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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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North Australia Gutted by Government Mess

North Australia Gutted by Government Mess

, , , Transcript [Marcus] Malcolm Roberts, good morning to you, Malcolm? [Malcolm] Good morning, Marcus, how are you doing? [Marcus] I'm okay. First thing first. I wanna play you something back from a couple…
Overseas defence personnel in Australia

Overseas defence personnel in Australia

, There has been many comments recently about a bill that people were concerned about which they claimed would allow foreign troops and police to enter Australia and act against our interests.…
Labor betray Cairns tourism operators

Labor betray Cairns tourism operators

, Pepe Iovannella is one of the largest tour operators in Cairns. Cairns have suffered more than any other city in Australia because of COVID restrictions which has decimated the tourism industry. Pepe tells…
Cashless Debit Card Explanation

Cashless Debit Card Explanation

, The Cashless Debit Card is controversial. Last week One Nation voted to extend the trial of the system. Controversial because activists, Labor and the Greens are ignoring the facts and confusing the public…
Cashless Debit Card – 2SM with Marcus Paul

Cashless Debit Card – 2SM with Marcus Paul

, Transcript And now on Marcus Paul in the Morning, Senator Malcolm Roberts. [Marcus Paul] All right, welcome back. At 19 to eight, 19 to seven in Queensland. Malcolm, good morning! [Malcolm Roberts] Good…
Industrial Relations Reform Speech

Industrial Relations Reform Speech

, Last week in Canberra I was unable to give this speech in the Senate so I recorded so you could hear. The government is proposing changes to the the Industrial Relations system and I wanted to put my views…
PFAS Contamination Update

PFAS Contamination Update

, Transcript Thank you madam acting deputy president. I was told in meetings with defence last year that the PFAS task force was working on the problem with PFAS contamination by applying a whole of government…
Racism – The Cashless Debit Card

Racism – The Cashless Debit Card Transcript [Malcolm Roberts] Hi, I'm Senator Malcolm Roberts and I'm in Parliament House in Canberra. I'd like you to watch a few clips coming up from a debate last night in the Senate. They're clips…
Ban PM from attending the Climate Ambition Summit

Ban PM from attending the Climate Ambition Summit

, , Scott Morrison is due to attend another climate jamboree where he will no doubt promise to implement more of the United Nations agenda destroying more of our economy. Well I have an idea. I can go in his…
Extend Kogan Creek power plant

Extend Kogan Creek power plant

, , , Transcript One Nation supports this motion. Cheap reliable hydrocarbon fuels have led to the greatest improvement in human progress in the past 150 years. One Nation supports Senator Rennick’s proposal…