Participation in sport is a right for everyone.  We know sport is great for our physical health, and for our social, emotional and mental health.   Australia is a great nation of sports watchers and participants.  Next month the world looks forward to the Olympics and this year there will be some fierce debate centred on some of the women’s sporting competitions.  Namely those events with transgender females who are competing in female sports.

A transgender female is someone born male and then makes a decision to live as a female.  To assist their transition they will take sex hormones and have surgery.  Some transgender females now want to compete in women’s sport and that brings an immense challenge.  At the Olympics the stakes are high. The training, carried out over many years, will have meant enormous sacrifice and to be pipped at the post by a biological man in a women’s sporting event just doesn’t seem fair.  

It may seem inclusive, but is it fair?  The IOC have stated “There’s considerable tension between the notions of fairness and inclusion, and the desire and need to protect the women’s category.” 

What does this male advantage look like?  Let’s quantify it.  When males go through puberty they gain physiological  advantages such as higher lung capacity, increased blood flow and greater bone strength.  These advantage don’t diminish completely after a gender transition.  In the final analysis a man is on average 7% taller and 13% larger.  Women on average have only 66% of male lower body strength and 52% of male upper body strength.

At Olympic level, the pinnacle for any athlete, the difference between male and females world records are around 10% – across sprinting, distance and strength events.

Transgender women don’t always win, but a women will probably need to work even harder to win in her category.  But the odds are tipped towards the transgender woman.  In the US in 2017 and 2018, a transgender female won a high school track championships in the 55m, 100m, 200m and 300m events.  Her closest and only real competitor was also a transgender female.

Some argue that sports is never an equal playing field and there are always inherent advantages in some people and disadvantages with others.  While that may accurate putting biological men up against women is “not fair play”, nor is it safe play.  

Everyone has a right to compete and participate and we need a solution that takes biology into account.  Maybe our best outcomes is a women’s category and an open category.  That way sport is inclusive, safe and fair.

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Western countries are experiencing an explosion of gender dysphoria in our children. Historically incidences of gender dysphoria were small and larger with preschool boys, yet the explosion in recent years has been in our teenage girls.

This significant change remains largely unexplained.

There are two pathways to support these children. The therapeutic pathway and the medical pathway. It is surprising and worrying that many children are opting for the medical pathway, which includes experimental puberty blockers, hormones and irreversible surgery. All bring life long consequences.

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Senator Roberts asks what keeping Australians safe means, when on the eve of more restrictions in south-east Queensland and Australia and a renewed call to get vaccinated, a large scale clinical research study shows the COVID vaccines can harm and kill people too.

The study of approximately 1 million vaccinated Israeli citizens, published on 24 June 2021 by European researchers, has revealed that the three leading COVID-19 vaccines can all kill.

Senator Roberts said, “This new study shows that if you are unvaccinated your chances of dying from COVID-19 is around 3 in 100,000.

“If you receive a COVID-19 vaccine, then the vaccine itself has a mortality rate of around 2 in 100,000.

“Our governments cannot say they are keeping us safe when mortality rates can be so similar,” he said.

The researchers also identified that around 16 in every 100,000 suffer from serious side effects from a COVID-19 vaccination and they suggest the data must be analysed to better identify and protect those at risk of serious side effects.

Senator Roberts added, “Australia needs a proper plan based on solid data and safe proven alternatives.

“How can we have confidence in a Government that tells us to have a vaccine that can bring about similar mortality rates as the illness itself?

“On top of that, what is the point of being vaccinated when you will still be locked in and forced to wear masks,” he added.

Full study:

UPDATE: Labor has backflipped on their support for a public, transparent water register by voting down this amendment in the House of Representatives where it went after initially passing in the Senate with Labor’s support. As a result, a transparent public water trading register will not be established. Senator Roberts made a further speech here:

Senator Roberts has succeeded in passing a water trading register in the Senate tonight where others have failed over successive years.

Senator Roberts has campaigned tirelessly to protect farmers in the Murray Darling Basin, which extends from Queensland all the way to South Australia.

The MDB Plan has allowed corporate agriculture to outbid family farmers and dominate water trading. 

Senator Roberts said, “The lack of a transparent water trading register has allowed aggressive traders to inflate prices and starve productive land of much needed water.

“This is forcing family farms off the land with a catastrophic cost to locals jobs and the ruination of rural communities,” he said.

The water trading register was expected to be put in place in 2009.  The Government has spent $30 million between 2009 and 2012, has failed repeatedly and then gave up.  Farmers have suffered because of this ineptness over the past decade.

“This water trading register will give the Inspector General of Water Compliance the information he needs to clean up water trading and restore confidence in Basin management,” Senator Roberts added.

Following the success in the Senate this amendment will move to the lower house where the government will struggle to find the numbers to oppose it.

“We are left bewildered as to why the Liberals and the Nationals would oppose a water trading register,” stated Senator Roberts.

In the Senate today the Coalition has split over whether Australian children should access irreversible transgender treatments. 


The Government granted their Senators a conscience vote on the motion brought by One Nation Senator Roberts and it is the first conscience vote on a motion since 1987.


Senator Roberts said, “The Liberals call themselves conservatives and today we have seen five liberal senators, including ministers, cross the floor to support Australian children accessing irreversible treatments and surgery.


“My motion was about protecting children from these irreversible treatments at a time when a therapeutic pathway should take precedence over a medical pathway.


“It’s a travesty when we let children under 16 years have double mastectomies in Australia”, he said.


Sweden’s leading gender clinic has recently ended routine treatment of children with puberty blockers and hormonal drugs citing concerns around cancer and infertility.  In Australia children as young as 10 years of age have been prescribed puberty blockers.  


“It’s a sad day for all Liberal voters when their leader in the Senate, Simon Birmingham, crosses the floor and aligns himself with Labor and the Greens against the true conservatives in his party.


“The gang of five must be called to account for their sellout of conservative liberal values. These are Senators Birmingham, Hume, Payne, Bragg and Colbeck.”


Speaking after the vote Senator Roberts said, “Adolescence is a confusing time and this is not the time for our children to make irreversible life changing decisions.


“It is no wonder that the Australian curriculum is loaded with anti-humanist, ideological rubbish when the former Minister for Education voted against my motion to protect children.


“Shame on him,” he said.

I talked to Paul Murray about restoring manufacturing in Australia so we can defend ourselves against China and how the ABC’s bias has become palpable.

Senator Roberts said, “After two years of lobbying the government to look more closely at Coal LSL, I welcome today’s independent review of Coal LSL.”

“I acknowledge all the coal miners who have worked with me to help identify the errors in Coal LSL,” he said.

Coal LSL, an Australian Government corporation, had never appeared at Senate Estimates for scrutiny until Senator Roberts requested their attendance.

“Coal LSL have now appeared at five Estimates hearings and at each hearing my questions have shown embarrassing shortcomings in their governance.”

“One of the positive outcomes for workers from those Estimates’ questions is that twelve employers have been issued with notices for systematic or widespread under-reporting of casual hours.”

Senator Roberts has worked closely with the government in defining the terms of reference that will underpin the inquiry and pleased to see that ex-employees and ex-employers have been included.

Senator Roberts said, ‘I will be watching to ensure that the inquiry will address the structural and governance deficiencies and specifically scrutinise the possible conflicts of interests since directors of Coal LSL are from unions and employers.

“The current make up of the board means that no-one is representing the workers,” he added.

Despite huge potential Northern Australia continues to suffer.

Senator Roberts states that it is ironic that the issues that need addressing to facilitate development in the north are systematically being dismantled in the south due to atrocious federal and state governance.

“While witnesses from all corners of Northern Australia were unanimous in the issues facing living in the north: prohibitively high electricity and water costs; land tenure; housing; high cost of living; provision of high-quality health and education services, insurance and livability, it is the underlying root cause of poor governance that is the focus of Senator Roberts’ dissenting report.

“The White Paper for Developing Northern Australia published in 2015 calls for stronger governance by 2035, yet since 2015 poor governance continues to prevail and is choking our nation,” added Senator Roberts.

“People, their talents and resources are being suffocated under a stifling morass of bureaucracy inherent in the interference, overlap and duplication of government agencies.

“Australia’s aboriginal communities have for decades suffered under misguided patronising policies that have removed all control, self-determination and responsibility to help their communities flourish.

“While I do not support racially-based policies, I do support policies that reflect the needs of communities, whether they be black or white,” he said.

The Northern Australia Agenda committee travelled widely and listened to an exceptional array of witness statements and it is vital that the government listen to them.

“Instead of the hollow lip service of let’s grow northern Australia with a pot of money out of reach of those who need it, politicians need to get serious about addressing the underlying root cause of poor governance across our nation.

“Development in the north is painfully slow and at this rate is going nowhere fast,” he said.

Senator Roberts’ Dissenting Report:

Senator Roberts has praised the vision and innovation of the regional mayors in the Flinders Basin north western Queensland in tackling issues that will keep their towns vibrant and attractive places to live.

Travelling west from Townsville to Mt Isa, Senator Roberts saw first-hand the agricultural potential of the black soil plains of the Flinders Region, and assessed the value of a Bradfield-type scheme with an aerial study of Hells Gate and the Tully, Herbert and Burdekin River catchment areas.

“After lengthy discussions with the mayors and CEOs of Mt Isa City and the Flinders (Hughenden), Richmond, McKinlay (Julia Creek) and Cloncurry councils, I was impressed with the many innovative water projects in each of these council areas,” Senator Roberts said.

“There is no doubt the Flinders black soil region offers rich opportunities for agricultural development, and importantly, this will complement the existing traditional industry of livestock production.

The area from Hughenden to Julia Creek and north are natural grasslands and have been grazed for 150 years, so there are no native title or vegetation management issues to address.”

With water and willing farmers cultivating around 60,000 hectares, these black soil plains could deliver more than $2 billion in agricultural output. 

“Seeing the potential in this area I asked the mayors whether a Bradfield-type scheme would bring the water they needed,” Senator Roberts said.

“The answer was a resounding no, as every year they watch vast volumes of water in the Flinders, Leichhardt, Cloncurry Rivers flow pass their towns and out to the gulf.

“Harvesting and storing that surplus water will have no adverse environmental impacts, yet will invigorate these communities with new industry.

“It is literally a case of just add water, and that is exactly what the Queensland State Government needs to do by allocating the overdue promised water licences for agricultural development,” he said.

During his listening tour, Senator Roberts visited an experimental sorghum and cotton farm north of Julia Creek, which is being run by an experienced Murray Darling Basin farmer.

 “It was an impressive sight to look closely at these crops, and with more development for local conditions Etta Plains is a showcase for the regions’ farming potential,” he said.

“The growth for our regional Queensland towns from horticulture and the auxiliary industries is very exciting and these councils deserve maximum support from the state and federal governments.”

Senator Malcolm Roberts is heading into north and western Queensland on Saturday 10 April, for a week long trip to see first-hand the tremendous horticultural potential of this area.

Genuine development of northern Queensland holds great promise for local communities bringing enormous wealth and opportunities for locals, making regional Queensland an even better place to live.

Senator Roberts will start with a charter flight from Townsville over to Mt Isa and then Normanton to look at the current irrigation projects, future dam sites and the connectivity between critical infrastructure.

Senator Roberts said, “We need to grow our way out of the devastating affects of border and business closures from COVID and north Queensland offers exceptional opportunities in horticulture and mining if we could just add water and affordable energy.

“To make north Queensland hum we need to ensure all the critical infrastructure works seamlessly together – the roads, railways, ports, affordable energy, well placed transmission lines and reliable water.”

After the charter flight Senator Roberts will visit dam sites and irrigation projects, broadacre cropping trials, and areas of future horticultural cultivation in the towns of Charters Towers, Hughenden, Richmond, Julia Creek, Cloncurry and Mt Isa.

Senator Roberts added, “Just add water and affordable energy through hydro and we can transform this area of north Queensland.

“There is the potential to add between $10-20 billion worth of new agriculture to Queensland’s economy through increase production of food and the value adding that becomes affordable through hydro.”

“In addition to horticulture there is huge potential for mining rare earths in this area, yet outrageous electricity prices make these small mines unviable.”

During this visit Senator Roberts will look at our stranded assets that are languishing and wasting taxpayers money.

“North Queensland is an exciting place full of unrealised potential and it is a priority that we have a well thought out vision for this area to ensure the momentum of development gathers pace. “Every Australian would be proud to see more manufacturing brought back to Australian shores and affordable and reliable water and energy are foundation pieces.”