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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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Senator Roberts calls to suspend University of Queensland funding

Senator Roberts has called on the Government to suspend funding to the University of Queensland if it continues to be an agent for the Chinese Communist Party. Senator Roberts stated, “The recent expulsion of a fourth-year philosophy student,…

Greens expert runs from giving evidence

, This afternoon I had the opportunity to ask questions in the Senate Committee on "Lessons to be learned in relation to the Australian bushfire." I chose to ask…

Increase Queensland’s fishing quotas for economic stimulus

Senator Roberts calls on the government to lift the onerous restrictions on the fishing industry and increase fishing quotas within our waters as part of an economic stimulus package. “Successive governments have destroyed our once profitable…

Senator Roberts Concerned about Australia’s reliance on Professor Ferguson’s exaggerated COVID-19 modelling

Senator Roberts has expressed deep concern that our national and state management of COVID-19 maybe responding to the exaggerated modelling predictions of Professor Ferguson. Senator Roberts said, “Professor Ferguson’s assumptions that…

Further information on One Nation’s Enterprise Agreement Vote Three examples of Labor MP's gutting jobs and workers and an expression of appreciation for three Labor MP's who approach us face-to-face and honestly deal with issues.The…

Blank cheque to United Nations

As a servant to the people of Queensland in Australia, I oppose this bill, One Nation opposes this bill. And we do so because we support and love our country, we support Australia. One Nation opposes any remuneration bill, that does not specify how much money is being spent. So do the taxpayers know right now, that this bill has no spending limit?

Enterprise Agreement Vote Explained Last week in the Senate Pauline and I negotiated with the Government to change new COVID regulations to protect workers rights .Yet when some MPs feel like they are…

Questions to the Minister: COVIDSafe App

, This morning I asked a number of questions of the Foreign Minister about the COVIDSafe App, its performance so far and necessary improvements. Disturbingly, she…

COVID Safe App

, This afternoon I spoke on the governments COVIDSafe App and why I won't be downloading it. I understand this Government feels the need to get this app in wide use…

Matter of Public Importance: Immigration Program

, , Pauline and I spoke on our 'Matter of Public Importance' in the Senate: "When Australia restarts our migration program, we do not want migrants to return to Australia in the…