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Events: Senator Malcolm Roberts

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COVID19 plan is fundamental for trust and hope While Australia has been able to mitigate the deaths from Coronavirus, the Prime Minister still hasn't given the country a plan for how we now get out of the lockdowns…

Say NO to the Government’s tracing App Prime Minister Morrison has spoken of the need for a tracking phone app, to help the government trace people who may have been infected with COVID-19. The PM is…

Letter to the PM: COVID-19 – What is your plan?

This is the third in a series of letters between the Prime Minister and I in regards to COVID-19. You can read my first letter and the Prime Minister's reply below. Dear…

One Nation calls for Australians to buy Australian-Made

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One Nation Senator Malcolm Roberts urges Australians to unite under our flag and buy Australian-made and Australian-owned. “While the COVID 19 crisis reminds us of the importance of supporting Australian-made, it also shows we…

Letter to the PM: COVID-19 – The PM’s reply

On 25 March I sent a letter to the PM in regards to COVID 19. You can read that here: This is the reply I received from the Prime Minister. Dear Senator Thank…

Questions for the Prime Minister – COVID19

, , Transcript: Thank you Senator Keneally, Senator Roberts. Thank you, Madam Acting Deputy President. As a servant to the people of Queensland…

COVID19 Senate Sitting – Decline In Productive Capacity Exposed

, , Transcript: Thank you Mr President. I seek to make a statement in response to the Minister's statement. We acknowledge that there is no manual for dealing with…

Water Security for Farmers and Coronavirus – Rural Queensland Today with Ben Dobbin

, , , Ben: Welcome back to Rural Queensland Today. 8th of April on a Wednesday morning, so much still going on with COVID-19. We know that the line is flattening, the curve is starting to flatten,…

COVID-19 Stimulus Package must include water

The Federal Government’s COVID-19 stimulus packages must address how Australia can be more self-reliant in food production, and calls for a guarantee of water for farmers to plant essential crops this month. Senator Roberts said, “COVID-19…

Letter to QLD Premier – Licensed Firearm Dealers Shutdown

Full text Dear Premier  I was alarmed to recently hear that licenced dealers and armourers across Queensland were notified by Queensland Health that they must cease trading by close of business on Saturday, 28 March 2020.  I…