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The media, Labor, Greens and lobby groups are scared of Nuclear power because it threatens the massive subsidies wind and solar billionaires like Mike Cannon-Brookes, Simon Holmes à Court and Twiggy Forrest are getting from Australians.

With reliable baseload power, there’s little need to tip billions into the wind and solar pipe-dream and that’s the reason they are scared of nuclear and coal.

6 replies
  1. Rick
    Rick says:

    Bowen ,,,I can’t wait for this Thunderbird to go .
    I keep hearing “ we need to get to net zero “ ,,,, well hey guess what ??? WE DONT
    The billionaire subsidies ,,, !!!!! This isn’t in Australia’s interests !
    Surely there has to be a way to sack this government ???

    • Bob Close
      Bob Close says:

      Yes Rick, there is the usual way at the ballot box. Or public demonstrations that sufficiently embarrass the government to change its stupid discriminatory climate and energy policies.
      They will not get away much longer with their hideously expensive renewables program without active dissent from those most affected, farmers and the working poor who cannot get ahead due to rising cost of living issues, not the least being energy costs fueling inflation, this is directly related to elective government policy. They are deliberately doing this to us- for our own good of course and to save the planet- from what again!

  2. Michael Duffy
    Michael Duffy says:

    A coal or nuclear power station needs about 100 acres, Solar and wind need areas measured in the square klms. So much for nature. A tree can grow in a cow paddock but not in a field of solar panels.

  3. Dee Kynoch
    Dee Kynoch says:

    Nuclear power has been successfully and safely used in many countries worldwide. The damage to the environment, native animals, humans and birds caused by the current turbine and solar power is huge and very costly.
    The disposal of the damaged unsightly and unusable equipment is not only costly but the batteries are an immense amount in-disposable waste that will take huge cost to dispose of safely. It’s all a wicked waste of taxpayers money and government incompetence!

  4. Chris Olds
    Chris Olds says:

    Why is it that Chris Bowen and some others cannot enunciate the word “Nuclear “ I often hear “ Nucular “
    The sooner the better for Nuclear to stop the Environmental / Ecological damage under way with introducing Renewables!!


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