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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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One Nation wins Senate Motion banning Critical Race Theory for kids

One Nation wins Senate Motion banning Critical Race Theory for kids

UPDATE 19 August 2021 The Government has told ACARA, the Curriculum Authority in Australia, to re-write the draft curriculum. We thank Minister Tudge for listening to the criticism, including from myself, on what was an obviously deficient…
Opposing gender surgery in children is not transphobic

Opposing gender surgery in children is not transphobic One Nation DOES NOT support children having irreversible, elective medical procedures before they can even vote and before therapeutic treatment such as counselling is applied. That stance is not transphobic,…

MEDIA RELEASE: Senate passes Senator Roberts’ water trading register

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UPDATE: Labor has backflipped on their support for a public, transparent water register by voting down this amendment in the House of Representatives where it went after initially passing in the Senate with Labor's support. As a result, a transparent…
Australia is vulnerable to running out of fuel

Australia is vulnerable to running out of fuel

, There is an internationally agreed standard that countries should have a 90 day stockpile of fuel required to keep the place running in the event of a cut in the supply. The Australian Government has failed…

Government treating Australians like mushrooms I talked to Mike Ryan from Asia Pacific Today about the fact that Australians are being treated like mushrooms when it comes to COVID-19.

Government trying to withhold information

I spoke on a motion criticising the government for failing to table information that the Senate has requested. Unfortunately, it is a situation that keeps happening. The government refuses to provide information that all Australians should…
There is no climate emergency

There is no climate emergency

, The Greens will never stop their fear mongering about the collapse of the world. They’ve still never provided evidence that CO2 from human emissions presents a danger and needs to be cut. Transcript As…

COVID: What happened to our country

I dare to ask questions. I have a duty as an elected representative to share the facts. I have a duty to the people of Australia to promote debate and understanding for informed debate. What we are seeing in these COVID times is the…
Profiting CEOs should pay back JobSeeker

Profiting CEOs should pay back JobSeeker I spoke in support of a motion that big companies who had a profitable COVID year and paid millions in executive bonuses should be made to pay back JobKeeper. JobKeeper was meant for companies that were struggling…

MEDIA RELEASE: Senate fails to protect children from irreversible transgender surgery

In the Senate today the Coalition has split over whether Australian children should access irreversible transgender treatments.    The Government granted their Senators a conscience vote on the motion brought by One Nation Senator Roberts…