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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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Transgender woman says children must wait before irreversible surgery

Western countries are experiencing an explosion of gender dysphoria in our children. Historically incidences of gender dysphoria were small and larger with preschool boys, yet the explosion in recent years has been in our teenage girls. This…

Everything wrong with the government’s response to COVID19

On this page: What letting the government enforce vaccines meansMandatory Vaccines, unconstitutional?LockdownsVaccine SafetyFurther details on the constitutionality of vaccinesConfused about the Government rules on vaccines?Informed ConsentVaccine…

Aged Care Mandatory Vaccines After promising they would not make any vaccinations mandatory, the government is now imposing draconian, mandatory vaccinations on people in the Aged Care sector. If we allow…
Vaccination study shows similar mortality rates to COVID

Vaccination study shows similar mortality rates to COVID

Senator Roberts asks what keeping Australians safe means, when on the eve of more restrictions in south-east Queensland and Australia and a renewed call to get vaccinated, a large scale clinical research study shows the COVID vaccines can harm…
Is the RSPCA a charity or a dodgy business?

Is the RSPCA a charity or a dodgy business?

, Much of RSPCA’s revenue is gained from seizing animals from their owners under the rouse of falsely claiming that the animals are not being treated appropriately. A common feature of the RSPCA's approach…
Letter to Minister Greg Hunt: Stop Gain of Function Research

Letter to Minister Greg Hunt: Stop Gain of Function Research

Dear Minister Hunt. I draw your attention to an article published in the Australian today[1], which states that “CSIRO and several Australian universities have engaged in at least 10 joint projects with the Wuhan Institute of Virology in the past decade, a laboratory that US intelligence has linked to the Chinese military and which is suspected of being at the centre of the Covid-19 outbreak.” The same article states “a spokesperson for Mr Hunt said he had ordered a review of “gain-of-function” research in Australia by the National Health and Medical Research Council.”
Do you feel like government spends your money well?

Do you feel like government spends your money well?

, , , , There have been massive increases in debt in the last 12 months, without the necessary objective data to underpin them. That shows, yet again, poor governance of our country. When you take in government charges,…


, , Labor has sensationally backflipped on a One Nation water register in the House of Representatives after supporting it in the Senate. The Water Act was passed in 2007 with the provision that trades be recorded…

Government squashes debate

, The Government continues to make changes to the Senate that impact especially crossbenchers being able to speak out on issues. I'm sure the government would love us to be gone, but this is a democracy. Transcript I'll…

In support of Hemp Hemp is a variety of cannabis that does not contain high levels of the psychoactive compound called THC, also referred to as marijuana. The war on THC has caused hemp to be stigmatised without reason. Hemp…