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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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Removing red, green & blue tape to create jobs

Removing red, green & blue tape to create jobs

, Transcript Senator Roberts. Thank you, Madam Acting Deputy President. I thank Senator Polly for this opportunity to discuss job creation. In Australia, we accept that the government should provide the…
Job Maker – Glossy brochures aren’t a substitute for policy

Job Maker – Glossy brochures aren’t a substitute for policy

, Transcript Roberts. Thank you Mr. Acting, deputy president. As a servant to the people of Queensland and Australia, I speak to the JobMaker Hiring Credit Amendment bill. JobMaker was announced in the…
Government proposed integrity commission

Government proposed integrity commission

, Transcript Senator Roberts I seek leave to make a short statement. Is leave granted? Leave is granted for one minute, Senator Roberts. Thank you. I support this motion concerning the need to create…
Media has no authority to call US election

Media has no authority to call US election

, Transcript I serve the people of Queensland in Australia. Yet, I've lived, worked and studied for five years in the USA and travelled through all 50 states. And I know that under the United States Constitution,…
Senator Roberts calls for Fitzgibbon to resign from Parliament

Senator Roberts calls for Fitzgibbon to resign from Parliament

, ,
Member for the seat of Hunter, Mr Joel Fitzgibbon MP, ought to resign and offer the voters a real choice for representation at a by-election. Senator Roberts said, “Mr Fitzgibbon’s resignation from the ALP cabinet over climate policy…
RBA props up banks with 0 Billion

RBA props up banks with $100 Billion The Reserve Bank of Australia has just given $100 billion to prop up the banks but why is the government ignoring spending that would increase our productive capacity like road, coal power stations and dams? Transcript [Marcus…
Commonwealth Corruption Commission a toothless tiger

Commonwealth Corruption Commission a toothless tiger Marcus Paul and I discussed the proposed Commonwealth Corruption Commission which is long overdue and designed to be a toothless tiger. Transcript [Marcus] Retired Victorian Supreme Court Judge, Stephen…
PHON improves Mirani and CIC not strong enough

PHON improves Mirani and CIC not strong enough

, Great chat with Marcus Paul today. We discussed the Queensland and US elections and the proposed federal crimes commission. Transcript Marcus Paul Yeah, it's a good thing that Malcolm loves to talk,…
Questioning the Fair Work Ombudsman (FWO) – Worker’s entitlements

Questioning the Fair Work Ombudsman (FWO) – Worker’s entitlements

, For over 12 months I have been trying to find solutions to an unfair industrial relations system that has caused serious issues in the mining sector in the Hunter Valley and Queensland. There is a systemic…
Questioning Coal LSL – Worker’s Entitlements

Questioning Coal LSL – Worker’s Entitlements

, , During Senate Estimates earlier in the year, I was able to get Coal LSL to admit that there were discrepancies in hours worked reported by employers and to start an audit. Since this questioning, many other…