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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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Fair Work Commission – Award Modernisation & Small Business

Fair Work Commission – Award Modernisation & Small Business

, , The one thing we here again and again from small businesses is that Industrial Relations in this country is simply too confusing. You just about have to be a specialised lawyer to simply employ someone and…
Cost of climate policies – Productivity Commission Senate Estimates

Cost of climate policies – Productivity Commission Senate Estimates

, , WILL ANYONE TELL ME THEY'VE CALCULATED HOW MUCH CLIMATE POLICY COSTS? Our commissioned report by economist Dr Alan Moran estimates that climate policies cost Australians $13 billion every year. You would…
Will the Inspector General of Water Compliance have real teeth?

Will the Inspector General of Water Compliance have real teeth?

, , , There are many allegations of criminal activity and water stealing in the Murray Darling Basin. The Inspector General of Water is intended to be the cop on the beat and stamp out a lot of this non-compliance.…
Inner-city activists don’t care about remote communities

Inner-city activists don’t care about remote communities

, MORNINGTON ISLANDERS ABANDONED Mayor Yanna has identified multiple problems with satisfying the needs of Mornington Islanders. After the closure of the canteen which served safe light beer, many of the…
Informed Consent and Vaccine Passports – Department of Health Part 2

Informed Consent and Vaccine Passports – Department of Health Part 2

, , After failing to get some of the answers we were seeking on vaccines, I went back to the Department of Health and Dr Murphy to ask some more questions about informed consent and vaccination by coercion with…
Admission: “Environmental” Murray Darling water flows are damaging the environment

Admission: “Environmental” Murray Darling water flows are damaging the environment

, , , In response to my question, the Commonwealth Environmental Water Office has made a stunning admission that environmental damage along a 100km section of the river was caused by environmental, conveyance and…


Senator Roberts said, “After two years of lobbying the government to look more closely at Coal LSL, I welcome today’s independent review of Coal LSL.”“I acknowledge all the coal miners who have worked with me to help identify the errors…
Vaccine Passports and Compensation

Vaccine Passports and Compensation

, , IF THERE'S ONE VIDEO YOU WATCH FROM SENATE ESTIMATES MAKE IT THIS ONE. I questioned the Government about vaccines, the indemnities it has provided to vaccine manufacturers and whether the government actually…
Bees under biosecurity threat

Bees under biosecurity threat

, , You may not realise it but bees are unbelievably important to our farmers and our environment. Its so vital that the pollination industry is worth $1.6 billion, 4 times that of the entire honey industry. American…
Will Australia Post apologise to Christine Holgate?

Will Australia Post apologise to Christine Holgate?

, , A damning 255 page report has slammed the board of Australia Post and found that Christine Holgate did not breach any policies. We know from the small businesses that operate licensed post offices that Christine…