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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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Liberal & Nationals caught faking support for farmers

, In 2011 the Gillard Government banned live cattle exports costing farming hundreds of millions of dollars. Recently the Federal Court ruled that the ban was invalid…

Stop centralising and restore competitive federalism

, Transcript Thank you, Madam Deputy President, as a servant to the people of Queensland in Australia, I support this bill, with reservations. Firstly, there is a…

Malcolm Roberts and Peter Gleeson 12 June I joined Peter last night to discuss opening Queensland borders, #AllLivesMatter and troubles in the fishing industry. Transcript [Gleeson] All right, there's…

Questions to Government: COVID19 Response

, , In the Senate, I asked Senator Cormann three questions on the governments COVID19 response. Transcript [President] Senator Roberts [Roberts] Thank you,…

ABC deserve funding cut for creating #FakeNews

, Transcript Thank you Mister President. We oppose this. The ABC has the time and the money to indulge their personal hostility to President Trump by using a…

Lib/Lab refuse to investigate relationship with China

, , Lib/Labs refuse to investigate our relationship with China - AGAIN. I would like to congratulate Liberal Concetta Fierravanti-Wells who crossed the floor to support…

Opposing Antarctic research funding for Climate Science

, This afternoon I opposed a motion from the Greens asking for more money for climate research for the Antarctic. Transcript [President] Senator Roberts. [Roberts] Seek…

Matter of Public Importance: Different rules for protestors

, This afternoon Pauline and I spoke on her 'Matter of Public Importance'. "Allowing activists to breach COVID19 restrictions without punishment, even as the same…

Blatant dishonesty from the ABC I'm not sure I have ever seen such a gross and deliberate misrepresentation of facts than this report from the ABC. Blatant dishonesty. I'm ashamed that the…

Ban ANTIFA terror

Senator Malcolm Roberts calls on the Prime Minister to demonstrate the same political leadership as President Trump and declare ANTIFA a terrorist organisation. “We need to stop these far-left anarchists who use violence and fear to push…