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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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Government has no idea how much renewables cost – Clean Energy Regulator

Government has no idea how much renewables cost – Clean Energy Regulator

, , This government already funnels billions of dollars into renewable energy projects. As huge as that cost is, there is an even bigger silent one: the cost of complying with green regulation. I was shocked…
People don’t want wind turbines in their backyard – Senate Estimates

People don’t want wind turbines in their backyard – Senate Estimates

, , I questioned the Australian Energy Infrastructure Commissioner at Senate Estimates. This is one the dozens of climate related agencies that the government pays for in their never-ending pursuit of renewables. Transcript [Malcolm…
Here’s one for the Farmers: Restoration or Compensation (Climate Change Authority)

Here’s one for the Farmers: Restoration or Compensation (Climate Change Authority)

, , The government has been able to cut down emissions mostly on the back of locking up land and stopping farmers from using it. This huge infringement on property rights by the states has been done without compensation.…
What do we get for the .1B on Snowy Hydro?

What do we get for the $5.1B on Snowy Hydro?

, , Before the government started splashing billions of dollars on renewables, the price of energy was around $40/MWHr. That price has increased more and more since 2015. Transcript [Chair] Senator Roberts,…
Is the Inland Rail a  Billion White Elephant? Australian Rail Track Corporation

Is the Inland Rail a $24 Billion White Elephant? Australian Rail Track Corporation

, , The Inland Rail is a huge project. It is riddled with uncertainty and secrecy. The ARTC won't release the business case for the project, even though we have evidence that many of the assumptions used for it…
BigTech Clamps Down

BigTech Clamps Down I talked to Marcus Paul about axing changes to the responsible lending laws, my anti-gender-neutral language motion and vaccine passports on 2SM. Transcript [Marcus Paul] Well, tell me what happened with…
CO2 is not the greatest threat to the Great Barrier Reef – Senate Estimates GBRMPA

CO2 is not the greatest threat to the Great Barrier Reef – Senate Estimates GBRMPA

, , The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority makes very scary claims that CO2 is destroying the reef. They do this even though they cannot provide the specific effect of human carbon dioxide on climate factors…
What happened to the temperatures? Bureau of Meteorology

What happened to the temperatures? Bureau of Meteorology

, , The temperature data supplied by the Bureau of Meteorology is relied on by many climate agencies to support claims of climate change. Some of this data however has been modified. If BOM has been getting it…
Weak Joe Biden leads to more conflict in the world

Weak Joe Biden leads to more conflict in the world We are seeing more conflicts across the world, from Gaza to Mexico to China, because enemies feel more emboldened when there is weak leadership in the United States. They know they can push the boundaries more…

Make Ivermectin available Ivermectin has been proven as a safe treatment over 3.7 Billion doses across the world. Why it isn’t at allowed as one option to treat COVID is perplexing. Have the vaccines available sure,…