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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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Ensuring Academic Integrity – 2SM with Marcus Paul

, Transcript [Marcus Paul] All right, it's now 16 minutes away from 8:00. Malcom's with us on the programme. Hello, mate, how are you? [Malcolm Roberts] I'm very well. [Marcus Paul] Excellent. [Malcolm…

One Nation protects workers’ entitlements and safety

The increasing use of casuals and contractors in Bowen Basin mining industry workplace agreements is undermining safety. Senator Roberts wrote a detailed submission for the Grosvenor Mine Board of Inquiry highlighting the issues of workplace…

CSIRO doesn’t have climate change evidence

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Around this time every week, we catch up with One Nation Senator Malcolm Roberts. Malcolm, good morning to you.

7 News: Cane farmers buried in expensive and unnecessary red tape.

Queensland is plagued with poor policies that are undermining our economic prosperity and productive capacity.

Nationals lied about changes to Murray Darling Basin plan

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Last week the Nationals claimed to have significantly changed the Murray Darling Basin plan for farmers.

Letter to Premier: Repeal the Reef Regulations

8 September 2020 Hon. Annastacia Palaszczuk Premier of Queensland PO Box 15185 CITY EAST  QLD  4002 Dear Premier Re: Repeal of Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Regulations 2019 Queensland’s Great Barrier Reef…

Policy development lacks scientific integrity

The timber industry in Queensland is being decimated by regulations that are not based on robust science.

People suffer when political whims dictate policy

When policy development is at the mercy of the political whims of which ever party is in government, it cripples industry and Australia’s future economic prosperity. Instead of reputable evidence, policy makers defer to political beliefs…

CSIRO’s conceit stands by discredited science

This week Senator Malcolm Roberts revealed CSIRO’s complete lack of scientific justification for climate policies and CSIRO’s only response was to state their world ranking. Senator Roberts said, “CSIRO’s response to my findings…

COVID19 Recession Avoidable

Today, Australia officially entered into the "COVID19 recession" with the economy contracting by 7% in the second quarter of 2020. This recession was avoidable if the Australian government, States and Territories had use the best available data and experience from around the world rather than reacting to models that predicted an armageddon.