Free Speech Conference
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Labor’s Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2023 is a direct attack on freedom of speech.
With the government taking aim at free speech and threatening the very foundations of our democracy, it’s vital that we stand against this bill. We must fight to protect our fundamental right to express ourselves.
There is a major problem with this bill and it is far more than just a slippery slope for our civil liberties. It is highly subjective in its definition of what constitutes ‘misinformation’ – in fact, ‘misinformation’ will mean whatever the government wants it to mean. That’s why it is being called ‘Orwellian’ with references to ‘The Ministry of Truth’ which featured in the novel ‘1984’ by George Orwell.
The information censorship being sought by this bill could easily include legitimate criticisms of the government, questions about the science underpinning climate change ideology, questions about high immigration, questions about gender dysphoria, and the ‘no’ campaign against the voice to Parliament. When the ‘truth’ becomes a subjective tool for the government of the day, you have to ask, who will be fact-checking the fact-checkers?
Never in my 63 years have I seen such agregious behaviour from Government in a climate of boundless malfeasance , despotism , Stalinesque intent , and absolute disregard for human decency. The evil , that is the the fruit of Govt today is colouring every decision from them. They are out of control….and way past crossing the line….. “NO” to these laws and NO to their bloody” Voice”.
All I want is the truth of everything and certainly free speech. Disagreement is not hate. Everyone to be accountable within the law. Blessings. Marj.
This is just sooo wrong… is anything that comes out of this UN’s puppets mouth.
Dear Malcolm,
Free speech does not come without responsibilities.
Firstly TRUTH
If there are any errors in what a person proposes then the errors must be openly corrected or withdrawn as soon as possible.
The comments must be polite and dignified without degrading to abuse, defamation, ridicule or slurs.
After reading (as advised in your transcript), Labor’s,
Communications Legislation Amendment (Combating Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2023
I am of the opinion the proposed bill is nowhere near as “draconian” as you claim nor “is a direct attack on freedom of speech”.
In the document
Misinformation could be defined as errors due to mistake.
Disinformation could be defined as knowing and deliberate attempts to mislead the public.
Freedom of speech is not under the threat you insinuate.
Rather the opposite where polite, accurate and civilized communication is to be encouraged.
On reading, for several months, the one nation output on this website one cannot help but be appalled by the level of rancor and misleading information present.
Successful passing of the proposed legislation would, thankfully, place a limit on future abusive and misleading content.
The ACMA will be the main decision making body on speech content.
No wonder some people appear upset.
Imagine the ACMA calling a “sovereign citizen” to task for inappropriate speech.
Enough for the moment,
What a crock of sh#t Col.
To Communist Col , Sorry for the abuse but ,l can’t help but think what sort of country we would be living in if you were Prime Minister .There would obviously be NO checks and balances on ANYTHING at at all which would see us slide into a deep hole which we could never return from . Sorry but the abuse that breaks your tiny little heart will continue as you are and always will be by the look of it an example of the kind of turd that is hard to remove from any form of intelligent conversation.One must always be wary of possible corruption in Govt and it’s only sensible to question EVERYTHING as a basic requirement,which is something you obviously fail to grasp as a precautionary measure against tyranny ! You must have been one of those DORKS that were picked on at school and we can see why ! Your a TURD ! ! Abusive enough ? Here’s a whole tissue box as l imagine you will CRY all day !Pffff .
The very of reaction I expected.
You obviously missed an important comment, from my posting namely
The comments must be polite and dignified without degrading to abuse, defamation, ridicule or slurs.”
Your descent to abuse, defamation, ridicule and slurs has irreparably moved your reply to the realm of farce.
Thanks, the tissue box will be handy wiping the tears of laughter (and sorrow) from my eyes.
Spelling / grammatical correction.
“Your a TURD ! !”
written correctly would be
You’re a TURD
( as in you are. The apostrophe is employed as the two words are truncated and the “a” removed )
Please be advised I consider your attempted insults rather immature and amusing.
Dear Col
I would respectfully argue that you would seem to have been completely unaware of the massive ‘misinformation/disinformation’ agenda of the current and previous federal and state governments, and their agencies, including the main stream media outlets, as to the malfeasance in relation to the COVID plandemic that has been perpetrated on the Australian people. If you are unable to view this saga objectively then I would politely suggest that you are part of the problem, not part of the solution and I understand why your stance in relation to the powers being proposed for this bill would be no less “Orwellian” than the proponents.
Yours Most Sincerely
Peter S Upton
Hello Peter, may I use parts of your analogy towards my “have your say” submission to oppose these dis/misinformations amendments?
I am offended by your comment. As a supporter of One Nation I do agree with Malcolm Robert’s view on this freedom of speech issue. You clearly insinuate that by that I am maliciously deceitful. I take that as an offense.
What is your Truth, Col? Do you believe CO2 is the ‘thermostat of the world’? Is truth determined by a majority of media outlets? The only real truths are laws of physics and the rest are hypotheses and opinions. And a hypothesis is not truth unless proven. That is the misleading element of the whole idea of ‘mis/disinformation’. Wat you regard as an error is based on opinion.
There are ‘truths’ out there that actually violate laws of physics and these opinions are widely presented as information. A deviant opinion to these ‘truths’ can be regarded as misinformation by ACMA. The whole idea that ‘CO2 is the thermostat pf the world’ is a clear example of this. (See:
Your whole ‘polite and dignified’ comment just proves that you can still offend somebody and that polite, seemingly accurate and civilized communication can still contain errors. The error of confusing truth with opinion.
Dear Excogitatoris,
Thanks for your direction to the website.
I have not seen this site before and will withhold comment until I have had the chance to read it fully.
Grant’s and Shane’s postings above and below are examples of the the situations to be avoided under the excuse of “free speech”.
I am not offended ( but amused )
and maintain those who resort to such language, are, in effect, admitting they know their arguments are weak and attempt to cover their lack of knowledge and understanding by abuse.
Until later.
My comments above were directed to Malcolm as the front name to this website. There were no implications directed towards any individual.
To Col, You speak of truth? One man’s truth can be another’s untruth, that is why we have different opinions and views. One size does not fit all, that’s why we debate and vote! You want to live in a system that is alien to the process that to some extent has made us feel like we live in a relatively free society. I have taken note for many years of the gradual decline of rights , privacy ,freedom and now the attack on free speech in this country. If history can teach us anything, this will not end well! Maybe you will find a more comfortable life in Davos with your egg head leader.
Dear Col,
Is Col short for colon because clearly you are so anally retentive you have a communist manifesto jammed far up your butt.
Firstly TRUTH
Who the hell are you or anyone else to dictate what constitutes truth. Remember the world was once flat and now it’s round. It would still be flat if that truth wasn’t challenged.
It took over 50 years for physicians to learn to wash their hands after an autopsy before assisting a birth because how dare some upstart question their professional truth.
Truth changes constantly. It’s said that 50% of the truths doctors are taught today will be false in 12 months.
Listen up sweet pea, nobody tells me or another how polite I need to be. If you’re being a dickhead as you clearly are one then you need to be set straight. If you are so sensitive that words hurt your fragile sensibilities then I suggest you get off the internet, stay home and read penguin books princess.
As Jordon Peterson rightly said ‘in order to question one must be willing to offend’. Which also means that in order to be questioned one must be willing to be offended.
But that’s the problem for entitled narcissists like yourself, is it not? You’re so full of shit you can’t tolerate being questioned and called out because you would have to then face the uncomfortable reality of facing your bullshit publicly and all the humiliation that goes with that.
It’s also why tyrannical governments would want to introduce such a bill as to sensor information and discourse so they can’t be challenged. And yes, this bill exempts government and its mouthpieces from scrutiny.
If they wish to sensor everyone but themselves (and their mouthpieces) then it goes to good reason they plan on disseminating lies and deceit that cannot be questioned. Only an imbecile or machiavellian character such as yourself would claim otherwise.
The only reason you would, to pretend this bill is somewhat impotent is because it’s intentionally ambiguous from specifics and aimed at leaving the interpretation of truth up to the socials because they, the government, know the socials will take an extreme approach of only enforcing government (and their mouthpieces) approved narratives for fear of government retribution based on whatever the official interpretations are of the day. Which have nothing to do with actual truth. One only has to understand that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely for the very people in charge of these censorships aren’t benevolent gods and angels but mere men from amongst us. And the worst of mere men are like yourself; weak and fearful of being called out and held accountable for malevolence they impose on others.
So no, this bill is an offence to freedom….all freedom and it must be rejected whole heartedly by good people for it is good people that hold bad people to account in a just world for if they don’t tyranny, cruelty and death at the hands of psychopaths will ensue.
One only needs to study history from just the past hundred years to know this is true and even if one isn’t aware of history, an intelligent person can still imagine and know from their conscience this is true. For all men have a little darkness inside but it’s good men that keep it in check where bad men, week men use their darkness on others for dishonest personal gain.
Tyranny flourishes when tyranny can’t be questioned for it is the epitome of the emperor with no clothes.
And to sign off, I would say cheers but you’re the last person I would want to have a beer with.
So instead
Fcuk you and I hope you have a rotten day but that would only happen if you woke up to yourself princess. Instead I’m sure you’ll just console yourself with indignant self righteousness. You probably won’t even return to read the replies you’ve received in response to your absurdities. But I do try to be an optimist.🖕🏻
Sorry Shane,
I have read your response, in part, and am more amused than offended.
One quote
“As Jordon Peterson rightly said ‘in order to question one must be willing to offend’. Which also means that in order to be questioned one must be willing to be offended.”
My answer,
Depends how the question is phrased.
Respectfully or otherwise.
To condemn or to enlighten.
Enough for the moment, I will finish reading your contribution later.
Waiting for other comments.
Thanks Col,
I’m with Evelyn Beatrice Hall on your position…
“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it”.
I would ask you though, to please ponder a couple of recent questions…
Do you think the government’s advertising of the mRNA vaccines as being safe and effective was a “knowing and deliberate attempt to mislead the public”, and should have been censored? There was never any long term safety data on the vaccines.
Do you think the TGA should be censored because former head, Professor Skerrit, made “errors due to mistake” because, despite all his protestations, all evidence for the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic now point to the lab in Wuhan?
The only truth is in vigorous, transparent and public debate over the long term.
How will we ever learn and move forward without consideration of all sides of any inconvenient story? How will we ever make an informed decision if we are symied by confirmation bias and unable to interrogate mis and disinformation?
How will the body of ACMA arbitrate information for which they have no expertise? How can they judge what is right or wrong, when our politicians are open to corruption, our scientists are influenced by commercial funding and the mainstream media is no longer objective?
Polite, accurate and civilized communication on one side of a debate gets us nowhere. We need peripheral vision to see the extremes, right/wrong, good/bad, so we can arrive at a sensible line in the middle. It’s the basis of democracy.
Any form of censorship directly inhibits our ability to make a properly informed decision, and therefore undermines our sovereignty.
Warm regards,
Australia’s commitment to human rights is enduring: we were an original signatory to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948 according to DFAT and the subject as published on DFAT’S web site.…/themes/human-rights
This means that the Australian Parliament and the Government Executive, has contracted with the Declaration and has ratified Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights where that article states that: ”Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers”.
The proposed Bill will trample on those rights and violate that international contract agreement the Australian parliament as ratified and claims to uphold. For Commonwealth law to be valid, a constitutional head of power must support it. The Federal Parliament has relied on External Affairs Powers to support the enactment of federal laws.
These powers allow the Parliament to provide protections to subjects and citizens under international law which is then ratified. The implementation and ratification of Article 19, the validity of it supported through the External Affairs Powers, provides the basis on which every subject and citizen can challenge the validity of the proposed misinformation and disinformation in the High Court. This is draconian legislation that might incriminate them, or remove their online social media posts on various platforms, and or from other forms of online communication, because in some government fact checkers opinion, it is deemed misinformation or disinformation.
Such an action would most certainly violate a person’s Article 19 Rights, privileges and freedoms of communication where their freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media, is unlawfully VIOLATED by a government authority and thereby removing their Article 19 ratified RIGHT, and their Constitutional implied rights to freedom of speech and political communication.
The High Court could decide in favour of an aggrieved subject or citizen and decide that the misinformation or disinformation law is not valid law because the External Affairs Powers which support the ratification of Article 19, supports its constitutionality, and supports upholding that International Human Right. Australia having entered the Treaty is all that is necessary to meet the requirement.
The proposed Bill will be unlawful not only in accordance with our democratic parliamentary government constitutional principles, but also unlawful under international law. The proposed law will affect the enjoyment of our fundamental rights and freedoms including freedom of speech, expression, privacy, and to hold opinions online without government interference.
It is up to the individual to decide what is misinformation and disinformation. We the people are intelligent enough to form our own educated opinions without government interference. Article 19 is a ”non-derogable right” and the proposed Bill will violate the Siracusa Principles, freedom of thought and conscience.
The proposed Bill will repress and deny the fundamental rights that Article 19 of the Convention provides for Australian subjects and citizens. The violation of this right will be a gross abuse of political power and disrupt the peace and order of our society and good accountable government in this country.
Misleading information. Who is going to decide when information if misleading or false? The government? This is a bit of a joke. If we can not say want we want anymore you might as well put us all in jail or kill our selves. Whatever you say this bill is never in favour of the people always in favour of the government! A big NONO for me!
it is time for people to wake up–We need The Military alliance to step in here and America—We are still being controlled by the UN, WHO and WEF. Abolish the lot.We need a new interim Govt. clean them out, re-employ AEC officials who are legit and then have a fresh election. Tired of the criminals running our Public Service and Govt.–Just criminals.You, Pauline , Babet and Antic and kelly and Canavan and a couple of others are doing Gods work—But not the balance.
Col. So if you’re not having a go at any individual people how come you mention Malcolm. Actually you’ve got no idea what’s coming from the like of the Gates run WHO the WEF and the UN sitting in the Background. The 5G was turned on from China so everyone was getting very sick especially in the places that turned on their country 5G like Italy and Spain then other countries and cities, and can you remember all the Cruise Ships bragging about how they could get Wifi now anywhere in the World well they sure did as we know how many cruise ships had the so called virus, the problem was the Radiation Sickness is a lot like the Virus that also came from China as they couldn’t turn back.I had a Video of a Gates backed talk podcast with Fauci and others discussing a new Flu vaccine and person said can’t we blow the whole system up to make everyone take a Flu Vaccine. Fauci says the problem is it takes years to produce a new vaccine, then another guy says there might be a need to make say a new entity that’s made in China and then we beam it down to others. We didn’t get a Flu vaccine we got Covid 19 the correlation is astounding as we’ve always had Flu for 70 years plus but not in the last 3 years only Covid. So now we have a so called vaccine that everyone should have to stop us getting the Covid. So we get coerced into lining up to see if we’ve got Covid which is also 5G and our bodies are getting rid of the Radiation Toxins just like the Covid virus.Problem is how are they testing us for these viruses by a PCR test a test that was never for these viruses as per the Noble Prize Winning Scientist Inventor Kary Mullis who categorically stated the PCR was never for these kind of Viruses but we lined up again for miles and hours as the TVs and Media and Health Officials said we should. But they locked us down we couldn’t do anything the Virus could get you if you didn’t wear a face mask yet in the 1918 Spanish Flu most people died from wearing them through Bacterial Pneumonia my Grandfather helped bury them.And they still said we needed to wear them,oh the abuse some people got from heavy handed police and military but you couldn’t get the virus if you stayed in your 5 kilometres but if you went 6 kilometres it could, if you walked into a pub and restaurant if you stood up it could get you but sat down it couldn’t. But considering the Cochrane Peer reviewed studies on over 300,000 people wearing masks stated they didn’t work. So let’s go back We’ve got the 5G Radiation getting us sick we’ve got the Covid Bioweapon getting us sick and now we’ve got people dying and having all kinds of reactions from the Vaccines. But the Vaccines are also to lick us all up later to the 5G & that’s why the Gates run WHO want all the Countries to sign up to the WHO Health Treaty where we loose our freedoms of choice on our own Health Autonomy. Now all I want to say is imagine if a few government Bureaucrats can stop these posts according to them as Misinformation or Disinformation no debate like we are all having on just this site and post.And just to back myself I’ve never worn a Mask I’ve never had Covid I’ve never had a safe and effective vaccine and I’ve never been sick from the 5G or the Virus yet I’am a Poliomyelitis Survivor of 80 years old as I have used the Alternatives all banned in Australia at the end of 2019 just like the Gates October Simulation in NY called Event 201 on a Coronavirus. 😎👍🥋
Kancho Alan and Alan.
The heading to this website is given as
“The latest from Senator Malcolm Roberts”
My posts addressed to Malcolm are a courtesy to Malcolm as the identified source of the main posts.
Nothing more nothing less.
When I have time I hope to read and answer your comments
Col. So if you’re not having a go at any individual people how come you mention Malcolm. Actually you’ve got no idea what’s coming from the like of the Gates run WHO the WEF and the UN sitting in the Background. The 5G was turned on from China so everyone was getting very sick especially in the places that turned on their country 5G like Italy and Spain then other countries and cities, and can you remember all the Cruise Ships bragging about how they could get Wifi now anywhere in the World well they sure did as we know how many cruise ships had the so called virus, the problem was the Radiation Sickness is a lot like the Virus that also came from China as they couldn’t turn back.I had a Video of a Gates backed talk podcast with Fauci and others discussing a new Flu vaccine and person said can’t we blow the whole system up to make everyone take a Flu Vaccine. Fauci says the problem is it takes years to produce a new vaccine, then another guy says there might be a need to make say a new entity that’s made in China and then we beam it down to others. We didn’t get a Flu vaccine we got Covid 19 the correlation is astounding as we’ve always had Flu for 70 years plus but not in the last 3 years only Covid. So now we have a so called vaccine that everyone should have to stop us getting the Covid. So we get coerced into lining up to see if we’ve got Covid which is also 5G and our bodies are getting rid of the Radiation Toxins just like the Covid virus.Problem is how are they testing us for these viruses by a PCR test a test that was never for these viruses as per the Noble Prize Winning Scientist Inventor Kary Mullis who categorically stated the PCR was never for these kind of Viruses but we lined up again for miles and hours as the TVs and Media and Health Officials said we should. But they locked us down we couldn’t do anything the Virus could get you if you didn’t wear a face mask yet in the 1918 Spanish Flu most people died from wearing them through Bacterial Pneumonia my Grandfather helped bury them.And they still said we needed to wear them,oh the abuse some people got from heavy handed police and military but you couldn’t get the virus if you stayed in your 5 kilometres but if you went 6 kilometres it could, if you walked into a pub and restaurant if you stood up it could get you but sat down it couldn’t. But considering the Cochrane Peer reviewed studies on over 300,000 people wearing masks stated they didn’t work. So let’s go back We’ve got the 5G Radiation getting us sick we’ve got the Covid Bioweapon getting us sick and now we’ve got people dying and having all kinds of reactions from the Vaccines. But the Vaccines are also to lick us all up later to the 5G & that’s why the Gates run WHO want all the Countries to sign up to the WHO Health Treaty where we loose our freedoms of choice on our own Health Autonomy. Now all I want to say is imagine if a few government Bureaucrats can stop these posts according to them as Misinformation or Disinformation no debate like we are all having on just this site and post.And just to back myself I’ve never worn a Mask I’ve never had Covid I’ve never had a safe and effective vaccine and I’ve never been sick from the 5G or the Virus yet I’am a Poliomyelitis Survivor of 80 years old as I have used the Alternatives all banned in Australia at the end of 2019 just like the Gates October Simulation in NY called Event 201 on a Coronavirus. 😎👍🥋
Margaret and any others who believe we need a Military alliance to take over are seriously wrong. I do not wish for a dictatorship in any form. Democracy may well be flawed but I do not see a better system. That the democratic system needs to improve, yep Im all for it. Start by getting rid of the compulsory voting, that for a start is a an offence on peoples liberty to make up their own minds. Then get rid of the preference system, who gives anyone the right to transfer my vote (should I wish to cast it) to another? A long road ahead, but then it always has been. The military need to be under an elected government, never in power of any sort ever.
So why did you delete my relevant comment about this Bill? What is the problem?
Hi Malcolm
Just wondering if anyone in Parliament has Looked into the Jim Chalmers, Zarina Khan, Peter Mifsud, ASIC possible corruption that is happening?
I have messaged you and several Politicians in the past as well as ASIC and no one wants to take it on.
It appears that all levels of government are a part of the whole scheme to gain funds corruptly.
I am not getting into any arguments with people as that is not why I am writing this. I am over being told what to think, write or say. That is up to me. I say what I want to, think what I want to and write what I want to. God is who I answer to and nobody else. When I do these things I do not do it in a harmful way to hurt anybody as we need to speak kindly to people as much as is possible. We have that responsibility. But when a government, as shady as they have been for most of my life, tell me what to do, they have no right. And why do 6 people who have been selected, have the opportunity to decide what is true and what is not? If you have a certain belief then that is true for you but not others. My response to the corrupt government, is go get out of our lives and the sooner the better. Yes bring on the New Earth where these idiots/puppets will not be around.
In reference to two posts above, dated Aug 4 at 9:35 am and 11:32 am.
The authors probably intended the posts to be as offensive as possible.
Unfortunately I have taken no offense as I consider the writings to be rather amusing, besides being beneath contempt.
I wonder if the authors realise the level of damage they have done to their own intellectual reputations.
More to the point, and the reason for this communication.
Do you and your staff consider the damage to one nation’s reputation by permitting and possibly encouraging (by posting) such demented ravings?
Free speech indeed but where is the dignity ? !
Perhaps, one nation’s dignity could improved by recognising the receipt of such postings by name and date but replacing the remainder of the post with a comment the posting is below the dignity of publication.
Best wishes,