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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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Tax Reform in Australia

Tax Reform in Australia

, Tax is one of the biggest costs to this country and governments are not spending it wisely. Tax reform is in the 'too hard' basket for both parties but the country is dying without it. Take for example the…

PRESS RELEASE: New horizons for agricultural growth in north western Queensland

Senator Roberts has praised the vision and innovation of the regional mayors in the Flinders Basin north western Queensland in tackling issues that will keep their towns vibrant and attractive places to live. Travelling west from Townsville…
The Drums of War – 2SM with Marcus Paul

The Drums of War – 2SM with Marcus Paul

, Governments are destroying our country which is making it harder to stand up to China. I talked to Marcus Paul this morning about that and how I was reminded over the weekend about just how good Australian…

ANZAC Day 2021

One of the best things about ANZAC Day this year was seeing the thousands of people come out to celebrate it. I have a huge respect for ANZAC Day. I still marked it last year at the end of my driveway but being able to attend the Dawn Service…
ANZAC Day: Lest We Forget

ANZAC Day: Lest We Forget

, Last week I talked to Marcus Paul about ANZAC Day, the decision to tear up Victoria's Chinese belt and road deal and how our politicians have no vision for this country. Transcript on my website: Transcript [Marcus]…
Farmers and Regional Towns are struggling

Farmers and Regional Towns are struggling

, , , With water availability, labour prices and government all against the farmer, it is too hard for smaller farms to survive and even the large farms are struggling. If our farms fallover, regional towns will…
Christine Holgate and Vaccination Bungle – 2SM with Marcus Paul

Christine Holgate and Vaccination Bungle – 2SM with Marcus Paul

, , From last week on 2SM with Marcus Paul: why Christine Holgate was unfairly treated, how the government has bungled the vaccine rollout, the untapped potential of Queensland agriculture and more. Transcript [Marcus]…
Grilling Climate Change at Senate Estimates

Grilling Climate Change at Senate Estimates

, , Senate Estimates is a great chance for me to grill these climate agencies and get very specific about the evidence that they base their policies on. This year, we saw yet again that they love to duck and…
Senator Roberts heading to north western Queensland

Senator Roberts heading to north western Queensland

Senator Malcolm Roberts is heading into north and western Queensland on Saturday 10 April, for a week long trip to see first-hand the tremendous horticultural potential of this area. Genuine development of northern Queensland holds great…

What is APRA doing about anti-competitive banks? Australian Prudential Regulation Authority Senate Estimates

, , De-banking is the process of blocking a certain person or business from having accounts at banks. Banking is central to everything we do. If a person or business is de-banked, they are essentially shut out…