we have a situation where a rigorously controlled two-party system has been captured not by the members, but by cabals of power brokers who control pre-selections. Who are making quite often a lot of money out of government transactions. It is much more controlled in Australia, for example, than in the United Kingdom. Just take for example, question time in the house of representatives and compare it with question time in London, at Westminster.

Professor David Flint (31:49):

At Westminster, it works properly, real questions asked. In Australia questions asked from the government side are written by the whips, the officials in the party, the ministers know of them in advance. And they say, “Thank you for the question without notice.” And they know it’s not a question without notice. It is a choreographed third rate theatre, unlike the situation, in west minister, where quite often you get it in the house changes among the party members who just cannot abide with what their government is doing for example-

Senator Malcolm Roberts (32:28):

Can I jump in for a minute, please Dave?

Professor David Flint (32:30):


Senator Malcolm Roberts (32:32):

In fact, members of the Labour party, the Liberal party, the National party have told me that question time is theatre. Much of parliament is theatre. And I sit back, I’ve never yelled out in parliament. And I sit back and I look at these monkeys and I think they are showing so much disrespect to the people, perhaps before we go on to the changes necessary. So what you’re saying about these, the international court of common law is that it’s not real. So who are the sheriffs? The judges that are mentioned are they self-appointed?

Professor David Flint (33:09):

Well, do they exist? There are names there. Sometimes there are names. Sometimes there are no names, but do they exist? Are they real people? And what is the purpose of this? People are being misled, unfortunately. And the solution is very simple as to ascertain whether this is real. Do a Google search or take it to a lawyer and say, “Well, can this be progressed?” And the lawyer will now tell you, “Well, this is not a real document. Quite often as a nice seal on it, but it’s not a real document.” And I cannot understand the purpose of this. We have a problem, a serious problem as this is not the solution. I think that if I may go onto the solution, the solution is-

Senator Malcolm Roberts (33:58):

Prof, before we do it, just a couple more questions on the specifics, please David.

Professor David Flint (34:01):


Senator Malcolm Roberts (34:01):

So someone’s put a lot of effort into creating these documents. What do you think they hope to achieve? And is it an act of desperation and can they get away with it?

Professor David Flint (34:09):


Senator Malcolm Roberts (34:10):

They claim to be charging people under fake court orders.

Professor David Flint (34:14):

Well, you’ve got the declarations that they found a number of governors and premiers and the prime minister guilty of treason. And others, guilty of misprision of treason that is of hiding treason or letting people get away with treason. Now that’s a very serious offence that would involve life imprisonment in Australia, along with the death penalty but’s very serious. These just do not exist. There have been no such trials. There are no such courts. It is being run for some purpose, perhaps it’s somebody using this to try and get votes, to get into parliament. We don’t know what it’s all about, but it is not true. A few years ago, there was a similar thing where, because the government is registered on the financial markets in New York and it has the state as a corporation.

Professor David Flint (35:14):

This led to a great debate that the government had turned itself into a corporation. That the wrong seal was being used because the seal had changed. That the queen’s title had become the queen of Australia by legislation, which is perfectly proper. All of these were pointless, and they would’ve carried no water in any competent court. And it was very difficult to see for what purpose this was being undertaken? People have to do something about the serious problems that we just lived through, but they won’t do it by being sidetracked by this nonsense.

Senator Malcolm Roberts (35:53):

So these people are essentially misleading for potentially political purposes. Well as significantly they’re wasting politicians time. They’re wasting the public’s time. They’re wasting the people’s time. They’re diverting valuable attention, time, resources, and cruelly. They’re giving false hope.

Professor David Flint (36:15):

That’s the worst thing.

Senator Malcolm Roberts (36:17):

And to me, I know that a simple definition of fraud is the presentation of something as it is not for personal gain. So if people are doing this for political purposes and to mislead people and to scrounge votes, then this is fraud. And that’s very, very hurtful fraud.

Professor David Flint (36:34):

It is. It’s because people are being lulled into believing that there is a simple solution and there’s no such solution. This is fabricated. And as you say, this is a fraud and it should be ignored because it is such a fraud. And if the police are involved, they should be involved about the fraud. I noticed there’s a script there to go along, see your policeman, what to say about your police-

Senator Malcolm Roberts (37:00):

There is a script in this so-called international court of common law summons.

Professor David Flint (37:06):

You take eight people along to the police and you say, “Go through the script.” Now this it is unfortunately nonsense. And understandably. If people fabricated a statement concerning medical treatment, well, I wouldn’t know what it was all about, and it could well be fraudulent. And that would be just as bad because this is fraudulent. It has no effect and it will cause no advantage and it won’t solve anything.

Senator Malcolm Roberts (37:37):

And as a member of the federal Senate. I agree completely with you that our country has been dragged down. To me there is not a problem with the constitution, but with the way the processes outlined in the constitution are not being followed bypassed. You’ve already talked to us about two of those. Most decisions are being made by politicians on the spur of the moment. Secondly, for the political benefit. Thirdly, by regulations at a time when the Senate doesn’t sit to disallow. So you’ve already mentioned those. You’re going to mention a few solutions now. Could you tell us the solutions because understanding is our constitution is a wonderful document, but it’s not perfect. What would you do to make it perfect?

Professor David Flint (38:26):

Well, and if I may refer to it, I do have a petition on this. May I refer to the short title for that, that’s, And firstly, people must be very careful in elections. The major political parties are under the control of cabals of power brokers, and people should be very careful how they vote. And in particular, which parties they give their first preferences to. And it would be a mistake I suspect to give your votes to the major parties, at least your first preference votes, who should be looking at the smaller parties who offer sensible solutions, that’s important.

Professor David Flint (39:22):

And the second thing is we desperately need significant change. We do need to make the politicians accountable. And the best way to do that is to demand that a convention be elected by the ordinary people of Australia, whereby certain important changes could be made to the constitution. The most important change is to empower the people so that the politicians don’t have to face the people quite often in confected election. The elections are confected because the pre-selection are often prearranged and people by habits tend to vote for the major parties.

Professor David Flint (40:07):

It’s not like the United States where there’s much greater flexibility in relation to choosing candidates. In Australia the choice of candidates is controlled very much. In America, particularly in the Republican party it’s a wonderful system. And that allowed Donald Trump to emerge as the dominant candidate in the last presidential election, because the control of the pre-selections is not in the party bosses because the selections are done not only by members of the party, but also registered supporters of the party. So you get a very democratic way of choosing candidates we don’t have them in Australia.

Professor David Flint (40:51):

What we need in Australia is we need a convention like the choral war convention, which wrote and founded our country. We needed a convention, an elected convention for the people to review the constitution on the Corowa principles. It’s all set out in my proposal. This is very important because if we don’t make changes to the constitution to block the politicians, to make accountable 24/7. You know, Malcolm in most jobs as you would know, you’ve held jobs, you’ve had real life experience. Unlike most politicians, who’ve only had a political life.

Professor David Flint (41:36):

You’ve had real life experience and you know as I know that in most jobs, in most businesses, you’re subject to accountability, you’re accountable to your customers, your clients, to your bosses and so on. You’re accountable, 24/7. The politicians aren’t, they’re only accountable in these elections. And when they confect the elections where the pre-selections are done by the party bosses, you’ve got a situation where the people’s voice is not there because of the habit of voting for one of the major parties like we desperately need change. And I’ve suggested in this petition, the changes which the convention should make to the constitution.

Senator Malcolm Roberts (42:21):

Are they the five Rs?

Professor David Flint (42:24):

Yes. The five Rs. And very briefly I set them out in that petition. The five Rs are that at this convention, we’ve got a return to the constitution because we’ve got a way for the constitution. Our high courts, like the American Supreme courts has too often indulged itself with the judges deciding that the constitution means what they want it to mean. And we’ve seen several cases of that in America, where the Supreme court has written things to the constitution that are just not there. For example, a constitution right to abort.

Professor David Flint (43:04):

There’s nothing in the constitution about that. They invented that. So firstly return to the constitution. Secondly, reduced Canberra’s powers and taxation because Canberra powers have been expanded beyond that in the constitution. The high court has given Canberra powers the people never agreed to. And I went through a number of powers. I was looking at them and I found sometimes the people had refused to give the federal government a power up to five times in referendums. They refused to give them that power up to five times.

Professor David Flint (43:45):

And what’s happened is the high court has given them that power, which is completely wrong. Then we’ve got to reform the political parties. The political parties get enormous advantages, financial they get a money for each vote. They get exemptions from a number of pieces of legislation, electoral privacy and so on. In return for that, they should have to be open, transparent and democratic. They don’t want to be open, transparent, and democratic and run by the members. Then they wouldn’t get all of those advantages. The third R is reform the political parties. The fourth is recall elections. We’ve got to be able to give the people the power to create an election as they can in California.

Professor David Flint (44:35):

We’ve got to have the same power in Australia, whereby petition there can be a vote on whether there should be an election. And finally referendums initiated by the people. The people should have the power to initiate referendums, to stop legislation, to initiate their own legislation, to initiate regulations if they wish. All sorts of things that the people should have the power to do. And we should give that power take it away from the politicians and give it to the people.

Professor David Flint (45:06):

This is what we must do, and that can only be done through a convention. And the politicians will only allow a convention to be elected with appropriate powers. If there’s an enormous demand for that, they’re not going to give the people of Australia any extra power they’re going to hold onto it and abuse it and use it for their own benefit.

Senator Malcolm Roberts (45:31):

Well said, well said, that’s exactly what happens. The everyday Australian though provides a conundrum because David, the people are responsible, ultimately. Who we vote for determines the composition of our parliament. And that means that we ultimately responsible for the mess and which our country is now in. However, what you are saying is that the system has been corrupted and the people are being bypassed. You’ve said that with the people being hoodwinked and bypassed yet the yet… Sorry, the people are quite smart.

Senator Malcolm Roberts (46:13):

We as voters are quite smart, we’ve knocked the politicians back on their changes to parliament on the changes to the constitution. Yet we are bypassed by the high court. So I just realised we’ve only got seven minutes left and I’d like you to take it right to the end of the programme. So let me go through a summary for people now. And then I’ve got one question and then let you continue. Your petition is at The major parties you said are under the control of cabals of power brokers. That is exactly what is happening.

Senator Malcolm Roberts (46:51):

I know from being inside parliament, that is ex exactly what’s happening. So therefore what I’ve been saying to people is, and pretty much your message, put the majors last. You want a constitutional convention, elected by the people for representatives attended should be reelected by the people. I’d like to get your views sometime about Trump. You mentioned the key in all of this accountability, and that’s been missing in federal parliament. Pauline Hanson. And I try to get accountability. We held them accountable verbally at times, and we get the message through.

Senator Malcolm Roberts (47:29):

Yet it is so difficult being the only two that are really doing that. We need to return to our constitution. It’s been bypassed, undermined, we need to get back to it. Professor David Flint provides solutions with the five Rs. Return the first of all return the government to the country. Return the government of the country to the principles set out in the constitution and agreed in our old constitutional system. Get back to our constitution, return. Number two, reduce Canberra’s powers and excessive taxation, which is part of the first return to our constitution. Now, number three, reform the political parties.

Senator Malcolm Roberts (48:12):

Number four, recall elections. Number five referendums that is comprehensive. David before getting onto whatever you want to close the show with for the next five minutes. Could you tell me effectively we are a Republic already? Aren’t we? I know we’re a constitutional monarchy and as a young man, I didn’t want the British to be running out country. I realised they don’t. And When Malcolm Turnbull’s dreadful referendum proposal was put up, I listened to three high court judges, including Harry Gibbs, who was at the time, the chief justice, I believe. And I immediately changed my mind and protected this constitution. And I have been ever since. We’re effectively a Republic. Are we not or?

Professor David Flint (49:03):

Yes, we are. And even Britain in 1688, the Glorious Revolution that was referred by Montesquieu as a disguised Republic, because the idea of the king having great powers disappeared in 1688. But we have in Australia effectively, a crown Republic. If we’re anything, we’re a crown Republic. In fact, we are a constitutional Commonwealth. We chose the name Commonwealth, which is the English word for Republic. And if you look at the definition of Republic and the Corel dictionary, the Australian dictionary you’ll find that we fit in with easily most of the definitions of Republic and argument, certainly the other one.

Professor David Flint (49:49):

But the point is that the we’ve chosen the Westminster system. There was an option at the time. Not many people know about this, an option at the time during the conventions, there was a proposal that the governor general be allowed to develop into effectively, a president elected by the people that was a proposal. And that was rejected strongly, not because of a debate over monarchy or Republic. It was because our founders decided that after experience the United States and in the United Kingdom, they said it’s better to have a collective executive rather than a one person executive, who’s very difficult to remove. That was their argument. And sometimes I think that’s probably better, but when Margaret Thatcher lost office, I thought, “Well, that wasn’t so good.”

Professor David Flint (50:44):

When Donald Trump was elected, I thought it wonderful because I didn’t know anything about him. You asked me about him. I didn’t know anything about him, but when I looked at his Gettysburg address and I saw what he was going to do. I thought if he does a third of that, he will be wonderful compared with his predecessors back to Ronald Reagan. And I wrote two pieces for the Sydney daily Telegraph for, and received an email, for example, from a friend in Thailand saying, “Have you lost your marbles?” But I thought that Donald Trump would be a brilliant president. He turned out even better than I thought he was. And this is one of the problems we’ve got you.

Professor David Flint (51:20):

You talked about the people voting the wrong way. Well, the problem is the press, the media, the media supposed to be there to exercise their vast powers and liberties to tell the truth, to inform the people. But we saw in the United States, the mainstream media joined up with those power who wanted to get rid of Trump, who that they, for example, they suppressed with the social media, all the information that people ought to have known about Biden and his role, the Biden family in their role in selling access and influence when he was vice president to foreign oligarchs. And that was an outrage and a new book has just come out by Peter Schweitzer, who points out that the Biden family has received 31 million.

Senator Malcolm Roberts (52:21):

I’m going to have to interrupt you there, David, because we are getting to the news break. Would you come back, please?

Professor David Flint (52:29):


Senator Malcolm Roberts (52:30):

Thank you very much. We have a lot of more territory to cover. This is Malcolm Roberts. I am staunchly pro-human and believe in the inherent goodness of human beings. We need to care for and love one another and remain proud of who we are. We’ll be back after news with another guest to apply what David is telling us.


Speaker 1:This is a Malcolm Roberts Show. On Today’s News Talk Radio, TNT.  
Ian Plimer:Today’s News Talk Radio,  
 This is Senator Malcolm Roberts from down under, fresh from my COVID bed. Yes, I had COVID. Now I have the world’s most powerful immunity, natural immunity.  
 Thank you very much for having me in your car, your lounge room, your men shed, picnic. I hasten to say that I’m not contagious. I know that some people think that telemarketers and telehealth people have to get injected before they can speak over the phone, but I can assure with 100% confidence that you will not catch anything from me over the phone, other than a dose of the truth and some outspoken speech.  
 My session on the radio is governed by two things, freedom. Specifically, freedom versus control. That is basic for human progress and livelihoods. And we’re going to have a very special guest today to talk about that.  
 The second thing that drives me is personal responsibility and the importance of integrity. That’s the basics for personal progress and livelihood.  
 Before getting to our guests, let’s just cover my show’s aims, themes, and the focus. I’m fiercely pro-human. Yes, you heard that. I am fiercely pro-human. I believe in humanity. I am tired. I’ve had a gutful of the media and politicians ragging on humans and humanity. I am proud to be one of our planet’s only species capable of logic, and capable of love and care, and quite often giving that love and care.  
 I’m also fundamentally positive. I get excited by good things that are happening, and I want to contribute to that. While we are dealing with issues that people face today, and they’re concerned about, I will encourage guests to provide solutions, lasting meaningful solutions. Instead of what’s wrong with politics, what’s needed in politics? Instead of what’s wrong with politicians, and there’s plenty, what we need in politicians? Instead of what’s wrong with the media, what’s needed in media? And we can start that with the truth.  
 We will get to the core issues, whats and all to develop solutions, because it’s only by getting into the real issues can we have real faith in the outcomes.  
 We’ll cover the human aspects, strengths, weaknesses, vulnerabilities, failings, highlights. What makes people real?  
 The second thing about anything I do, it’s got to be data-driven. It’s got to be factual, truthful, and honest.  
 And the third thing, be blunt. We will be speaking out, calling it like it is. And I’ll be welcoming talkback callers in the near future. Currently, is betting down many systems. This is a truly global operation. It’s a gift to the world from the world. We’ve got hosts all over the globe, broadcasting from Belfast, London, Los Angeles, New York, Tel Aviv, Gold Coast, Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, The Bush in Australia.  
 And I want to express my deep and sincere appreciation to Mike Ryan for restoring integrity to media and to politics.  
 This radio network, this global radio network will serve the people, not control and con the people. We will serve with truth, and we will be blunt.  
 Before getting to my first guest, let’s just cover a couple of things that have happened today in the news. First of all, right around Australia, to all the people taking part in freedom marches, whether it be in Newcastle din-making, or people in Brisbane, people in Melbourne, people in Sydney, people all over, country towns, regional towns, thank you very much. And, Robert F. Kennedy, and your supporters in Washington, D.C. tomorrow on their freedom marches.  
 I have brothers-in-law coming from the Southern United States and the Northern United States meeting in Washington. They’re going to tell Biden what we think about his mandates and his coercion.  
 I’ll see people in Maryborough tomorrow because we’re having a peaceful protest in Maryborough.  
 I want to express my condolences to the family of Meat Loaf. Meat Loaf was a big part of my life. He had such a wonderful voice. He could go down so low, and then belt it out so strongly, so powerfully. He brings back many, many fabulous memories of my time listening to his music and with friends.  
 For those listening outside Australia, you probably don’t know that it’s Australia Day this coming Wednesday. That’s when we celebrate our country, or some people try to.  
 A friend of mine sent me this. “On the Mornington Peninsula, this year, they have cancelled Australia Day celebrations, yet they have not cancelled the Invasion Day celebrations. Invasion day events …” he goes on to say, ” … are free for the indigenous and $39 for the non-indigenous. They’re setting up two countries, one against the other.”  
 Another news item. China coal production in the month of December alone, 384 billion tonnes in one month. China is by far the world’s largest producer of coal now, and it’s thriving because of it. Australia producers just under 500 million tonnes in a year. Our production is around 11% of what China’s is, basically, one tenth, yet we’re trying to gut our economy, thanks to the Liberal Labour Nationals and Greens. What the hell is going on? China will produce 10 times as much coal as we will. And our politicians want to gut our country. This is ridiculous. And my first guest will be talking about this and many other things.  
 Then we’ve got news that the Bureau of Meteorology has, wait for it, remodelled Australia’s official temperature record for the third time in nine years, and found things to be warmer than thermometer readings had measured.  
 The Bureau did not announce the changes, but details of them were published on the Bureau’s website. So we’ve got to sneak around trying to catch them out, because they won’t talk about it boldly.  
 Jennifer Marohasy, a noted scientist in this country, a fighter for truth has said this, “The bureau has now remodelled the national temperature data set three times in just nine years.” Do they have no confidence in their own revisions and modelling? They have to keep cooling the past and warming the present? Why aren’t they doing an independent open transparent scrutiny of all of this work that they’re supposedly doing to fabricate global warming?  
 My first guest, fittingly, is a true scientist and a remarkable human being with a remarkable sense of humour, and engaging lively real personality, and a wicked sense of humour. He’s won many international awards and recognition, but this man is no ivory tower preacher, no ivory tower academic. He’s a real world man, who gets down in the mud, wrestles, argues, debates in the bush, pubs, exploration camps, politicians offices, street corners, corporate headquarters, media, academics, anywhere. He’ll take on anyone anywhere. This man, Professor Ian Plimer has dismantled frauds wherever they appear. Welcome, Ian.  
 Well, thank you for having me, Malcolm.  
Malcolm Roberts:Always a pleasure, mate. I’ve known you for a few years now. I always start with something, and we’ll talk about the reasons for this later, what do you appreciate?  
Ian Plimer:Being alive. I’ve had many chances to die, but I think the devil has taken a good look at me and thought, “My God, the competition’s too great, so I’ll leave that one.”  
Malcolm Roberts:Right. Now, you are famous as a scientist, and as a speaker, and as a fighter for humanity. What is science?  
Ian Plimer:Science is married to evidence, and that evidence comes from experiment, it comes from observation, and it comes from calculation. It comes from, basically, collecting data. Now, that data, if it’s collected in Peru, or Poland, or Chad, or Canada, it makes no difference. It is data. And that data has to be reproducible. It has to be in accord with all other validated data.  
 And if it’s not in accord, then any conclusions based on the data are rejected. So science has a habit of rejecting old theories and building stronger, more valid theories. It is a way of understanding how the world works. And it is very much different from religion, which is an understanding of the world within, and science is an understanding of the world without.  
 And scientific ideas are always challenged. There is no such thing as consensus in science. There is no such thing as agreement in science. There are fads, and fashions, and fools, and frauds in science, the same as in any other area. And just because someone arrogantly struts around with a white lab coat, stroking their beard, and trying to look intelligent, doesn’t mean that what they’re promoting is correct.  
 Now, science is always changing, and so, to have a scientific concept wedded over time is non-scientific. And I argue that there are many things in today’s world that are not scientific.  
Malcolm Roberts:Well, Ian, fabulous discussion by the way. But perhaps we can bring it back to every-day lives these days, because a typical person today living on welfare, a welfare recipient … that’s not being denigrating, that’s someone saying is down on his luck at the moment, or her luck … a typical person on welfare today lives better than a king or queen did 200 years ago, longer lives, easier lives, healthier lives, safer lives, more comfortable lives, more entertaining lives, more diverse lives. Science gave us this, didn’t it?  
Ian Plimer:Yes. By every measure, we are living better than we did hundreds of years ago. The world’s gross domestic product and per capita GDP has gone up. The global population in absolute poverty’s gone down. The food supply has gone up. The tree cover’s gone up. The global urban population has gone up. Democracies, a number of democracies around the world has gone up. The deaths from natural disasters has gone down. And the list is a very, very long one.  
 We are living in far better times now than our great-grandparents did. And the reason for this is, that we’ve created potable water, we’ve created good sewage systems, we’ve created employment such that animals and humans don’t do the backbreaking work, that we have machines to do that now.  
 And so, we are living in an age where we have benefited from science … and you are an engineer, trained as an engineer … and from the application of science, which is engineering. And we are living in a far, far, better world than any generation has.  
 Now, we’ve had about 20,000 generations of humans on planet earth, and it is only the last four generations, where we’ve had an increase in longevity, and that is due to better science. But, not only medicine, due to the fundamentals by having a sewage system, by having drinking water that doesn’t kill you, these are the fundamentals.  
 And for people that moan and grown about how terrible the planet is, and how we’ve ruined it, should actually take a look at history. We have never, as humans, lived in better times, we’ve never eaten better, we’ve never had more shelter, we’ve never had more ability to travel. And that doesn’t matter, whether you live in Africa, or India, or the West, we are living in the best times ever to be a human.  
 And, yes, we have plenty of humans that need to be dragged up to the level that those in the West have, but the best way to get out of poverty is to get wealthy. And one of the ways of getting wealthy is to have a very cheap and reliable energy system. The West has done this, the UK, the U.S., and Europe have all gone from miserable poverty to living comfortable lives by having cheap reliable energy.  
Malcolm Roberts:So, science to me is something profound, something beautiful. It’s done, not only what you’ve just said in terms of our health and our opportunities, but it’s given us something even more fundamental, and that is freedom through objectivity. It is fundamental for freedom, isn’t it? Science.  
Ian Plimer:I think so. It provides you with the absolute tools that you need for freedom, and that is criticism, analysis, argument, and these must be unconstrained. And this doesn’t happen in some areas of science today. And we see that with the science on COVID, the science on climate. There is no freedom there. There is no ability to be able to express different views. That’s what we had in the past.  
 And we saw that with Lysenko, in Russia. Lysenko was a peasant. He managed to get into the establishment, and he established a concept called vernalization, and this is where seeds of plants must be persuaded to take on the communist characteristics, where they’re all equal.  
 And Stalin absolutely fell in love with this idea. The end result of that was that tens of millions of people died in famines. Those people who were engaged in genetics, those people who were engaged in trying to create better plant yields by using science were banished to the Gulags, some of them were killed. And this is a very good example of where science has not allowed freedom, where we’ve had one concept rule, and the end result was poverty, and tens of billions of people starving to death quite unnecessarily.  
Malcolm Roberts:I think we’re going for an ad break now, Professor Plimer, and we’ll be back in just a minute or so.  
Malcolm Roberts:This is Senator Malcolm Roberts, coming to you from Gold Coast in Queensland’s remarkable playground. And I have with me a special guest, Professor Ian Plimer.  
 Ian, science is more than just a word, it’s a process, a method, and as you’ve said, it never ends. We used to have science-driven policy, we now have, as you alluded to, policy-driven science, can you explain why that’s dangerous?  
Ian Plimer:Well, I think it’s extraordinary dangerous, because you do not get an independent conclusion on reality. And a lot of policy is driven by fairly young people in government offices who have gone straight from university into a government office, or into a union, or into a political office, and these people have absolutely no life experience.  
 And science is a constant questioning. Once you have a policy set in concrete, you are incapable of questioning it. The system doesn’t allow you to do it. And we have that with a couple of aspects in today’s modern world. So I very much reject the idea of policy-driven science. I would rather have facts, and I would rather have facts that are underpinned by the scientific method.  
 Now, policy-driven science is, in fact, having an opinion. I don’t have an opinion, I don’t have an opinion at all. I have facts. And if you want to challenge me on the facts, then we come to an argument about how we collected those facts, who collected those facts, where they were collected, what instruments were used, what was the order of accuracy? What corrections might have been used in collecting these facts.  
 So, I think we are facing fairly bad times when we are not looking at facts. When we have one group of people saying, “Oh, well you have your facts, and I have my facts.” I’m sorry, facts. There’s only one thing. It’s a fact. And that fact is reproducible. That fact can be validated. And if it’s not validated, then it gets thrown out. That is the basis of science.  
 And we have abandoned the scientific method in so many areas of our life. Medicine would be one of them, climate change would be another one of them. And if we had policy-driven engineering, you can imagine how many bridges would fall down, or how many aeroplanes  would crash. I mean, this is just absolute nuts.  
Malcolm Roberts:So you’re a scientist of the real world. Now, you are one of the most qualified scientists in the world. You’re esteemed. You’ve been given awards. You’ve been showered with praise for, not only your scientific integrity, but your guts, because you are a scientist who gets out in the pubs, and actually talks to people, listens to people. Above all, listens, because that’s another form of observation. You get into debates … you don’t hide from these things … you get into debates, where you flesh ideas out. What are your greatest qualifications, life qualifications, Ian?  
Ian Plimer:My greatest life qualifications is that I’ve worked underground. I absolutely love working in underground mines. And, there, you’ve got safety constantly in the forefront of your mind, but you are dealing with real people, and you can’t afford to be dealing with anything else. But, reality, when you are underground, these are real people, these people know how you convert a rock into money. It’s the same as if you’re on a farm, you’re converting soil into food or fibre. These are the real people. And I spent a lot of my time with real people.  
 Yes, I spent a lot of my life in the academic world, but that was also pretty uncomfortable because I was a square peg in a round hole. And none of the academics loved me, but the students absolutely loved me because I told it as it is.  
 So, when you’re underground, you’re in a totally different world. It’s a three-dimensional world. If you want to find some more oil, you have to use basic principle of physics, and chemistry, and geology. You have to understand how the rocks move. When you’re underground there’s always a bit of noise, the rocks are creaky and groaning. The miners say the rocks talk to you. So that was probably the greatest learning experience for me.  
 The other was working out in the bush and getting my hands dirty out in the deserts. And I have a great affinity for desert. I have a couple of places, houses out in the desert, and I absolutely love the desert. And this is unforgiving, if you make a mistake, you are dead. If you make a mistake underground, you are dead. If you make a mistake as a climate scientist, you get promoted.  
Malcolm Roberts:What an absolutely amazing explanation. And I share it with you, because when I graduated as a mining engineer with honours in 1976, I decided I better go and learn something. So I’ve worked as an underground coal miner and one open cut mine, but mainly underground around the country, mixing with people, learning about people, learning about underground.  
 And it is such a challenging place to be. It is such a wonderful teamwork environment to be. Surface mining, large open cuts, that’s just dirt shifting, Ian. We know that. But underground, that’s real mining.  
 And where did you learn to have your love of argument, because you just love argument. I’ve seen you run away from nothing. Why do you love an argument?  
Ian Plimer:Well, that, of course, goes right back to my childhood. I was always a little bit of a rebel with a number of things. I had relatives, and grandfathers, and great-grandfathers who were scientists, but also quite argumentative.  
 And my life was opened up when I was married, and my wife saw the potential, and gave me the freedom to argue and to fight. And this is how freedom, and argument, and science all come together.  
 Now, in terms of having debates, the one group of people who will not debate me are climate scientists. They will not debate me because I don’t use political policy, I don’t use opinion, I use facts. And you cannot get a climate scientist to stand up in public, and debate me, and then face questions after the debate. They will not do it. And I know why, because they are being funded to pursue the biggest scientific scam we’ve ever seen in the history of the planets.  
Malcolm Roberts:Correct. And I saw you and Viscount Monckton dismantle two members of the media in Brisbane several years ago. I think one of the poor fellows, Graham Readfearn, I think that was his name, just absolutely hopeless, you just tore him to shreds, so much so that his employer, The Courier-Mail, I think sacked him not long afterwards. Absolutely disgraceful presentation from him.  
Ian Plimer:But he’s still employed. He’s employed by The Guardian, and still writes the same codswallop that is going on with there. So there is the warning, no matter how hopeless you are, there is always something for you. And if you’re really hopeless, the left will look after you. If you’re absolutely extraordinarily unbelievably hopeless, the extreme left will look after you. And that’s what’s happened to Graham Readfearn.  
Malcolm Roberts:That’s absolutely so accurate, what you’ve just said. You have mentioned empirical evidence, the hard data, the observations, because your advice sometimes leads to the expenditure of billions of dollars, and your employers are not happy if it’s wasted. And you are held accountable because you’re working in industry, you’re working in academia, and you’re working in the community at large. You’ve worked in the global community.  
 What we’ve seen now is that science has been reduced to a label. It’s no longer a process, it’s no longer a methodology. It’s a label to justify policies that contradict hard data.  
Ian Plimer:Well, let me give an example. We have had trillions spent globally dealing with human-induced global warming. And what you do in science, is ask really simple questions. You don’t need to use nomenclature, you don’t need to use complex words, you don’t need to hide behind a lab coat and pretending you’re important. Just ask a simple question. And you’ve got to be polite. The simple question is, can you please show me that the human emissions of carbon dioxide drive global warming?  
 Now this has never been shown. You have pursued that in senate’s estimates committee meeting with Australia’s premier scientific organisation, the CSIRO.  
Malcolm Roberts:Premier?  
Ian Plimer:Well, they were ones-  
Malcolm Roberts:Bloody hopeless on climate, Professor Plimer.  
Ian Plimer:They were once a premier organisation in things like genetics, and wheat, and water, but they have now suffered from being woke, and they have suffered from being dragged into getting extra funding by following the climate line.  
 Now, that question, can you please show me that the human emissions of carbon dioxide drive global warming, it has never been answered. I have asked people who claim to be scientists, just give me half a dozen scientific papers showing that? I have asked journalists, can you please show me that? They can’t.  
 Now, of course, the next question is, if they could, you would then have to ask the next question. And 3% of all emissions of carbon dioxide are from humans, the other 90% is natural. And you then have to ask the next question, can you please show me why the 97% of natural emissions do not drive global warming? So it’s checkmate before the game even starts.  
 Now, these people who call themselves climate scientists, and these can vary from anything, from influencers, to lawyers, to sociologists, to historians, to mathematicians, and on we go, the whole basis of human-induced global warming has never been challenged. And as a result of that, we’ve had this massive waste of trillions of dollars.  
 Now, what flows on from that are these monstrosities like wind turbines. Now, to make a wind turbine, the amount of energy to make that is more than it will ever deliver in its workable life.  
 The second thing is, that the amount of carbon dioxide to make it and maintain it, is more than it will ever save. So why bother? And then when you’ve got these wind turbines, which have a fairly short life of about 15 years, they need to be disposed of after their working life.  
 And when you dispose of turbine blades, you start to contaminate the environment with some dreadful toxins. So you cannot claim that these burden, bat munching, scenery destroying monstrosities have anything to do with the environment. And the way to understand the way that climate industry works is follow the money. Just have a look at who is behind these wind turbines. If one country starts with C and finishes with A.  
 And then we look at the solar PV systems. Now these destroy huge amounts of [inaudible], and you have to clear a lot of [inaudible], that’s surely not environmental. To make them, again, use far more energy than they will ever release. They also emit, in the making of them, more carbon dioxide than they’ll ever save.  
 You can’t have solar power 24 hours a day. We can, but I’ll come to that in a second. When you dispose of those, you start to contaminate the environment with all sorts of toxins, of gallium, and germanium, and arsenic, and selenium, and tellurium. All the things that, of course, make your hair curl and kill you.  
 But just to show you what a scam, the whole business is, we have solar power generation in Spain at night. Now, the Spanish are absolutely wonderful, but to generate solar electricity at night? And you scratch yourself, and you think, well, how the hell do we do that?  
 The answer’s simple. In Spain, the solar panels are illuminated with floodlights from diesel generators because the subsidies are so great that they can make money out of generating solar power at night. And that demonstrates that we have got a total scam in solar and in wind power generation. Now that scam is coming towards the end of its subsidy life and solar and wind power don’t generate electricity. They generate subsidies.  
 And towards the end of the life, now the boys have got to think of something else. So they’re thinking of offshore wind, which is wonderful, you reduce the life of the equipment even more with the saline attack. You also now see people saying, “Hmm, I wonder if we can use this gas, hydrogen?”  
 Now people have tried to use hydrogen 100 years ago and it failed. It failed for three reasons. First, it’s super expensive. Secondly, there’re massive energy losses in making hydrogen, which doesn’t occur in large quantities naturally. And, thirdly, it has to be transported at -253 degrees Celsius and 700 times atmospheric pressure. Now, that is a bomb waiting to happen.  
 So the same people who are scamming on wind and solar, are the people now who are shifting into hydrogen saying, “Oh, we’ve got to try this wonderful new fuel.” Well, it has been tried and it has failed.  
 And in my latest book called Green Murder … and check it out on … in my latest book, I go into all the details on this and other scams.  
 And this is how we’ve wasted trillions of dollars, and it’s been a slimy approach, every single person who’s paying an electricity bill gets a little slice taken off, and that goes to the scamsters. And this ends up in trillions of dollars in subsidies, trillions of dollars getting paid to people who are only interested in making money rather than providing long-term stable electricity.  
 And if it’s cheap, then it generates employment. And if you have employment generated, then you have less people on the dole queues. And if you have fewer people on the dole queues, then your economy thrives. It’s pretty simple. And we have been conned because we’re so wealthy, because we’re so comfortable, and people have said, “Oh, I can afford to pay a few more dollars because it makes me morally feel better.”  
 And in this book, Green Murder, I argue about the morality of The Green position. And I will give you just one or two examples. For example, if you are wanting to put in wind or solar, then the solar panels have a very good chance of being made by slave labour in China.  
 The wind companies and wind turbines are made by Chinese companies who are destroying the long-term, stable, cheap electricity, be that nuclear, be that coal, be that gas, be that hydro, and replacing it with what they call renewable energy, and I call it unreliable energy, because we once had cheap reliable energy. So there is a scam. And that is weakening the West, and it’s seriously weakening countries like the U.S., and the UK, and Germany.  
 And we can see now the disaster that has occurred in Germany. This is one of the G20 countries, yet we have people getting cut off from their power source because they can’t afford to pay the exorbitant prices. They are now going foraging in the forests to get wood, to keep themselves warm, and to cook. That’s in Germany.  
 In England, you have a choice, do I have a hot shower, or do I heat the house, or do I have a warm meal? I can’t have all three, I can only have one of them. That is a G20 country that’s committed suicide on this green murder path they’ve chosen.  
 And if you, as a wonderful Green, if you think, oh, I want to save the environment and drive an electric vehicle, well, start to look at the resources you use. We haven’t found them yet. And I’ve spent a lot of my time in exploration in a lot of countries, and we have not found the resources we need to put all of the U.S. hydrocarbon-driven vehicles off the road and have them as EVs. We haven’t found the resources. We haven’t got the copper, we haven’t got the lithium, we haven’t got the nickel, we haven’t got the cobalt.  
 But assume you are living in Los Angeles, and you want to be a moral virtue signaler, and get yourself an electric vehicle, well, you’re only constrained to the city, you can’t drive any further. You couldn’t drive to Nevada in an EV. You just couldn’t charge it up. And if you did, for a 500 mile trip, you’d have to stop 3 or 4 times to charge up the vehicle. It’s just totally ineffective.  
 But if you are going to moralise about driving electric vehicle, you have to ask a few questions. Where does the cobalt for your electric vehicle come from? About 80% of the world’s cobalt comes from the Congo, and it’s mined by Black slave children underground, in conditions that are extraordinary dangerous, and where there are toxins everywhere.  
 And if you want to claim that you are moral in driving electric vehicle, you also have to be aware that you are supporting Black child slave labour in the Congo. You can’t have it both ways.  
 So I argue that there is no science behind The Greens position on climate, and I argue that there’s no morality behind The Greens position on climate. You can’t have it both ways. And so, we have to, I think, be fairly blunt, and fairly robust when we argue with people who claim that they want to save the planet. What are they saving it from? Who are they saving it from? Follow the money and follow the morality causes.  
Malcolm Roberts:Ian, the fundamental thing, as I understand it, for driving human progress, there are eight of them. First of all, is freedom. That is determined by science because science gives us objectivity. The second one is rule of law. Third one is constitutional succession, so that we have a smooth ongoing form of government and elected democracy. The fourth one is secure property rights. The fifth one is cheap, abundant, affordable, electricity, or energy, both forms, hydrocarbon and electricity. The next one is family. A strong family network. The next one is honest money. And the last is, of the eight, that I carry around in my head, is, a fair, efficient, honest taxation system.  
 This climate scam, as you have talked about it so accurately, is an assault on every one of those eight fundamentals of human progress. In particular, what we’ve seen in the last 200 years, last 170 years, in particular, is a relentless reduction in electricity prices and energy prices, to the point where each reduction in real terms leads to an increase in productivity.  
 That was until about three decades ago, when the lunatics in the West fared by China, pumping wind and solar generators at us, have destroyed our electricity sector. Australia has gone from being the cheapest electricity in the world, to the most expensive. That means that we export our jobs to China, our future to China, our independence to China. We become dependent on China. Isn’t it a fundamental travesty against generations not yet born, to destroy our country’s manufacturing capability, to destroy our country’s economy, when the Chinese themselves are pumping out almost 10 times as much coal as we produce in total each year? This is insane.  
Ian Plimer:Well, there’s a couple of points here. We have a coal-rich country called India. And, yes, they have some rather shabby transport systems, but they have a lot of coal. And there has been a huge amount of pressure on India and on Africa not to have coal-fired power generation. And so, people live in huts, they burn dung, and twigs, and leaves for heating and for cooking. And, as a result, there’re millions of women and children, every year, die because of that form of energy. So the cheap electricity that people in Africa and India deserve is denied by moralising greens, who are actually killing people by their policies.  
 The second thing is that, I’m very pleased that countries like China have had the industrial revolution. The UK, the Europe, and the U.S. have had their industrial revolutions that brought people out of poverty, that enabled people to live longer, that gave a lot of meaningful work. It actually created all sorts of new jobs. China is undergoing that industrial revolution, and undergoing it very, very quickly. And, in China, we’ve probably had the greatest movement of people, and the greatest economic rise that the world has ever seen. And I think that’s fabulous for the average Chinese person.  
 But the greens tell us the downside is the pumping out of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Well, have I got news for you? We have had a slight increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide over the last 30 years. And satellite information is showing us that the planet has greened up. Our crops have become more prolific. Now, that’s partly due to more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere because carbon dioxide is plant food, but it’s partly due to better fertilisers, and better farming techniques. So we have very good evidence that carbon dioxide is good for you.  
 We have evidence from the Second World War, from the global financial crisis, and from the COVID crisis, when we’ve had a backwardation of economic activity, that we’ve had carbon dioxide continue to increase. So there’s been less carbon dioxide coming out of industry, yet we’ve had a global increase in carbon dioxide. And that’s telling us that the dominant source of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is from degassing of the oceans, it’s not from industry, it’s not from human activities.  
 And, thirdly, in the geological past, we’ve had times when the atmospheric carbon dioxide was up to 100 times higher than now. And what did we have then? We didn’t have runaway global warming, we actually had ice ages. And six of the six ice ages, this planet has enjoyed, was started when we had more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere than now. So you cannot ignore that huge body of evidence from the past telling us that in geological times, carbon dioxide was much, much higher, and we yet we had ice ages during these periods of high carbon dioxide.  
 And the fourth point is, ice core drilling, it’s shown on one scale that is a correlation between carbon dioxide and temperature. But when you look on a much closer scale, we see something that we all know from chemistry, but it tends to get ignored, and that is, that, when we have a natural warming event, anything from 650 to 1600 years later, we then have an increase in carbon dioxide. So it’s not that carbon dioxide drives the temperature increase, it’s the exact inverse, the temperature is actually driving a carbon dioxide increase.  
 And this is why I argue, that those who call themselves climate scientists are milking the taxpayer to keep themselves in a job because they’re in effect unemployable. And we are being frightened as humans to accept this concept that we are going to fry and die, yet we’ve had periods of time when it’s been much warmer, yet we’ve had periods of time we’ve had much higher carbon dioxide.  
 And just during the time when we humans, Homo sapiens, have been on the planet, we have experienced many periods of cooling in glaciation and warming in interglacial. And in the last 20,000 years, we have gone from the zenith of a glaciation, where most of the U.S., most of all of Canada, most of Northern Europe, and England were covered by ice. A lot of the southern hemisphere was covered by ice.  
 Those areas that weren’t covered by ice were deserts with howling winds, bring salt-laden air, and shifting sand dunes. And these are the great Loess plains of Asia. There’s a great sand dune country of inland Australia.  
 And we humans have endured that. And we came out of that great glaciation event about 12,000 years ago. And temperature increased, it then suddenly plummeted, and then went up again by about 15 degrees in about 10 years. Now that’s real global warming. Then it stayed static for a while, then it dropped again, then it went up again.  
 And then we had, what was called the Holocene optimum, from about 7,000 to 4,000 years ago. And it was a couple of degrees up to 5 degrees warmer then than now. Sea level was higher than now. And over the last 5,000 years, global temperature has been decreasing. We are coming out of the interglacial into the next inevitable glaciation. We’ve actually been cooling. But during that cooling period, we had warm spikes like the Roman Warming in the dark ages when it was cool. Then another warm spike in the mediaeval warming, then a cool period in the little ice age, and then the modern warming. And we’re coming out of that modern warming into another cool period.  
 So if you ignore the past, and if you ignore all the sciences that deal with the past, you can come up with an unvalidated idea that human emissions drive global warming. I say that is false. I say that the promotion of that is done by people who are modellers, who do not look at the science of the past. And we know, that from 30 years of models, not one of these models is in accord with what we measured over the last 30 years.  
 And if I have the choice as a scientist, between a model and a measurement, I will take a measurement any day because a model is a garbage in, garbage out process. And a model, basically doesn’t deal with the unknown unknowns, whereas measurement can be replicated measurement. We argue about the order of accuracy, but it’s still measurement. So, that’s the answer to your question. God knows what the question was.  
Malcolm Roberts:That was fabulous. I want to remind you of two recent episodes in human history. The first occurred in 2008, the global financial crisis. It led to a downturn around the world. Australia wasn’t hit because we were living off the Chinese minerals boom, but most of the world was hit. And it’s certainly a global recession, very severe recession.  
 So the actual use of hydrocarbon fuels, coal, oil, gas decreased in 2009 compared with 2008 in the recession. That meant there was less carbon dioxide produced in 2009 than in 2008. And yet, Professor Plimer, as you have so accurately stated, the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere continued to increase.  
 Then we marched forward to 2020 when we had a global, almost a depression due to the COVID restrictions, the government imposed COVID restrictions, not due to COVID, due to government-imposed COVID restrictions. We saw, again, a reduction in the use of coal, oil, and gas compared with the previous year 2019, we saw a decrease in the human production of carbon dioxide, and yet the global levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide continue to increase, which just shows two things.  
 First of all, we have no say in what is the level of global carbon dioxide in our atmosphere. None at all. We can gut our economy and it will have no effect on it whatsoever. So we can gut the West and let China keep producing carbon dioxide, let India keep producing carbon dioxide because they have a duty to their citizens to lift them out of poverty, and to give them the trappings of modern civilization, there’ll be nothing we can do. And besides that, carbon dioxide, as you’ve said, is a plant fertiliser it’s plant food. It is essential to all life on this planet, is it not?  
Ian Plimer:Yeah. Just to add to that, these two examples you gave are examples of the scientific method. We’ve had two great unintentional global experiments, global financial crisis, and COVID, and these were great global experiments. So it’s not that we’ve done the experiment once, we’ve actually replicated it. And in both cases, we have shown that human emissions of carbon dioxide do not drive global temperature. And in fact, global temperature depends upon whether you measure it on the ground, and if it’s measured on the ground, then what a wonderful opportunity you have to cook the books and change results. And that’s what happens almost universally with cooling the past and warmingly the present.  
 But when you look at the satellite measurements, and there are three basic sets of satellite data, it shows a very different story. So I would much prefer to have a uniform measurement at all altitudes around the whole planet that tell me about the temperature rather than having selected people entrusted with looking after a surface measurement, and then changing it over time. And as you mentioned, the Bureau of Meteorology has done that three times over the last nine years, which creates all sorts of uncertainty about whether they’re worth a million dollars a day.  
 So we’ve had these two great global experiments, which in my mind prove that human emissions of carbon dioxide did not drive global warming. So, why bother? Why bother? Why don’t we, as Western countries, say, we are very happy to look after our environment. And the only countries with good environmental policies preserving the environment [inaudible] have become wealthy due to the industrial revolution.  
 And this thing you can do for our environment [inaudible] what you consider is worth preserving. We should be very pleased China [inaudible] ahead and becoming a wealthy country. As a result, they will [inaudible] pollution. And I think China and India should [inaudible] people.  
Malcolm Roberts:What you’re saying, Professor Plimer, is that, we need to restore scientific integrity to protect freedom, to protect our natural and environment, because scientific development and understanding has enabled us to protect our natural environment.  
 Science also then is vital for sound sustainable policy, which impacts people’s economies, and lives, and livelihoods, and security. And it’s also to protect the human spirit by ending the unfounded climate fear and guilt while restoring our connection with nature.  
 Something I think is really important to human progress is strength of character. You display it in spades. Whenever you speak, you’re fearless, but you’re also passionate. Why are you so proud of being a human, and what traits in humanity, are of concern to you?  
Ian Plimer:You’ve asked me 17 questions there, so let me just comment on a couple of things. You spoke about protecting the environment. I’m a great supporter of that, because I’ve bought a considerable acreage of land to protect it. But I’m not conserving it, because how can you conserve the environment on a planet that’s dynamic and it’s always changing? So we can protect what we have and let nature do its bit.  
 In terms of fear, we, humans, are hardwired to fear that grizzly bear that’s behind you and is going to come and get you. We are hardwired to have an adrenaline rush to save ourselves. This is a fundamental trait of humans and of many, many other animals. So fear is still hardwired into our system. And the fear that has been induced in populations, by governments on matters such as COVID or climate, they have been exploiting that fundamental human characteristic of fear.  
 And in many cases, you fear because you do not understand. Science gives you a method of being able to understand. And if you can understand, then you are not nearly as fearful.  
 Now, I am very passionate because my early life I started being interested in the planet and geology, when I was about four. And I had some very good mentors, and I’ve been guided well through life. And I’m mentoring, I think 8 or 10 people now, giving back the same way it was given to me.  
 But if you can understand how the planet works, if you can understand the past, then this is far more exciting than-  
Malcolm Roberts:We’re going to have to call it off, Professor Plimer. This is Professor Ian Plimer, guest of Senator Malcolm Roberts.  

Part 2

Speaker 1:You’re with Senator Malcolm Roberts on today’s News Talk Radio TNT.  
Malcolm Roberts:Today’s News Talk Radio, TNT This is Senator Malcolm Roberts from the Gold Coast broadcasting globally. Fresh from my COVID bed a week ago, I had COVID, now I have the world’s most powerful immunity, all natural. I want to call out to the people marching around our country today. And in fact, around the world for protesting or reinforcing freedom. I’ll see you in Maryborough tomorrow for the protest at Maryborough. And I look forward very much to being up in Maryborough. I want to express my condolences to the family of Meatloaf who died last night. He brings back very fond memories. I love his music, that the way he can go from something, belting something out to just something so soft and tender.  
 We have Australia Day coming up this Wednesday in our country, celebrating our national day. On the Mornington Peninsula, friends send me this: on the Mornington Peninsula this year, they have cancelled Australia Day celebrations, yet not cancelled Invasion Day celebrations. Invasion Day events are free for indigenous and $39 for a non-indigenous. See what people are doing? They’re setting up division. That’s quite often what’s happening around our planet. The globalists are pushing division.  
 Last hour, I had the honour of having professor Ian Plimer as my guest, a highly intelligent, very practical man. I, now introduce another highly intelligent, very practical man. John McRae, his voice is known all over Sydney, all over New South Wales, all over Australia. He’s even tied up Alan Jones in arguments at times. This man has got the knowledge about our country and about our potential and our history. I have enormous respect for John, his knowledge, his passion for Australia. His memory; it’s like an iron trap. I can remember meeting John for the first time around about 2011 and what a character.  
 He opened up to me Australia’s successful past in so many fields. His memory would just showered me in facts. He gave me an introduction to books from people like Anthony Sutton, who wrote three books about Wall Street and the damage that Wall Street does. Above all though, his diverse stories, his practical knowledge of factories in Sydney, banking, his knowledge of farming, his knowledge of our history, his knowledge and introduction to people like Graham Strachan, who has done so much to publicise what the globalists are trying to do to our country to destroy it. He’s made public presentations informing residents across New South Wales. He’s worked in so many diverse industries. He shares with me a time and working as an underground coal miner. John, welcome to the show.  
John McRae:Thank you very much, Malcolm.  
Malcolm Roberts:Mate, first simple question. [crosstalk] First simple question for you, John, what do you appreciate?  
John McRae:I appreciate what you’ve just done. One thing, what you’ve just done a moment ago, having that brilliant man on radio, expanding the truth, the fact and the science, as opposed to the lies and the deceit that we are being fed from parliament and from so-called academics that are on the gravy train payroll. And he exploded all their theories and I enjoyed it immensely. I should have been brushing up with my own memory, but I enjoyed it. You’ve got to get him back on. You’ve got to advertise it, that he’s on there, so people can get the truth.  
Malcolm Roberts:John, you’ve always been pushing the truth. You just like professor Ian Plimer. You never run away from an argument. You know how to deal with people because you apply same basic strategy that Ian does. You use facts and data. Could you tell us something about past accomplishments? I’m thinking particularly about the Kalgoorlie pipeline and look, mate, we know that sometimes Sydney Radio tries to shut you down because you’re just too good for them. I want you to talk. I want you to spill the goods on this country. So, just do what you’re doing. Just tell it as it is. Away you go, mate.  
John McRae:You want to know about the pipeline from Perth to Kalgoorlie?  
Malcolm Roberts:Yes.  
John McRae:Firstly, I’ll say this. Australia is the richest country in the world with 75 of the 77 minerals our world requires we’ve got them in abundance, but we’ve a crazy wombats running the joint. The Perth to Kalgoorlie pipeline exemplified that. 1896 to 1903, it is still regarded as the greatest hydraulic achievement ever in the world. They pump water from Perth to Coolgardie originally, because a bloke, they found gold at Coolgardie, but then Patty Henon found it in 1892 at Kalgoorlie. And that started the gold rush. And people came from everywhere to get money out of the gold rush and people were dying because they had no water and things like that. So, they were condensing water and it’s replication of what’s happening in Australia today, the money people started condensing water to supply the people at the goldfield, but it was wasn’t enough because it needs a thousand gallons of water to refine one tonne of ore.  
 So, they were opposing the pipeline, the men that come up with this idea , John Forest. So John Forest was the premier and he borrowed money from England, 2,500 Pound… 2,500,000 Pound. Now remember that figure because I’m going to give you a figure later on as we go, that’ll shock you. And they got Alberton O’Connor to do it. He was an Irish engineer and they brought him over to do the railway lines. And they said, “We need water.” Now you’ve got to get over the Flinders Ranges into Barron land desert, but it’s not desert. It’s rich, red basalt soil. Let’s say you’re up in Queensland, you’ve got black basalt soil, that’s the indication of the volcanic reaction and the formation of Australia.  
 He then put together some smart people. This is 1896. It’s got to go 500 kilometres and the first pump up was 390 metres. In actual fact, Kalgoorlie is about four or 500 feet higher than Perth. So it’s going to be pumped all the way over the Flinders Ranges. 3000 people worked on it. Population of Australia was about four and a half, 5 million. So they had 70,000 plates of steel was imported from England and Germany, but what he had to do was build the harbour first to get the ships, in the sailing ships and the steam ships with all the supplies, then he had to design and build the dam, then they had to manufacture the pipes. Then they had to get the pipes from Perth all the way to Coolgardie. But then they found out that they can go to Kalgoorlie, and this whole pipeline was built on budget and on time. So away they go. It all has to be done by man, pick and shovel, horse and cart and camel train.  
 Now, the dam has to be built first and completed first before the rest of the pipeline is completed and the pumping stations and everything. 5,000 boxes of pump parts came out in containers and had to be built along the way. The pipe were built in two halves, 180 degrees, you know a full pipe and cut in the middle, you’ve got two pipes. They had to be sealed. And that’s where the Australian inventor started.  
 They invented the ceiling sleeve that goes along it. Then you’ve got to seal it. There’s no welding back then, only rivets. But this is what people got and said, “No rivets, no welding, no dynamite, only black powder. And you’ve got to build a dam, extract rocks out and everything else.” So they’ve got to make these ceiling machines, make this sleeve.  
 Three Australian… Me and Ferguson, Hodson, and a fellow from Sydney called John Hoskins, the start of the steel mills in Australia. The first steel plates of steel were built down in Murgon, there’s a park built there, Fitzroy Park. That’s where Fitzroy Steel started. He made the first plate steels in Australia and the first piece of plate of stainless steel. They got together and invented how to bend the steel by making the pipes. They had this steel bending machine and they redesigned it. They were making the pipes in the finish in 11 minutes, put the ceiling sleeve on it, it was sealed by lint and rope. And blacksmiths had to make the ceiling rings. They tested them between 320 and 400 pound PSI. The pipes were 23 foot long and 3 feet in diameter. Now that’s the pipe bit going.  
Malcolm Roberts:Excuse me, John. Excuse me, excuse me, John. What you’re really saying there, and I want you to get back to your story as quickly as possible, but what you’re really saying is that they started this project with a vision and with no understanding of how to do some of the details? They relied upon their intuition to come up with solutions and dammit, they did.  
John McRae:They did. They did. Hey, hey, listen, in the overall scheme of things, what I’m about to tell you about doing the dam, that they’d nearly pile into insignificance. So, they’re going to build the dam, they’ve got to build the dam. In the meantime, everyone’s against him because of the sale of the water. Now, there was two senators in the government, on the 26th of the 6th, 1898, G. T. Simpson said, “It is the height of madness to mortgage the future of our state with two and a half million Pound for just one silly project. The gold will run out and we’ve wasted all the money.” And Alberton O’Connor said, “This is rich fertile soil. So who’d want to go there?” The next bloke Wilson said the same thing. No government can justify pledging so much money to plunges into debt, for this.  
 So, they’re going to build the dam. So this is all done with pick and shovel. So they’re building the dam, and when they’re building the dam, they run into what they call a floater. Now, when you get the sandstone bedrock, that’s where you start your foundations. You can’t be on slippery, shifty ground or shifty… They’ve got to get this grounded boulder out. They had to dig down 90 feet further than the original depth. 90 feet hand, pick and shovel, hand drills, and everything else. Out they came again, stopped the project. “This bloke’s an imbecile. You can’t have this going on. It’s going to be further behind time. We’ll never get the job done, or anything else.”  
 What did he come up with? He’d come up with a carbon arc light. That’s the same as what you do with the search light, carbon arc. He rigged it all up. They worked 24-7. I’ve got photos of the vicarious stuff out, how they did it. They dug that granite out. I’ve sent you a photo of them down in the hole. You can hardly see the blokes down in the hole.  
Malcolm Roberts:Yeah.  
John McRae:Nd there’s no shoring up between the granite sandstone that they dug down. They extracted the granite boulder out, crushed it all up, reintroduced it back as the foundation with the carbon arc. How’s that for ingenious? How is that?  
Malcolm Roberts:Mm.  
John McRae:There’s no electricity over there, no Boeings to get an extension cable and a generator. None of them existed. And they got it back on time. They worked 24-7, and that’s what they did. If he hadn’t done that, they raised a dam wall, remind me to tell you about how they raise a dam wall. So, that dam had to be built, that pumping station had to be built because where the dam is, is 24 kilometres away from Perth, where they’ve got to pump the first pump over the Flinders Ranges. So there’s two pumps there at the dam to go to the pump at Perth, the reservoir in Perth to pump it.  
 Then they’ve got to get all the pipeline going. Then the first lot of pipes that were delivered, were delivered by horse and cart and camel trains. Then he built the railway line and then they could go on the railway. Now they had to… There’s an invention, how he got the rock out. He built a ramp for a steam shovel. You wouldn’t pass his test today because they’d say it would fall in, but they did it. No dynamite, no dynamite. I know they had black powder then, but I don’t know how they would… There would’ve been hand drill, one bloke held the drill and wriggle it, another bloke banged with the sledgehammer, they dug it out.  
Malcolm Roberts:So let me just reframe this for people who’ve just joined us, this is in the days of horses and carts, camels, predated the railway to some extent in some areas. And it was the man who proposed it was vilified for his 2,500 Pound investment. Are you going to tell us about the success of this investment?  
John McRae:Well, the 2,500,000 Pound, it was built in… This only took six years with no machinery. What do you think we could do today? What do you think we could do? We could do it overnight with the will of Australians, because they had the will do, can do and want to. The 2,500 million Pound they borrowed, three years after it was finished, the goldfields, the water, they made 25 million Pound.  
Malcolm Roberts:So that’s 10 times as much. So not only that, John and I’m talking with John McRae here from, used to be Sydney, now it’s central New South Wales Coast. They opened up the gold mining, which continues to this day in one of the richest gold mining areas in the world-  
John McRae:Recognised the biggest goldfield in the world, and it opened up the whole mining industry of this country that we’ve benefited by for all those years. And we still are, but we’re not getting the value that we should have, as Ian Plimer has just told you, we’re not getting the value, we just kept holding our arms up and let them rape us for our money.  
Malcolm Roberts:Didn’t they also open up a farming area?  
John McRae:Oh, there’s 8,000 kilometres now a pipe, 8 million acres of cropping land, sheep and wheat and everything else. And when the English migrants came out here, they put it on the share market and there was a stampede to get shares in this joint and Kalgoorlie mine and everything else. The English migrants come in, they said, “You could grow anything here.” They’ve grown vegetables, everything, everything there.  
Malcolm Roberts:So, so let’s-  
John McRae:You only need heat and water. That’s all Australia needs, water and electricity as we were supplying the whole world commodities, the whole world.  
Malcolm Roberts:Thank you. Thank you, because energy is the key to productivity, which is the key to prosperity, which is the key to wealth generation for everyone in the country. And what we are doing, we’re destroying our energy. But listen to some of these figures, I’ll go through them again. I noted them as you were talking. John McRae, the initial cost was 2,500,000 Pounds.  
John McRae:Yes.  
Malcolm Roberts:Within two years, it was 10 times that much paid back.  
John McRae:Yeah. Because you have just identified the component that we need was energy and water is energy because their whole body is 82% of water.  
Malcolm Roberts:Yeah.  
John McRae:So don’t worry about the water out in the grass. The water in your own body is 82% to give you the energy. So all these wombats that are running around, talking about climate and everything else that the climates just destroyed, they better go back and read this. It’s not very hard to read. I’ve never been to university, but I can read. And most people can read. Don’t listen to the crap they’re telling you. And when they start telling you all this say, “Don’t tell me, show me.” And they can’t.  
Malcolm Roberts:No, they can’t. And we’ve had that repeatedly. Now in addition, they had to lift that water 390 metres to get it over the range. [crosstalk] They then had to continue pumping it uphill for 500 kilometres to Kalgoorlie. I mean, this is in 1896 with no machinery. No machinery. And we can’t even do that now. This would be, with the technology we’ve got these days, John, that would be so easy. Why can’t we do it?  
John McRae:Oh, oh, look, look, Malcolm. It is equivalent to you driving around T Model Ford as opposed to a Mercedes-Benz. That’s the advancement. But what Malcolm, I failed to tell you one thing, there was eight pumping stations and it relied on the push-and-pull system. The same as the sewage does. So sewage is not done with pumping, it’s done with suction. So to get to the first reservoir and they held about a hundred thousand gallons, I think. And then it might go downhill to the next bit, now it’s got to be pumped up to the next reservoir. It’s got to go over the Flinders Ranges. If you see the Flinders, it’s more up and downhills than what the Luna park Ferris Wheel is.  
 And they had to do that. They pumped it. There was pumping stations all along, they had to build pumping stations. They had to build schools. They had to build hospitals. They had to have nurses and everything else going along there. And all the people in the town that were getting money out of this water condensers, they were jumping up and down because they’ve lost their gold mine. Their gold mine was water. They were more interested in water than gold.  
Malcolm Roberts:They wanted to preserve their monopoly rather and open up the country for Australians.  
John McRae:Of course.  
Malcolm Roberts:Yes.  
John McRae:Same thing. What do you think they do with the Murray–Darling water now? Same thing. It’s superannuation for the fire brigade, superannuation fund in New York and a massive amount of water rise. Who did they get the water off in the first place to sell to?  
Malcolm Roberts:John Howard and Malcolm Turnbull and John Anderson.  
John McRae:Yeah but they’re about as helpful as ashtray on a camel.  
Malcolm Roberts:Yeah. Water Act of 2007, thanks to Malcolm Turnbull, John Howard and John Anderson. And we’re still crippling.  
John McRae:And under our constitution, no one is to be denied water. And that’s what the thing should be taught in the school, our constitution and our rights, our civil rights and what you’ve just been speaking about, it’s music to my ears.  
Malcolm Roberts:John, John, you’ve always impressed me with your knowledge, your depth and your passion for this country. You’ve also struck me, I mean, you’re not a technically educated man. You’ve got a trade certificate. There’s no doubt about that. But you’ve read widely. Where did this love of humanity, this inquisitiveness, where did it come from? Was it your mother? Was it something happen in Kids?  
John McRae:It was my mother. Malcolm, what happened to me when I was little, I got polio and I was crippled. And you are ostracised by society back then, this was in 1948, 49. People didn’t want know you, even my own cousins were not told I had polio because people think you could catch it. You can’t catch it. You can breathe on, you do what you like. You’ve got to ingest it. And it comes from poor hygiene, exactly what Ian Plimer was talking about, poor hygiene. You got to lift people out, give them water and lack of water and end and lift them out of their hygiene standard and their living standard. Look, they are saying, pulling hands and juices a lot of times teach. Give a man to feed of fish today, he eats it. Teach him how to fish and he’ll feed himself for life. Now that’s what you’ve got to do.  
 We’ve got to get the hygiene and everything. Anyway, what happened after that? I crippled up and they operated on me, but I had the most beautiful mother that anyone could ever have. She was talented and not only talented, she was a good looker. Fair Dingham, she looked like, it’s either Susan Hayward or Vivien Lee, one of them, she looked like a one of them. She was a concert pianist, dress maker and milliner, and then become a psychologist. And I went to a lot of her, I was in lucky, I went there. But anyway, one of my grandfather’s best friends was Sir William McKell, the Governor-General. The man that got us-  
Malcolm Roberts:Tell me about that because you have a lot of respect for McKell, why?  
John McRae:Oh, it’s unbelievable, man. Unbelievable. He started off as a five and six fiddly a week boiler maker because his dad, they come from down the South Coast and he was a butcher and his dad died. They lived at Redfin and he detested people calling Redfin congested areas-  
Malcolm Roberts:John, I just want to point out, we’re going to an ad break fairly soon. So I might have to cut you off suddenly, but we’ll come back if I do, so please continue.  
John McRae:That’s okay. That’s okay.  
Malcolm Roberts:Please continue.  
John McRae:Anyway, he started off as a five and six fiddly boilermaker of Maud Stock. That was the place where they first shipped the fresh meat, the over frozen meat to England. Then he went to Eveleigh Workshops. He educated himself. Then he went and become a lawyer. Then he got into local government, then a pilot, and he became the premier of New South Wales. And he was the instigator through with Chifley and Kurton to get the Snowy Mountain Scheme going. But that person they think was a great bloke, Menzies was verdantly against it because he wanted to, I don’t know what he wanted to do, but he just didn’t want to do that because he said, “You’re going to deny people of water in Victoria, South Australia.” He said, “No, they’ll get more water.” He said, “Well, I’m going to stop you with The Constitution.” And McKell said, “Well, you do your best because I’m going to invoke the Emergency Powers Act and see how you travel with that.” He’s a fellow that explained a lot to me, and he explained the Taxation Act to me and things like that. But he-  
Malcolm Roberts:So, McKell did this for you?  
John McRae:Yes.  
Malcolm Roberts:Wow, wow.  
John McRae:Just after I left school-  
Malcolm Roberts:What a blessing.  
John McRae:In 1953, that Tax Act that was after Robert Menzies introduced that, and I asked him about the Snowy Mountain Scheme, and he was good enough… He got me an introduction to Sir William Hudson, the engineer. What a genius, what a genius. We had Alberton O’Connor, but what people have got to understand, all that project over in Western Australia, all the knowledge and empirical knowledge and-  
Malcolm Roberts:Okay, John, we’re going to go to an ad break. We’ll be back straight after to hear this continuation of your story. Thank you.  
Speaker 4:If it feels like it’s hot enough to fry an egg on a sidewalk, it probably is. When it’s 86 degrees outside, asphalt can reach a sizzling 135 degrees. Hot enough to cook an egg and your dog’s feet. Be safe. Test the sidewalk with your hand. Avoid midday walks and walk in the grass. Bring along water and rest in the shade at the first signs of heat exhaustion, including heavy panting and stumbling. Go to for help and information on how to keep your dog safe in hot weather.  
Speaker 5:Good day. Fast Ed here. As a chef, you know what I hear a lot? Wow. That smells really good. Is it done yet? For certain foods it’s important to cook properly rather than how they look or smell. Those foods include hamburgers, sausages, chicken, and leftovers. The rule of thumb is pretty simple: cook those foods to 75 degrees Celsius. Listen, I’m no Einstein, so I use a food thermometer and I reckon you should too. That way you’ll know it’s done without guessing. And no one will get sick.  
Speaker 6:A message from the Food Safety Information Council.  
Speaker 7:The bush fire was so unpredictable. It was important to have a plan.  
Speaker 8:[crosstalk] We stayed up to today with our phones and the radio. We knew it was coming.  
Speaker 9:I never thought it would actually happen. I’m glad we had a plan.  
Speaker 10:You have to prepare your property and your family.  
Speaker 11:And there was nothing we could do. [crosstalk]  
Speaker 13:Hence, why I always had a plan.  
Speaker 14:We can all be bushfire ready. Do a five minute Bush fire plan today.  
Speaker 15:Unlike other health concerns, mental illness is not always easy to see. Depression won’t show up on an eye chart and you won’t find PTSD by looking at a thermometer. Sorting out a mental health concern takes professional diagnosis and treatment. Anxiety won’t just go away under a bandage. If you or a loved one has a mental health concern, call 1-8-0-0-6-6-2 HELP for free and confidential information and treatment referral. Learn more  
Speaker 1:Today’s News Talk Radio TNT.  
Malcolm Roberts:Today’s News Talk Radio, TNT And I’ve got a special guest with me, John McRae. John, continue please with McKell.  
John McRae:Okay. I’ll finish that brief thing with McKell because I’ve got to give you some more information on that pipeline. And I was, speak to McKell about politics and everything else and different things had happened. And he explained to me how we were the supplier for the world, which I knew, after the war because I was aware of it, and the great farmers and the great things we’ve done. Then I learned a little bit about the pipeline. He invigorated that in me. Now, and I spoke politics to him. He gave me forecasts of politics. Malcolm, in this pipeline, there was 60,000 joints they had to seal. 60,000, and there was 63,000 pipes and they had to be done, it had to be sealed with cork, with lead and rope, and they invented a corking machine and that invention, this sleeve situation and they couldn’t be done without blacksmiths because blacksmiths used to make this shrink seal that pulled the pipes together onto these two ceiling sleeves.  
 Remember the pipes are 23 feet long anda metre in diameter, three feet. And they had to be all man handled. And they made this with pipe, this steel bending machine, they got one and modified it. They made the sleeve machine. Then they tested them. It’s between 320 and 400 pound PSI. I don’t know how they did that. I’ve lost that documentation. Off they went. Then what was happening, they started the belly ache because when they started to do them by hand, by 1901 they’d only done 90 miles. And oh, it’s going to fail. It’s going to fail. It’s going to fail. Then the three engineers that I told you about, me and Ferguson, Hodson, and another fellow, can’t remember his name, Stuart Sternum, some name like that. And Hoskins, they come up with this ceiling machine. Well, they could do 30 joints a day then. Why, it went like a rocket. Off they went.  
Malcolm Roberts:So John, this remarkable pipeline from Perth to Kalgoorlie basically opened up the west, developed so much for the country as well in terms of our steel industry, the technology we use. But ultimately, there was another dam project, the Snowy Mountain Scheme, which was more than one dam, wasn’t it?  
John McRae:Oh, yes.  
Malcolm Roberts:And McKell saved that from being cancelled by Menzies. Is that what you were saying?  
John McRae:Yes. Yes. What happened, Menzies was against it. Chifley was the prime minister and he gave, well, New South Wales has got snowy mountains in New South Wales, but the Murray, the Snowy river and that filters into Victoria and into South Australia. And they thought it was going to cripple their water supply. And he guaranteed they wouldn’t. And Menzies said, “Fight him on the constitution,” I think section 101 or 190, how no one is to be denied water. He said, “Well, I’ll take you on and I’ll invoke the Emergency Powers Act and you won’t beat me.” And McKell is there, you can see photos of when they first started, he pushes the detonator to do the first blast.  
 He was Governor-General then. He was so brilliant as a Governor-General, he was a labour appointee. When he was appointed Governor-General, by the Labour Party, when Menzies won the election 49, it was a stitch up job that. He still retained him. Then he was going to retire and Menzies said, “You can’t retire. I need you.” This is a bloke that’s fought him in the first place, then he admires him in the second place, because he could see at the end of the section, I’m going to get the brownie points for finishing this job.  
Malcolm Roberts:So, Menzies could take credit?  
John McRae:So Menzies could take credit, but initially he’s against it. There was a big strike there once. I’ll also tell you about Sir William Hudson and what a visionary, he was like that Ian Plimer, like that, and they shut the joint down. So William Hudson went to where the strike was and said, “What’s going on here?” And it’s all up, all hell has broke loose. They said, “The moots blown,” and everything else. And he said, “This place should have fly screens and they’re contesting. Why hasn’t that been done?” That was an interference from parliament. We won’t go into that. You can work out where it had come from.  
 He said, “Get the carpenters wherever they are, the air conditioner. I want it all done immediately, right now. Get them all.” Wherever he was, he went there. “You won’t be docked for your day off. You’ll still be paid. Go back to work.” Menzies told him and he said, “I never want you to do that again.” He said, “Otherwise, I’ll take your commission off you,” because he said, “I’ve got to beat the unions. I’ll get too strong. And I’ll lose the election.” See? Money again.  
Malcolm Roberts:Whereas Hudson, what he wanted to do was fix the workers problems so they just get back to work productively.  
John McRae:Yes, and they did. And by the way, all the big mob come out from America, Utah Mining, and all that. And the other mob and from England and everything else. And they thought we rode kangaroos and all this business here, and we have no chance on doing tunnelling and all this has never been done in Australia before. Four blokes come down from Queensland, their name was Feis. They broke all the tunnelling records and they built 25% of the Snowy, they built the largest earth and rock fill dam ever.  
Malcolm Roberts:And they said it was impossible to build an earth and filled dam that big. And yet they did it.  
John McRae:They did it. It was all done. This is Australian initiative. Look, I could go on for hours with what Australia’s done with inventions and how it’s benefited the world.  
Malcolm Roberts:Tell us about a few.  
John McRae:That is the hardest concrete in the world down there, Malcolm. The hardest. And I said to William Hudson, I was fortunate enough to meet him. A lot of people can meet him, when they had tools, you could go and talk to him. He said, “It was pretty simple. We had the best people.” And I said, “But how did you work out the mixtures?” Because if they had to make their own sand. Now, that sounds funny, doesn’t it? They had to make their own sand. Now, I’ll tell you how they did it. They got sandstone and you grind it up. But in sandstone, there’s impurities like silica and mud and you can’t mix with it because it goes like jelly.  
 So that had to be extracted, which they did. I don’t know how they did it, but they did it. And then they’d have to be mixed. Now, when they were mixing it, they mixed it with hot ice and ice. And they put other additives in it. But the granite and stuff they used there, they worked out what aggregate would be the best. And that’s how they did the formula, working out the earth and rock fill dam and that concrete is the hardest concrete in the world and it made Australia world leaders in concrete and highway engineering and things we’ve done with highway engineering and concrete lead the world.  
 I ask people, “Where’s the largest concrete span bridge in the world?” Because they got all the information from the Snowy, how they mix concrete. 25 countries, they tell you. I said, “You don’t even might know what you’re talking about. It’s in Sydney, called the Gladesville Bridge.” At that time it was built, it was the largest concrete span bridge, reason being, they got empirical knowledge and statistic and science from the Snowy, which they got when they did the Perth to Kalgoorlie pipeline doing the… So, it keeps revolving along, Malcolm.  
Malcolm Roberts:Can I share a story with you, John? I’m reluctant to interrupt you because you’ve just got so much. But when I was in America, I travelled through all 50 states. I was fascinated by the country and I came across a story about the development of their early space exploration. And John Kennedy had just become the president in 1960. And he commissioned NASA to do a study on the chances of getting a man to the moon and back safely by the end of the decade. In other words, by 1969. And I’ll always remember this, I bought a poster of it. It’s in every office I’ve ever worked in. I carry it with me. The result from NASA’s assessment of the possibility of getting a man on the moon and back again within nine years, wasn’t yes, it wasn’t no, it was these words: We have a sporting chance. And with that, and I’m getting a little bit teary here, John F. Kennedy said, “We go to the moon.”  
 And then you think about the technology that’s come out of that from electronic ignitions, from medicine-  
John McRae:Everything.  
Malcolm Roberts:So many things, even Velcro. I mean, so many things.  
John McRae:Yeah.  
Malcolm Roberts:And what you are saying to me, John, is that we had people like John F. Kennedy in this country who had vision, people like McKell, people like Connor. And they said, “Get out of my way and let me get on with the job.” And as a result of that, they had so much technology developed in this country that then gave us our steel industry, our concrete industry, so many opportunities and what we’ve got now, we’ve got this whole thing smashed.  
John McRae:Well, the reason being is because people haven’t had the privilege that I’ve had or ignorant and don’t want to do it. See, when I wasn’t allowed to go to school or to go to the pictures.  
Malcolm Roberts:Oh, that’s right. You had polio with your mother. Yes.  
John McRae:I went to older people and I’d ask questions and that’s what I do all my life, ask questions.  
Malcolm Roberts:Can I just interrupt there for a minute? Just want to interrupt there. I want to just tell the listeners here while they’re sitting at home or in their cars or at the picnic, wherever they are, that John is not exaggerating a bit here. I’ve watched this man. He treats people with enormous respect. If he disagrees, he’ll let you know. But he walks up to people and he takes an engaging interest. Doesn’t sacrifice his principles, his morals. He just takes an imbibing interest and people share things with John. That’s why he’s become such a magnet for facts and data. Keep going, John. I just had to share that with you. You’re you’re so impressive, the way you deal with people.  
John McRae:So I would go and ask him things. And everyone used to say to me, “John, look after your pennies and the pounds will look after themselves.” And the director of one of joints, the directors at the glassworks in Sydney, it’s Sydney in Maude Park, largest glassworks in the Southern hemisphere. He said, “Never denounce anyone.” Even the bloke sweeping the street can give you information and tell you something that you don’t know. And I’ve lived by that. When I was growing up, I’d go into engineering, “Why do you do this? Why do you do that?” I was taught how to read a micrometre at the age of 11. By 13 or 14, I knew how to do dynamic balancing. My mate’s father was an engineer, I’ll tell you his name. And-  
Malcolm Roberts:Dynamic balancing of wheels?  
John McRae:I beg your pardon?  
Malcolm Roberts:Dynamic balancing of wheels, lathes?  
John McRae:That’s nothing. Wheels are nothing. No armatures in motors and things like that.  
Malcolm Roberts:Right, thank you. So complex stuff by the time. So complex stuff by the time you were 13?  
John McRae:Yeah, I could work lathes and everything. I helped the bloke build a speedway engine. At 14, I did all the rough turning and I used to, I asked questions, if I go somewhere… Look, this is off the track. I went down to Stéphanoise and I used to go to Shepherd a lot. And I went to visit, [inaudible] They lovely people, these Italians. And they’d telling me different things. They going over the machines, breaking down. I invented this machine that could extract eight types of oil out of the apricot kernel, eight types of oil and one oil can harness one type of cancer a bit.  
 Guess what happened? John Howard sold it to Pakistan. So, we invented this machine. You should have seen it. Unbelievable. So they’re the sort of things, and I’d say, Charlie Bennett taught us dynamic balancing, when you’re balancing an armature… See I’m going from subject to subject.  
 When you’re balancing armature, if you turn it over and balance one end and then balance the other, it’s out of balance again, because you’ve got to keep the harmonics in unison. No one was doing dynamic balancing this way. He invented a machine that could balance the armature at both ends at the one time. And he balanced thousands. And he did it for the army, the Navy, the Heart Research and everything. We learned all that.  
 The rolls in the paper mills, in the newspaper bill, they get out about… He rectified that for them. How does that work, Charlie? How does this work? I worked on overhead valve at T Model Ford Motors. How does this work? How does that work? How does something else work? And I that’s how I got knowledge, but I’ve been blessed with a memory and I’ve been told that come from polio, but I was blessed with the encouragement of my mother.  
 My father was a violent, alcoholic gambler, so that didn’t give me much of an opportunity in life. So, that’s how I’ve learned things. And I appreciate, and when I see someone like Ian Plimer, I pull him up and I’d ask him a heap of questions. And that had enhanced my knowledge. And that’s what people have got to, interaction. From interaction, you get reaction. From reaction, you get action. And that’s what we’ve got to get. And we’ve got all the knowledge in this country here. I could name a few of the great Australians, what they’ve done, that settled the world on their heels. They couldn’t believe it. And then the medical inventions that we’ve had here. Hugh Victor McKay invented the wheat stripper with Headlie Taylor, feed the world, everything. I could just rattle them all off for you. And I knew Jack Brabham and I’ve even got a photo of myself sitting in the car. And that was a handmade motor in his car.  
Malcolm Roberts:Tell us, tell us more about Brabham because the likes of him has never been seen before and probably will never be seen in motor sport.  
John McRae:Never, never, never. There’s been no one ever. No one ever won the World Driver’s Championship and the Manufacturer’s Championship. In the car they helped build, mate, designed himself and raced himself. Now you’ve got to take into consideration, Australia back then, we were only making the whole motor car. So we’ve got to go up against the world of finesse, Mercedes, Maserati, Ferrari, Lamborghini, Audi, Jaguar, Honda, Lago-Talbot, Elvis, Alfa Romeo, Fiat, Renault, Citroen, Peugeot, all European. And how do they get their success? On Grand Prix racing. And they built on that Ferrari win. Michael Schumacher and Pangio, driving the 250F Maserati that Pangio drove and everything like that.  
Malcolm Roberts:So, Brabham’s up against the world?  
John McRae:He’s up against it. And they said, “Where did this billy cart come from? From Australia? It’s got a V8 motor. Where does this the local yokel come from?” The same bloke went to American in Indianapolis with a car under powered and showed him a new trick over there with a rear engine car. They’ve never seen a rear engine car before. And it was underpowered and still finished ninth. Other blokes with their big Offenhausers and everything else. Going back to that motor, when he started in the Speedway, Offenhauser was built especially for… That was a racing engine, especially for the Indianapolis. And they built a smaller motor for Speedway. Now, the Americans come out here with the most beautiful looking cars you’d ever see because all our cars were made out of junkyards and bits and pieces.  
 And this car of his was a little, air cooled motor, a Harley Davidson crank case off a motor bike and you build the rest yourself and it beat the Offenhausers. With that technology and his driving ability, he then transferred that into his car racing thing and with the help of the two Australians, Ozzy and Ronnie [Toranecko] another bloke, Ronnie Ward and Repco of Australia. They designed the engine off the 308 Holden Motor aluminium, designed their own heads and everything else. What did he do? Blew them to pieces. And they said it could never be done. Same as Ken Warby. They said they’ll never, never-.  
Malcolm Roberts:So, who was Ken Warby? [crosstalk] Ken Warby’s World Water Speed Record.  
John McRae:Yeah, 1977. It hasn’t been broken ever since.  
Malcolm Roberts:So, so the World Water Speed Record still stands and it’s held by an Australian?  
John McRae:Yes. And he put the first wind curl on a boat. Then Ben Lexcen then copied it, but hang on, here’s the clincher. He had the Naval apprentices from the Naval College, and University of New South Wales, helping him with technology, science, exactly what you’re speaking about with Ian Plimer. And the science they relied on was the temperature of the water, the atmospheric pressure and everything else when they went for the world record. He still said his only chance his son’s going to have an attempt on it in May. Now, Brabham set a world record with a car, never been equaled, built in Australia. Anywhere else in the world, they had to build an industry around it. But what do we do here? Give it away. Same with what they’ve done with all our minerals.  
Malcolm Roberts:John, speaking of giving away industries, tell me about Sydney. I mean, we drove one night and you took me through an area where we had factories after factories, after factories. And we had seafood canneries and fish canneries in Sydney and all of that’s gone.  
John McRae:Well, look, I showed where the glassworks were, that was Georgian’s bit. That was the biggest glassworks in the Southern Hemisphere. There was Crown Crystal. In that area where I took you, there were seven companies making setda lathes, drill shapers and things, and couple of turret lathes.  
Malcolm Roberts:Hang on, hang on. For people to understand, their fundamental for metal working, which is fundamental to manufacturing machinery, fundamental to making any kind of machinery. And we had all of that technology. In fact, some of our technology was world leading, wasn’t it?  
John McRae:Of course, it was. Yeah. Malcolm, before we go any further. Nothing, you’ve got, you clothes, your car, your cooking, utensils, anything has got to be made… Jigs have got to be made by a tool maker. He’s the man, the upper echelon machine in engineering. And if we can’t make the jigs, you’ve got nothing. And we had all that here. There was seven, there was seven lathes. I can name them for you if you want. Seven lathe manufacturers and machinery manufacturers in that area where I showed you. After the war, all those machinery places were working 24-7, supplying Europe and everywhere else to rehabilitate them. When we could go out near Mascot, Botany, up that way, there was all the cotton mills, the tanneries, the woollen mills and working 24-7. We made milking machines. We made shearing machines. We made wall presses. We made everything.  
 Canneries making the tins, the stuff to go in for the canning fruit. We exported all that. We had all that, but that all went by the wayside when we started to lump ourself in with the United Nations. And we signed all these agreements, especially the Lima Declaration. But we still have, all we’ve got to do is get leadership of honesty and morals and with Botany the attitude, we have done it, can do it and will do it. And all we’ve got to do is get water, forget all of this global business, because there’s no country in the world that can produce rural produce 365 days of the year of every variety, every variation, and of every thing you need, no one. They built the Ord River, there’s more tonnes of rice coming out there than what Japan can do with their special rice for their religious ceremonies.  
 We’ve got mangoes growing up there. They get five or $6 a head, a piece of fruit. We get more tonnes per wheat off our ground than anyone else in the world. No one can grow the variation of Barley wheat, corn, that we can. No one, because the Northern hemisphere is constrained by weather constraints. And we are not here. All we need is the power. And the power is water. We’ve got the place, the farmer, we’ve got the greatest farmers in the world, they know that. Look, they brought the sheep in from the Marino. We get more yield per pound per sheep than what they get. Same as the Hereford cows, the Aberdeen Angus. We get more here. There’s a bloke up there in Queensland, Peter Hughes, he’s got 190,000 breeding Wagyu cows, Japan can’t get over how he’s succeeded. And that’s one of their breeds.  
 He’s worked out how to cross breed them. Australian ingenuity, Australian ability, we’ve got them here. We’ve got the scientists. We’ve got every… We’ve got the best machinists. We’ve got the best of everything. Look at the bloke that built our machine gun. Saved Australian up the Owen Stanley Ranges, 1,500 raw recruits went up with the eight and nine divvy and drove back 7,000 jungle hardened Japanese. Why? Because they had the will to win. They had the machine gun. They had what we built. We built aeroplanes  here during the war. Even in the fifties, we built Sabre jets for the Korean War. And they tell you, we can’t do things here.  
Malcolm Roberts:John, John, Australia has a history of punching well above our weight when it comes to war, comes to industry, comes to inventions, comes to sport, comes to arts, comes to science. We’re punching way above our weight. What the hell happened?  
John McRae:What the hell happened? Because follow the money. Follow the money. See, that’s what people have got to understand. Banks are credit creators and asset strippers. And boy, we’ve got to do this and we’ve got to get into the global economy. We don’t have to get into anything. We’re the only totally self-sufficient country in the world, put a moat round us. And we could trade with one another and live.  
Malcolm Roberts:That’s a really important point I want to jump all over for a minute there, John, because Australia was independent. We could stand on our own. We could make our own armaments. We could make our own ammunitions. We could make our own everything, everything. And yet what happens now, is we are dependent on other countries. [crosstalk] Our politicians have fallen for this crap that says we must be interdependent. That was the con job to get the UN agreement signed, which you can talk about, the Lima Declaration, the Rio Declaration, the Kyoto Protocol, the Paris agreement. All of these declarations and agreements have undermined us. We are no longer independent. We are now dependent because when you are interdependent, you depend on someone else which makes you dependent. We’ve lost our independence as sovereignty, our economic sovereignty, our manufacturing sovereignty, our economic security. Because politicians in this country have sold our soul.  
John McRae:They have, Malcolm. By the way, I should have included this. We built that pipeline for 1896 to 1903. After that, we achieved the greatest achievement, can’t be equaled. The longest railway line in the world from 1912 to 1917 from South Australia over to West Australia, Northam 2,500,000 railway slip, hand cut.  
Malcolm Roberts:2 million?  
John McRae:140,000 tonne of rail line, all hand laid. Start at one end, start at the other, and they said they won’t meet. It wasn’t even a half inch out. On the 17th of the 10th, 1917, the last secure inch spike on the place that held the dam was put in. Five days later, the train arrived in Western Australia. They never even put a test run on it. They tell you we can’t do it. We built all the trams in Sydney for the tram service in Sydney, it was the largest tram network in the world. We built 2,800 trams. We built the buses and everything else. We built the ferries. We’ve done everything.  
 Now we’ve got to buy more off China and they’re not worth three and six pence, they can’t ever be used. And they tell you we can’t do things. I’ve got a history of stuff. I wish I could get a chance to debate some of these wombats because I’d blow up the pieces, because we’ve got the greatest people with the greatest initiative. And we’ve got the greatest will to win and achieve. All we need is the opportunity to exhibit it.  
Malcolm Roberts:Well said, well said, John McRae. Well said. What we’ve got is we’ve got the people. We’ve got the resources. We’ve got the energy resources, the metal resources, the climate resources, the soil resources, the water resources. What we have is huge potential. We have huge opportunity. We have got the world’s biggest market on our doorstep to the north. And what we’ve got is parliaments that have abandoned the people in favour of UN agreements, seeded our sovereignty. The parliaments no longer work for this country. John, I’m convinced of that. The state and federal parliament have abandoned the people. How do we get them back to serving the country?  
John McRae:For a start, we’ve got to fix up our voting system and our taxation system and our voting system is rigged so that you can tell lies and fraudulent. The best, we could go into that another day. But here’s what we did with our industries. Now, not everyone signed this Lima Declaration. That was in 1975. Whitlam was the bloke that in inaugurated Malcolm Fraser. Malcolm Fraser ratified it in 76.  
Malcolm Roberts:Okay, John, we’ve got one minute to go.  
John McRae:Okay. This is Section 35, that Australia transfer technical and financial resources, as well as capital goods to accelerate industrialization of underdeveloped countries. As Ian Plimer said, “All they do is go into those other countries and rape and build, then walk off.”  
Malcolm Roberts:So basically, the UN’s Lima Declaration that Whitlam signed as Labour prime minister in 1975, and that the liberal national’s prime minister, Malcolm Fraser ratified the following year 76, basically said, “Take our technology, take our leadership, take our manufacturing prowess and set it up overseas and gut our country.”  
John McRae:Well, the bottom line of that is, Malcolm, liberal and labour, it’s either Tweedle Dumb or Tweedle Dumber.  
Malcolm Roberts:And we might just leave it on that because the core message, John, you’ve just told me the answer, and we’ll explore that. I’m going to have you back. We’re going to explore that is fix the taxation system that favours foreign countries’ companies at the moment and fix the voting system. So this is Senator Malcolm Roberts. I remind you how I opened the first show this morning. I am staunchly pro-human. I am proud to be of service to you. Remind you, be human, be proud, be loving, care, listen, and appreciate. Thank you very much, John. We’ll have you back anytime. Thank you very much. And thank you for having us as guests in your living room, car, factory, wherever you are today. Thank you so much for listening.  
John McRae:Thank you, Malcolm.  

This article was originally published in The Spectator Australia, here.

As I stated in my speech On Freedom in August 2021: ‘On many occasions in the last year I have addressed the Senate in regard to freedom as a counterbalance to medical tyranny.’

The speech was given in relation to the Covid lockdowns unleashed on Australia from March 2020 onward in the name of ‘public health’. During this time another significant, but largely unknown, medical tyranny was inflicted on Australians.

For ‘public health’ reasons, nicotine vaping products (NVPs) came under strict regulation after instruction from the state and federal governments. Vaping products – which now require a prescription – are commonly used as a replacement for harmful alternatives such as cigarettes and cigars.

Despite being widely acknowledged in global studies as a way to quit smoking, they were put under prescription-only use to, ‘balance the need to prevent adolescents and young adults from taking-up nicotine vaping (and potentially smoking).’ Oddly, young adults can still take up smoking directly without a prescription.

There is no guarantee a prescription will be issued, even to existing smokers looking to quit. The comments made alongside the regulatory change make it clear that doctors are ‘under no obligation to prescribe a nicotine vaping product if they do not think it’s appropriate’ and add a strong preference for using existing gums and patches.

From October 1, 2021, consumers require a prescription for all purchases of nicotine vaping products, such as nicotine e-cigarettes, nicotine pods and liquid nicotine. This includes purchases from Australian pharmacies and from overseas. It remains illegal for other Australian retailers, such as tobacconists, ‘vape’ shops and convenience stores, to sell you nicotine vaping products, even if you have a prescription.’

from the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA)

This risks establishing a ‘Nicotine Vaping Cartel’.

Cartels act like monopolies, and whether this was intentional or accidental by the state and federal governments, consumers will find the price of vaping products kept artificially high. At the same time, quantity and quality are likely to fall.

None of this appears to be in the interest of ‘public health’. Vaping products are primarily used by smokers to help them quit, with vaping being 95 per cent less harmful (according to the Royal College of Physicians in the UK).

Smoking and vaping are entwined industries – being substitutes, not complements – of each other. The responsiveness of these interlinked industries is known as ‘elasticity’ by economists.

There have been dozens of studies in the past decade, including the 2021 Canadian study which found: ‘The literature on cross-price elasticity emerging from the analysis of massive data banks [supports] that the two product types are substitutes rather than complements.’

2021 American study inter alia further quantified that: ‘A $1.00 increase in e-cigarette prices reduces e-cigarette sales by roughly 29 per cent, while a $1.00 increase in cigarette prices reduces cigarette sales by roughly 7 per cent.’ While a 2018 Australian study concluded: ‘Countries with less restrictive NVP policies would be associated with lower cigarette demand.’

In short, when a government encourages vaping, it eats away at the tobacco market share. Surely, this would be in the interest of ‘public health’?

The question has to be asked why both Australia’s state and federal governments are going out of their way to demonise vaping when their stated objective is citizen health. Cui bono, or who benefits?

Financially, the producers and tax beneficiaries of cigarette sales stand to lose the most from a thriving vaping market. In particular, Australia’s ‘sacred’ Therapeutic Goods Administration – who imposed the regulation – relies on these industries for funds. The TGA states, ‘the vast majority (around 96 per cent) of [their] funding is generated through [industry] fees and charges.’

This 96 per cent translates into around $178 million out of their $185 million 2020-21 revenue. While not all of it comes from the smoking industry, some of it does.

The new laws are already in force, with a $170,000 worth of fines issued to vaping advertisers and importers by the TGA in November, one month after they were implemented. Included in this figure were eight infringement notices worth $106,560 given to Mason Online regarding alleged advertising breaches.

The TGA’s 2020 Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) formed the basis for the Medical Vaping Regime (MVR). It had all the hallmarks of a predetermined outcome in favour of a Monopoly Medical Model. That is, it did not seriously consider any practical alternatives like a Competitive Consumer Model, there were no proper cost benefit analysis performed, and the regulator undertook their own review.

The latter is the most concerning, given it does not align with the Australian standard of best practice since the formation of the National Competition Policy (NCP).

The TGA vaping hub has a web page regarding the next scheduled review of the MVR where it says: ‘The regulatory reforms will be reviewed in the second half of 2022.’ There is really only one organisation in Australia capable of undertaking a well-rounded, unbiased, and inclusive review of MVR: the Productivity Commission (PC) – more specifically in terms of the Productivity Commission Act 1998 (PC Act).

I am naturally very suspicious of any overly big institutions and businesses, but the TGA’s hypocrisy on ‘freezing out’ Big Tobacco whilst unashamedly ‘being in bed’ with Big Pharma really does go ‘beyond the pale’.

The TGA always justifies this through Article 5.3 of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control requiring that: ‘In setting and implementing their public health policies with respect to tobacco control, Parties shall act to protect these policies from commercial and vested interests of the tobacco industry in accordance with national law.’

Firstly, Australia is sovereign, not controlled the WHO and their overlords in Beijing. Secondly, ‘public health policies’ should not be about ‘tobacco control’ and prohibition, but about Tobacco Harm Reduction for free and consenting adults. Thirdly, Big Med, Big Pharma, Big Public Health, and Big Government are just as much ‘commercial and vested interests’ as Big Tobacco. All of them have jaded pasts with despicable political regimes.

Thus, given Big Pharma is no better than Big Tobacco, the TGA must let the Productivity Commission do their job in 2022. May the best model win.

Malcolm Roberts is a One Nation Senator for Queensland. This article was co-authored by Darren Brady Nelson – Chief Economist at LibertyWorks Brisbane and a policy advisor to the Heartland Institute.

The Palaszczuk government must get kids back to school with no delay to keep their future safe.

Palaszczuk will delay the start of the school term by two weeks on the back of health advice claiming the omicron wave will peak at the end of January, similar to advice at the start of the pandemic that pandemic restrictions would only last two weeks to flatten the curve.

Over the past month government has rapidly shifted gear in what they say but not what they do. They say we need  to live with the virus, but prove with the cancellation of schools that they are unwilling to do so.

The government is unwilling to give up control, again relying on secret “health advice” to throw parents everyday lives into chaos and hamstring students who have already suffered with years of disrupted learning.

Parents know that the logistical nightmare of not being ready for remote learning is detrimental compared to having their kids in school at a proper learning environment.

We hold the formative years of a child’s life sacred for a reason, sometimes you don’t get a second chance at them. There is no reason to mandate either students or their teachers to receive COVID vaccines.

Many teachers know this, which is likely why over 20,000 of them reportedly won’t be returning to work this year after the Palaszczuk government mandated injections for them and they were sacked or resigned.

Palaszczuk claims this is about safety. It’s not. The premier is trading short-term pretend safety for the long-term detriment of our children’s lives and learning journey to try to get Labor elected.

I’m calling on the Premier to drop the mandates, return kids to school without delay and live with the virus as politicians have promised us.

10 January 2022             


Hon. Johnathan Davis MLA

Chair, Standing Committee on Health and Community Wellbeing

ACT Legislative Assembly

GPO Box 1020

Canberra ACT 2601                   


Dear Mr Davis

Submission – Public Health Amendment Bill 2021 (No 2)

Our constituents are shouting their concern and need for the immediate restoration of basic human rights and freedoms and lifestyle.  Yet this Bill proposes to entrench the removal of these rights from everyday Australians and therefore it must be opposed.

Constituents want an end to the mismanagement that has caused segregation, discrimination and unwarranted damaging control under vaccine mandates.  They want an end to the contradictions, hypocrisies and confusion engulfing politicians and health advisers.

Constituents see that restoring freedom, choice and personal responsibility is the way to make 2022 the year people get on with their lives.  I agree.

Specifically, we refer you to and oppose the following provisions:

  • Section 118Z – represents a breach of what Australian’s regard as our rights and freedom of choice for a once in a century event.
  • Threatening a worker’s job is a manifestly excessive response to the management of COVID-19, yet this Bill would enable job losses threatening jobs and families.
  • Legislating for what should be an emergency response for a short time is inappropriate.
  • Review processes must be free and quick and must be independent of the ACT government.
  • Reversal of the onus of proof is wholly inappropriate and must be removed.
  • Australians who have informed themselves and elected not to be vaccinated should not be punished.  Yet it is foreseeable that this Bill would enable this undemocratic outcome.
  • The Australian Government has elected not to mandate vaccination and therefore the ACT should likewise abstain.

The Greens and Labor have again shown that Australians cannot trust them by proposing such an undemocratic law which fundamentally conflicts with our basic human rights, freedoms and lifestyle.

Australians now want the return of our Australian way of life free of coercive and debilitating lockdowns and vaccine mandates.  People want honesty and accountability. I ask you and the Standing Committee on Health and Community Wellbeing to oppose and reject this Bill.

Yours Sincerely

Malcolm Roberts

Senator for Queensland

7 January 2022

The Hon. Scott Morrison MP

Prime Minister of Australia

PO Box 6022

House of Representatives

Parliament House


Dear Prime Minister

Our constituents are shouting their concern and need for the immediate restoration of basic human rights and freedoms, lifestyle and safety.

Constituents want an end to segregation, discrimination and unwarranted damaging control under vaccine mandates and an end to the contradictions, hypocrisies and confusion engulfing politicians and health advisers.

Constituents see that restoring freedom, choice and personal responsibility is the way to make 2022 the year people get on with their lives.  I agree.

Australian health advisors and politicians have had almost two years to review the data and the research, and to understand people’s needs on COVID-19 vaccinations.

Robert Kennedy Jr’s authoritative, detailed, validated book “The Real Anthony Fauci” documents the inhuman corruption among senior USA health bureaucracies overseeing COVID-19 vaccine provisional approvals.

In brazen conflicts of interest, taxpayer-funded health agencies have become money-making arms for major pharmaceutical companies. Some senior bureaucrats overseeing pharmaceuticals benefit financially from vaccine research and approvals.  This is also true in Australia, with no ongoing independent validation and oversight for conflicts of interest.

Kennedy documents America’s perversion of medical governance over four decades based largely on many repeated false or exaggerated claims of virus/disease threats.  This led to corrupt approval of ineffective and dangerous COVID “vaccines” in America, bypassing proper testing and approval processes while hiding massive adverse effects, including many deaths.

The litany of American fraud, corruption and human atrocities over the last forty years has cost many thousands of lives and adversely affected millions of people in the USA, Australia and globally.  Robert Kennedy Jr’s book authoritatively raises the spectre of genocide and of racist killing of African-American, African, Indian, Hispanic and other babies and children in “testing” of vaccines.

Yet the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) hastily and provisionally approved the major pharmaceutical companies’ COVID “vaccines” based merely on a literature review, seemingly weighted heavily to the deliberations and verdicts of American approval agencies.  Australian health agencies did no independent testing and evaluation before granting provisional approvals.

Yet on this basis state governments implement vaccination mandates that the federal government enables and effectively supports, despite your false claims that there are “no vaccine mandates in Australia”.

A second corrupt American tactic to drive vaccine profits has been the banning of proven safe and effective early treatment, drugs and protocols.  Your government and agencies have similarly been complicit in banning such treatments instead of proactively seeking, proving and assuring supply of these medicines for early treatment and prevention to keep Australians safe.  Other nations’ governments have taken such action to safely protect their citizens.

You and your departments have said the benefits of COVID vaccines outweigh their risks, yet a growing international body of evidence points with increasing confidence to the need for you to reassess your assumptions.  Despite this strong evidence you are still pushing people toward early death.

In mandating COVID vaccinations using the coercive threat of denying people’s livelihoods and basic human rights and freedoms, you are culpable for needless deaths and serious injuries to thousands of Australians. Yet you continue to persecute Australians who have informed themselves about the life-threatening reality of COVID-19 vaccines having severe adverse effects despite limited and rapidly declining vaccine efficacy.

I urge you to immediately stop the vaccine mandates that Premier Palaszczuk says are in line with your so-called “national cabinet”. I urge you to instead develop an honest and comprehensive plan letting people get back to work while providing focused treatment and protection for the sick and vulnerable in ways already proven in other nations – yet negligently not adopted in Queensland or Australia. People need and deserve a proper comprehensive long-term plan for real care.

There are no scientific or medical grounds for the division of our society, communities and businesses based on “vaccine” status.  Vaccine mandates are a tool for coercion to condition and control people.

You, the Premiers and health officers have said we need “to live with COVID-19”.  Health officers have made similar statements. That means there is no need for emergency declarations whose only purpose is to enable coercive mandatory vaccination.

After two wasted years, people’s lives and livelihoods are being decimated.  Vaccine mandates are crippling hospitals and health care, emergency services, jobs, businesses and communities because governments have been ignorantly reacting to the virus and not managing the virus. Instead of controlling the virus, governments have controlled people – and have done enormous damage.

Australians want the return of our Australian way of life, free of coercive and debilitating lockdowns and vaccine mandates.  People want honesty and accountability.  I ask you to take action to end the divisive and harmful vaccine mandates immediately.

Yours sincerely

Malcolm Roberts

Senator for Queensland

Original Story: Unvaccinated people in the NT will be subject to tough new measures.

Our political leaders are telling Australians that we have to live with COVID, yet Chief Minister Gunner’s latest whole of NT lockout for the unvaccinated epitomises the ongoing disastrous COVID mismanagement.

Australians and Australian businesses need to get back to work, yet Gunner, completely out of step with a national effort to live with COVID, is locking out NT residents who are not vaccinated.

There is no legal or medical evidence for discriminating against unvaccinated residents.

The Prime Minister needs to use every opportunity to intervene and show some urgent leadership to protect the NT residents from their own tragic Chief Minister.

Our Chief Health Officers have made it clear that we are all going to get COVID, and that being vaccinated is no guarantee to escape the virus. Gunner is going rogue and crucifying his citizens, which is the pervasive theme of all Labor premiers.

Like the flu, COVID is here to stay whether we like it or not, and we have to adapt and learn to live it. Australians want the Australian lifestyle back, yet our premiers are persistently dragging their feet, caught up in their own cycle of ineptness and self-serving political rhetoric.


Adrian D’Amico:Hey everyone, Adrian here, welcome to the Conversations with Adrian podcast. Today I’m joined by Malcolm Roberts. Malcolm, thank you very much for joining me on the show.  
Senator Roberts:You’re welcome, Adrian, it’s a pleasure to be here, mate, looking forward to it.  
Adrian D’Amico:It’s a pleasure to have you. I’ve got to tell you, some years ago I started this podcast with my background in business, so it was always about motivation and mindset and marketing, and all these sorts of things. When the virus started to hit Australia I quickly turned to the counter narrative, for some reason I picked up on it pretty quickly and started to divert my attention. I honestly hoped I would never get political with any of my conversations, but here you are.  
Senator Roberts:So did I, we share something in common.  
Adrian D’Amico:Yeah, there you go. So the interesting part about what’s going on in Australia at the moment is it has become so political, and I guess it’s the reason why I wanted you on the show. I’ll let you know that I’ve reached out to many, many politicians and you’re the only one that’s actually accepted my invitation, so congratulations.  
Senator Roberts:Wow. No, you’re welcome, it’s a pleasure, because I noticed in your interview with Peter McCullough you obviously have a good business background, strategic thinker, but what was most obvious to me was that you based decisions on data, otherwise you couldn’t help businesses, the businesses have to base their decision on data.  
Adrian D’Amico:Yeah, 100%.  
Senator Roberts:And that’s what’s missing in politics, we can talk more about that later, but it’s just hopeless the way, under liberal and labour and nationals and greens, the parliament are working for the parties rather than for the people. And so what we see now is decisions, Adrian, billion dollar, almost trillion dollar decisions based, well they are trillion in terms of opportunity cost, based upon opinions, hearsay, whims, looking good, getting a headline, not the data, and quite often they knowingly contradict the data. It’s absolutely insane what’s going on.  
Adrian D’Amico:I would 100% agree. So look, I would love for you to maybe touch on a bit about you personally and about your history in politics, because I’ve got to be honest, it’s one of those things, much like immunology and vaccines, and all that stuff, I’ve had to go and research myself for the last couple of years and really educate myself on a lot of the goings on of things in life. So I don’t really know much about yourself and your background, but if you could share with me and the listeners a bit about yourself, that’d be fantastic.  
Senator Roberts:Sure. I have an English, sorry, a Welsh father and an English come Australian mother who was born and raised in this country by a English Cornish, her father was Cornish. I was born in India, we spent seven years in India, came to Australia, moved around quite a bit. Went to university, studied mining engineering, got an honours degree in that. And then when I graduated I realised I’d better go and start learning things, because over the summer holidays in uni I’ve worked at the Coalface, literally at the Coalface, mainly underground. And so after uni I moved around, because it’s very important to get practical experience, and to understand how people work, and what turns people on and what turns them off.  
 So I worked as a minor at the Coalface, fabulous experience, five different mines around the country, then I worked overseas for two of the world’s largest coal companies, I saw one very good coal company and one dog. I mean, I learned a lot from both. And look, Adrian, I was so impressed with the United States that I just had to have a look around, so I spent the next 15 months working my way broke, and then sold my car and got a ticket home. But the United States was fascinating, and it’s really shaped my thinking, if you like. Came back to Australia, rose very quickly through management ranks. I was made a mine manager in charge of a business unit, 300 people, at a very young age, and I just did pretty well, and I was promoted to sort out each dog of a mine that I was sent to. Always, always very good people, just not managed, or just allowed to be disrupted needlessly by union bosses pushing a personal agenda.  
 And I found that it just confirmed, I had an upbringing where I was given a lot of freedom by my father and mother, they instilled what I think are good values, and all I did was show people that give them the opportunity, give them lots of freedom, but draw the line and make sure they’re held accountable, and they have to know where the line is. So I was one of the few mine managers who would stand up and take the union bosses to court if they went against the law. Most people in Australia don’t have that courage. And I was also the one who opened up a lot of things for miners, because the way I look at things, Adrian, the head of a business, whether it’s an owner or an executive appointed by the employer, the head of a business, and everyone in the management chain, is only there to help the people at the front line at the Coalface.  
 We don’t get any coal, only the coal miners get coal, so our job is to remove the impediments, remove the obstacles, enable them to work more safely, more productively, and also, if you like, more easily. If you make a person’s job easier, it’s more satisfying, you get more productivity. And I realised very early on that culture was the biggest driver and the biggest determinate of productivity, so I worked on that, and I learnt over the years what drives culture. And so I was able then, after about four or five years in coal companies here as a manager at mine sites, I then got tired and frustrated with the corporate management, and making decisions based on numbers without any understanding what’s really going on. And so I did an MBA at the University of Chicago, and then I was about to accept one of two jobs in the States, and I was poached back to Australia by a company who did a search around the country, and they heard about me and came looking for me in America.  
 So I came back and was given basically a blank slate to do what needed to be done for this project, and it was a very difficult and challenging project, but we did a lot of things, and geologically it was difficult, but we did a lot of things that were process based, if you know what I mean. A lot of systems are built willy nilly at someone’s whim, and they’re not built on the process. If you have a system it needs to support the process, that makes the process more efficient, it needs to be based on a measurement analysis and reporting of performance and data, and that needs to be [inaudible]. Fortunately I realise it’s also the most powerful driver behaviour there is, by far. It’s far more powerful than money.  
 So if you get that right, you can basically step back and say, “Go to it, fellas,” and away they go, and they look after themselves. It’s quite uncanny, I’m sure the way you’re smiling and nodding that you understand what I’m talking about, but so few executives do. We set enormous records in this country despite the difficult conditions, very satisfying, then I formed my own business and helped other people improve their minds and their businesses, and worked in other sectors as well as mining. And then around about 2005, yeah the whole of 2005 was spent overseas turning around a very difficult operation in New Zealand, and that was a lot of fun. Then we came back here, and just in that 12 months that I’d been away the global warming narrative started.  
 And as a university graduate in mining engineering, and as someone who had to get statutory qualifications in mining, I understood that carbon dioxide is a trace atmospheric gas, and I understood the properties, and I thought, this is complete crap what we’re being told. But of course I went, hang on a minute, who’s little old me to go against thousands of scientists and thousands of politicians? But it still bugged me, so I started looking at the science more and I thought, this is crap. And then still, that daunting feeling that I can’t be right, because I’m only the only one. Then I found other people, very intelligent people, very switched on people. And remember, as a mine manager, people underground depend upon my understanding of atmospheric gases and other things to keep them alive. So then when I started finding other people I realised this was absolute rubbish, what we’ve been told about us affecting climate by the use of hydrocarbon fuels.  
 So then I started to get deeper and deeper into it, and something just drew me into it, and I realised not only that it was crap, but I then started to understand who was driving it. Then I started to understand the motives. That opened up a huge, huge cavern to explore. And then I was speaking publicly at rallies all around the country, and I could see that a lot of people just knew in their gut that it was completely wrong, and that the politicians I worked with, some of the politicians, completely hopeless. They knew, they agreed with me, but they didn’t want to do anything about it, they were caught, swept up in the politics. And then Pauline Hanson came to me one day and said, “I’ve heard about you, would you like to run for the Senate?” So I said, “I’ll check with my wife first,” my wife said, “Yes.”  
 So then I spent a full day interviewing Pauline and finding out what had happened in her career, and I was pretty impressed. Very high integrity, and everything since then she has reinforced that very, very high integrity. Then I got elected into the Senate, got knocked out of the Senate on dual citizenship, got back into the Senate on my own steam, and that’s where I am now. And yeah, COVID just came up, and there’s no way I wouldn’t tell the truth, I have to tell the truth, I can’t do anything else, but it would’ve been far, far more difficult if I didn’t have Pauline Hanson next to me. She understands, she’s got a gut instinct, as well as a very, very good brain, she’s got the courage to say what she really thinks, and she’s got the [inaudible] to work out these mongrels in politics, I haven’t got that experience yet, but she’s got it very, very strongly.  
 So I’ve been a bit blessed, I’ve been lucky to end up as an apprentice next to Pauline. People see her as, what could you say? Aggressive, argumentative. She’s not the least bit aggressive and least bit argumentative. She doesn’t like a fight, but there’s something she likes even less than a fight, and that is not telling the truth. So she cannot run away from something, she has to confront it, and that’s wonderful, that’s the way I am too, so she is very, very good to work with. And she’s got to strength of character, which I think, I made up my mind on that many years ago, that strength of character is the most important leadership trait, the ability to say I’m wrong, the ability to say, Adrian, I don’t know, can you help me? And the ability to say, dammit, I’m going for this, and everyone suddenly disagreeing, bugger, I’m going to keep going until, but hang on, hang on, Adrian’s just given me a suggestion there might be better, there’s a better way to do it, so rather than look after my ego, go after that.  
 So make decisions based on data, and the biggest thing probably for me is I’ve got a very supportive wife, she grills me, holds me accountable, she’s got a very good brain. And in politics it is so rowdy and so tumultuous at times that the only thing that’s kept me sane is my meditation practise, which I do every day for an hour and a quarter in the morning. I try to do it in the evening, but haven’t for a while.  
Adrian D’Amico:Nice.  
Senator Roberts:Yeah, so that’s basically me, and I love making decisions based on data and fact wherever I can, because you can always then back it up and go for it very confidently.  
Adrian D’Amico:Look, the first thing that is coming across for me, to be honest, is during this brief conversation we’ve had so far, is that you talk more like a human being and not like a cyborg, like most politicians do. So I want to segue into obviously your political career and politics as we see it in Australia today, because look, Pauline is a really good example of someone that the media, in my knowledge now, looking at her and her values and some of the things that she’s putting across on the table at the moment, and really speaking her mind about this kind of situation, I saw her do the same thing many moons ago as a probably 20 something year old person, I would say, and honestly she was just really pushed through the media as just a hot head and a bigot, and just all these nasty things.  
 What I didn’t know then, and this is just my opinion now from what I see of her now, is that the media was doing the same thing to them as they did to Trump, as they do to anyone they want to smear in terms of a political campaign, or just to rubbish their character in a way, and I feel like there’s a lot of that that’s happened with her. And the reason why I say that is because politics at the moment is, to me, is giving me no hope in a lot of ways. So as a citizen of Australia I can tell you that the sentiment amongst my friends and amongst my peers, amongst the people that I talk to, is that we don’t trust our politicians.  
 The difference between what you say and what you do is two different things, and right now we are having a real tug of war between some of these tyrannical rules and regulations and health orders, and who’s actually running the country, and everyone feels like, what can we do about these tyrants? Because they seem to be just doing whatever they want whenever they like it, and there’s nothing that we, the people, can do. And like you said at the beginning, it seems like most politicians, and this is just a generalisation, are not acting in the best interest of their people, they’re acting in the best interest of whatever other is a motivating factor for them, and I think we know where we’re going to go with that. But I would like to get your perspective on this, because I just feel like at the moment a lot of Australians are really angry and really upset with our leadership, or lack of leadership, and they feel very helpless and very vulnerable at the moment.  
Senator Roberts:You nailed it, you raised so many of the issues there. In a totalitarian dictatorship, Adrian, the people fear the government, and right now people are afraid. But they’ve switched in the last month or so, they’re now angry, and then they’re starting to awaken. There’s so many things I can talk about here. So a totalitarian dictatorship, the people fear the government. In a true democracy, the government fears the people. That tells us, pretty much summarises what you just said. We are living in a dictatorship, not a true democracy. The people no longer raise terror or fear into the parties, because the parties control the parliament. When I say the parties I’m talking about the liberal, nationals, labour, and greens. They work together. The liberal nationals are like two peas in a pod, labour and greens are like two peas in a pod.  
 And if you look at their policies, there’s very little difference. Very, very little difference. The only difference is in some areas they have some degree of… There’s just different in terms of degree, that’s all. They’re heading down the same direction. They’re also, the parliaments are working for those two parties, or the two duopolies. The bureaucrats don’t really mind which one is in, because they control both of them, but the parties themselves are controlled by essentially a foreign agenda. Now if you’d have told me that 12 years ago, I would’ve laughed at you, but that’s one of the things I learned by going through the climate scam, I focused on the data, then I focused on who was driving the corruption of the climate science, it’s complete rubbish, and then I worked out who was driving them.  
 And so that is also across the banking sector, it’s across the coronavirus, the COVID virus. The COVID virus is slightly different in that it can kill you, so I’m not [inaudible] that idea, but we can talk more about the COVID virus in a minute. The COVID virus is no more serious than a flu. It is no more serious than a flu. It’ll kill some people, but most people will shrug it off. In fact, it’s probably less serious than many flus in the past. What are the others? The stealing of property rights in this country, the abandonment of infrastructure, the neglect of water resources, all are driven by a foreign agenda. For example, The Lima Declaration was signed by Gough Whitlam’s labour government in 1975 in Lima, Peru. The following year his so-called arch enemy, Malcolm Fraser, ratified the same thing. That Lima Agreement, Lima Declaration, gutted our manufacturing. Not immediately, but over the next 20, 30, 40 years, gutted it.  
 The Kyoto Protocol was, sorry, in 1992, the Rio De Janeiro Declaration for 21st century global governance, led to [inaudible] to 21. That was incorporated into labour policy, it was signed by Paul Keating as the labour prime minister.  
Adrian D’Amico:Really?  
Senator Roberts:But the liberal nationals have been implementing it with gusto. And most of the people in both those parties, the liberal national and the labour, don’t know what’s happening, they have no clue, Adrian, they don’t know. And so you’ve got to step back from politics. Then in 1996 along came John Howard and he said, “We will abide by the UN’s Kyoto Protocol, but we won’t sign it.” Well, Kevin Rudd, so John Howard did more damage than any other prime minister, which shocked me because I actually wrote him a letter when he got booted from parliament in 2007 and said, “Thank you for what you’ve done.” Six years later, after my research into this, I wrote him another letter saying, “I rescind my first letter.” I mean, the man, his government was absolutely graceful, and people trot him out at every by election now and say, look at John Howard, what a wonderful, true liberal is. His government was so destructive.  
 And then in 2007, when Kevin Rudd was elected as prime minister, he ratified the UN’s Kyoto’s Protocol, and it has been destroying property rights, it has been destroying our electricity. We’ve gone from the cheapest electricity in the world to the most expensive. We export coal from our country, the world’s best coal, highest energy density coal for its type in the world, we export it to China, send it thousands of kilometres there, they sell electricity burning our coal for eight cents a kilowatt hour, we sell it in, in this country at three times that price, 25 cents a kilowatt hour. And that’s despite the fact that we don’t have transport costs. And why, because of all of the UN regulations, the UN policies that the labour liberal and nationals and greens have implemented.  
 And in 2019 we had the liberal government under Abbot sign up for the Paris Agreement, and Turnbull ratified it the following year. So we’ve seen a complete sellout of the country. We see the aboriginals in this country, they’ve had it rough, but we are not making it any better. We’re pretending to close the gap, but we’re not. What we’re doing is we’re shovelling tens of billions of dollars a year at the Aboriginal industry. The people on the ground, the aboriginals in the communities in Cape York, in Northern Territory, are not getting much of that.  
Adrian D’Amico:Really?  
Senator Roberts:It’s being syphoned off by the black and white consultants in the Aboriginal industry. And you can talk to people on the Cape, they’ll tell you this. Native Title Act was brought in by, I think by Paul Keating, it gave some recognition to the aboriginals for their previous ownership of the land, even though they didn’t really own it, if you know what I mean, it gave them some acknowledgement for that. But they can’t get land to build a house in their own settlements in Cape York, they cannot do that. And so when you look closely at the Native Title Act, it’s littered with references to the United Nations, and it’s about locking up the land, not freeing up the land.  
 And this is what happens with so many of these foreign policies that come through, World Economic Forum, the United Nations, they’re about constraining us and controlling us, not about liberating us. They’re the complete opposite of what we are told. We’ve just been, my staff. I’ve got some very, very good staff, very capable researchers, and three or four of them across many disciplines. And one lady has done a phenomenal job of evaluating and summarising the Digital Identity Bill, which this government is flagging is going to come. It is horrendous. What it means, I’d have to get my notes to talk about it comfortably, but one example, the government will bundle up your data, your data, your health data, and sell it to foreign corporations, where it’ll be held in that company’s jurisdiction, so it might be according to U.S. laws, which they can do things that we can’t do with our data. So the privacy of data will be destroyed.  
 And then for you to access your health records, you will have to pay a fee to those corporations. It’ll track just about everything you do right throughout the day and night. So it’s horrendous. What I’ve described it as is a mix, it’s the baby that comes from a father that’s into control, and a mother that’s to feudalism. It’s a mixture of controlled feudalism, it’s just such a backwards step, but it is heinous what’s going on. And the liberals are going to float that, and I suspect that the labour party will just wash it straight through parliament. And if the labour party wins the next election, they will introduce it. This policy has not been originated in this country for Australians, it has come from the World Economic Forum, lifted from the World Economic Forum, which we know is not on our side.  
Adrian D’Amico:Absolutely.  
Senator Roberts:So this is what’s happening in our country, we’ve got politicians who are basically ignorant, stupid, and gutless, and most of them are intelligent, but they’re behaving like they’re stupid, because they’re not asking their party leaders and the party power brokers what’s going on, instead what they’re told is you will vote this way, if you don’t you won’t be preselected, you’ll be out of here. So they’re working for the party, not for the people, and that’s what we’ve got to change.  
Adrian D’Amico:Malcolm, you’re not really giving me a lot more hope when you’re describing the current situation of our country. It does seem that there is someone else that they’re answering to, which is what is making a lot of the political decisions throughout this country. But it does beg a question for me is, who owns Australia? Who’s running this country really? It would seem that between the UN and whoever’s behind that umbrella of people  
Adrian D’Amico:… People there is really pulling the string. So it would seem like most of our politicians that are within the heaviest power are basically puppets on a string.  
Senator Roberts:Correct, but they don’t know they are. Most of them are not doing this consciously. I believe that if you want a solution, you better identify the problem first. That’s why I’m spitting it out now. I may not be giving you much hope, but it leads to the solution, which does give me hope. If you look at our country, we have got phenomenal people. Our education system is being gutted and I mean that, sincerely being gutted. It’s deteriorating for an agenda. We’re focusing kids now on transgenderism. We’re focusing kids on being woke. We’re telling them that humans are evil, greedy, irresponsible, uncaring, which is the complete opposite of humans. Humans are just phenomenal. Only a few. We all have our blemishes, we know that. None of us are effect, but the majority of us care enormously, and we want to belong to a community.  
 We know that we’ve had our Hitlers and our Stalins and our Maos. Significantly, all of them are on what some people call a left wing. I don’t use the left wing, right wing because it’s rubbish. It’s meant to distract. What I use is control versus freedom. But you’ll notice that the mass murderers of the last century were all from the control side of politics, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, they were all from that side.  
 So what we’ve got is fabulous people. We’re now being dumbed down, but we have got the makings of a very good education system. We had a very good education system. We’ve got enormous potential. We are now the world’s biggest exporters of energy, yet our domestic prices for energy are high. We’re the biggest exporters of natural gas, yet we’ve got some of the highest gas prices in the world. Second biggest export of coal. We’re no longer the biggest. Indonesia’s taken over, and yet our electricity prices are among the highest in the world. We have got an abundance of metals, abundance of rare… Well, we’ve got some rare earth. We’re confident. We’ll find more. We’ve got amazing farming land. A lot of our country is desert, but so is America. When you look at the map. We haven’t got the depth of soil America has got, but we have got locations more than enough for us. We’ve got abundant water. It’s just being very poorly managed. We have got the world’s biggest market immediately on our doorstep to the North in Asia, we have got enormous potential.  
 Australia in 1900 to 1920 was number one in terms of per capita income in the world. We’re now at well outside the tent and slipping, we don’t manufacture stuff anymore. The UN has deliberately done this. The Lima Declaration exported our skills, exported our technology overseas, set up China, set up other third world countries in a move to dumb us down and to destroy our independence. Australia was once proudly producing everything we needed. Now we are interdependent and the UN has call that lovely word, interdependent, meaning, oh, we’re all interdependent. What a lot of crap? What it means is we are dependent on other countries now. We’re in an island that’s easily-  
Adrian D’Amico:Vulnerable.  
Senator Roberts:… Separated with the blockade. Yeah, we’re vulnerable. So the UN has destroyed our capacity to be strong and independent. We are now dependent on China. We are now dependent upon other countries. So that’s the crazy thing. So we’ve got this enormous potential. Our governing document is our federal constitution. To change one word in that, you need a majority of people across Australia, and you need a majority of people in the majority of states. So you need at least four states where that referendum passes to change, just one word. So that tells me that the people are in charge of this country. They are only ones who can change what the constitution does, the governing document.  
 The other thing that comes in there, so we are the ones who are responsible, but how come the people are afraid of the government? How come the government is saying, “Screw you. We don’t even want to work for you. We don’t serve you. The people serve the government.” And that’s because we’ve had a two party system for so long. When you’ve got two parties, they’re basically jostling over the middle votes. So you end up with just a slight, one of the parties slips up a bit and the votes go to the other party and they become government, which is backwards and forward.  
 Now the very encouraging thing with at this COVID virus is that people are waking up. They’ve taken our country for granted. They’ve assumed it’s been well managed. They can now see it’s not. They can see contradictions within our state of Queensland for example, from week to week within that one government. They can see so many contradictions and illogic and insanity between our government and the other state governments. And then they can see the contradictions with the federal government. There’s no plan, you can tell that. You’re a management consultant. You know there’s no plan because they’re not basing anything on data and I can talk more about where the data is, but these are the things. So what we have got to do as voters, I’m talking as a voter now, not as a politician, as voters, we need to say to the parties, pick up your game, or I’m taking my vote somewhere else. Just like if you’re not providing me with the service, I say, pick up your game or I’m going somewhere else to buy their products, their services.  
 So the voters haven’t done that. The encouraging thing is that so many people in the 25 to 45 year age bracket, and now saying, “Gee, look at what’s going on in our country.” They’re now awake. They’re now saying, “I’m going to vote.” They’re now saying, “I’m going to think about who I vote for.” And if you look at the trend, probably 30 years ago, it was 45% Voter Liberal National, 45% Voter Labour, 10% swung. They controlled the government at each election. Then it became 40, 40, and 20% swung. Then it became 35, 35 and 30% swung. Now in the last federal election in Queensland, the Senate in Queensland, for the federal election, the federal Senate, Labour got 22% of the vote. Not 45, 22%.  
Adrian D’Amico:Wow.  
Senator Roberts:So you can see, and also we see now independence in parliament, genuinely elected off their own bat, we see also more and more, some of our candidates are getting to be the last of the two that are knocked out on two party preferred. So people are waking up and that’s what we need.  
 So COVID has really said, “Wow, these guys are mismanaging their country. They’re not leading it at all.” You’re a business coach. So you know that a good leader as well as having strength of character, he or she leads people. They draw people. They create had a picture based on data that they’ve gone and researched. They create a vision as to what are the benefits for people. Sometimes those benefits don’t have to be for the individual. They can be benefit for society, or a very caring and altruistic, they will switch onto it to a noble goal providing it’s a good goal, and they’ve got faith in their leader. And then the leader will most established systems that enable people to work, whereas what we see in this country is we see bullying and threats. “Get your injection, or else you won’t get freedoms.” Hang on, hang on, hang on. We won’t get freedoms? There are ours in the first place. They’re con people-  
Adrian D’Amico:Let’s talk about that now [crosstalk] You’ve touched on a couple of things there, which resonate with me in the sense that there’s a lot of things that have been revealed as this COVID virus is as wiped through Australia. So to me, the virus has exposed the truth of what’s going on. And if you are able to sift through all the bullshit and see what the actual data is, and I am big on data, but I’m also big on real time results and responses of what’s going on. So whether it’s in business or in life or whatever I’m doing, if I’m working out at the gym, I’d like to test and measure what’s going on and then see what the realtime feedback is. And then iterate and change and progress and go forward. What we are seeing here in Australia is that there’s this flip flop between one policy and another. There’s flip flop between whatever reasoning is, standing up, sitting down, wearing a mask, not wearing a mask, 1.5 metres apart, 10 people in a home, five people in a home, the whole thing’s just gone, absolutely nuts.  
 The other thing that I guess has been exposed is that tyrannical, that control part of the political environment, which is really alarming. So here’s a couple of things that from my perspective, what I’ve researched and educated myself. So I’ve started a new business, 19 months ago, I’ve been closed for eight and a half, nine months of those 19 months. So it’s absolutely bled me dry. I’ve died the death of 1,000 cuts. I’m now working seven to days a week and just trying to make things work because I have to. Most people have said, “I’ve got no choice. I’ve got to get this shot.” I’ve said, I’ve got no choice. I’ve got three kids. I need to earn a living. I’m going back to work. So I just opened up the business.  
 So when I’ve looked into that, it’s taken me a long time to get the intestinal fortitude to do that. But it’s also taken a lot of research into the laws that are protecting me as a person, as an individual, as a business owner. No one can get in the way of my trade and me providing for my family. That to me, sets a precedent over any governmental or anything, that’s a health order, whatever it may be. My health comes first. My family comes first. The livelihood of what I’m doing to provide for my family comes first. However, what I’ve noticed in the last couple of months is that there are certain things to do with the biosecurity acts that are changing with the Privacy Act. They’re changing around privacy of your data. Like you mentioned before, it’s changing. The internet is changing. As you know, you’re getting censored, I’m getting censored. I uploaded a video last night with Charlene Bollinger for a documentary producer of truth about vaccines and truth about cancer. The whole video got deleted in 10 minutes. As soon as I uploaded it to YouTube, it got wiped off.  
 So there’s the censorship, the misinformation, the changing of the guard, the changing of the rules. It doesn’t matter whether Berejiklian gets in or Perrottet gets in. There’s all singing from the same hymn book. So this is super concerning as an Australian, it’s super concerning as a nation, because before our very eyes, these rules are getting changed in the favour of those tyrants that are ruling the roost.  
Senator Roberts:Yeah, you’re absolutely correct.  
Adrian D’Amico:So what’s going on? My question is what’s going on and what can we do about it? I want to circle back to the solution and it’s the reason why I wanted you on the show because the system is clearly broken. It’s clearly got cancer riddled right through it, and it needs to change immediately and the people need to be responsible for that. But there’s also people like yourself who are placed in positions of authority in order to help that change. So let’s go back to what’s going on with these rules being changed. Why can Dan Andrews do the things that he’s doing and passing these bills through parliament that allow him to call a pandemic whenever he sees fit and the majority of the Senate is pushing it through? It just seems to me that everyone’s all in on this and there’s nothing that we can do as the people.  
Senator Roberts:Yeah. There’s so many issues you raised there. The first one is everything you’ve talked about, the censorship, the control over people, they’re all forms of control and always beneath control, there is fear. I’m not talking about the government instilling fear in us. They are, but I’m talking about when someone tries to control someone else, beneath their control, there is fear. And they’re afraid of the truth. They are afraid that we will wake up because this is a gigantic scam. As I said, COVID can kill. So it’s not to be taken lightly, but it’s not the monster people are talking about. It’s not. It’s been grossly exaggerated. So that’s the first thing.  
 The second thing is the reason governments are jumping all over the place and contradicting themselves is that they have got no data. That’s the main reason. If they had data, they would all have the same data and they’d be marching down the same tune. Down the same road, rather to the same tune. But they’re not doing that. They’re capriciously changing things because they came out at first, the politicians themselves were scared and so had a lockdown. Now lockdowns are one of the worst things you can do. In America, there are 50 states. So you’ve got a scientific experiment underway. You’ve got many, many states locking down. Many, many states not locking down. The states not locking down are imaginably better than the states locking down. You’ve got Sweden, which has got of lockdowns and done very little at all. They had a slight increase in deaths. Well, a dramatic increase in deaths, but it’s now becoming a slight increase as they revert to the mean. So there are many people who believe that they did it correctly.  
 Then you’ve got Taiwan, which is by far, the standout performer in this. And Taiwan put in place a rigorous process of testing, tracing and quarantining. We locked down, which shuts everyone down. One, quarantined the sick and the vulnerable, which is exactly what you should do and they had an objective process for doing that in terms of testing and tracing. They’re not ruthless, they’re just common sense and the people there trust their government. If you look at the countries that did well, initially, Adrian, you’ll find it was countries like Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, Israel. Now some of them have gone off the boil and they’ve, they’ve become poor cases of management. But initially, they were all very good. They were the leaders. The single thing can see that’s common amongst all of those is the fact that they’re under threat all the time. Every one of those countries has an antagonistic neighbour or is an economic threat. Singapore doesn’t have any resources. It depends upon international trade. It depends upon being competitive. It’s always fighting for its economic survival.  
 The other countries have military threats and they are the people don’t tolerate crap. If you’re not good, out you go because my life is at stake. So they’ve got that trust there. So they base decisions on data. In the first 12 months in our country where we locked down so often, we lost about 950 lives. In Taiwan, which has got a similar population they’re 24 million compared to our 25, they’re half the size of Tasmania in area. They’ve got 2% of the size of Queensland. They’re punching above their weight economically compared to us. No real resources to speak of very little agricultural land and yet there they are outperforming us. They had a blip in their economy of 0.6% in their GDP.  
Adrian D’Amico:Really?  
Senator Roberts:Ours was decimated because of the lockdowns. Now if you think even more about Taiwan, they’ve got a far riskier situation because they’re right next to mainland China, communist China, where the virus started. They have a lot, despite what people might think, they have a lot of trade with communist China. The two get on very, very well when it comes to trade and supporting each other with industry. One of the biggest investors in communist China is Taiwan. So what, what you’ll find is that they had a much more difficult and riskier job to manage the virus, but in their first 12 months, they lost seven people, seven. But the United Nations World Health Organisation, which lied about the virus in the first place, which tried to cover it up, which denied human to human transmission of the virus, which caught the world napping because we were lulled in a false sense security. The United nations has done everything it can to suppress Taiwan’s performance to hide it. But Taiwan has been the best in the world.  
 Now Taiwan had a major breakdown in quarantine and they got an increase in deaths very quickly, but they brought it back under control very quickly as well without draconian practises. So what we’ve seen now is that Taiwan, it’s death rate per million people is quite a bit lower than ours, despite a major breakdown. So they have got it under control yet again. So we see that what they’ve done is they’ve based their management of the virus on testing, tracing quarantine hard data. What you’ll find in this country, the virus is managing us. That’s what’s happening. The virus is managing us. We’re not managing the virus. Even the World Health Organisation, it’s a crooked, corrupt, incompetent, dishonest body but even they have a few months ago acknowledge that lockdowns are a last resort weapon, and they’re only to be used initially to get control of a virus.  
 So every time Anastasia Palache, every time Dan Andrews, every time Dom Perrottet invokes a lockdown, the guy in, in Western Australia, McGowan, he continues his lockdown. Every time they do that, they’re putting a flag up the pole saying, “We can’t manage this virus” and why are other countries managing it? So they’re giving the game away, but people can’t see that. They’re locked up in fear.  
 The other thing that happens is that, you would know this from your reading and your experience, that fear tends to short circuit the neocortex and people react in a gut level and they don’t react in a very logical way. There are benefits to that, but it means that there can be quite easily played by politicians. So what you see in Anastasia Palache was that in February, last year, before the virus arrived, she was gone. They said that in the election later that year, she would be turfed out easily. Well, they got the virus into the country. She then played on the fear. She made the old people terrified. She scared everyone, and then she conditioned people to certain practises and she won the election because she was an incumbent, just like the others won the election because they were incumbents. Northern Territory should be tossed out. So they’ve preyed on that fear and that’s what politicians do quite often. They prey on people’s fear, cause them to make emotional decision rather than informed decisions.  
 What I’ve also noticed with the UN and World Data Forum, their policies are fundamentally anti-human. They believe that humans are evil and need to be controlled, and they justify that to get more power, more power for the corporations that control them. And these corporations are well known. They’re easily identified. You see BlackRock, Vanguard, they own most of the world’s major corporations. You see Pfizer, for example, was given provisional approval for its injection here in this country. I won’t call it a vaccine. It’s not a true vaccine. They have not been tested. They have not been tested. They have been slightly tested or partially tested, but they have not been properly tested. They came out in months, whereas they should have come out in seven years, minimum of five, maybe 10 years. So I asked the therapeutic goods administration a question in Senate estimates in May, what does provisional approval mean? What is it? And they said, it’s approval given on the base if there’s nothing else.  
 So you’ve got to give it a chance. So they admitted no testing that we know that the Pfizer and AstraZeneca were basically adopted based on the manufacturer’s claims, but they’re indemnified against any loss and against any damage they do there. There’s been minimal testing. I wrote a letter to Scott Morrison and Anastasia Palache. It’s a six-page letter with about 58 pages worth of attachments. And I put in that the data, there are seven, seven attachments. One is on data, which I got from the chief medical officer, but people in the street have not been given that by the government and I had to get it out of the government. The second one is about the injections. The third one is about the use of complementary or alternative medicines, which are now proven. I won’t mention it because you want to post this video, but either, that’s one of the UN World Health Organisations, top 100 essential medicines for the planet. It’s been handed out prescribed and given in 3.7 billion doses over around 60 years and no side effects.  
 So it’s proof of COVID. I took it in this country. When I came back from India with a condition, it cleared up what I had in no time with no side effects. It’s recognised as the only side effects are minimal, are slight headaches, sometimes slight nausea. But now it’s proven, in India, it’s proven, in south American countries, Asian countries, European countries as being highly successful. Not only does it cure people who are sick and sometimes seriously sick with COVID, it cures them very quickly. It cures them with no risk. It also prevents transmission of the virus because it’s a prophylactic. Yet they won’t approve that. So some doctors and I was able to get some in this country until I locked it up based upon the fact that it’s been approved for other things, now the government is chasing down doctors, hunting them down, persecuting them, threatening them with removal of their practises. Why? Because that medicine, if it was readily available, there’d be no need for the injections.  
Adrian D’Amico:Agreed-  
Senator Roberts:But even if some people wanted an injection, let them have it, but let them have an alternative. This is the first outbreak we’ve seen where proven safe, affordable, and readily available, medicines have not been used immediately until a vaccine or injection is developed. And what we’ve got now in this country-  
Adrian D’Amico:[crosstalk] I agree with you 100%, but what you’re telling me tells me that they know. It tells me that it’s not that they don’t have the data, or they’re not acting on the data. They’re choosing to ignore the data. They’re choosing an injection, which obviously has a benefit to someone. But they’re not using these therapeutic goods or product services, whatever. They know the details. If the government, if the TGA doesn’t know any of this information, then that to me is bullshit. It can’t be true. So it means I must be avoiding it because I can tell you from little old me based in Wollongong, a fucking no one, I’ve been able to get ahold of Robert Kennedy Jr. I’ve been able to get a of Dr. Pierre Kory. I’ve interviewed Peter McCullough. All of these guys know the facts. They’ve been curing COVID patients for the last 18 months and scientists, Ashton C. Berger, researchers, people who have worked for the World Organisation. I’ve sent  
Adrian D’Amico:Sent them an email. They responded. You can’t tell me that our health bureaucrats and our government officials don’t know this information. You can’t tell me that. There’s no way…  
Senator Roberts:I’m not going to tell you that. I’m going to tell you, you’re right. And if you look at Greg Hunt, have a look at Greg Hunt, 2000 and 2001, in the World Economic Forum, he used to come to there and he was Director of Strategy for the World Economic Forum. Mathias Cormann has now head of the OECD. He was leader of the Government in the Senate for the Liberal Party, from Western Australia in the Federal Senate. Whenever I ask him a question about show me the evidence for this climate change, a narrative you’re pushing and the policies, he would say, “Well, we’ve got to fulfil our obligations to the global obligations.” In other words, he didn’t have any damn science, and they do know what’s going on. Although I will put a caveat on that, the climate scam, which I’ve been vigorous on, the climate scam showed me that the majority of politicians do not know what’s going on.  
 The majority of politicians, sorry, around about 40% of the Labour Party in 2012, when they passed the Carbon Tax, Julia Gillard promised never to have one, but she had one. When they passed that, and it’s an estimated about 40% of the labour party didn’t agree with it, all silent. In the Liberal Party, at least 60, probably 70% of the liberal nationals did not believe it. But bit by bit over time, they’ve conditioned themselves to do this. They just get lulled to sleep and they’ve put up their hand and vote in a certain way because they’re afraid of not getting pre-selected. Once they vote once a certain way, they find it very difficult to change because that’s something that politicians have a great anathema to. They won’t admit mistakes. Whereas Paul and I, we will confess the mistakes because then you can get on with your life, and it’s not a burden anymore.  
 So, what you’ll find is that most politicians, in my opinion, are driven by ignorance, gutlessness, and stupidity. I mean, this stuff you said, you’re not a doctor, but you’ve just researched it using your common sense and you know it’s stupid. There’s so many contradictions, nonsensical, illogical contradictions. So, I’d read you some from my second attachment, Therapeutic Goods Administration. And remember, Greg Hunt said that the world is engaged in the largest clinical vaccination trial. This is a trial to him and it is a trial because they haven’t done the basic studies on transfer from one generation to the next. That can be done easily in rats and mice with very short life spans, that can be done many times in the short period. They haven’t done that.  
 We know so much dangerous about these injections, but we don’t know much in detail. So, conflicts of interest are bound in association with the Therapeutic Goods Administration. For example, the TGA is funded entirely by fees imposed on the pharmaceutical companies that it supposedly regulates. A new prescription drug, for example, requires payment of a $250,000 application fee and ongoing fees of around $30,000 a year. Professor Scarrott admitted to those figures as being correct. Now, this was developed by my staff and I. I put this whole document together because I want to understand it from the roots up. The TGA makes $160,000,000 a year in payments from pharmaceutical and nutraceutical companies and device manufacturers. What? 160,000,000, that pays for them. It is this same drug companies repeatedly paying their money and getting their approvals. These same drug companies invite clinicians, doctors to attend exclusive and free professional development programmes to promote their products.  
 Sometimes, it’s a trip overseas. COVID has shown how easily those approvals are issued and how hard it is to get an approval for a drug like Iver, that only makes a few cents a pill in profit for drug companies. So, what we’ve seen here is Pfizer has estimated, it’ll take an income revenue over $45,000,000,000 this year, total. It produces the Pfizer injection. Was it called Comirnaty? I can’t… Yeah, whatever it is. And that injection is going to be the bulk of their revenue. It can only be provisionally approved if there’s no competition. If this Iver medicine or the many other complimentary medicines that are working, some people don’t use Iver, they use other complimentary medicines or regimes or protocols. If they were available, imagine what Pfizer’s profit would be. It would be nothing compared to what it is now and what they’re heading for. In the last quarter, they made revenue of $18,900,000,000 and they made a profit of $4,000,000,000.  
 They produce drugs that cure the side effects of the injections. So, you can see the money going on. Now, there’s no way, and then I’ve got a document my staff put together with 32 pages of conflicts of interest for the medical professionals on the TGA’s expert committees that review the drugs and recommend approval. Some of them have taken research grants or benefits from or worked for these same drug companies, and they’re the same drug companies. Merck produced the Iver medicine, but it’s gone off patent. So, they can’t make a lot of money out of it. But now, they’re pushing another drug, which we’ve got grave concerns about and which our government bought $300,000,000 worth without testing. It’s your money. And so, what we’ve got, it keeps coming back to, “We don’t hold them accountable.” So, what we’ve got to do is Senate…  
 When I say we, I’m talking about the people at the ballot box, but what we do is senators, Paul and I, we go into the details, but it becomes a game of cat and mouse, Adrian. We have to chase these bureaucrats and they’re pretty well-versed in responding with bullshit and giving us nothing to hang onto. So, what we have got to do is play a game of trying to corner them. They should be open [inaudible] as their job as bureaucrats and responsible to the people. So, we can see it is a game. There’s no way that the TGA does not know what’s going on. No way at all. If they don’t, they’re completely stupid morons. They’re not bright people. There’s no way. But what we’ve got is they’re being protected by ignorant, gutless, stupid politicians.  
 Now, we’ll say there are some politicians waking up. I put together another letter to the prime minister and to the four omegas, as I call him Prime Minister Joyce, Barnaby Joyce, the deputy leader, deputy prime minister and leader of the Nationals, Anthony Albanese, opposition leader, and Adam Bandt. I sent this just before Glasgow. That’s on the climate. There are so many things on climate, John Howard, who I just described his government before, did the most damage when it comes to this climate rubbish, these lies. Six years after leaving office, he said in an address in London, after passing all this legislation, he said on the topic of climate science, he is agnostic. These policies are now costing us trillions in opportunity costs and costing us hundreds of billions in direct costs, $19,000,000,000 a year, an extra $1,300 per household average cost.  
 So, the father of the Senate, when he was in the Senate, he’s left now 2016, Senator Ian MacDonald from Townsville looked across at me, Adrian, and said, “I don’t always agree with Senator Roberts, but I’ve got to admit that he’s the only person that started the debate that this parliament has never had on the climate science.” They’ve never debated the climate science, neither the Liberals, Labours, Nationals, nor the Greens. There are so many other examples. So, I wrote to politicians who’ve been prominent in publicising the crap on climate and pushing these policies that are gutting our economy and making us dependent and said, “Where’s your evidence?” Not one of them, out of the 19 prominent politicians I wrote to on all the parties, the major parties, not one of them could provide me with any evidence, not one.  
 I then wrote to 10 people, who I know have got doubts about the policy, and I said to them, “Can you please provide me with the evidence?” And they all responded by saying, “We have never been given the evidence in parliament nor by our party.” So, I’m going to read out their names because we pitch and moan about some politicians, rightly so, but these people have shown the integrity and the courage to tell the truth. Llew O’Brien, National Party, Craig Kelly, formerly Liberal, now United Australia Party, Kevin Andrews, a senior Liberal member of parliament, who’s not going to be pre-selected and you can see why, because he speaks up. Senator Eric Abetz was once the leader of the government in the Senate, George Christensen, a National Party from Queensland, Senator Connie Fierravanti-Wells, Liberal Party, New South Wales, another conservative, another strong person, Bob Katter from Northern Queensland, Senator Pauline Hanson and Senator Gerard Rennick.  
 Now, there’s a good man, Senator Gerard Rennick. He stands up, he’s willing to cross the floor, he sticks it into the government, because his job is not to be beholden to the Liberal Party. His job is to serve the people of Queensland and the people of Australia, and I know that. I deal with him. He’s a wonderful bloke. He bases decisions on dart. He’s got a very good brain, very bright with figures and numbers. So. These people, they show hope that in the parliament, there are some decent people, but the trouble is, Adrian, they get drowned out by the vast majority in the Labour, Liberal, and National Parties, and the Greens. So, it’s a matter of… With the climate, I just thought, “How can these people do what they’re doing?” This is when I was on the outside, trying to hold them accountable.  
 And I realised the majority of people had no clue what was going on. They did what were told. Many of them, as I said, 60 to 70% of the Liberal Party and the National Party actively agreed with me. And we’ve seen some senators like Senator Canavan, for example, came from the sceptic side. He was Chief of Staff of Barnaby Joyce, who was the most colourful and effective speaker against this climate crap. And I talked to Matt when he was Chief of Staff and he was against this bullshit. Matt in the Senate in 2015, when he became a cabinet member spoke in terms of needing to cut carbon dioxide from human activity. What? And so, I sat next to him in a division one day and I sat down next to him and said, “Hey mate, I heard about your speech before I arrived.” And he said, “Well, we must be having some effect.” So, I said, “Where’s your evidence?” You know what he did? He just slid on the seat away from me.  
 Now, what Matt has done is he’s realised that there’s a lot of votes in Central Queensland from coal miners. So, Matt, as a cabinet member, he’s now out of cabinet, but as a cabinet member, would vote for liberal bills that would gut the coal industry. Not one liberal policy has helped the coal industry. They’ve all gutted it since about in the last four years, not one, but he talks when he’s in Central Queensland about the need to support coal. He goes down a coal mine and comes out with coal dust on his face. These are the kinds of things people do, but then, they’re not sincere. They’re not genuine. And so, you get to Craig Kellys, wonderful, genuine, makes decisions based on data. The Gerard Rennicks, the Connie Fierravanti-Wells, the Eric Abetzs. These are the people, the Senator Pauline Hansons, the Bob Katters. These are the ones that have the guts to stand up.  
 So, the problem is the same thing that ruins many corporate boards, one person tends to dominate and he or she floats an idea and the others are saying, “I don’t really agree with this. I don’t understand it.” Now, if I ask a question, they’ll go, “Oh, you’re a dumb fool.” So, I won’t ask the question. I’ll just vote with it. That’s what happens in parliament. In other words, what we’re electing in parliament are the same kind of people who are running right throughout our society. Only a few people stand up and that’s sad, but that’s the reality. So, what we have to do, the parliament is not broken. We don’t need to replace parliament. We need to get back to running the system the way it was designed to be run. We’re just breaking the rules. When I say we, I’m talking about the title party breaking the rules, they’re not complying with the system and they haven’t had people in the voters and they haven’t had people like us before holding them accountable persistently based on data, and that’s what I love about Pauline, she bases her questions and comments on data.  
Adrian D’Amico:Okay. So, you’re not saying that the system can be fixed in a sense of people swinging their votes towards parties like yourselves that are more outspoken that want to get down to grassroots, and I guess provide solutions to the current problems. But I guess I’m hearing that side of things and I think that that is definitely the sentiment that I’m getting at the moment is people are starting to wake up to the parties like yourselves and the Clive Palmers of the world, the Craig Kellys of the world, which is great to see, but there’s still these guys and girls that are sitting at in very prominent positions, which are still pulling the strings. So, my concern is that what’s going to be the collateral damage between now and when there’s the next election in order to make these changes.  
 So, what do you see is going to be a possible remedy or a solution right this minute, because you look at Victoria, you look at where you are in Queensland, what’s happening at the moment with all these rules and the two classes of citizens and all that kind of stuff. It’s happening here in New South Wales, the same thing. For our listeners, we talk up here, you’re in quarantine right now?  
Senator Roberts:Yeah.  
Adrian D’Amico:So like you’re stuck inside of wherever. So, what’s happening with these people? What can we do to eradicate this cancer, which is rotting Australia?  
Senator Roberts:Pauline had made a decision today on how to move this federal government, because Scott Morrison has been accused by the French President of being a liar. He’s been accused the following day at Blasco by Malcolm Turnbull as being a liar, who frequently lied to Malcolm Turnbull. He is not telling the truth on this COVID, not at all. Anastacia Palache said that the decision to invoke her edict in Queensland was in line with that of the national cabinet. The national cabinet is not constitutional. The national cabinet has no authority, and you yet is made out to have a lot of authority. That is a lie.  
Adrian D’Amico:Okay.  
Senator Roberts:Scott Morrison, I believe… Sorry?  
Adrian D’Amico:Yeah, keep going. This is interesting.  
Senator Roberts:Scott Morrison, I believe started the national cabinet very early, almost immediately, because he’s a very clever politician. I don’t think he’s honest. I think he tells lies and we can see that just in their responses and the mismanagement of this COVID, make it no mistake. This has been entirely mismanaged in this country. So, Scott Morrison started the national cabinet. I believe he started that if what they did, and they didn’t know what they were doing and I accept that for the first few months and I can come back to that in a minute, but they have to learn what’s happening after a few months on the job and managing it and they didn’t learn. They didn’t come up with a plan. We still don’t have a plan. You know in a business that a plan is not a plan unless you know what you’re going to do, who’s responsible for it, when they’re going to do it, where they’re going to do it, and when they’re going to do it, and why are they going to do it? They’re the five.  
 Once you sort out those basic answers, you go into the how. What happens too much in our parliament is they go to the how, not the should. Should we do this? No, bugger that. We’ll forget that. We’ll just go to what we’re going to do. And then, Pfizer drops a few clangers and they start going into that. Where do you start? I got tired of this. So in 2020, in March 23rd, we had our first single day emergency session in the Senate in parliament on this coronavirus. We could see that tens of thousands of deaths reported in Italy, France, Spain, and China. So, we thought this could be very serious. So, we’ve got to give the government all a leeway and said, “Get whatever you want, away you go. You’re in government. You’ve been elected. Get on with a job. We won’t stand in your way. We’ll pass your bill.” But I said to them, “Have a look at the promising in vitro trials at Monash University using the Iver medicine.”  
 “Have a look at Taiwan and South Korea,” and later on, I just said, Taiwan, in particular. “We want you to get the data and we want you to develop a plan.” None of those things have been done, not one. On the 8th of April 2020, I repeated those same things, when we passed the job keeper legislation, just said to the government, “Get on with the job. We’ll give you an open check.” They still haven’t done any of those things. And so, we’ve got a national cabinet that I believe Scott Morrison started as something that he could take the credit for if it worked and something that he could blame if it didn’t work, because they’re just groping their way through the dark. They’re blind. They’re not managing at all. So, what we’ve got is mismanagement and a grove on the gravest kind because we [inaudible] hundreds of billions of dollars.  
 We’re destroying small business. We’re destroying people’s lives. People suiciding with these idiotic lockdowns. We’re now seeing Dan Andrews and Anastasia Palache, and to some extent, New South Wales, now dividing society into injected and non injected. They’re now trying to pit people against people in this country. They’re dividing. That’s why Pauline calls us one nation, because she wants us to reunite, recombine as one nation, not black or white or Asian or anything like this, because we’ve all got red blood. She wants us to be one nation. So, we’ve got the states now not managing, we’ve got the federal government not managing. So, we’ve got to come back to basing decisions on data, having a solid plan, sharing… These are basic management traits of managing a small business, sharing the plan with the people, getting them involved if necessary through feedback, and then getting on with the job.  
 Never have we seen any one of those traits, not one. In May this year, sorry, in March. In March, instead of the estimates, I had the Chief Medical Officer for the Federal Government, the Secretary of the Federal Health Department together in the room in Senate estimates and I said, “Let me just ask you a few questions about the components of strategies for managing a virus. So, the first one would be lockdowns.” I didn’t elaborate because they are a tool that can be used sometimes, they’ve been overused. So, they said, “Yes, that’s a tool.” Okay. Good. Number two is, I can’t remember what I mentioned then, but number two is basically some forms of restrictions like masks or social distance. Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. That’s good. Yep. Number three was injections, vaccines. Yes. Yes, that’s the strategy. So, I slipped in number four. Number four is the use of alternatives, prophylactics, cures, treatments. And to my amazement, they said, “Yes.”  
 And in fact, viruses up until this time have been managed with treatments that have been proven until the vaccines were developed, then I said, “Number five would be testing, tracing, quarantining, like in Taiwan.” Targeted. “Yes.” That’s that’s the strategy. So, we’ve got five strategies so far. Sixth strategy, they said we had to add of behaviour. What do you mean by personal behaviour? Hygiene, washing hands. I said, “Yes, that makes sense. That’s from managing flus and respiratory diseases.” Then in May, I added a seventh one, health and fitness. You look at what we’ve done. We’ve crippled health and fitness, locking people up, keeping them out of the sun, Vitamin D, stopping them exercising, stopping them engaging with people, stopping them being with their loved ones, which is essential for health, and we know that the immunoglobulin, it responds to lack of stress.  
 So, we’ve just destroyed that. Washing hands, we’ve been told about that, but not given many tips about it, and the other personal hygiene. We’ve been prevented deliberately from accessing proven, known, safe, affordable alternatives and complimentary medicines. Stop from doing that. This is the first time in Australia’s history, where the government has knowingly injected something that can kill people into healthy people and has killed them. It’s the first time in our history, where we have knowingly withheld a proven, safe, effective treatment from people who are sick and they have died as a result. So, we’ve gone against the strategy. So, we haven’t done testing, tracing, and quarantining properly. We haven’t quarantined properly. We’ve done it capriciously just by locking people down. What’s the other one? So, and lockdowns have been overused, abused, suicides, causing other diseases, causing a destruction of the economy, which freedom and economic freedom in particular are essential for health, absolutely essential.  
 And we have done the complete opposite. These governments in their gutlessness and their stupidity and their cowardice have actually crippled people and exacerbated the virus’ control over people. They have done it deliberately through fear. What we’re seeing is complete mismanagement because it comes back to, they don’t have the courage to say, “Okay, we didn’t know. We made a mistake for the first three months. Let’s change our plan. Let’s go change, find out what Taiwan did. Let’s find out what Sweden did. Let’s find out and have a look at the Iver medicine.” These are the basic things, and these are the things that destroy large companies who don’t have strong corporate executives. See, it just comes down to human nature.  
Adrian D’Amico:I get it. I’m still longing for a solution that stops what they’re doing in their tracks. What I don’t see from Scott Morrison as a leader is actual leadership. I don’t know where he is or what he’s doing, but I don’t see anyone calling the shots as in stop what we are doing right now because it’s clearly broken and it’s clearly destroying this country. I mean, just as we are recording, prior to recording this interview, I have spoken to someone who her and her husband have had the shot. They got their double dose. They’ve both been in hospital for three days. They’ve both got heart problems. They’ve both got serious health issues going on. They have two kids and they have to go to work and still provide, and they’re suffering from this experimental medicine that is really mining and harming and killing people in Australia and our government,  
Adrian D’Amico:… government is then responsible for doing it.  
Senator Roberts:Well, look-  
Adrian D’Amico:What you’re explaining is criminal. It’s a crime.  
Senator Roberts:Yeah it is, it is. And it’s negligent. There’s a four-letter word starting with C. There’re actually three four-letter words starting with C, and they have one vowel difference. C-A-R-E, care. C-O-R-E, core. C-U-R-E, cure. What I’m about to say is second nature to you. If you really care, you will go to the core of the problem and develop a solution, and then you’ll put in place the cure. What we see around here is people not caring because they want to look good, feel good, get a headline, get a result, be looking after their donors, their corporate donors for their party, so they don’t care, so that’s set aside. They go straight to the cure, which is pulled out of the air or out of their arse. It’s just put out there as something that’ll grab a headline. They have no care, so they come up with the cure. They ignore the core, and because they ignore the core they keep coming back.  
 You said, “What are the solutions?” Long-term, the solutions are, “Voters, for goodness sake, change the parliament so that parliament goes back to serving the people rather than serving the corporate donors, the political parties.” That’s one.  
 Secondly, the people need to stand up and express their disappointment. They need to get off their arses and go and visit their Senator. Go and visit their Member of Parliament for Federal, go and visit their State Member of Parliament, their State Upper House Member of Parliament. Knock on the door and say, “I want in and I want to see my Member. He works for. He works for me. He serves me.”  
 In the Senate, when I had my first speech in the Senate, and every speech since that’s more than two or three minutes long or… I can’t do it in the short ones, but every decent length speech, I start with the [inaudible], “As a servant to the people of Queensland and Australia.” When I first uttered those words in my first speech in the Senate, Labour Party, Liberal Party, some people laughed. Laughed. And I’ve done it every time since, not to annoy them, but to remind myself and to remind them why we are supposed to be here. We’re supposed to listen to our constituents and then exercise our hearts and our minds to develop solutions, get the solutions from the people. We need to, as voters, we need to say to the people we elected, “You’re not doing your job. I’m not voting for you. Hold yourself accountable. If you can explain to me why you’re doing this, well, I’ll vote for you. But if you can’t, bugger off. I’m not voting for you.”  
 The second thing, if you can’t get to see them, and even if you can, call them up, talk to them on the phone, leave messages. We know that the Liberal Party is terrified at the moment because they’re having members, long-term members, donors, leaving them in droves because they’re disgusted with Scott Morrison’s lies and gutlessness, his lack of leadership. He came into power in 2019 based on opposing the 2050 net zero. He’s now taken the policies he was criticising. The man has done it time and time again with so many things.  
 The third thing is to get hold of MPs, is to write them a letter, sign it, put it on paper, post it. They make a lot of difference to MPs. Emails don’t, unless they get many, many, many emails on a topic. They’re the things… get off our arses, go and talk to them, hold them accountable, tell them what you want. They’re supposed to represent you.  
 The… excuse me. The third thing is to protest. Get up, make your voice heard. Look at Melbourne. Dan Andrews was dictator supreme until one single event. The CFMEU rank and file attacked the head offices of the CFMEU’s union bosses and they jolted them out of their lethargy, and that shocked Dan Andrews because the CFMEU is a core part of the Labour Party support. The rank and file said, “Up yours,” then they took to the streets. There were all kinds of protests, all kinds of violence perpetrated by some cops, only a small percentage of cops. Dan Andrews in his latest lockdown had about a couple hundred cases, I think, a day, and he said, “We’ve got to lockdown hard and fast. When he’s got 2,000 cases a day, he unlocks. Tell me there’s any sense in that. People are now asking these questions. Now what we’ve seen is, is protests in the mid-20,000s of people in Melbourne last Saturday. Wasn’t reported on the news.  
 So that brings us to another topic. We’ve got to get people talking to each other, talking to their workmates. It doesn’t matter whether they’ve been injected or not injected, give them a break. Some people have been injected. 40% of nurses that have been injected have done it under coercion. They don’t want it. They’ve seen exactly what you’ve seen with your two friends who’ve had heart problems. They’ve seen clots, they’ve seen strokes, they’ve seen all kinds of ailments, some very serious. They’ve seen people die. These nurses are not fools. These doctors are not fools, and they’re not complying. Or some of them that are complying are complying because they’re under duress. They can’t afford to go without a meal, can’t afford to go without a week’s pay. So talk to your friends, talk to your workmates, talk to your colleagues, talk to your family, talk to your social friends, talk to your football club friends. Get the word out. Don’t be quiet anymore. So these are the things we can do.  
 What else? Tomorrow morning we should see something pretty big come out of Pauline and myself. We’re giving Scott Morrison an ultimatum, “Get off your arse and do your job, or else,” and we’ve got some strings attached to that which I can’t go into now. These are the kinds of things we shouldn’t have to do. We should be able to present the data as I’ve done to him with the virus, as I’ve done to him with climate, and he should be taking notice of that and doing something. He won’t reply to them. He would just keep bluffing his way through. He’ll spend another couple of billion dollars on electric vehicles that will transfer money from taxpayers to billionaires who are making the benefit. He’ll transfer more money from taxpayers and electricity users to billionaires funding and our multinationals funding solar panels and wind turbines. It’s all bullshit. It is complete bullshit.  
 So what I’m saying is, there are no simple ways and the ultimate way of course is to vote him out and vote Albanese out. Put minor parties in place, change the Parliament and hold them accountable once they’re in. There are many, many ways in a democracy of doing that.  
Adrian D’Amico:Okay.  
Senator Roberts:I’ve just given some.  
Adrian D’Amico:I like it. I’ll add a couple more.  
Senator Roberts:Okay.  
Adrian D’Amico:Mass civil disobedience. I think when it’s stupid and nonsensical and illogical, don’t do it. And I think if more people get on that bandwagon then we can unite, and I’m seeing it throughout the businesses that I go to. You’re supposed to show your passport and wear a mask and all that kind of stuff, and I don’t do it, and the vast majority of people don’t say a thing because they want me in their stores. They want me to buy their stuff, and so I feel that the majority of Australians would feel this way.  
 Another thing that I thought of is between yourself and Pauline and Riccardo and Clive and all the good guys that you mentioned, you guys have got to start to make a stand yourself, and I feel like some of that is coming already, but I really think that if you could get together and you could use yourselves as a force to be reckoned with, because this government that is currently ruling the roost is destroying this country. I’ve never seen this country fail so miserably and be destroyed and have its people set amongst itself so quickly in my lifetime.  
 The conversations that I’m having with my children who are 15, 11 and nine is scaring the fucking daylights out of me. Every time they go to school, every time that the news is on, every time there’s a new case, every time there’s someone that I hear of that’s passing away or having some sort of ailment from this new medicine that’s going around. It’s diabolical. The things that are going through my mind as a father every single day. I hate having these conversations with my children.  
 So from me to you, I want to encourage you to get together with the people that you know that can be a force for good in the powers that you have, and I think you should take over these tyrants and push them out. I really think that that could be a seventh or an eighth option, and I think we need it now otherwise there was going… I feel like there’s going to be civil unrest. I feel like there’s going to be just mass civil unrest amongst this country, which is not good. This cannot be good for us going forward.  
Senator Roberts:No, you’re right. A couple of things I would agree with. All of your points I agree with. I would want to modify it a certain way, as I will. The first comment I’ll say is that you begged the current government and you should, but remember that the Liberal Nationals are in power in Federal and in New South Wales and in South Australia, and the Liberals in Tasmania. The worst States are the Labour States. Dan Andrews, Anastasia Palaszczuk and Mark McGowan. So it’s not just the Liberals. Anthony Albanese will be no better, and in some ways he could be worse. The problem is the [inaudible] party, so that’s the first thing. I’m not going to criticise Morrison alone. When I talk about Morrison, it’s because he’s the prime minister. He’s a liar, he’s gutless, he’s not a leader, he’s a pusher. Same with Palaszczuk. Same with Dan Andrews, particularly Dan Andrews. These people are pushers and tyrants and bullies, they’re not leaders. They don’t draw people.  
 The next point you mentioned was to disobey. I have been one to sometimes break the rules myself, but as a Senator it would be hypocritical of me to be a lawmaker and to break the rules, so what I do is I gather my evidence and then I’ll take it forward. I’ve written to the ACT Chief Minister because I’m in parliament in Canberra. I’ve written to the ACT Chief Minister and said, “Where’s the evidence for masks?” and if he doesn’t provide it, I’ll be telling the Senate President, “I’m not wearing a damn mask until he does.” And Anastasia Palaszczuk and her health minister, I’ve written to them saying, “Where’s your evidence for masks?” and then I’ll be doing something about making sure that people don’t have to wear masks. That’s the second thing. I’ve got to be careful what I do. I’ve been in protests, but I must have integrity in following the laws. Where the law is wrong I’ve got to work on changing them, not just blatantly disobeying them, if you know what I mean, so I’ve got to have integrity, but I have pushed the boundaries.  
 We have taken a stand. We’ve been in the face of the TGA. We’ve been in the face of the government. We have been very outspoken publicly. I’ve done a lot of things with the [Ivermectin]. The Therapeutic Goods Administration wrote me a letter trying to intimidate me, to shut me down. They accused me of advertising, breaking the laws on advertising of medicines. Rather than meekly accept that and shut up, I wrote them a letter back saying basically, “Go to hell. The government has blood on its hands because they’re not approving the Ivermectin,” and I said, “It’s disgraceful what you’re doing.” I got a thank you back. That was it. “Thank you for your letter.”  
 So in other words, we have been standing up. We’ve been asking questions boldly in the Senate and in Senate Estimates. We’ve been questioning the government on their… I don’t know if you know it, but there’s no pandemic of deaths. For a pandemic to happen, there must be a huge increase in deaths. There isn’t any, so some people then say, “Well hang on. That’s because of lockdowns.” No, go to Sweden. You’ll find a huge increase [inaudible] initially, but now they’re reverting to the mean. All that happened was a few people with comorbidities brought forward their death, but they haven’t had an overall increase.  
 Many other countries, there’s been no overall increase. Around the world there’s been no increase in death. There’s been no pandemic. There is no pandemic. I won’t use the word. If you look at their death data… How can I do this here? The data goes, looking from your way, it goes seasonally, right? It’s seasonal. If you look, you know this, there’s an average, then there’s a range above the average and a range below the average where you’ll have a number of deaths per week, per year, and that varies from year to year, week to week. But it’s always between that upper level and the lower level, until the start of injections. Now it’s been consistently above the upper range. This is unprecedented. It’s not COVID death because we haven’t had many, it’s not death due to car accidents because we’ve been locked down. It’s not death due to misadventure because we’ve been locked down. It’s not death due to suicide because the total number of suicides, even though they’ve gone up 40, 50%, the total number of suicides is still small.  
 They started, this increase, unprecedented, started at the same time as the injections started. Well, we’ve been chasing the government on that, because the government used to release the data two weeks after the period closed. Now they’re releasing it 15 weeks later. So we’re saying, “Why? What have you done?” The Therapeutic Goods Administration, I’ve said to them in Senate Estimates, “Why have you had 564 deaths from injections?” We reported deaths from injections, and the Professor, John Skerritt, the head of the Therapeutic Goods Administration, I thought he was going to explode. He said, “We haven’t had 564 deaths. We’ve had nine,” and I thought, “Well hang on, so I’d better go and check the data.” I checked the data. They have had 564 reports of deaths from doctors due to the injections.  
Adrian D’Amico:Wow.  
Senator Roberts:They have analysed them and revised them down to nine. So then I went back into Senate Estimates and said, “I want to know the process.” I read from their website, 564 reported deaths, et cetera, and then I said, “I want to know the process by which you revised the 564 down to nine. I want to know, do you do autopsies? Do you do biopsies? Do you do tissue samples, cultures, blood tests, et cetera? I want to know how you do that.” I don’t think they do, so there’s no pandemic of deaths. There is by the sound of it something they’re hiding with regard to the injections and the deaths that come from those injections, so we are standing up.  
 The third thing, unite, you mentioned. We are talking with Clive. I’m very good mates with Craig Kelly. I think he’s wonderful. He’s got courage. He uses… If he says something, it’s truthful. He gets his facts. He’s like me. I know Campbell Newman. I don’t know him very well. Well, we get on okay, pretty well. Who’s the other one? Oh, Bob Katter. Pauline and Bob Katter said that before the last election they did a tour around Queensland, various parts of Queensland, and they said that they would work with each other and that’s continuing. They asked their supporters and voters to give me their second preferences. That helped me get elected, and we did the same with them, so we’re working with the small parties. Who’s the other one? I’ve had a meeting with Clive, Pauline and James Ashby, who’s Pauline’s Chief of Staff. I’ve had meetings with Clive. They talk reasonably often. We work with IMOP. They’re the people who are… You know IMOP?  
Adrian D’Amico:Yep.  
Senator Roberts:Okay, they’re a good party. Who are we missing in there? Liberal Democrats, Campbell Newman. So we are talking, and what I have been saying on Facebook to people is, “Vote One Nation, one. For two, three, four, five and six, vote United Australia Party, Katter’s, the LDP, Shooters Fishers Farmers, IMOP. Put Liberals third last, or Labour. Put Labour second last or Liberals. Put the Greens last. So in other words, we can’t unite because we are fundamentally different in some areas, but not only that, I know that what will happen if we all united, say we all united under Craig or all united under Pauline, all the guns would be trained on that one person. They would be told lies about them. They would smash that person into the ground and they’d destroy their character, the media would be onto them. They would just destroy that person.  
 That’s what’s happened in the past. Bob Katter told me that many years ago. I’ve never forgotten that. And so if we’ve got Pauline standing up, me standing up, Bob Katter standing up, Jared Renick in the Liberal Party standing up, Craig Kelly standing up, Campbell Newman standing up, Shooters Fishers Farmers standing up, IMOP standing up, we got all these parties standing up, they can’t shoot us all. And so long as we unite in our approach and we help each other and support each other, and that’s what we’re doing, and so long as we share… You don’t share preferences, because the voters control their preferences, the voters decide preferences. So long as we recommend on our how-to-vote cards to our supporters to support the other minor parties ahead of the majors, then we will get preferences and get more of the minor parties elected.  
 There are people leaving the Labour Party in droves, people so pissed off in Queensland with Anastasia Palaszczuk. The feeling, I thought, would be fear. It’s not. I was wrong. The feeling is anger, and some fear, and so people are now saying, “I voted for Palaszczuk last time because she said she’d protect us. This is wrong. I’m not voting Labour again ever,” so they’re coming to us, and so what we’ve got to say is, “If you vote for us one, vote for the other minor parties two, three, four, five, six in whatever order you want. Put the Liberals, Labour, Nationals and Greens last.” So we’re uniting in terms of our vote, but we’re not uniting in terms of forming one party, but effectively we’re united and we’re helping each other.  
Adrian D’Amico:Very good. Malcolm, I could keep going. I’ve got to… this is the type of topic that can obviously open up a can worms, but I want to commend you on, first of all accepting my invitation. Like I said, you’re the first politician that’s actually done that, so congratulations. Thank you for being human about all of this and being candid and straight to the point. I really appreciate your views. I wish you well with your endeavours, and I really hope that a lot of what we’ve spoken about within tonight’s podcast is something that people can take away from and really understand that the power does belong to the people, and that if we can unite as a nation, as someone who can look towards Australia’s future, I really feel that we can get out of what this bleak outlook is at the moment and unite to a really strong and positive Australia, which this country really deserves. So thank you once again.  
Senator Roberts:[inaudible].  
Adrian D’Amico:I look forward to chatting [inaudible].  
Senator Roberts:If I can say thank you very much for what you are doing, because the legacy media doesn’t give us a voice. It’s a funny thing. Is the legacy media dying because of COVID or because of suicide? The legacy media, Sky News, has become abysmal. They even sacked Alan Jones, who’s their prime performer. Alan was calling them out on so many issues. They’ve now gone quiet. TGB is an absolute disgrace now. They’re propagandas for the injection. Sky News has become propaganda for the injection. Channel 9, Channel 7, the same. They’re more subtle about how they do it, but they’re still very strong. The ABC is as terrible as ever, so we’ve got no chance in the legacy media.  
 Social media is really anti-social media. They’re censoring you, they’re taking your material off, your content off. They’ve done the same to me. They banned me on YouTube a couple of times. I have to skate the line very, very closely on Facebook. Anybody on Facebook, individuals, please push the line, because they can only… they’ll only ban you for a few days or sometimes a month. You’ll be back. With me, with Craig Kelly, they ban us forever, so we can’t afford to lose that voice. We have other ways of getting around that and you’ll see that on Facebook.  
 But the third alternative is independent media, truthful media, like yourself, podcasters, live streams on Instagram, Facebook. These are the people who are spreading the news and giving people who tell the truth, like myself and Pauline, an actual platform to speak, and you’re doing the research yourself, the [McCulloughs], et cetera, you just rattled off a whole bunch of people who are prominent around the world and preeminent, and so thank you very much for getting the data and for sharing the data and giving people an opportunity to get to the truth. Thank you.  
Adrian D’Amico:My pleasure. Thank you for your kind words. Thank you for this conversation, and I look forward to talking to you again soon.  
Senator Roberts:Yeah. I look forward to that too. Thanks Adrian.  
Adrian D’Amico:Okay.  
Senator Roberts:Good night mate.  
Adrian D’Amico:Bye Malcolm.  

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Our debt of gratitude to our Australian health care workers over the past two years is impossible to quantify.  Doing what they love, thousands of nurses and doctors have been at our beck and call taking care of people who have become ill.  The mandatory introduction of the COVID vaccine has wreaked havoc in many sectors, with large numbers of staff having to leave their jobs to exercise their bodily autonomy to not have the vaccination.

It is our doctors and nurse who are seeing first-hand some of the concerning adverse effects from this vaccination and, perhaps not surprisingly, these stories are not finding their way into mainstream media.  Doctors and nurses who try to advocate for their patient’s rightful access to informed consent and bodily autonomy are threatened with disciplinary hearings and dismissal.

Others, like ‘Cathy’, refuse to stay silent and have already resigned from their job that is their passion, so they are free to speak out about what they have experienced.  Cathy is a registered nurse and a registered mental health nurse.  She joins me on Our Nation Today to share her experiences over the past eighteen months, including adverse reactions from the vaccinations and the adverse outcomes for the mental health of our health care workers.

There is no one size fits all for dealing with a virus like COVID-19.  Australians have a right to choose how they medicate themselves when ill.  The blatant removal of our individual freedoms regarding our chosen medical responses to COVID is unprecedented and should concern every Australian.  We have been corralled like cattle into a yard and forced to plunge into the dip.  

The mental health consequences for the government’s stubborn refusal to consider complementary treatments for COVID-19 is leaving an ugly legacy for families, and the government is ignoring.  Our governments have a preference that it is more palatable to die from mental health issues such as suicide and suffer debilitating adverse effects from the vaccination, or even death, than it is to die from COVID or give people medical options.

Adverse reactions are real.  The vaccination is not for everyone.  People should not be corralled and made to choose between vaccination or livelihoods.  

Our freedom to choose our medical treatments is a fundamental aspect of a democratic society. 

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Stephen Andrew is One Nation’s state member for Mirani and this is his second term.  He is a 5th generation decedent from the South Sea Islander “Kanakas” and has deep roots in the Mirani district.  

Since the last 1800s Steve’s family have been in the communities from Rockhampton to Mackay with both of Steve’s grandfathers born within the boundaries of Mirani. One of Steve’s relatives was born on the banks of Sandy Creek in a hessian Hut and Cedric lived to a ripe age of 101.  His maternal grandfather serviced in the 43rd Battalion in France during the Great War.

Steve has a background in both electrical and mechanical trades, largely within the mining industry.  His decision to represent the people of Mirani comes from a long family commitment to community values and seeing firsthand how poor legislation brings about unnecessary family hardship and damages the local economy.

Steve’s passion is to work towards strengthening the local community and the economy and to ensure people are free to live dignified lives.