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Coronavirus was the product of 54 years of research aimed at developing a biological weapon. Whether it escaped from the Wuhan Lab accidentally, or was deliberately released, doesn’t matter.

The fact remains COVID-19 is a man-made disaster and those responsible must be held accountable.

Call a Royal Commission now!

This almost 23 minute video is from the 3rd International COVID Summit | May 2023 (Citations can be viewed here:

7 replies
  1. David
    David says:

    Just a number of people I know have become unwell after vaccination, but are still sheep waiting for their next jab.

    I don’t know how to convince them, it will kill them.

    • Jan
      Jan says:

      You can’t convince them David, you just have to let Darwin’s law apply even if it is with loved ones. My whole family were vaccinated except for Mum. I took Novavax because otherwise I would not have been allowed in to Mum’s nursing home to see her and I was vaccine injured, how ironic, I was the only one against them, my family did not want to hear any “conspiracy” theories! But I will never take another one.

  2. Milton
    Milton says:

    Mark McGowan in WA said way back that it was an experiment.
    Many people have regretted and been lied too about the whole pandemic fraud , lost livelihoods or suffering ill health as a result of trust in a fake government.
    If they can’t be trusted with the Constitution, they can’t be trusted with anything else , period, and all this has been going on since 1973 forward .

    The whole fiasco was more of an exercise in division, of dividing people against each other, of dividing families, dividing work mates and dividing friends and dividing a country, all about division.

    It is the Jesuit and Free Mason motto.
    Ordo Ab Chao or Order out of Chaos.
    Rub two opposing mindsets up against each other to separate to cause confusion and to demoralise society.

    That’s exactly the same as what we are seeing in America right now with this Biden / Trump fiasco , nothing is by coincidence, is worked many times in years gone by , the they figure why reinvent the wheel.

    Rome , the Papacy / Pope Francis is regaining power over the entire world that it lost in 1798 at the hand of Napoleon Bonaparte.
    The reunification of church and state to cause tyranny and oppression just as it was in the dark ages before Martin Luther’s Reformation.

    That’s what this is ALL about .

  3. Ian Melville
    Ian Melville says:

    The cat is out of the bag, finally. Let us now see some action against the perpetrators of these crimes against humanity. Brilliant presentation.

  4. Rick
    Rick says:

    I was never vaxxed or installed any code on my phone to track and control , it never stopped me from going out or doing what I wanted but I can see now how many folks are . It’s a shame that the 2 major parties here have remained in for as long as they have over the decades due to the small mindedness of the unenlightened dummies who vote for them . I’m surprised “ One Nation “ with its common sense policies haven’t ranked as good if not better considering how long they have been around , yet , greens , teals and other rubbish have entered parliament and getting votes . People in this country need a wake up call and hitting rock bottom is the only way it’ll sink in unfortunately .

  5. Ronda Roy
    Ronda Roy says:

    Our 23-year-old granddaughter died from complications caused from Covid in May 2024. She had Covid 4 times and the vaccination twice. Fauci and his partners in crime should be prosecuted and families given compensation at least to pay for the funeral.

  6. Bruce Jones
    Bruce Jones says:

    What a great friend, (think enemy), the drug cartels have been. They created a virus, patented it, and deliberately released it on us. They hired the media, so that they could get funds for a worthless solution. I’m glad I didn’t take the jab..

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