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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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Meat and Livestock – PFAS

Meat and Livestock – PFAS

, , Growers on PFAS affected land are concerned that our huge beef export market could be under threat if PFAS is detected in Australian beef. Their concerns are completely valid even though officials from Meat…
Over 40% of Australian Land Mass under native title

Over 40% of Australian Land Mass under native title

, , With 40% of Australian land mass currently under a successful native title claim, you can see how estimates of up to 80% of Australia being claimed under native title by 2050 are very possible. There are currently…
Audit the election software

Audit the election software

, , I asked the AEC about the new software they used for counting votes. Concerns have been raised about previous AEC software by cryptologists and the National Audit Office. The AEC claims to have written…
Integrity Commission needs to include judicial conduct

Integrity Commission needs to include judicial conduct

, , Last year the government unveiled their totally lacking plan for a toothless Commonwealth Integrity Commission. Important powers and jurisdictions were completely missing from their proposal, including oversight…
Clean Energy Finance Corporation is going backwards – Senate Estimates

Clean Energy Finance Corporation is going backwards – Senate Estimates

, , , The CEFC holds $10 billion of taxpayer money to be used on wasteful green projects. They are meant to get a healthy return for splashing your cash at renewable pipe dreams, but their profit has gone down by…
Destructive fire ants keep spreading – Biosecurity at Estimates

Department of Agriculture Questioned at Estimates on Fire Ant Eradication Program

, , , Farmers at Gatton and beyond are petrified of the spread of destructive fire ants. Fire ants ravage crops and if they get into animals, they drive them crazy with pain. Left unchecked, they’ll turn productive…
Unreliable renewables killing our power grid – Australian Renewable Energy Agency Estimates

Unreliable renewables killing our power grid – Australian Renewable Energy Agency Estimates

, , Even the energy minister has admitted he is scared for the future security and stability of our grid because of the rapid influx of renewables. Climate activists continue to falsely claim that wind and solar
Senate Estimates – Is the Government looking at the Iron Boomerang?

Senate Estimates – Is the Government looking at the Iron Boomerang?

, , One Nation has their eye on important infrastructure projects across the country. Projects like the Iron Boomerang, connecting the West Australian iron ore fields with the Queensland coalfields so we can…
Senate Estimates – Why is the Government still using Gender Neutral Language?

Senate Estimates – Why is the Government still using Gender Neutral Language?

, , My motion last month calling on the government to ditch Gender neutral language passed the Senate. Despite this, the government style guide still includes these gender neutral terms. The Digital Transformation…
Senate Estimates – How much GST are we losing at the border on imports?

Senate Estimates – How much GST are we losing at the border on imports?

, , Millions upon millions of parcels flow into Australia every month. Some dodgy operators avoid paying GST on imports by understating the value of the goods being posted. This is a huge disadvantage to our Aussie…