Schools have a significant influence on future generations. We are seeing more schools introduce drag queen events into the curriculum without involving parent. There’s a need for communities to come together and talk about what’s happening here. This is not just about drag queen performances, it’s a symptom of a far bigger issue. Parents are understandably concerned about boundaries here and you need to know what your children are exposed to.
Join me at the Caloundra Power Boat Club on Wednesday evening, 1 November 2023 | 5:30 – 7:30 pm
2 Lamerough Parade
Golden Beach QLD
Reserve your spot – seats are limited!

As a parent of two kids with learning disabilities myself and my husband been fighting my children secondary college against this agenda since it started till now my child she feels uncomfortable learning about pornography in schools and different types of sexuality and her Teacher tries to encourage her to do the work but she refuses and luckily there are some sensible teachers aid that understand and find the whole thing inappropriate and allow her to leave the classroom when she feels uncomfortable.