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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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Turnbull brought socialism to Australia, what’s changed?

Turnbull brought socialism to Australia, what’s changed?

, I ask the Liberal Party, what's changed since Malcolm Turnbull left? The answer is nothing, not a single policy has changed. What we see in this budget is a complete lack of vision to enhance our productive…

Ivermectin – 2SM with Marcus Paul I talked to Marcus Paul last week about our motion to keep our Judaeo-Christian values in our education system and questioned why ivermectin wasn't available in Australia when it has been proven…
Debate me on climate – Challenge ignored for 602 days

Debate me on climate – Challenge ignored for 602 days

, The one thing we have never had in the Senate is empirical scientific evidence showing that carbon dioxide from human activity needs to be cut. I have repeatedly challenged the greens to debate me on climate…
How Northern Australia is left behind by the government

How Northern Australia is left behind by the government

, , The Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility has been slammed as too hard to access and failing in its job to support growth in the North. While this bill will hopefully begin to fix that, the real problems…
There is no “Climate Collapse”

There is no “Climate Collapse”

, First it was the hole in the ozone layer, then global warming, then it was climate change, now it's climate collapse. Alarmists keep moving the goalposts because their claims are simply not true. I spoke…
Will there be a sorry day for transgender kids?

Will there be a sorry day for transgender kids?

, Where do you think our transgender kids will end up? Children who present with a felt sense of being born into the wrong body are given licence to make irreversible decisions that will affect their brain development…
Confronting Extinction Rebellion Protestors – Paul Murray Live

Confronting Extinction Rebellion Protestors – Paul Murray Live Extinction Rebellion protestors blocked off roads to Parliament House yesterday by chaining themselves to trucks to call for action on the "Climate Emergency". We all know the "climate emergency" is hogwash,…
Budget: Government has abandoned the next generation

Budget: Government has abandoned the next generation

, , , , The Liberal/National government has handed down a budget that the Labor party would be proud of. The Government is increasing borrowing to respond to a phoney climate emergency. Our ports and much of our power…
Northern Australia left behind by terrible government

Northern Australia left behind by terrible government

, , , In North Queensland I met local visionaries with commitment, competence and dedication to a better North. But that was matched, sadly, on the other side of the scale by the incompetence of state and federal…
PRESS RELEASE: Northern Australia development is going nowhere fast

PRESS RELEASE: Northern Australia development is going nowhere fast

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Despite huge potential Northern Australia continues to suffer. Senator Roberts states that it is ironic that the issues that need addressing to facilitate development in the north are systematically being dismantled in the south due to atrocious…