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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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Willie Soon claims CSIRO committed scientific malpractice Willie Soon claims CSIRO committed scientific malpractice. Willie Soon is an astrophysicist and Geoscientist and researcher at the Solar and Stellar Physics (SSP) Division of the Harvard–Smithsonian Center…

CSIRO has misled Parliament

CSIRO has misled parliament. Last night in the Senate I laid out my argument that the CSIRO has misled parliament by allowing the government to base climate policies on CSIRO's advice which includes discredited scientific papers and unvalidated models.

Restoring Scientific Integrity

This report provides a summary of the discussions and transcripts from meetings with CSIRO. Additional links in the References section give an in-depth appreciation of analysis of the evidence provided by CSIRO. In the context of seeking CSIRO’s…

Properties of Carbon Dioxide

Neither H2O (water) nor CO2 (carbon dioxide) are pollutants. CO2, carbon dioxide: Is essential for all life on earth;Is just 0.04% of earth’s air – four one hundredths of a per cent;Is scientifically classified as a trace gas because…

Senator Roberts calls on CSIRO head to resign

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CSIRO has been caught out relying on discredited scientific papers and unvalidated models as the basis for advice to government on climate policy, which is a multi-billion dollar drag on the economy.  Senator Roberts said, “This is shameful,…

Where is your COVID19 plan Prime Minister? Yesterday I spoke in the Senate about the lack of a plan to live with and master COVID19 rather than hiding behind advice from bureaucrats in the health departments. There is no guarantee when or if there will…

Government caught out not knowing cost of climate policies

Yesterday, Dr Alan Moran released a report I commissioned on the cost of climate policies and renewable subsidies have on Australians. Today I asked questions to Senator Birmingham representing the Minister for Energy.

Climate policies costing every household $1300 annually

, Climate policies costing every household $1300 annually On Outsiders this morning, Dr Alan Moran release a report I commissioned which analysed the financial impact of climate policies and renewable

$13 billion hidden cost on households revealed

A landmark economics report shows that climate policies and renewable subsidies cost Australian households around $13 billion per year, or $1300 per household. Senator Roberts commissioned economist Dr Alan Moran to use all existing government…

Dr Alan Moran Report – The Hidden Cost of Climate Policies and Renewables

Australia’s excessively high electricity prices are undermining our economic resilience and competitiveness and cutting our standards of living. Since 2002 Australian governments, in a misguided quest to reduce carbon dioxide, have introduced…