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Medical Cannabis & Hemp export industry given green light

, Transcript Thank you, Madam Acting Deputy President. As a servant to the people of Queensland and Australia, I'm delighted to say that this bill holds enormous promise.…

Medical cannabis gets the green light

One Nation has worked with the Government to pass legislation through the Senate to remove a major stumbling block that will expand the medical cannabis and hemp markets. Senator Roberts said, “This is a game changer for the medical cannabis…

Greens bullying Adani suppliers

, The Greens are still trying to sabotage the Adani coal mine by intimidating and bullying suppliers and service providers.The Carmichael coal mine operators have agreed…

One Nation secures victory for live exporters

A One Nation motion asking the Government to rule out an appeal to the Federal Court decision that the 2011 Live Export Ban was unlawful, received a majority vote in the Senate today. Senator Roberts moved the motion after the Government…

All Lives Matter vs. Black Lives Matter

, By refusing to accept accurate data on deaths in custody from the Australian Institute of Criminology in my Motion, the senate has effectively voted that they are…

Fast track the hybrid Bradfield scheme

, , , This afternoon Pauline ask Senator Cash whether the Prime Minister would fast track the hybrid Bradfield scheme, a nation-building project to help improve Queensland's…

Labor/Greens reject mandatory sentencing for Paedophiles

, Labor, Greens, Centre Alliance and Jacqui Lambie last night voted down a Bill for mandatory sentencing for paedophiles. One Nation voted strongly in support of this…

Restore our productive environment

, I will say it again. We need our economic productive capacity to be restored, we need our economic resilience to be restored, we need our economic sovereignty and…

Clean, green, coal power plants Transcript Hi, we're between Singleton to the south and Muswellbrook to the north in the Hunter Valley, and we're next to Bayswater Power Station and Liddell Power…

PFAS meetings kept secret

One Nation Senator Roberts’ requests for documents relating to the Government’s PFAS Taskforce have been denied. Minister Ley’s department, through the PFAS Taskforce, is responsible for solving the PFAS contamination disaster zones…