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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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The Great IR Debate – 2SM with Marcus Paul and Joel Fitzgibbon

The Great IR Debate – 2SM with Marcus Paul and Joel Fitzgibbon I had a debate with Joel Fitzgibbon last week about Industrial Relations and what One Nation has done to improve certainty and cut administrative burdens for small businesses. Transcript [Marcus Paul]…
How much does the U.N. cost Australia? DFAT at Senate Estimates

How much does the U.N. cost Australia? DFAT at Senate Estimates

, , SIMPLE QUESTION: HOW MUCH DOES THE U.N. COST AUSTRALIA? I could not believe no one in government could give me a total cost on what we pay to the UN, its subsidiaries and how much we spend in complying with…

Should we let bad banks keeps abusing virtual AGMs? Australian Securities and Investments Commission at Senate Estimates

, , Annual General Meetings of large companies have almost always been held physically. This changed with COVID when the use of Virtual AGMs was authorised. Virtual AGMs were necessary when the country was plagued…
How can small business operate with so much red tape?

How can small business operate with so much red tape?

, , Small businesses are going under across the country because of the amount of red tape they have to get through to earn a dollar. I was proud to have removed some paperwork requirements for them with my amendments…
CSIRO Refuses to answer questions at Senate Estimates

CSIRO Refuses to answer questions at Senate Estimates

, I have asked CSIRO time and time again to provide the evidence that Carbon Dioxide from human activity is a danger to the planet and they still haven't given me the evidence. Like I do every estimates session,…
Australian Signals Directorate

Australian Signals Directorate

, , Transcript [Senator Roberts] Thank you Chair and thank you all for being here. I have a few short question mostly about elections. My questions are about the Australian Cyber Security Centre, in Senate…
Questions about Vaccines at Senate Estimates

Is the Government considering mandatory vaccination? Questioning the Department of Health Senate Estimates

, , Even though the government says they don’t want to mandate vaccination, they haven’t ruled out attaching it to everyday activities. That means they won’t rule out that you might have to be vaccinated…
Why are casual coal miners getting ripped off? Coal LSL at Senate Estimates

Why are casual coal miners getting ripped off? Coal LSL at Senate Estimates

, , Despite possibly tipping more into their entitlements from working more hours, casual miners pull out less on the other end from the entitlements pool at Coal LSL. I also queried $33 million dollars that has…
Why do we send data to the IRS without telling the individual? Australian Tax Office at Senate Estimates

Why do we send data to the IRS without telling the individual? Australian Tax Office at Senate Estimates

, , Australian banks hand over a large amount of sensitive banking and financial data to the United States IRS. This happens through the FATCA Act. Despite the huge intrusion to privacy and information of Australian…
How many foreign deals have we actually rejected? Questioning the Foreign Investment Review Board

How many foreign deals have we actually rejected? Questioning the Foreign Investment Review Board

, , , Despite the tough talk about foreign ownership, the government continues to allow foreign entities to buy up too much Australian land and critical infrastructure. While there is a lot of spotlight on larger…