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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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China take advantage of weak Australian governments

China take advantage of weak Australian governments

, , , , Transcript  I move: That the Senate notes that the current dispute between China and Australia is more deep-seated than a trade spat involving wine, coal and timber. The motion I moved is the…
Greens Climate Emergency MOU

Greens Climate Emergency MOU

, Transcript Thank you Mr. Acting Deputy President. And there we have it, a motion and hyperbole, not one bit of science. In serving the people of Queensland and Australia, I wanna firstly point out that The…
Kyoto carryover credits stolen from farmers

Kyoto carryover credits stolen from farmers

, , Transcript The Kyoto carryover credits were created by stealing property rights from farmers. Farmers lost the rights to manage their land and vegetation without compensation. The purchase of freehold land…
Matthias Cormann given millions to jet around Europe – 2SM with Marcus Paul

Greens call for more destructive renewables

, Motion 874 - Greens call for more destructive renewables Speech One Nation does not support this motion. Australia's Chief Scientist stated that, if Australia were to reduce its entire carbon dioxide…

Cash Ban triumphantly binned

One Nation senator Malcolm Roberts’ motion to bin the Cash Ban bill received triumphant support in the Senate today. The Currency (Restrictions on the Use of Cash) Bill would have banned the use of cash for transactions over $10,000 and…
Anti Bail-In Bill defeated, but will be fixed – 2SM with Marcus Paul

Anti Bail-In Bill defeated, but will be fixed – 2SM with Marcus Paul

, Transcript [Marcus Paul] All right, welcome back to the programme on this Thursday, December 3, where it's 22 minutes away from eight o'clock, New South Wales, daylight saving time. And Senator Malcolm…
Greens call for a climate emergency

Greens call for a climate emergency

, Transcript As a servant to the people of Queensland and Australia, I want to respond to Senator Waters's speech in which she claimed the need to declare a climate emergency. She's acting. Her opening statement…

Bail-in loophole to be remedied

One Nation Senator Malcolm Roberts met with the government today and received reassurance that, despite his anti bail-in bill being voted down 12-32, the loophole that allows a bail-in will be remedied. Senator Roberts said, “The public…
The governance of our country is appalling

The governance of our country is appalling

, , , , The governance of our country is appalling. My adjournment speech. Transcript As a servant to the people of Queensland and Australia, I draw attention to the Australian parliament's failure to protect…
Matthias Cormann given millions to jet around Europe – 2SM with Marcus Paul

Matthias Cormann given millions to jet around Europe – 2SM with Marcus Paul Transcript [Marcus] Malcolm good morning. [Malcolm] Good morning, Marcus. I'm disgusted with that rort I'm bloody annoyed because look, what's really going on here, mate is it's not just that he's got…