Our children need to be armed with the critical thinking skills for a changing world. There’s no place for single-minded ideology in our curriculum. All viewpoints must be presented to students in a balanced manner.
As a servant to the people of Queensland and Australia, I speak in support of Senator Hanson’s bill, the Australian Education Legislation Amendment (Prohibiting the Indoctrination of Children) Bill 2020. I support it because I have been the president of the board of a Montessori school. I’ve been on the advisory board of the International Montessori Council. I agree with the primacy of the family, the tripartite role between parents, teachers and child, in understanding education and supporting it. I want to correct something, though: the previous speaker seemed to have their imagination running wild, because he said, ‘These men come in here’. Well, Senator Hanson is a woman! She initiated this bill, and she’s a woman! During COVID, heavy-handed lockdowns forced children into learning from home, locked away from their friends and suffering through jerky attempts to teach through a Zoom screen. Of course parents were locked up at home with their children as well, listening to their classes in a way they never could before. Many were absolutely shocked as they heard the rubbish being taught to their children for the very first time. This bill tries to steer education back to the basics, to give our children critical thinking skills and to put the power back in parents’ hands to make sure that’s all they’re being taught.
In this bill, the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority would need to ensure that education provides a balanced presentation of opposing views on political, historical and scientific issues. Senator Hanson’s bill would require that, where opposing views exist, the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority is to ensure that the teaching profession is provided with the information, resources and support required to provide a balanced presentation to students. Wonderful! Federal funding would be conditional on states and territories requiring schools and their staff to provide a non-partisan education to students, while consulting with parents and guardians on the extent to which this has been achieved.
One Nation has been trying to keep this in check, with motions condemning the teaching of critical race theory and the curriculum’s erasing of history because it’s said to be too ‘white’ or Christian. There are lots of examples showing that stronger action is needed, and I commend Senator Antic and the others who spoke here today on that very point. There is, though, for example, the Parkdale Secondary College, where students were told to stand up if they were straight, white Christian males and be humiliated by the class because they were, ‘oppressors’. Without trial, they’re ‘oppressors’. Then there is Brauer College, where all the boys were forced to stand up at assembly and apologise to all of the girls on behalf of their gender. No specific crime was mentioned or identified for these boys to apologise for, except that they were the wrong gender. And only today One Nation New South Wales leader, Mark Latham, has drawn our attention to Mount Kuring-gai Public School. They are feeding fiction to students about history, forcing them to learn a play where Captain Cook arrives with the First Fleet in 1788 as a coloniser. For those who have forgotten history from their schooling, Captain Cook was long dead by the time of the First Fleet.
This bill is necessary to stop examples like this infecting our children, to return our teaching to the basics, to restore balance to the way topics are presented and to stop our schools from being indoctrination centres. This bill puts the teaching of balanced, critical analysis and parents in the driver’s seat of children’s education, as they should be.
The cost of everything is going up, but the Albanese Labor government is pouring more fuel on the fire by tipping billions into policies that will make electricity prices even higher. With more wind and solar in the grid than ever before power bills have never been higher. Time to give up on this pipe dream.
President the Albanese Government’s behaviour goes well beyond a broken election promise to give cost-of-living relief. The Government is actively making inflation worse.
The inflation rate is 8% and will remain at 8% into the future, on the back of increases to energy prices. Electricity, gas, diesel and petrol are all inputs into every corner of our economy.
Forcing energy prices up to appease the sky god of warming will force up input costs right across our economy and lead to more inflation.
Weather-dependent solar and wind power will never provide baseload power. Doubling down on more solar and wind, before the added cost of changing out every wind turbine and solar panel with new ones before we even get to 2050 will lead to more inflation.
Taxpayers pay for these things twice: once in taxpayer subsidies to wind and solar and through higher inflation. Energy inflation.
Not only do we have a lack of wage rises, we have a lack of wages. Businesses are closing all over Australia as inflation wreaks havoc in the productive economy and energy costs drive manufacturing overseas.
This Government has no answers. We have just seen a child care bill that gives handouts to millionaires but fails to create a single job.
Failing to use government policy to create jobs while allowing 220,000 new migrants into Australia every year will create a pool of unemployed, resulting in reduced market power for labour. That can only mean lower wages, even before losing 8% a year off their pay packet through inflation.
One Nation believe the way to break the inflation cycle is a comprehensive root and branch review of the taxation system, to return bracket creep to wage earners while forcing big business, especially foreign corporations to pay their fair share.
Queensland Labor’s Health Department still mandates COVID injections for health professionals. Injection mandates must be abolished now. Let anyone who wants to work, work.
We are one community, one nation and Labor are a threat to breadwinner jobs.
https://img.youtube.com/vi/fnM1HJ-REX0/0.jpg360480Senator Malcolm Robertshttps://www.malcolmrobertsqld.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/One-Nation-Logo1-300x150.pngSenator Malcolm Roberts2022-11-23 18:19:002022-11-23 18:19:05Albanese pouring fuel on the cost of living fire
If Climate Change talk-fest COP doesn’t want to come to Australia that’s their loss. We’ll keep our abundant protein-rich red meat, delicious range of seafood, cheap and reliable coal-fired power, huge gas reserves and efficient petrol and diesel cars. Let COP eat their bugs in the dark while they wait for their electric vehicles to charge.
Great news, Vanuatu still exists.
Experts told us it would now be underwater due to global warming and rising sea levels. Just like Al Gore forecast Mount Kilimanjaro would have no snow by 2016.
How many islands has Vanuatu lost due to rising sea levels? None. Mount Kilimanjaro is still topped with icy white powder.
Maybe that’s why it’s now called climate change instead of global warming?
I thank the Australian Greens for this breaking news that Vanuatu’s climate minister would only back Australia’s bid to host the 2026 Conference Of Parties, COP, if Australia doesn’t commit to any new coal or gas projects.
With that headline the solution is clear.
Australia must immediately fund and build as many coal and gas projects as humanly possible so there’s no chance we’ll have to host the expensive UN-WEF talk fest for climate elites, the 2026 COP.
What is the COP?
The UN’s Conference Of Parties involves millionaires, billionaires and politicians bouncing around the world in fuel-guzzling private jets to luxurious locations.
Gorging themselves on prime beef while preaching to we lowly peasants to reduce our carbon dioxide footprint, stop flying, stop driving and stop eating red meat.
If the 2026 COP was hosted in Australia, taxpayers would be forking out for the UN’s globalist elite talk fest.
We’d be paying for them to tell us to destroy our energy grid and commit economic suicide to appease the sun gods.
If COP doesn’t want to come to Australia that’s their loss. We’ll keep our abundant protein-rich red meat, delicious range of seafood, cheap and reliable coal-fired power, huge gas reserves and efficient petrol and diesel cars.
Let COP eat their bugs in the dark while waiting for their electric vehicles to charge.
We have one flag. We are one community. We are one nation.
https://img.youtube.com/vi/00H50W31Bgo/0.jpg360480Senator Malcolm Robertshttps://www.malcolmrobertsqld.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/One-Nation-Logo1-300x150.pngSenator Malcolm Roberts2022-11-23 16:32:072022-11-23 16:32:13Climate talk-fest not coming to Australia is a win!
I remember when greenies hugged trees. Now greenies chop down trees and hug manufactured wind turbines made of concrete, steel, fibreglass and gearbox oil. 40 million tonnes of wind turbine blades destined for landfill by 2050. Wind power isn’t renewable.
There’s nothing more galling than the sight of a 100 metre wind turbine slumped over. A smouldering aluminium & concrete corpse testament to wind power’s stupidity.
Even if a wind turbine fibreglass blade makes it through a 12 year operating life, the blade is still a global waste catastrophe.
Every year, Europe already adds 2 million blades filling landfills.
At the same time that we declared plastic straws an environmental sin, our beautiful planet has 40 million tonnes of wind turbine blades destined for landfill by 2050.
Every blade of every wind turbine installed to 2030 will be in a landfill by 2050.
So-called renewables need to be renewed every 10-15 years.
We’re not building our net-zero, nature-dependent generation once. We’re doing it twice over. Or three times. With all the waste this will bring.
This is environmental vandalism, killing the environment in the name of saving it.
I remember when greenies hugged trees. Now greenies hug manufactured goods composed of concrete, steel, fibreglass and gearbox oil. Greenies are resource hogs.
Recycling wind turbine blades is not impossible. It just takes a huge amount of energy for which coal is the optimum fuel. That’s why, without affordable coal energy, wind turbine blades and solar panels are dumped not recycled.
German wind farms kill 100,000 birds a year and unlike those killed in cities, these birds tend to be endangered species due to the location of turbines.
New model turbines are approaching 240 metres in height with blades close to 120 metres.
That will need a big hole to bury.
This is not ‘free’ energy and it certainly is not ‘renewable’.
Governments should not ‘force’ a technological transition. If wind technology was any good it would not be reliant on subsidies of $500,000 per turbine per year.
Real transitions – those that serve to benefit our community – happen naturally through market forces because they have natural economic or social advantages that meet people’s real needs.
We are one community, we are one nation and the United Nations & World Economic Forum’s net-zero is environmental vandalism.
Free Trade Agreements are a race to the bottom. A race to the lowest wages, the lowest taxation, the least corporate regulation and the most efficient enterprise. Efficiency is a code word for large corporations becoming larger and sending small businesses broke. They do not benefit Australia.
President once again we have a so-called free trade agreement in front of the Senate.
Each time a free trade agreement is advanced we hear speeches extolling the virtues of free trade, telling us just how much this will help everyday Australians.
Free trade lowers tariff barriers, making it easier for our farmers to sell their produce, we are told.
We’re told that so-called free trade gives market access for our manufactured goods, software and suchlike.
Australia has free trade agreements with:
New Zealand
United States
Hong Kong
Mexico and Vietnam through the CPTPP
Brunei Darussalam and Cambodia through the RCEP
And now India and the UK
After all these free trade agreements bringing all this increased prosperity Australia should be rolling in it.
According to the ABS measure of Household Income and Wealth, since 2010 everyday Australian households have seen a reduction in their annual income of 1.2%.[1]
Not an increase, a reduction.
Everyday Australian households have also seen a reduction in their wealth of 1.6%.
Australia is not rolling in new found wealth.
Australia has gone backwards. And Australians are going backwards.
It should be remembered that in this period our minerals exports have boomed. From that alone, every Australian should be thousands of dollars better off.
So what’s going wrong?
It’s simple, nations do not sign free trade agreements unless they consider they will gain more than they lose.
That of course is not possible. A pie can only be sliced so many ways.
There’s no evidence free trade agreements will grow the pie so each slice is larger.
While growing the pie is the promise, the outcome is smaller slices of the same size pie.
This so-called free trade agreement, like the previous agreements, will not make our lives better.
It will make it easier for large corporations to move capital around chasing the lowest wage, the most flexible labour arrangements, including labour hire contracts that One Nation is still waiting for Labor to do something about.
International capital will move money around chasing the lowest tax rates and the highest profits.
This is where some of the negative outcomes lie.
Free Trade Agreements are a race to the bottom. A race to the lowest wages, the lowest taxation, the least corporate regulation and the most efficient enterprise.
When proponents of free trade agreement talk about business efficiency they never mean small and medium businesses, family businesses.
Efficiency is a code word for large corporations becoming larger and sending small businesses broke.
One Nation supports fair trade not so-called free trade.
Fair trade can occur between nations with similar wages and environmental regulations. These are the two big costs that decide how fairly one country can compete with another.
The UK free trade agreement is more likely to provide a fair outcome for Australia than any other of these agreements with countries like China, that treat environmental legislation as a joke and who pay their workers unfairly low wages.
The fact that a party called the Labor party promotes these agreements belies their new iteration as the party of global capital and environmental rent seekers. One Nation is now the party of workers.
While crooked Klaus Schwab wants the Great Reset, I’m promising to take up the Great Resist. We will resist the infiltration of our Parliament by globalist pawns. We will resist the destruction of the family. We will resist billionaires making everyone else poorer.
In a previous speech, I called for Australia to reject the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset and instead mount a ‘Great Resist’. These were not idle words. Video is circulating online of World Economic Forum crook and mastermind Klaus Schwab bragging about penetrating the cabinets of western democracies with his young global leaders. Some Klaus Schwab disciples are in this Senate, and one is in the cabinet. How this has not triggered a national security investigation is beyond One Nation. We certainly would be taking a much closer look, given the coordination we are seeing in the policies being enacted by WEF disciples like Jacinda Ardern and Justin Trudeau.
One Nation will resist the transfer of wealth from everyday Australians to predatory billionaires. This was the inevitable and deliberate outcome of profligate government COVID spending that the Liberals, Nationals, Labor and Greens waved through this parliament. One Nation will resist exposing our children to adult sexual content in their libraries and school textbooks and, now, in kids programs on the ABC. One Nation will resist the dehumanisation of women through genderless language that erases the very concept of a woman and a mother. We will not allow the family to be undermined. One Nation will resist the reduction of sex to a soul-destroying, meaningless transaction—the very thing Aldous Huxley warned us about in Brave New World.
One Nation will resist the war on farming that seeks to destroy family farms, rewild the bush and shift food production to corporate owned, near-urban, intensive factories producing chemically driven food-like substances for everyday Australians to eat while the elite gorge themselves on red meat and seafood—something they did again last week at COP27 in Egypt, indulging in luxury while spreading poverty. Disgusting!
We are one community, we are One Nation, and parliaments belong to no-one but the Australian people.
Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) figures show a shocking 67% reduction in the monthly birth rates from between July and December 2021. The Government claims I’ve got my facts wrong but the data is published on the ABS website for all to see. Guess what significant event lines up with roughly nine months prior to this data…
Senator ROBERTS (Queensland) (14:28): My question is to the Minister representing the Minister for Health and Aged Care, Senator Gallagher. It has been four weeks since the Australian Bureau of Statistics published data showing a 67 per cent reduction in Australia’s monthly birthrate between July and December 2021 as compared to the long-term average—a startling decrease. I drew attention to this data during Senate estimates, hoping for some reassurance. None was forthcoming. Let me ask again: Minister, why has Australia’s birthrate declined from 30 June 2021 to 31 December 2021, revealing a 70 per cent reduction?
Senator GALLAGHER (Australian Capital Territory—Minister for the Public Service, Minister for Finance, Minister for Women, Manager of Government Business in the Senate and Vice-President of the Executive Council) (14:29): I thank Senator Roberts for the question and I recall the discussion that we had at estimates and the fact that we requested, from Senator Roberts, some time to go through the information that he tabled in that hearing. I haven’t got that information back, but I think the advice given by the chief medical officer—who I was sitting next to—and me was that the data you were using didn’t align with the information we had. We hadn’t seen a drop-off of that size, which would be quite noticeable. In fact, that financial year of reporting, which incorporated births, actually showed the strongest birth record achieved so far—we had seen more births during that period. I’ll have to come back to you, because you tabled some documents in that meeting and the Department of Health took them away. If there’s anything further way in which I can advise you, I will do so.
The PRESIDENT: Senator Roberts, a first supplementary question?
Senator ROBERTS (Queensland) (14:30): Minister, that’s not as I remember it, but we’ll wait for your response. Is there any systematic information-sharing between the Australian Bureau of Statistics and the Department of Health to keep an eye on key indicators reflecting on our COVID measures, or does the Australian Bureau of Statistics just publish critical data like this in due course and hope that somebody notices at some time?
Senator GALLAGHER (Australian Capital Territory—Minister for the Public Service, Minister for Finance, Minister for Women, Manager of Government Business in the Senate and Vice-President of the Executive Council) (14:30): I thank Senator Roberts for the question. The ABS work very closely alongside other departments with the data that they are collecting, and they keep an eye on tracking any significant changes. If the ABS saw something in their data that would concern them—and I would imagine the numbers you’re citing about declines in birth numbers in one month would raise attention—it would be dealt with across government. In their cause of death publication the ABS reported that there had been 15 deaths due to the COVID-19 vaccine in 2021. That was against vaccinations of 42.5 million vaccines administered in that year.
The PRESIDENT: Senator Roberts, a second supplementary question?
Senator ROBERTS (Queensland) (14:32): Minister, what specifically is the government doing to get to the bottom of this staggering decline in births?
Senator GALLAGHER (Australian Capital Territory—Minister for the Public Service, Minister for Finance, Minister for Women, Manager of Government Business in the Senate and Vice-President of the Executive Council) (14:32): The first thing—and I remember this quite clearly from estimates—was that we undertook to look at the information you tabled in that hearing and align that with some of the data the ABS were collecting. They collect their births and deaths data as soon as it is available from the state and territory registries of births, deaths and marriages. The first thing we need to do is to get to the bottom of the numbers that you provided and make sure that the data that we got from the ABS, which I saw in that hearing, didn’t align with the numbers that you tabled.
https://img.youtube.com/vi/4CE6UDf-n4Y/hqdefault.jpg360480Senator Malcolm Robertshttps://www.malcolmrobertsqld.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/One-Nation-Logo1-300x150.pngSenator Malcolm Roberts2022-11-21 16:41:322022-11-22 08:07:57What’s causing a 67% reduction in Australian birth rates?
Government wants to cut red meat production so you’ll have to “eat zee bugs”. Like lots of globalist claims however, demonizing red meat falls over as soon as you look at the facts.
Why on earth does the government want to tax cow farts?
Australian beef and, best of all, Queensland beef are here to stay as Australia’s main source of protein. A recent CSIRO paper published in the journal Animal, found that pasture fed beef returned 1,597 times more human edible protein than it consumed. What a wonderful way to produce natural, nutritious and affordable protein to feed our world.
The CSIRO, though, couldn’t help themselves of course and went on to denigrate the cattle industry for its methane production. This fearmongering fails on the most basic of tests: the biogenic carbon cycle. Methane in the atmosphere combines with oxygen to produce water and carbon dioxide which are then reabsorbed into pastures through photosynthesis, encouraging plant growth. For those who swallow the United Nations’ climate rubbish and think that nature’s trace atmospheric gas, essential to life on earth, needs to be sequestered: it is being sequestered!
There’s no environmental harm from cattle methane production. Cattle can be raised in a sustainable manner that not only protects but improves soil health. The war on red meat doesn’t have a leg to stand on! I call on Meat & Livestock Australia to dump its Red Meat 2030 plan—a plan designed to create a false scarcity of red meat in order to double meat prices and increase profits for a lucky few large beef producers. Red Meat 2030 will end grazing in lower rainfall areas, which will then be returned to nature in a process called ‘rewilding’. This land is where affordable meat is grown. Meat will become an elitist food; everyday Australians will be forced to source protein from food-like substances grown in labs or concocted on a process line from bugs, nuts and chemicals—lots of chemicals! Pick up a pack of fake meat and check the ingredients.
Meat & Livestock Australia must stop pandering to the climate change fraud and globalist elites. We are one community, we are one nation and climate change delusion is a danger to people’s cost of living and to our very food supply and security.
https://img.youtube.com/vi/8mJfG0wSNhk/hqdefault.jpg360480Sheenagh Langdonhttps://www.malcolmrobertsqld.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/One-Nation-Logo1-300x150.pngSheenagh Langdon2022-11-01 15:20:452022-11-01 15:20:50Demonisation of beef doesn’t have a leg to stand on
I have no doubt that, as the truth comes to light, history will judge those in this Parliament as cowards for failing to stand up against the COVID B.S.
As a servant to the people of Queensland and Australia, I note that at the European parliament inquiry into COVID two weeks ago, Janine Small, the President of International Developed Markets for Pfizer revealed that the Pfizer vaccine injection was never tested to see if it would prevent transmission—never tested. Small went on to say this was because Pfizer had to work at the speed of science. Well, it seems the speed of science and the velocity of money are the same thing. Shameful decisions were taken deliberately to facilitate big pharma getting their injections to market in time. The mouthpiece media have the same large investment funds on their share register as big pharma. It’s no surprise the mouthpiece media amplified the COVID scare, doubling down on fear porn and demonising anyone who clung to ‘my body, my choice’, just so the media’s shareholders could line their pockets with tens of billions of dollars in windfall profits.
I remember when the political left walked behind banners reading ‘my body, my choice’. Now real conservatives hold those banners high while the Left abuse us. How fast the Left abandon their principles when an opportunity to tell people what to do comes along, to control people. It was clear after just four months of COVID the scary Chinese videos of people dropping dead in the streets should not have been taken at face value. Measures taken out of an abundance of caution in March 2020 should have been re-examined just a few months later, as we requested and suggested. They never were. At the time, the data clearly showed COVID was no more deadly than a severe flu and well under anything the public would consider to be a pandemic. Let me support that statement.
The following data is from the Australian Bureau of Statistics published in part as a result of a One Nation document discovery a few weeks ago. In 2019, the year before COVID, the seasonal flu cost 4,126 lives. The next year, in 2020, Australia recorded 882 deaths from COVID and 2,287 deaths from the flu for a total of 3,196 deaths, 1,000 less than before COVID, almost a thousand less than the flu alone killed the previous year. In 2021, 1,137 deaths were recorded from COVID and 2,073 from the flu, for a total of 3,210. This means deaths from the flu including COVID across the first two years of the so-called pandemic were right on the long-term average of 3,255. There was nothing unusual about the Australian death rate in 2020 or 2021 yet the COVID substances—I won’t call them vaccines—the COVID injections, were given emergency approval. The only thing about our death rate in 2020 that was unusual was that it was at a seven-year low. These are facts. This makes a joke of provisional approval granted for injections out of urgency. There was no urgency. It is not just the vaccines that were inappropriately approved; dangerous drugs like the antiviral Remdesivir were waved through using the same false urgency. Remdesivir’s side effects include respiratory failure and organ failure. The perfectly safe but out-of-patent antiviral ivermectin was banned to make way for remdesivir—banned, proven, banned. The UK has recently put ivermectin back into use. We must as well. The conclusion an increasing number of Australians are coming to is that our health technocrats tore up our tried and true health systems to shift products for their mates in the pharmaceutical industry, and now people are dying from those same products.
Once the injection rollout started, there was a spike in deaths. It must be noted correlation is not causation. The link between the cause—vaccines—and the effect—death, injury and suffering—must be proven. Well, it has now been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt. At my second COVID Under Question inquiry in August, many highly-qualified medical professionals from around the world established that link, providing evidence the injections were responsible for many more deaths than the health technocrats admit.
Late last month, the Clinical and Experimental Immunology journal published an article entitled ‘COVID-19 vaccines—an Australian review’. The authors are Conny Turni and Astrid Lefringhausen, from the University of Queensland. This article details the medical science behind the wide range of medical harms inflicted on Australians as a result of the hubris and the criminal negligence of health technocrats. I promised to hound you people down, and now science has done that for me. The issue of vaccine harm must be referred to a royal commission today. These criminals must be brought to justice. This report is reproduced on my website, and anyone who reads this report and still defends the fake vaccines is as guilty as the companies that made it.
It’s no surprise that COVID has spiked in correlation with the rollout of the fake vaccines. ABS data is not yet available for 2022, although Australian actuarial data is. In the first four months of 2022, death from all respiratory diseases—the flu, pneumonia and COVID taken together—is still at normal levels, yet deaths from cardiac and pulmonary events are up 11 per cent, and unexplained deaths are up 13 per cent. At this rate, an extra 10,000 Australians will die in 2022. Anyone reading the journal article I referred to will know exactly why this is happening. I refuse to believe our health technocrats do not know. A royal commission must ask what they knew and when.
In May 2020 I criticised fear-driven response to COVID in the Senate, within months of this mismanagement of COVID. At that time Senator Hanson and I were the lone voices of dissent in the Senate, and Craig Kelly and George Christensen were the lone voices in the other place, and Senators Rennick and Antic joined us—six representatives out of 227 people. Everyone else in both houses displayed an ignorance of proper scientific process, an inability to read empirical data and a misplaced trust of health bureaucrats. Health technocrats have spent their entire professional lives working closely with the pharmaceutical industry. And we expected them to be impartial. Come on! We delegated authority to the last people who should have been trusted with that authority.
The Senate is the house of review. Every aspect of our COVID response should have been scrutinised to the last detail. The Senate failed in that mission. COVID measures were beyond question, and it seems they still are. Rather than review, the Senate covered up. Senators Rennick and Antic, in company with myself and Senator Hanson, tried to draw out the truth and were demonised for doing so. Not one senator amongst the political Left entertained a moment’s thought that fear-driven response could be harming more people than it helped. ‘Resistance is futile’ was the message repeated at every press conference on every television in every house of parliament. New Zealand, Canada, the UK and America all joined in the circus of despair, designed to scare people into taking a substance they knew would cause serious harm and death.
Even today, vaccine mandates are still in place around Australia. The reality of a falling birth rate, unexplained increases in deaths and more than 130,000 cases of vaccine harm here in Australia is being ignored. Still, we are told the injection is safe and effective. Safe and effective is not one lie; it is two lies. The vaccine is neither safe nor effective. Medical practitioners who stood up for the rights of their patients were deregistered after action from big pharma’s enforcement arm, the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency—under the direction, it seems, of CEO Martin Fletcher and Yvette D’Ath, as chair of the Health Ministers Meeting. They’re the ones who were in control. These technocrats decided they knew what was best for patients—better than the patient’s own doctor. AHPRA must be referred to the royal commission—and the TGA, ATAGI, the Chief Medical Officer, the secretary of the federal health department and Greg Hunt, the federal health minister at the time.
The vaccine emergency use authorisation expires early next year. An inquiry into how the vaccines went would normally be conducted, but they need to stop now. The emergency authorisation needs to stop. I do not have confidence the Therapeutic Goods Administration, the TGA, and the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation, ATAGI, will be honest and impartial in this inquiry. They have not been so far. Only a royal commission can decide all of the issues I have raised tonight. One royal commissioner will not be enough for the litany of legal and regulatory abuse, medical practice, financial malfeasance, conflict of interest, child abuse, human rights abuse and the shredding of international agreements Australia has endured for 2½ years.
The harm from our COVID response was foreseeable and preventable. If only the Senate, the ultimate house of review, had had the courage to stand up and call bullshit. The Senate did not.
The ACTING DEPUTY PRESIDENT ( Senator Chandler ): Order! Senator Roberts, that language isn’t parliamentary. I ask that you withdraw or find another word.
Senator ROBERTS: The Senate did not. As a result, the public has lost confidence in the medical profession, health administration and politicians. To his credit, member of parliament Dan Tehan publicly admitted his silence last year was wrong. This week a survey in the Daily Telegraph found that, based on the 50,000 respondents, 37 per cent of Australians who took the vaccine regret it. Only 43 per cent said they would do it again. The damage to the reputation of our once-trusted medical institutions can only be repaired with a royal commission to unravel the lies and get to the truth, and, in so doing, ensure this tyranny, this suffering and this loss of life never happens again.
I have no doubt that, when the truth comes to light, history will judge those in this place as being cowards all. We have one flag, we are one community, we are one nation, and Australians want justice.
https://img.youtube.com/vi/4u8VZq041Ao/hqdefault.jpg360480Senator Malcolm Robertshttps://www.malcolmrobertsqld.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/One-Nation-Logo1-300x150.pngSenator Malcolm Roberts2022-10-27 19:31:262022-10-27 19:31:33The Data on COVID Emerges – And history will show this Parliament is full of cowards
The Albanese Government’s decision to overturn recognition of Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel doesn’t make sense. It appears to be a political decision to appease the radical Labor left.
One Nation considers it the responsibility of the Israeli government to decide the location of Israel’s capital city, not the Australian government. Israel selected Jerusalem. One Nation approved the former government’s recognition of this fact and the decision to relocate Australia’s embassy there. The Albanese government’s decision is like Germany declaring Brisbane or Perth the capital of Australia instead of Canberra. It’s confusing and clumsy. We’re critical of the government’s decision to switch Australia’s embassy in Israel back to Tel Aviv. Is this an entirely political decision to pacify Labor’s radical left and gain Muslim votes in the coming Victorian election? Proscribed terrorist organisations like Hamas have already praised the government for this decision to change recognition of the Israeli capital. That the Israeli government was not even informed ahead of time is further indictment of the Albanese government’s decision. One Nation considers the decision to be the Prime Minister’s clumsy mistake and calls on him to reverse it and again recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.
https://img.youtube.com/vi/P-5-pnjPkLo/maxresdefault.jpg7201280Senator Malcolm Robertshttps://www.malcolmrobertsqld.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/One-Nation-Logo1-300x150.pngSenator Malcolm Roberts2022-10-26 13:08:002022-10-26 13:08:08Israel Capital – Just a political decision?