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GOVERNMENT VS. FACEBOOK – News Media Bargaining Code

GOVERNMENT VS. FACEBOOK – News Media Bargaining Code

The Treasury Laws Amendment (News Media and Digital Platforms Mandatory Bargaining Code) Bill 2021 is a masterclass in self-interest from both the tired old parties.
Will the government make a commitment to actual IR reform?

Will the government make a commitment to actual IR reform?

, Instead of propping up the industrial relations club with excessive, needlessly complex legislation, we need to simplify it. Regulations are written at the moment for the few people, employers and employees,…
Greens live in a parallel universe

Government admits power grid is critical after influx of renewable energy

, My motion successfully carried today in the Senate.The government has admitted they know that our energy grid is at a critical status because of the influx of renewable energy into the system. Despite this,…

Franchising Laws Amendment (Fairness in Franchising) Bill 2020

, Small franchisees are often taken advantage of by large corporate franchisers. They are in a much less powerful position and their fights look like David vs. Goliath. I congratulate Senator O'Neill for her…

Government dodges corruption investigation

, ,
The federal government showed its lack of commitment to addressing the misuse of federal funds today in voting down Senator Roberts’ motion to call for an inquiry into Queensland’s misuse of Commonwealth money. Senator Roberts’ motion…
The detailed breakdown of the Industrial Relations Bill

The detailed breakdown of the Industrial Relations Bill I was unable to give this speech in the Senate last night but it's important you get these details. While the government has backed down on changing the BOOT test after One Nation pressure, there is still much…

What we need to fix Industrial Relations The biggest problem with the current Industrial Relations system is that it is too complex for most employees or Mum and Dad businesses to understand. Complexity only helps fill IR lawyers' pockets and make…
Each-Way Albo at it again

Each-Way Albo at it again

, This morning I talked to Marcus Paul about coal-fired power, the mess our Industrial Relations are in and the fact that the corrupt World Health Organisation actually said Australia could be where COVID originated. Transcript [Marcus…
Bill “trashes” casual regime for small business: One Nation

Bill “trashes” casual regime for small business: One Nation

This article is re-published with the permission of Workplace Express. Pauline Hanson's One Nation says the Morrison Government's Omnibus IR Bill is "sadly lacking" on a range of key measures, including proposed changes to casual employment…
Greens live in a parallel universe

Greens live in a parallel universe

, Transcript As a servant to the people of Queensland and Australia, I need to say clearly that the climate change agenda seeks to mislead well-meaning Australians with pseudoscience to introduce and hide…