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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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Questioning the Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) over CuDeco

Questioning the Foreign Investment Review Board (FIRB) over CuDeco

, , This round of questioning occurred in the October/November Hearings of Budget Estimates, focusing on large concerns I had brought to my attention over the sale of CuDeco. FIRB provides recommendations to the…

CSIRO – Senate Estimates

, , I am shocked that the CSIRO came so unprepared to Senate Estimates when I gave them my questions in advance. For an organisation who claims to have been studying climate science for 60 years, their responses…
Questioning Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) – Cash Ban and Bail-In

Questioning Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) – Cash Ban and Bail-In

, One Nation has led the fight in the Senate against the Cash Ban bill, which makes any cash transaction over $10,000 illegal. Our efforts stopped the bill from passing, but the Government has not formally withdrawn…
Questioning Australian Prudential Regulation Authority – Debanking

Questioning Australian Prudential Regulation Authority – Debanking

, De-banking is the process of banks closing accounts for businesses or individuals. All the big banks are now de-banking clients and claiming that this is for Anti Money Laundering reasons, but it is just not…
Questioning Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) – Bail in Laws

Questioning Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) – Bail in Laws

, Bail-in measures are designed to inject capital into a bank that gets into trouble. The bank is authorised by the corporate regulator – APRA to take money out of the bank accounts of depositors and to use…

Government wastes $27 million on one piece of land

, Transcript [Marcus] Yes look I mentioned that story about Australia Post just a moment or two ago. I mean those ridiculous costings being discussed in Senate estimates and Malcolm Roberts is also involved…

Alan Jones – Youth Crime Spiking in Townsville

Last night I appeared on the Alan Jones show to discuss juvenile crime in Townsville. During a recent visit I learnt about a great program called ‘One Community One Standard’.

Select Committee proposed to investigate QLD Council Corruption

Through the Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) Ltd the deep corruption that had been culturally entrenched in Ipswich and Logan Councils, is ingeniously and systemically infecting many other Queensland councils. Senator Malcolm…

University Reforms Package Transcript [Deputy President] Thank you, Sen. Rice. Sen. Roberts? [Malcolm Roberts] Thank you, Madam Deputy President. As a servant to the people of Queensland and Australia, I support the government's…

One Nation: The lone voice for coal miners and coal industry

One Nation is the sole political defender of our coal industry and the lone voice for our state’s largest export income earner. Labor and the LNP have signalled a strong exit from coal as part of Australia’s energy mix, yet coal earns…